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OSI Recruitment (iRP) - Printable Version

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RE: OSI Recruitment (iRP) - Aazalot - 05-12-2021

[Image: 240?cb=20180618011857]
[Image: Logo-big.png]
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* ID: Celcius Abonwood
* Location: Nichols Trade Centre
* Subject: Recruitment
* Priority : 3

Mr Waters
Though im afraid i cannot remember you myself, its always heart warming to see returning employees.
I will contact you with our D15C0RD protocols and we can re-establish your file
Celcius Abonwood - Chief Executive Officer - Omicron Supply Industries

Message Ended
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RE: OSI Recruitment (iRP) - Wraga - 12-06-2021

- Incoming Transmission

- Destination : Unkown

- Transmitter Identification : Ksanti Prajna

Dear Madame, Sir

As you might remember we have contacted in the past about a possible cooperation while wearing your precious colors on our ships. The time has arrived when we would be able to offer our services for Omicron Supply Industries as full time members. Actually we are roaming around already in the outer regions of Sirius so we have the necessary knowledge to be a valuable member of your organization.

In case there would be an applocation process and you would show interest about me and my crew, I would be glad to participate. Please let us know if any other information would be necessary in order to continue the process.

Awaiting your generous reply.

Kind regards

Ksanti Prajna

- Signal lost

RE: OSI Recruitment (iRP) - Aazalot - 12-07-2021

[Image: 240?cb=20180618011857]
[Image: Logo-big.png]
-- Incoming Signal --
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* ID: Celcius Abonwood
* Location: Nichols Trade Centre
* Subject: Recruitment
* Priority : 3

Ksanti Prajna
I recall your previous message, and i remember the reasons why the application was refused. So it makes me happy to hear you and your crew have decided to join the OSI Family.
If you can send me your D1SC0RD protocols via Private Message and we can continue your application.
Celcius Abonwood - Chief Executive Officer - Omicron Supply Industries

Message Ended
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RE: OSI Recruitment (iRP) - Harus - 01-12-2022

TO: ..................... Omicron Supply Industries
CC: .....................
SUBJECT: .......... Application for Admission

To Whom it may concern,

My name is Harus Burke, and I am applying to join the workforce of Omicron Supply Industries, and feel I would be a welcoming asset to the company. I have many years of experience running a fleet of transports and running a successful multi-trillion credit business throughout the Sirus Sector.

I am a former employee, and former President Director of Deep Space Engineering (official) and would like to expand my adventures further into the Sirus sector, and evolve my portfolio further.

I currently do not have any assets near any OSI facilities, but this can be done rather quickly. I have worked for several years with Dr. Xi in Omicron Theta working on their research facilities and MFE in general. If you have any further questions or inquiries, please do return a message to me.


[Image: jRmjDb1.png]

Harus Burke
Former President Director of DSE

RE: OSI Recruitment (iRP) - Omicron Supply Industries - 01-14-2022

[Image: OSI-header-Hanna-Anik.png]

Good day Harus Burke,

Thank you for your interest in OSI and your subsequent application.
After reviewing your resumé I must say that I am impressed with your experience yet I must emphasize that the position you are applying for is indeed like you say, with OSI workforce.

I hereby invite you to our recruitment centre at Nichols Trade Centre in Omicron Theta so we can start the onboarding proces.


Hanna Anikó - Recruitment officer - Omicron Supply Industries

[Image: OSI-footer-generic.png]

RE: OSI Recruitment (iRP) - Pleasuration - 03-04-2022

To: Omicron Supply Industries
From: Mr. Pleasuration
Subject: Application to join Omicron Supply Industries

Greetings Omicron Supply Industries

I have been in the transporting business for many years and doing very well.
I have been doing a lot of research for a couple of months about transporting companies all over the galaxy and came across you guys at Omicron Supply Industries.
I've only heard good things about you guys and it would be super awesome for me to join you at Omicron Supply Industries!

Can I please join you guys at Omicron Supply Industries and also know the pleasures of being part of such a well-established transporting company as yourself?

RE: OSI Recruitment (iRP) - Omicron Supply Industries - 03-04-2022

[Image: OSI-header-Hanna-Anik.png]

Good day Mr. Pleasuration,

It is by far the most unusual application letter I have seen thus far and mind you, I have seen a lot. Your enthusiasm is noted yet that seems to be all I can find in your application. Before I can seriously handle your application I need not only some information about yourself but also some references of your career thus far. Should you have any references we welcome those as a background check is part of the recruitment process.

I look forward to see your renewed application soon.


Hanna Anikó - Recruitment officer - Omicron Supply Industries

[Image: OSI-footer-generic.png]

RE: OSI Recruitment (iRP) - Pleasuration - 03-04-2022

To: Omicron Supply Industries
From: Mr. Pleasuration
Subject: Application to join Omicron Supply Industries

Greetings again to Omicron Supply Industries

Please forgive me for being so forgetful and not mentioning my former experiences In the transporting business.
I have been a supplier for Nebula Shipping Express for a very long time and still supply it when I have some free time and I can give Nebula Shipping Express as a reference for that.
I'm also the former owner of Ulster Station in Dublin at coordinates 4F right at the New London Jumpgate.
Unfortunately, I had to donate Ulster Station to Team Convoy Logistics and moved on to being a supplier to the Konpeki initiative in Omicron Minor.
I'm a supplier and co owner of Gas Miner Konpeki in Omicron Minor.
I wouldn't be surprised if you haven't heard of it, as the project has not yet been revealed to the public, but it will be soon.

Would you please reconsider accepting my application to join you at Omicron Supply Industries?

RE: OSI Recruitment (iRP) - Omicron Supply Industries - 03-07-2022

[Image: OSI-header-Hanna-Anik.png]

Good day Mr. Pleasuration,

Thank you for that bit more information. Our initial background checks have been concluded and we would like to invite you to our recruitment office at Nichols Trade Center in Omicron Theta. We would like to offer you a position at OSI on a provisional basis. After a period of two months we will review your employment status and should all be well your employment contract shall be a permanent one.

Your docking codes and visitor ID for Nichols Trade Center have been uploaded to your Neuralnet Account. (ooRP: Check your forum inbox)


Hanna Anikó - Recruitment officer - Omicron Supply Industries

[Image: OSI-footer-generic.png]

RE: OSI Recruitment (iRP) - Ktulha pervie - 04-05-2022

My name is Michael Sharbol, captain of the independent border transport of the worlds "Whale".
I am contacting you to join OSI officially. Before that, I had been helping one of your members in every possible way, helped with cargo transportation, sometimes accompanied several people as guards.
To answer why I want it, the feeling that you are a stranger does not give me peace, because I am tired of being alone. Both my parents was from bloodline of Zoners.
What can I give OSI? I have already worked for you not officially with a lot of experience. I never lost my cargo, I always delivered it to the right place and at the right time. I can also protect ships from pirate attacks.

I am waiting for a prompt response.

Michael went out.