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The Colonial Republic Feedback Thread - lousal - 10-19-2010


The Colonial Republic Feedback Thread - Linkus - 10-19-2010

Local support.
Long term contracts.
New President wants a 'war' to call his own and take credit for. (See USA for further details)

There are plenty of reasons for this and we aren't going to roleplay it as the easiest thing in the world.

<strike>'Nuff said really.</strike>


More will be explained later on.

We aren't simply getting our pew on.

The Colonial Republic Feedback Thread - Dennis Jameson - 10-19-2010

I think it's a good thing that the Colon Remnant... :P ... are getting a little break from the daily stupidity of Tau 23. I really mean that.

Good luck out there, and... well, yeah try to have some fun.

The Colonial Republic Feedback Thread - Jansen - 10-19-2010

' Wrote:
Fellow Omicroners????

Since when did ANYTHING in the Omicrons, other than thumping on Outcasts in Alpha, become with the ZOI of the Coalition?

First of, I like the yellow you used for the 'What?', now to the more serious things.

Colonials, not the Coalition and for the ZOI;
Divine pretty much summed it up. The Colonials had two major operations down there, one being operation Cradle:
Quote:Operation "Cradle" - Omicron Lost expedition
> Protection of the Colonial survey unit planetside Moros
> Support of Order operations against hostile alien entities
> Intelligence gathering on Edge Nebula-based factions

And the other one being Scarecrow:
Quote:Operation "Scarecrow One" - Security assignment in Omega 7
> Protection of the local IMG assets from any and all direct, physical threats

Operation "Scarecrow Two" - Peacekeeping assignment in Omega 7
> Preventing Daumann/IMG hostilities
> Maintaining a stable borderline between IMG and Daumann territory
> Enforcing the Omega 7 Treaty

Quote:You're friendly with the Corsairs - who are hostile to the people that they are shooting at down here. Right now that post makes absolutely zero role-play sense at all.

The friendly with the Corsairs thing is not really what it was like since the Colonials had the No Fire thingy with the Outcasts, even if it was just for a short period of time, the relations arent that great like they were before. And yes, the Corsairs are hostile to the people they are shooting down there, thats how the whole hostility/warfare thing works mostly... I dont think that the BHG wouldnt shoot the Order, whom are hostile to them, right?

Quote:You boys have the Taus to play in, and some stuff down in the Omegas. Why - or better yet, how - can you really justify getting involved down here in a role-play perspective? The comment - we're disgusted by the Core, so we're going to send a task force down there .... have you noticed that the SCRA, who you're supposed to be unfriendly with, is allied with the Zoners down here? And the Order?

The Zoners are rather wealthy guys, the Colonials can gain a lot from being on friendly terms with them (Ressources, Money, Technology, Reliable Partners,...). And they may have a problem with the Hunters, killing innocents down there, just for territorial gains. Thats more then enough of a RP reason if you ask me. I could give you quite a few good examples of real life wars which were started for exactly those or even worse reasons. And why should we have a problem with the order? Just look at point two of operation Cradle. The same would apply for the SCRA, just because we wont be playing best friends we dont have to shoot them, nor do they have to shoot us, right?

Quote:Sorry, this whole post sounds like a blatant attempt to provide an excuse to PvP without any real role-play to back it up.

Look above for the roleplay reasons and I think this quote could be fitting here:
Quote:You have proven yourselves by your actions, and you have condemned yourselves by them.
I dont really see a problem in this step, the BHG went out to slaughter something, so why shouldnt they be slaughtered a bit in exchange?

The Colonial Republic Feedback Thread - Dennis Jameson - 10-19-2010

So the Corsairs will scorn the Colonials if they attack the BHG Core? I think that such actions might go against the defensive rants the Core and the Corsairs has produced regarding that NAP...

Let the Colonials do what they want, the Corsairs really has no business poking around in that area anyway.

The Colonial Republic Feedback Thread - Syrus - 10-19-2010 when someone who's name I'm not going to mention here starts shooting, mh... let's call them "Z", for mh...let's say "less reasons", it's ok, but when those "Z" call for help then and someone, who's thread this is, responds to the help request, since they aren't so far aways from the "Z" like you would's not ok?

The IMG and the CR are one system aways from FP 10. Seeing the Zoners threatened by the BHG (Core) is something that affects almost all of Sirius Independent -, Border- and Edgeworlds. Why shouldn't the CR not think what the BHG (Core) is doing is bad?
And as said before, they already had expeditions out there.

(IMG is no military force besides their Defense Wing. Involvement in another war while their operations are threatened is not a good choice. I think "we" chose to stay out of this for good reasons.)

I don't see that much reason, why they shouldn't get involved too. It isn't like it's just some small war between two houses, it's a bit bigger than that, considering how many factions are involved. And everyone wants a piece of the cake it seems.

The Colonial Republic Feedback Thread - Panzer - 10-19-2010

There are three valid points that justify an expedition

Primo - world's coming apart because me and Denis agree. Taus are like a 1917 trenchline. Not real good for your mental health. So yeah, accuse me/us of looking for casual pewpew in someplace exotic; It's for the RIGHT reasons.

Secundo - I personally orchestrated op. Cradle in the area, (same as Scarecrow in the upper Omegas) And as one good buddy of mine noticed, while two main actors on the scene used the system as a Connecticut mk II - we at least pretended we're doing some RP-like planetary exploration effort.

Tertio - It is as it has been in the case of the miners in omega 7 - an effort to protect and thereby solidify relationships with those we value as allies or depend upon in one way or another. Just as we didn't want to let some people harrass the o7 miners, we can't let an obvious aggression upon the Zoners be left unchallenged.

And as an ooc argument - Zoners had just about enough "enemies" by now and I think it's about time someone stood up for them.


The Colonial Republic Feedback Thread - Rommie - 10-19-2010

Well, my friends covered it all up pretty much, nothing left to say really.

' Wrote:have you noticed that the SCRA, who you're supposed to be unfriendly with, is allied with the Zoners down here?

=CR= left Sirius before the events concerning the destruction of Sol, and therefore we are in a more of a neutral position towards the SCRA(Coalition)

The Colonial Republic Feedback Thread - Panzer - 10-19-2010

Just ask whoever's flying the Social Credit - last time we/I met him, we explained it quie explicity, that since A) We got sent outta Sol before the mess started at all and therefore B) had nothing to do with it - we see both sides as equally responsible and willnot be prejudiced against either.

Truth be told, we got more reasons to distrust the post-alliance houses n' what's left of the coalition.

The Colonial Republic Feedback Thread - Agmen of Eladesor - 10-19-2010

' Wrote:The IMG and the CR are one system aways from FP 10. Seeing the Zoners threatened by the BHG (Core) is something that affects almost all of Sirius Independent -, Border- and Edgeworlds. Why shouldn't the CR not think what the BHG (Core) is doing is bad?
And as said before, they already had expeditions out there.

I could ALMOST agree with that, except ... we've made it very clear that our issue isn't with Zoners anywhere OTHER than the Omicrons. That's why I was specifically RP'ing with the guys that said they represent each Freeport down here.

Now, if you want to be friendly with the Order, then fine - do that. That way we can understand the potential hostility. (I think our Guild ID was red to you guys anyway, for whatever reason.) Just don't hide behind Zoner skirts.