RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Reeves - 04-27-2024
☠ Incoming transmission.
☠ Signal source: Free Republic relay, Liberty
☠ Opening video feed...
Sender: Alliance Commander "Cobra"
Recipient: Xeno Alliance Communications
Subject: Condor Requisition
Volunteer Beltran.
"Liberty or death."
☠ Transmission signal lost.
RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Levenna - 04-30-2024
☠ Incoming transmission.
☠ Signal source: Free Republic relay, Liberty
☠ Opening video feed...
Sender: Christopher Beltran
Recipient: Alliance Commander "Cobra"
Subject: Morganton
That Morganton guy that showed up just before you headed back to Ramsey? Kid's not a Xeno at all. He got the Rebel after it crashed on Pittsburgh, and apparently managed to get to Ontario by 'trial and error'. I can't say I bought it at first but, it seems a straight enough story.
I got him a room on Ramsey, he's resting up now. As for what to do with him, that I'll leave up to you. He's been searched for any communication devices, had none, and he's got no neural net access for the time being. Just in case my instincts are proven wrong.
Last thing. Apparently the kid's got some friends he had to leave behind that helped him get the ship working. I base off Pittsburgh anyway and so, I don't think a small-scale raid on a mining facility would be an unreasonable ask. He brought us back a repairable Rebel, figure it's the least we can do. I'll wait on your sign-off.
Comms log attached.
[29.04.2024 22:27:03] Morganton: Look, I'm-- I'm not a Xeno at all. I was hoping to bring this thing back to you. I didn't think I would make it this far.
[29.04.2024 22:27:24] XA-Christopher.Beltran: You're incredibly brave or incredibly stupid. Which one.
[29.04.2024 22:27:39] Morganton: Your guy, some... Ethan Bryant guy. He was in low orbit on Pittsburgh.
[29.04.2024 22:27:54] Morganton: I saw a blast coming from somewhere, and this thing landed in the dirt.
[29.04.2024 22:28:19] Morganton: Look, this fell into my lap. It was my only chance to get the fuck out of that pit.
[29.04.2024 22:28:32] XA-Christopher.Beltran: What's your job, kid
[29.04.2024 22:28:58] Morganton: Job...? I guess I used to be a mine worker. Please don't shoot me.
[29.04.2024 22:29:11] XA-Christopher.Beltran: Why'd you think I would?
[29.04.2024 22:29:41] Morganton: My foreman always says that there's a consequence for every action. And fuck, did I go off my hinges here.
[29.04.2024 22:30:08] XA-Christopher.Beltran: I base off Pittsburgh. It's not a pretty sight. And I don't mean the view.
[29.04.2024 22:30:32] XA-Christopher.Beltran: I'm going to assume you're not looking to go back?
[29.04.2024 22:30:59] Rules Tip: Do not disconnect from the server to escape player versus player interaction. Your ship will remain helpless in space for 2 minutes and you will not be able to reconnect during this time.
[29.04.2024 22:31:05] Morganton: I have no reason to anymore.
[29.04.2024 22:31:14] XA-Christopher.Beltran: We'll see.
[29.04.2024 22:31:16] Morganton: I should have done this sooner.
[29.04.2024 22:31:30] XA-Christopher.Beltran: What happened to Bryant? The fella whose ship you're flying.
[29.04.2024 22:32:17] Morganton: One day, I was taking my break at a refinery, when suddenly I saw a space craft flying very close to us.
[29.04.2024 22:33:09] Morganton: I went after it, and the next thing I know, some... kind of huge laser shot your guy's ship right through the stabi-- sta--
[29.04.2024 22:33:14] Morganton: The... stabil... the thing.
[29.04.2024 22:33:16] XA-Christopher.Beltran: Stabiliser.
[29.04.2024 22:33:28] Morganton: Yeah.
[29.04.2024 22:34:16] Morganton: I thought I could've made an easy credit by selling it for scrap to the Junkers, thinking it was just a shittle. Erm...
[29.04.2024 22:34:18] Morganton: Shuttle?
[29.04.2024 22:34:20] Morganton: Is that a word?
[29.04.2024 22:34:28] XA-Christopher.Beltran: Cut to the chase, kid.
[29.04.2024 22:34:35] XA-Christopher.Beltran: What happened to the guy.
[29.04.2024 22:34:45] Morganton: Fuck, I don't know what any of this means. Okay, so it was shot down. Guy inside, dead as a doornail.
[29.04.2024 22:35:06] Morganton: I don't know why, he was bleeding a lot.
[29.04.2024 22:35:29] XA-Christopher.Beltran: The man suffered a pretty big impact. Might be why, don't you think?
[29.04.2024 22:36:08] Morganton: Uh, look man. I'm not the smartest guy here. I wasn't on Pittsburgh out of my own free will.
[29.04.2024 22:36:18] XA-Christopher.Beltran: So? Why *were* you there?
[29.04.2024 22:37:05] Morganton: Well, I was just doing my job. It's the only way I can pay off my old man's debt.
[29.04.2024 22:37:15] XA-Christopher.Beltran: Figures.
[29.04.2024 22:37:37] XA-Christopher.Beltran: I'm guessing you've at least touched a ship's controls before, seeing as you made it here
[29.04.2024 22:37:48] Morganton: ...Trial and error...
[29.04.2024 22:38:05] XA-Christopher.Beltran: Pretty far to get based on just trial and error. These're pretty old boats.
[29.04.2024 22:38:31] Morganton: Well, your guy, he... he had instructions in some cabinet here. I'm sorry I had to break that open, too.
[29.04.2024 22:38:47] XA-Christopher.Beltran: Clearly wasn't the brightest if that's the case.
[29.04.2024 22:39:15] XA-Christopher.Beltran: Mm. That neural net transmission earlier. What was it.
[29.04.2024 22:39:17] Morganton: You said yourself, it's complicated to keep this bat up in the air. Erm, space.
[29.04.2024 22:39:32] Morganton: Which one?
[29.04.2024 22:39:41] XA-Christopher.Beltran: The one you tried pretty hard to quiet.
[29.04.2024 22:40:23] Morganton: Well, I kind of broke in this thing, a few friends helped me get this up in the air and it was the only way to... what's the -
[29.04.2024 22:40:29] Morganton: word... "bye past"?
[29.04.2024 22:40:41] Morganton: "Bye... bine past..."
[29.04.2024 22:40:42] Morganton: Bypass!
[29.04.2024 22:40:57] XA-Christopher.Beltran: Kid, just tell me what the damn transmission was.
[29.04.2024 22:41:27] Morganton: Yeah, that. Your... um, late Ethan friend. He had his own naural net ID connected to the mainframe.
[29.04.2024 22:41:38] Morganton: I had to shut it up, because it didn't recognise me.
[29.04.2024 22:41:45] XA-Christopher.Beltran: Mm.
[29.04.2024 22:41:49] XA-Christopher.Beltran: Your friends. Where are they.
[29.04.2024 22:42:17] Morganton: Still on Pittsburgh. Probably about to get the thrashings of their lives by my foreman for not knowing where I am.
[29.04.2024 22:42:28] Morganton: I said I'd help them, but fuck. I can't go back there!
[29.04.2024 22:42:41] XA-Christopher.Beltran: Don't make promises you can't keep.
[29.04.2024 22:42:41] Morganton: I'm not going to work myself to death for a stupid debt.
[29.04.2024 22:42:53] XA-Christopher.Beltran: You're leavin' them behind, then?
[29.04.2024 22:43:07] Morganton: What the fuck am I supposed to do?
[29.04.2024 22:43:18] XA-Christopher.Beltran: Mm. Name.
[29.04.2024 22:43:20] XA-Christopher.Beltran: Yours.
[29.04.2024 22:43:21] Morganton: I'm just going to end like your friend if--
[29.04.2024 22:44:04] Morganton: Oh, we aren't allowed to... well, if it helps, I'm their refinery employee 3B941. Um, Aslan Herrera.
[29.04.2024 22:44:16] XA-Christopher.Beltran: You're a name. Not a number.
[29.04.2024 22:44:34] XA-Christopher.Beltran: We're going to do the following.
[29.04.2024 22:44:56] XA-Christopher.Beltran: You're going to follow me to Ramsey, and I'm going to shoot you if you deviate from that course.
[29.04.2024 22:45:01] Death: GMS|Gallia.Light was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[29.04.2024 22:45:07] XA-Christopher.Beltran: Once we're there, we'll get you set up with somewhere to sleep.
[29.04.2024 22:45:14] Morganton: F-fuck. Okay. Got it.
[29.04.2024 22:45:35] XA-Christopher.Beltran: Good. You figured out how to fly close to someone else yet?
[29.04.2024 22:46:04] Morganton: Um. I just need to send the big lever on the right forward while pressing the button, and--
[29.04.2024 22:46:10] Morganton: No, wait. Back.
[29.04.2024 22:46:13] Morganton: Back. Damn it.
[29.04.2024 22:46:30] Morganton: [As the ship stopped, the boy inside grunted.]
[29.04.2024 22:46:36] XA-Christopher.Beltran: Left.
[29.04.2024 22:46:38] XA-Christopher.Beltran: Turn left.
[29.04.2024 22:46:53] Morganton: Ah, yeah. Okay, yeah that's the... meanuver-- maneuv--
[29.04.2024 22:47:02] XA-Christopher.Beltran: How old are you, kid
[29.04.2024 22:47:02] Morganton: Yeah, the thing that makes the thing go.
[29.04.2024 22:47:41] Morganton: Uh, hang on. Um...
[29.04.2024 22:47:47] XA-Christopher.Beltran: Use your fingers.
[29.04.2024 22:47:49] XA-Christopher.Beltran: To count.
[29.04.2024 22:48:11] Morganton: Yeah, we're not allowed to remember that either. Like, birthdays are useless man. We're never going to leave.
[29.04.2024 22:48:15] Morganton: Um, but.
[29.04.2024 22:48:29] Morganton: I know the digits in the serious code of my ID.
[29.04.2024 22:48:32] XA-Christopher.Beltran: Your birthday's the 29th of April 833 A.S.
[29.04.2024 22:48:36] XA-Christopher.Beltran: Congratulations.
[29.04.2024 22:48:54] Morganton: Um, cool! Uh, wait a sec.
[29.04.2024 22:49:00] XA-Christopher.Beltran: That's today.
[29.04.2024 22:49:32] XA-Christopher.Beltran: I don't pay it much mind but, there's a free republic. You might yet find a home there.
[29.04.2024 22:49:45] Morganton: 825... BX7... IO9... Yeah, last digits are 809. Uh, how old does that make me again?
[29.04.2024 22:49:54] XA-Christopher.Beltran: Twenty-four.
[29.04.2024 22:49:57] Morganton: I think it current spunds to-
[29.04.2024 22:50:22] Morganton: Oh. Uh, wow. Does that make me old?
[29.04.2024 22:50:35] XA-Christopher.Beltran: Not quite.
[29.04.2024 22:50:59] XA-Christopher.Beltran: You'll get a ping on Ethan's neural net. Accept it.
[29.04.2024 22:51:14] Notice: Armor Upgrades have been removed from the server. You will have received a full refund at purchase price.
[29.04.2024 22:51:19] XA-Christopher.Beltran: You see an option for formation autopilot??
[29.04.2024 22:51:31] Morganton: Uh, wow, thank goodness. I'm just asking, because if we can't pay our debts before turning 30 or 35 our contracts are -
[29.04.2024 22:51:35] Morganton: terminated.
[29.04.2024 22:51:40] Morganton: Yeah, I see it.
[29.04.2024 22:51:48] XA-Christopher.Beltran: I hate to break it to you, it already is.
[29.04.2024 22:52:00] XA-Christopher.Beltran: Hit that formation option.
[29.04.2024 22:52:06] Morganton: Got it.
[29.04.2024 22:52:10] XA-Christopher.Beltran: It'll save you from having to fly it yourself
[29.04.2024 22:52:12] Morganton: Ow. Ow! Sorry!
[29.04.2024 22:52:41] XA-Christopher.Beltran: Once we're docked, we'll try get you a place to rest. I'll speak to the Commander about what to do from there.
[29.04.2024 22:53:00] Morganton: Thanks a lot, sir.
[29.04.2024 22:53:07] XA-Christopher.Beltran: You will not be trusted. You will need to find something worthwhile to do.
[29.04.2024 22:53:11] XA-Christopher.Beltran: But, it'll be a home.
[29.04.2024 22:53:46] XA-Christopher.Beltran: So I'm told, at least.
[29.04.2024 22:54:10] Morganton: [He would quietly gulp.] Yeah. I can handle it.
[29.04.2024 22:54:25] XA-Christopher.Beltran: See that big asteroid in the distance?
[29.04.2024 22:54:25] Morganton: Can't be worse than Pittsburgh or Houston.
[29.04.2024 22:54:38] Morganton: Holy smokes, it's huge.
[29.04.2024 22:54:42] XA-Christopher.Beltran: Get used to it.
[29.04.2024 22:55:04] XA-Christopher.Beltran: One more thing, don't expect to have any neural net connections for a while. 'Till we know you aren't here to rat us out.
[29.04.2024 22:55:29] Morganton: No. No! I swear, I just came here to bring this back and maybe make a buck.
[29.04.2024 22:55:48] Morganton: And, like, this belonged to your Ethan guy, right? I can, like, cover for him or something.
[29.04.2024 22:55:55] Morganton: I'll learn!
[29.04.2024 22:56:03] XA-Christopher.Beltran: Commander's call. Not mine.
[29.04.2024 22:56:40] XA-Christopher.Beltran: Wouldn't count on becoming a combat pilot, though.
[29.04.2024 22:56:54] XA-Christopher.Beltran: It ain't all it's piped up to be, either way.
[29.04.2024 22:57:13] Morganton: Oh. Uh, no. No thanks. I'm not sure I can be a pilot. Do you have any idea how much I hurled because of those jump holes?
[29.04.2024 22:57:47] XA-Christopher.Beltran: Pretty sure I do now.
[29.04.2024 22:58:01] Morganton: Ohmigosh, is that a Battleship?
[29.04.2024 22:58:06] XA-Christopher.Beltran: It is.
[29.04.2024 22:58:41] Morganton: I hope you're not the Police or anything. That would suck.
[29.04.2024 22:58:57] XA-Christopher.Beltran: *he snorts in amusement*
[29.04.2024 22:59:01] XA-Christopher.Beltran: Dock.
[29.04.2024 22:59:13] Morganton: Uh, um. Okay. How do I-
[29.04.2024 22:59:23] XA-Christopher.Beltran: You press the button and let the autopilot take care of it.
[29.04.2024 22:59:35] Morganton: Wow, it can do that?
[29.04.2024 22:59:44] XA-Christopher.Beltran: Yup. I've cleared you with ATC already.
[29.04.2024 23:00:09] Morganton: Um, hey, whatever happens I am very sorry for pulling this stunt. I just wanted to get away from there, y'know.
[29.04.2024 23:00:25] XA-Christopher.Beltran: Sure.
[29.04.2024 23:00:37] Morganton: Oh. Uh. No. Stop the thrusters. Wrong button.
[29.04.2024 23:00:45] Morganton: Eep!
[29.04.2024 23:00:54] Morganton: Okay, that did a thing!
[29.04.2024 23:01:09] Morganton: That was so cool.
[29.04.2024 23:01:16] XA-Christopher.Beltran: Don't waste our ammunition stocks.
[29.04.2024 23:01:22] Morganton: Oh. Sorry, I forgot.
[29.04.2024 23:01:48] Morganton: I... hit the button. Do I just wait for it to happen, or what?
[29.04.2024 23:02:06] XA-Christopher.Beltran: More or less. See you aboard.
"Bad timing. My specialty."
- Christopher Beltran
☠ Transmission signal lost.
RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Reeves - 04-30-2024
☠ Incoming transmission.
☠ Signal source: Free Republic relay, Liberty
☠ Opening video feed...
Sender: Alliance Commander "Cobra"
Recipient: Xeno Alliance Communications
Subject: Re: Morganton
Volunteer Beltran.
If he wants to join us, fine. And if he wants his friends rescued from their current predicament - also fine. I think our best strategic outlook in that regard is some of Milford's agents on the planet. Get our newfound friend to tell us who his friends are and I'll see that they're picked up and brought to us. I'm sure if they could figure out how to fix a Rebel without any real access to the tools we have here on Ramsey that they'll do wonders with said access and a little training.
Speaking of which, the kid will need training. Because even if I were to confine him to logistics, he needs to be capable of handling himself in order to avoid getting vaporized, or worse vaporizing himself. I'm entrusting this to you given that you have a handle on the situation and spoke to the kid. But you'll of course have my authority and access to our shared resources to pull it off.
Oh, and the ship is his now.
"Liberty or death."
☠ Transmission signal lost.
RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Reeves - 05-03-2024
☠ Incoming transmission.
☠ Signal source: Free Republic relay, Liberty
☠ Opening video feed...
Sender: Adjutant J. Royce
Recipient: Xeno Alliance Communications
Subject: AAR-27/834
After Action Report.
Interception of Technocrat raiders in Ontario. Enemy force had ambushed an allied gunboat and direct intervention was authorized by ALLCOM.
Technocrat Raiders:
TFP)-Full.Send - Lich class superiority fighter - SHOT DOWN
TFP)-Niloticus - Waran class bomber - SHOT DOWN
A/)-Serpentis-2 - Prosecutor class superiority fighter - SHOT DOWN
A/)-Toxtai - Lich class superiority fighter - SHOT DOWN
A/)-Leraje - Sichel class superiority fighter - DESTROYED
A/)-Serpentis-4 - Prosecutor class superiority fighter - SHOT DOWN
A/)-Pezhetairos - Lich class superiority fighter - SHOT DOWN
A/)-Vengeance - Marauder class strike fighter - ALLOWED TO WITHDRAW (ALLCOM AUTHORIZED)
A/)-Serpentis-1 - Prosecutor class superiority fighter - SHOT DOWN
Joint LFR Defense Wing:
FRS-Harmony - Monument class warship - PERIMETER
Red Snake - Mantis class gunboat - AMBUSHED / DISABLED
FRS-Poages Mil - Inquisitor class gunboat - RETURNED
XA-Cobra - Rebel class superiority fighter - RETURNED
XA-Rinkhals - Talon class superiority fighter - RETURNED
XA-Nathan Stillwater - Rebel class superiority fighter - RETURNED
Reily O'Conner - Rebel class superiority fighter - RETURNED
Venemous Lash - Aggressor class bomber - RETURNED
Warthog - Rebel class superiority fighter - RETURNED
Cold Denial - Rebel class superiority fighter - RETURNED
Unidentified Xeno Fighter - SHOT DOWN
REPORT: Engagement commenced in the vicinity of the Colorado jump-hole. Enemy forces had ambushed Xeno gunboat identified as 'Red Snake' with intent to destroy. Defense Wing responded to SOS and immediately engaged strike force with extreme prejudice. Targets were all disabled in short order, remaining two survivors were given the chance to withdraw if capable of achieving victory in their respective one on ones. The marauder class strike fighter was the only surviving element of the raiders to depart Ontario mostly intact to serve as a warning of the fate that awaits all non-humans in the Free State of Ontario.
Battle result: VICTORY
"Fear the White Star."
☠ Transmission signal lost.
RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - monmarfori - 05-03-2024
☠ Incoming transmission.
☠ Signal source: Free Republic relay, Liberty
☠ Opening video feed...
Sender: Mark Hill
Recipient: Xeno Alliance Communications
Subject: First Time - After Action Report
Mark Hill reporting.
I'll say it's my first time on my Camara and the Alliance as a whole. Heard about a large gathering of Auxesian forces right outside Ontario. Sirens were blaring all across Ouray, so I decided to test this rig. I headed to the Ontario jumphole, confirming my suspicions. Nevertheless, I decided to aid our forces just as our heavier assets were being routed upon.
Despite the gunboats pounding on us from all directions, we managed to mop up all their snubcraft as well as the gunboats themselves except for one. I even saved a fellow Alliance member Christopher Beltran from having his ship disabled. I tried to pursue the gunboat \X/-Xoanon but it managed to escape to Kusari space and I had to call my pursuit.
I returned to Ouray for a glass of Liberty ale and some rest. At least my ship only took minor damage. Hopefully, I am going to requisition a Gunboat should larger threats appear, but for now I'm content with staying on my Camara.
A log has been attached below.
[03.05.2024 19:49:14] Combat perished at TFP)-Hellcat's hands (39%)
[03.05.2024 19:49:14] Assisted by: TFP)-Blackjack (22%), TFP)-Full.Send (14%)
[03.05.2024 19:49:45] FRS-Poages.Mill died to TFP)-'Conjurer' (30%)
[03.05.2024 19:49:45] Assisted by: A/)-ACV-Eta.Antliae (18%), TFP)-Niloticus (18%)
[03.05.2024 19:50:02] Midland: Rip
[03.05.2024 19:50:58] A/)-Swayer was taken out by Giullaume (61%)
[03.05.2024 19:50:58] Assisted by: Caliban (21%), Midland (15%)
[03.05.2024 19:51:02] XA-M.Hill-: We've got hostile readings.
[03.05.2024 19:51:13] XA-M.Hill-: Moving in to assist.
[03.05.2024 19:51:18] XA-M.Hill-: Primed.
[03.05.2024 19:52:10] Xenos-Fighter: Need some help?
[03.05.2024 19:52:15] XA-Phantom.67 was taken out by TFP)-Hellcat (65%)
[03.05.2024 19:52:15] Assisted by: TFP)-Emilia.Osorio (20%), TFP)-HFGB-Retribution (14%)
[03.05.2024 19:52:30] Xenos-Fighter: Oh well.
[03.05.2024 19:52:35] Xenos-Fighter: Weapon hot!
[03.05.2024 19:52:49] TFP)-HFGB-Retribution: Abandon ship!
[03.05.2024 19:52:50] TFP)-HFGB-Retribution died to XA-Christopher.Beltran (27%)
[03.05.2024 19:52:50] Assisted by: Xener (25%), "Emissary"|S8 (20%)
[03.05.2024 19:53:00] FRS-Roanoke's reactor went critical in battle against \X/-Xoanon (40%)
[03.05.2024 19:53:00] Assisted by: TFP)-'Conjurer' (27%), A/)-ACV-Altair (13%)
[03.05.2024 19:55:53] TFP)-Hellcat perished at Caliban's hands (23%)
[03.05.2024 19:55:53] Assisted by: "Emissary"|S8 (22%), XA-Christopher.Beltran (17%)
[03.05.2024 19:56:00] Caliban: Get fucked, technofreak.
[03.05.2024 19:57:53] TFP)-Locksmith was shot out of the skies by XA-Cobra (22%)
[03.05.2024 19:57:53] Assisted by: "Emissary"|S8 (21%), Xenos-Fighter (13%)
[03.05.2024 19:57:58] Notim.Portant: That is a lot of technocrat scum on my scope...
[03.05.2024 19:58:00] Xener has set TFP)-Blackjack as group target.
[03.05.2024 19:58:02] Notim.Portant: Locked and loaded.
[03.05.2024 19:58:11] TFP)-Niloticus: Keep it up Legionnaires.
[03.05.2024 19:58:12] A/)-Nightshade: Going to have to skip the pleasantries, unfortunately.
[03.05.2024 19:58:28] A/)-Nightshade: Moving in to engage.
[03.05.2024 19:59:21] TFP)-'Conjurer' lost a fight with XA-Christopher.Beltran (25%)
[03.05.2024 19:59:21] Assisted by: Notim.Portant (17%), Giullaume (14%)
[03.05.2024 20:02:03] A/)-Nightshade perished at \X/-Xoanon's hands (57%)
[03.05.2024 20:02:03] Assisted by: "Emissary"|S8 (10%), Caliban (8%)
[03.05.2024 20:02:09] "Emissary"|S8: Thanks for that assist.
[03.05.2024 20:02:09] Caliban: Well that was sad.
[03.05.2024 20:02:12] XA-Cobra has set TFP)-Niloticus as group target.
[03.05.2024 20:02:42] TFP)-Niloticus was taken out by Giullaume (29%)
[03.05.2024 20:02:42] Assisted by: Notim.Portant (22%), Caliban (16%)
[03.05.2024 20:02:47] XA-Cobra has set TFP)-Full.Send as group target.
[03.05.2024 20:02:57] Caliban perished at \X/-Xoanon's hands (94%)
[03.05.2024 20:03:41] TFP)-Blackjack was slain by Xenos-Fighter (45%)
[03.05.2024 20:03:41] Assisted by: Giullaume (44%)
[03.05.2024 20:06:08] "Emissary"|S8: Beltran, you're on fire. You might want to bail out!
[03.05.2024 20:07:32] Rico_Delgado: There's a hostile object on the radar, everyone take up combat positions
[03.05.2024 20:07:57] Rico_Delgado: One of us is going to die today, the attack is in 30 seconds
[03.05.2024 20:08:35] TFP)-Full.Send was obliterated by Notim.Portant (28%)
[03.05.2024 20:08:35] Assisted by: Xener (23%), XA-Cobra (16%)
[03.05.2024 20:08:39] Lazurith: What the...
[03.05.2024 20:09:38] Angus.White: Looks like yah need help.
[03.05.2024 20:09:47] TFP)-Emilia.Osorio lost a fight with Xenos-Fighter (54%)
[03.05.2024 20:09:47] Assisted by: XA-Christopher.Beltran (18%), XA-M.Hill- (16%)
[03.05.2024 20:10:10] XA-Christopher.Beltran: Toasty.
[03.05.2024 20:10:24] Angus.White: Ah, nevermind. The sons of Liberty have this.
[03.05.2024 20:11:15] A/)-ACV-Eta.Antliae: nooooooooooo
[03.05.2024 20:11:15] Giullaume: Next.
[03.05.2024 20:11:20] A/)-ACV-Eta.Antliae died to XA-Cobra (21%)
[03.05.2024 20:11:20] Assisted by: Giullaume (20%), Xener (19%)
[03.05.2024 20:11:28] Rico_Delgado: Is this battle on the record?
[03.05.2024 20:12:10] A/)-ACV-Altair died to Xenos-Fighter (15%)
[03.05.2024 20:12:10] Assisted by: Giullaume (14%), Notim.Portant (14%)
[03.05.2024 20:12:22] XA-Cobra: Beltran.
[03.05.2024 20:12:25] XA-Cobra: Back to base, now.
[03.05.2024 20:12:29] XA-Christopher.Beltran: On your wing, Commander.
[03.05.2024 20:12:31] Xener: The hell is a Outcast doing here
[03.05.2024 20:12:48] "Emissary"|S8: Feel free to kill him.
[03.05.2024 20:13:01] XA-Cobra: Alliance ships, ignore the Outcast.
[03.05.2024 20:13:09] Giullaume: Look elsewhere.
"Learn from failure, and you will succeed."
- Mark Hill
☠ Transmission signal lost.
RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - monmarfori - 05-06-2024
☠ Incoming transmission.
☠ Signal source: Free Republic relay, Liberty
☠ Opening video feed...
Sender: Mark Hill
Recipient: Xeno Alliance Communications
Subject: New York Skirmish - After Action Report
Mark Hill reporting.
Once again, I was informed by the Commander that a confrontation was brewing up in New York. When I arrived at the vicinity of Planet Manhattan, there was an assortment of two LSF ships, three Rogue ships, and two pirate ships. It seems certain a conflict would break out within the next few minutes, and indeed, the Rogues started to attack the LSF contingent, forcing their gunboat to dock. Commander Cobra ordered us to engage the Rogues, eventually disabling them after a Navy battlecruiser appeared. Fortunately, reinforcements were on the way, including two gunboats and later the Harmony, and the battlecruiser was taken care of.
After this, two more Navy fighters showed up in the fight. They were content in engaging the two pirate ships. I made no effort to intervene, and the engagement went very closely until one burning Navy and pirate were all that remained. Meanwhile, Midian took care of the bounty hunter while the Navy fighter managed to disable the pirate, after which the Navy ship docked at Planet Manhattan.
My ship suffered some damage during the fight, though, but nevertheless, the Free Republic's forces prevailed in the end.
[LSF ships]
[LSF-Nighthawk (Starflier-class fighter, disabled)
[LSF-Confidence (Conference-class gunboat, combat docked)
[Liberty Rogue ships]
Birdie (Hellhound-class gunboat, disabled)
BlackLove (Hel-class cruiser, disabled)
Rico_Delgado (Bloodhound-class fighter, disabled)
[Pirate ships]
Pech (Hawfinch-class fighter, disabled)
Schwefel (Hawfinch-class fighter, disabled)
[Liberty Navy ships]
1st|LNS-Mount.Massive (Interdictor-class battlecruiser, disabled)
1st|LNS-Bandit (Defiant-class gunboat, fled)
46th|TFA-'Atlantis' (Defender-class fighter, combat docked)
46th|Leroy.Fishburne (Executioner, disabled)
[Xeno ships]
XA-Cobra (Rebel-class fighter, returned)
XA-M.Hill- (Camara-class freighter, returned)
XA-Midian (Longsword-class fighter, returned)
XA-"Rattlesnake"/XA-FRS-Windigo (Rebel class fighter/Condor-class gunboat, returned)
Syndic (Inquisitor-class gunboat, returned)
FRS-Harmony (Monument-class battleship, returned)
Battle result: VICTORY
A log has been attached below.
[06.05.2024 20:59:54] XA-"Rattlesnake": Two pirates, Rogue, two LSF, Manhattan.
[06.05.2024 21:00:04] XA-Cobra: On the way.
[06.05.2024 21:00:04] XA-Cobra: Hold out.
[06.05.2024 21:00:04] XA-"Rattlesnake": Could use a clean-up job.
[06.05.2024 21:00:19] XA-"Rattlesnake": Already took out one Navy pilot. Alan Jones, if the name rings a bell.
[06.05.2024 21:00:27] XA-Cobra: The FAT-M.
[06.05.2024 21:00:33] XA-Cobra: Or FADM.
[06.05.2024 21:00:33] XA-M.Hill-: We're en route.
[06.05.2024 21:00:43] XA-"Rattlesnake": Well. Guess I struck gold, huh.
[06.05.2024 21:00:49] XA-M.Hill-: Me and my gunnery crew will see to that.
[06.05.2024 21:01:46] XA-Cobra: Inbound. 10 seconds.
[06.05.2024 21:03:24] Death: Romer.Sway was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[06.05.2024 21:06:11] XA-Cobra: It usually is.
[06.05.2024 21:06:16] XA-Cobra: And I sort of prefer it that way.
[06.05.2024 21:06:18] Schwefel: B: Ehh.. we're just four camps casually talking.
[06.05.2024 21:06:29] XA-"Rattlesnake": You certainly are more of a diplomat than I.
[06.05.2024 21:06:32] XA-M.Hill-: What a fine day in Liberty.
[06.05.2024 21:06:38] XA-Midian: [Midian shrugs as he begins recording the engagement, broadcasting the encounter.]
[06.05.2024 21:06:43] Pech: J: Yea, it fine. isn't it?
[06.05.2024 21:06:49] XA-Cobra: Who do we kill first?
[06.05.2024 21:06:50] Pech: J: I mean, look at that view.
[06.05.2024 21:07:08] XA-Cobra: Show of hands for spooks?
[06.05.2024 21:07:23] Schwefel: B: Hey, bro. That Rogue there likes your shippies... ehh... you know.
[06.05.2024 21:07:30] [LSF-Nighthawk: You might want to revise your plans.
[06.05.2024 21:07:31] [LSF-Confidence: RO: See? Told you they would be back soon enough.
[06.05.2024 21:07:38] Schwefel: B: Got some nice... forms... he thinks. I guess.
[06.05.2024 21:07:48] [LSF-Nighthawk: Confidence, we're about to be taking cruiser fire.
[06.05.2024 21:07:52] XA-"Rattlesnake": Well.
[06.05.2024 21:07:54] Birdie: hey dude dont sleep
[06.05.2024 21:07:54] XA-M.Hill-: Quite a -party- you got.
[06.05.2024 21:07:56] Pech: J: Yea, I know bro.. Already asked him nicely to look away. But Eh, what can ya do. Some people just like metal curves a tad to
[06.05.2024 21:07:58] Pech: - much.
[06.05.2024 21:07:59] XA-Cobra: More pirates than spooks now.
[06.05.2024 21:08:04] Schwefel: B: Hmm...
[06.05.2024 21:08:06] [LSF-Confidence: RO: That's unfortunate.
[06.05.2024 21:08:08] XA-"Rattlesnake": Commander, I'll be back with a little more firepower.
[06.05.2024 21:08:11] XA-Cobra: Copy.
[06.05.2024 21:08:16] [LSF-Nighthawk: Ten to one they ignore you guys and zero in on us.
[06.05.2024 21:08:17] Birdie: more red elements on radar
[06.05.2024 21:08:21] Schwefel: B: Triggerfingers itches more and more. Almost like the Husten.
[06.05.2024 21:08:23] XA-Cobra: All other ships, defensive pattern.
[06.05.2024 21:08:24] Pech: J: why do you need more firepower?
[06.05.2024 21:08:33] [LSF-Nighthawk: They can't crack that Hel.
[06.05.2024 21:08:35] Pech: J: Like, aren't you guys enough already?
[06.05.2024 21:08:39] [LSF-Nighthawk: Not with what they brought.
[06.05.2024 21:08:54] Birdie: ok target lsf
[06.05.2024 21:08:58] [LSF-Nighthawk: If we hadn't... called it.
[06.05.2024 21:09:02] XA-M.Hill-: We'll see how it plays out. Can't really say what happens next, though I'd suspect shots fired.
[06.05.2024 21:09:03] BlackLove: C: roger that
[06.05.2024 21:09:04] Schwefel: B: Move away, Rogue.
[06.05.2024 21:09:07] [LSF-Confidence: RO: Alright, there we go...
[06.05.2024 21:09:08] Schwefel: B: Get lost.
[06.05.2024 21:09:15] BlackLove: C: all stations fire at officers
[06.05.2024 21:09:18] Schwefel: B: Eh.. Rico.. Rogue... I mean.
[06.05.2024 21:09:18] [LSF-Nighthawk: Xenos have no reason not to pile in.
[06.05.2024 21:09:20] Pech: J: Rogue, go to your friends over there.
[06.05.2024 21:09:25] [LSF-Nighthawk: Get clear.
[06.05.2024 21:09:26] Schwefel: B: Moooove,.
[06.05.2024 21:09:31] Pech: J: My bro doesn't like people creeping up to us.
[06.05.2024 21:09:40] Birdie: lsf pls leave the system
[06.05.2024 21:09:59] [LSF-Confidence: RO: What do you think, Nighthawk?
[06.05.2024 21:10:01] Pech: J: Yo, bro. Seems like the fireworks are about to start.
[06.05.2024 21:10:04] Schwefel: B: Always these bandits that like kissing our.. you know what, bro.
[06.05.2024 21:10:09] Schwefel: B: No matter where we go.
[06.05.2024 21:10:15] Birdie: or you can fast runing
[06.05.2024 21:10:30] [LSF-Nighthawk: Honestly, I'd let the rogues and the Xenos have their fun with each other.
[06.05.2024 21:10:42] Pech: J: That sounds juicy,
[06.05.2024 21:10:45] Schwefel: B: Bro, may we clean up the leftovers, then?
[06.05.2024 21:10:48] [LSF-Confidence: RO: Bet?
[06.05.2024 21:10:49] BlackLove: C: no you are just a coward officeer
[06.05.2024 21:10:56] [LSF-Nighthawk: We don't have the kit to win this one.
[06.05.2024 21:10:59] XA-Cobra: Rogues seem deadset on you, spook.
[06.05.2024 21:11:02] [LSF-Confidence: RO: Buddy, the man's flying a Starflier.
[06.05.2024 21:11:06] Pech: J: Well, if they feel like they want to dance more. Why not.
[06.05.2024 21:11:11] [LSF-Nighthawk: Not really.
[06.05.2024 21:11:12] Birdie: ok time to die lsf
[06.05.2024 21:11:15] Schwefel: B: Hmm... We're right here, if you need us.
[06.05.2024 21:11:17] [LSF-Nighthawk: Okay, nope.
[06.05.2024 21:11:33] Schwefel: B: Got some snacks or anything with ye, Joe?
[06.05.2024 21:11:33] BlackLove: C: all stations lock on LSF
[06.05.2024 21:11:37] [LSF-Nighthawk: Birdie, do you not notice the bunch of Xenos who are waiting for you to show weakness?
[06.05.2024 21:11:45] Birdie: open fire on scums
[06.05.2024 21:11:45] Pech: J: Na, sadly not Bambi.
[06.05.2024 21:11:46] XA-Cobra: Such a little manipulator.
[06.05.2024 21:11:49] Schwefel: B: Mist.
[06.05.2024 21:11:52] [LSF-Nighthawk: It's my job.
[06.05.2024 21:12:00] BlackLove: C: engaging
[06.05.2024 21:12:12] Pech: J: Wanna have a little sparring while they love eachother over there? Shields only of course.
[06.05.2024 21:12:30] XA-Cobra: Let's even this out.
[06.05.2024 21:12:37] XA-Midian: [A mildly corrupted version of Cobra's words is replayed over the local channel: "Li-BER-ty ooOor Death."]
[06.05.2024 21:12:39] XA-Cobra: Weapons free.
[06.05.2024 21:12:41] Schwefel: B: Every time you say that, one of us ends up burning and running out of oxygen.
[06.05.2024 21:12:48] XA-M.Hill-: For the Liberty Free Republic! For the Commander!
[06.05.2024 21:12:52] XA-M.Hill-: Weapons hot!
[06.05.2024 21:12:53] Schwefel: B: Bla bla bla.
[06.05.2024 21:12:54] Pech: J: Well. That's why it's a sparring.
[06.05.2024 21:12:58] Schwefel: B: Bepons bot...
[06.05.2024 21:13:05] Schwefel: B: Man, I'd like to join in...
[06.05.2024 21:13:12] Schwefel: B: Look at the fun they have.
[06.05.2024 21:13:30] Pech: J: Yeeeaaa, same. But we said we need to stop bullying everyone on sight.
[06.05.2024 21:13:30] Schwefel: B: 20.000 on the Xenos.
[06.05.2024 21:13:43] XA-Cobra: Kill that fool.
[06.05.2024 21:13:45] Pech: J: Oh, ya wanna bet again eh?
[06.05.2024 21:13:53] Schwefel: B: Always.
[06.05.2024 21:14:04] Pech: J: Thing is.
[06.05.2024 21:14:13] Pech: J: I'm for the Xenos as well.
[06.05.2024 21:14:20] Schwefel: B: That's why your Pech.
[06.05.2024 21:14:54] Pech: J: Well, it's obvious that the libby guys are gonna loose.
[06.05.2024 21:15:12] Pech: J: But what'cha think who wins afterwards? Rogues or Xenos?
[06.05.2024 21:15:13] BlackLove: C: shame on officers
[06.05.2024 21:15:20] Schwefel: B: The Xenos even let foreigners stay here. They're as weak.
[06.05.2024 21:15:23] Birdie: next etregt
[06.05.2024 21:15:32] BlackLove: C: now xeno turn
[06.05.2024 21:15:40] [LSF-Nighthawk: Oh man, bad time to be a Samura.
[06.05.2024 21:15:58] [LSF-Nighthawk: But it's your lucky day, they're popping Rogues.
[06.05.2024 21:15:58] Schwefel: B: Not the outsider I meant.
[06.05.2024 21:16:05] [LSF-Nighthawk: Get outta here, man.
[06.05.2024 21:16:36] 1st|LNS-Mount.Massive: CO: Engage XA-Midian in sector D-4
[06.05.2024 21:16:39] 1st|LNS-Mount.Massive: CO: Fire at will, all batteries engage!
[06.05.2024 21:16:47] Samura|-Nakasaki.Sam: Wow. Konnichiwa. I looking Xenos a lot.
[06.05.2024 21:16:49] Pech: J: Woah, that's a big one.
[06.05.2024 21:16:54] Schwefel: B: Good lord.. look at that thing. That's huge.
[06.05.2024 21:17:04] [LSF-Nighthawk: Well, it is massive.
[06.05.2024 21:17:16] XA-FRS-Windigo: Beltran: Back on station.
[06.05.2024 21:17:22] Schwefel: B: Like your... Eh.. no. I won't.. provoke that.
[06.05.2024 21:17:28] Pech: J: So, still thing Xenos will win that bro?
[06.05.2024 21:17:34] Schwefel: B: Hrm...
[06.05.2024 21:17:42] XA-FRS-Windigo: Beltran: Well. Providing supporting fire.
[06.05.2024 21:17:54] Death: Bagger was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[06.05.2024 21:17:55] Schwefel: B: Maybe we'll see the liberty scum work together against that thing.
[06.05.2024 21:18:04] Pech: J: Ya think so?
[06.05.2024 21:18:14] Schwefel: B: Have I ever thought about something?
[06.05.2024 21:18:20] Rico_Delgado lost a fight with XA-Midian (45%)
[06.05.2024 21:18:20] Assisted by: XA-M.Hill- (34%), XA-Cobra (21%)
[06.05.2024 21:18:23] Pech: J: Good point.
[06.05.2024 21:18:25] XA-Midian: [A poorly recorded miniature violin begins to play as Midian moves in to finish off his target.]
[06.05.2024 21:18:33] Syndic: RO: Moving in to assist.
[06.05.2024 21:18:36] Schwefel: B: You got an even more nervous finger than I do, bro.
[06.05.2024 21:18:40] Schwefel: B: Take care of that dropper.
[06.05.2024 21:18:41] Syndic: RO: For the Commander!
[06.05.2024 21:18:48] Pech: J: Oh, another Xeno.
[06.05.2024 21:19:23] Schwefel: B: Even the biggies are cowards nowadays.
[06.05.2024 21:19:35] Pech: J: All are in one way or another.
[06.05.2024 21:19:46] Schwefel: B: Nighthawk! Move your *static* over here!
[06.05.2024 21:20:03] Schwefel: B: Hey!
[06.05.2024 21:20:15] Pech: J: What'cha doing bro?
[06.05.2024 21:20:26] Pech: J: Let that honourable man do his job.
[06.05.2024 21:20:29] Bessie-"Bison"-Bishop: Well damn, guess I found that party that Samura boy was talking about.
[06.05.2024 21:20:29] Schwefel: B: Had a look at that thing? That's a flying eggshell.
[06.05.2024 21:20:46] XA-Cobra has set BlackLove as group target.
[06.05.2024 21:20:49] [LSF-Nighthawk: Bye bye birdie.
[06.05.2024 21:20:52] Pech: J: Well, some people like to throw with eggs instead of stones.
[06.05.2024 21:20:53] Birdie died to XA-FRS-Windigo (32%)
[06.05.2024 21:20:53] Assisted by: XA-M.Hill- (17%), Syndic (15%)
[06.05.2024 21:21:34] Bessie-"Bison"-Bishop: Heck, lotsa lads to pick from here... sure any of them will do. LPI pays well enough.
[06.05.2024 21:21:34] Schwefel: B: Throwing eggs? Eh..
[06.05.2024 21:21:51] Schwefel: B: Bessiiiiie!
[06.05.2024 21:21:54] Schwefel: B: Nice name.
[06.05.2024 21:22:01] Pech: J: Cute one indeed.
[06.05.2024 21:22:05] Schwefel: B: Like Bambi.
[06.05.2024 21:22:09] Schwefel: B: How about a bet, Bessie?!
[06.05.2024 21:22:24] Bessie-"Bison"-Bishop: Oh I am a mite bit pre-occupied to be gamblin with pirates I figure.
[06.05.2024 21:22:32] Schwefel: B: Pirates?!
[06.05.2024 21:22:36] Pech: J: Where?
[06.05.2024 21:22:42] Schwefel: B: Cargo and bank-account liberators..
[06.05.2024 21:22:45] Pech: J: Bro, we need to run. pirates are here.
[06.05.2024 21:22:55] Bessie-"Bison"-Bishop: Cute lil buggers.
[06.05.2024 21:22:55] XA-Cobra: Thanks.
[06.05.2024 21:23:00] Schwefel: B: Mother taught me to never run. Not my fault if you rather to listen to the old fool.
[06.05.2024 21:23:16] Pech: J: Ey! That was a joke. You know those?
[06.05.2024 21:23:24] Pech: J: Why would I listen to the old *static*
[06.05.2024 21:23:26] Bessie-"Bison"-Bishop: Y'all do like yappin.
[06.05.2024 21:23:29] Schwefel: B: A coke?
[06.05.2024 21:23:34] Bessie-"Bison"-Bishop: I got work to do, sorry lads, it's just business
[06.05.2024 21:23:45] Pech: J: A JOKE, NOT A COKE!
[06.05.2024 21:23:47] Schwefel: B: Not just the droppers defective, but also your coms are...
[06.05.2024 21:23:50] BlackLove got divebombed by XA-FRS-Windigo (29%)
[06.05.2024 21:23:50] Assisted by: Syndic (23%), 1st|LNS-Mount.Massive (19%)
[06.05.2024 21:23:53] XA-Cobra has set 1st|LNS-Mount.Massive as group target.
[06.05.2024 21:24:09] 1st|LNS-Bandit: L.L:Weapons ready! Prepare to engage!
[06.05.2024 21:24:20] 1st|LNS-Bandit: L.L.:Engaging target!
[06.05.2024 21:24:48] Schwefel: B: Bro, I can't tell.. are we popular? Or are we not?
[06.05.2024 21:25:04] Pech: J: Am not quite sure.
[06.05.2024 21:25:21] Schwefel: B: Hmm..
[06.05.2024 21:26:21] 1st|LNS-Bandit: L:All yours!
[06.05.2024 21:27:15] Pech: J: Yo bro, ever saw something like this ere before?
[06.05.2024 21:27:15] FRS-Harmony: This is the Battleship Harmony. Jump complete. Hostiles detected in range.
[06.05.2024 21:27:28] FRS-Harmony: Man all guns and get ready to engage
[06.05.2024 21:27:31] Pech: J: Ooohhh, another big one.
[06.05.2024 21:27:36] Schwefel: B: What the *static* is freaking happening?
[06.05.2024 21:28:17] Schwefel: B: Kaboom... there she goes.
[06.05.2024 21:28:21] Pech: J: O well bambi, now I really think the libbies will die.
[06.05.2024 21:28:26] Bessie-"Bison"-Bishop: Well so much for that...
[06.05.2024 21:28:29] 1st|LNS-Mount.Massive was blown out of the stars by Syndic (57%)
[06.05.2024 21:28:29] Assisted by: XA-FRS-Windigo (36%), FRS-Harmony (7%)
[06.05.2024 21:28:30] XA-FRS-Windigo: Beltran: That'll be that.
[06.05.2024 21:28:34] Schwefel: B: Seemingly. Maybe I underestimated them.
[06.05.2024 21:28:42] Schwefel: B: Well.. on the other hand...
[06.05.2024 21:28:49] Pech: J: Hey!
[06.05.2024 21:28:53] XA-FRS-Windigo: Beltran: Returning to base.
[06.05.2024 21:29:02] Schwefel: B: Kinda feels cowardly to bring in another one into such a running fight.
[06.05.2024 21:29:02] Pech: J: Didn't ma also say that you should never underestimate people?
[06.05.2024 21:29:14] Bessie-"Bison"-Bishop: Overestimated the navy boys I figure.
[06.05.2024 21:29:16] Schwefel: B: You got a point, little bro.
[06.05.2024 21:29:17] 46th|Leroy.Fishburne: Now that is a lot of undesirables.
[06.05.2024 21:29:27] XA-M.Hill-: Harmony-actual, requesting docking procedure.
[06.05.2024 21:29:34] FRS-Harmony: Copy that. Dock allowed
[06.05.2024 21:29:47] Pech: J: Oi, you're the younger one bro.
[06.05.2024 21:29:50] Bessie-"Bison"-Bishop: Hell this here is a losing battle.
[06.05.2024 21:29:53] Schwefel: B: But I'm bigger than you!
[06.05.2024 21:29:58] Schwefel: B: And wiser.
[06.05.2024 21:31:14] Schwefel: B: Fisch!
[06.05.2024 21:31:21] Pech: J: hehe, blub!
[06.05.2024 21:31:22] Schwefel: B: I like Fisch.
[06.05.2024 21:31:23] 46th|Leroy.Fishburne: You are funny ones, ain't you?
[06.05.2024 21:31:31] Schwefel: B: And you're the smart one?
[06.05.2024 21:31:43] 46th|Leroy.Fishburne: Depends on who you ask.
[06.05.2024 21:31:50] 46th|Leroy.Fishburne: Greetinngs agent.
[06.05.2024 21:31:51] Schwefel: B: Ouch.,
[06.05.2024 21:32:02] Schwefel: B: Hmm..
[06.05.2024 21:32:15] Pech: J: Yo bro. Don't bully them again.
[06.05.2024 21:32:21] Schwefel: B: I ain't bullying anyone
[06.05.2024 21:32:26] Pech: J: yet..
[06.05.2024 21:32:30] Death: Mr_Spok suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[06.05.2024 21:32:36] Pech: J: Oops.
[06.05.2024 21:32:37] Schwefel: B: Neat little shippies.
[06.05.2024 21:32:50] [LSF-Nighthawk was put out of action by XA-Midian (100%)
[06.05.2024 21:33:00] Schwefel: B: Harmony doesn't come in harmony, I'd bet.
[06.05.2024 21:33:02] FRS-Harmony is rallying you to their position.
[06.05.2024 21:33:03] Pech: J: Neat indeed, ours are way cooler tho.
[06.05.2024 21:33:07] Bessie-"Bison"-Bishop: Hell this hasn't exactly improved.
[06.05.2024 21:33:35] Pech: J: Well, considering the amount of torpedos that came from that ship. I really doubt so.
[06.05.2024 21:33:52] Schwefel: B: And back we are to the.... eh.. eh.. Stalemate..
[06.05.2024 21:34:00] 46th|TFA-'Atlantis': No we aren't.
[06.05.2024 21:34:05] Schwefel: B: Yes you are!
[06.05.2024 21:34:12] FRS-Harmony: Incoming ships cleared for emergency landing. Point defense manned, ready to keep the perimeter clear.
[06.05.2024 21:34:12] Pech: J: I don't think we're their target tho.
[06.05.2024 21:34:20] Bessie-"Bison"-Bishop: Well unless you got a whole lotta flyboys up your pants I can't figure how our side has an advantage.
[06.05.2024 21:34:24] 46th|TFA-'Atlantis': You are.
[06.05.2024 21:34:24] Pech: J: We should prolly make some space bro.
[06.05.2024 21:34:25] Syndic: Copy that boss.
[06.05.2024 21:34:38] 46th|TFA-'Atlantis': Leroy let's clear them out.
[06.05.2024 21:34:39] XA-M.Hill-: I didn't honestly expect a party to be still rolling after all the heat from my guns.
[06.05.2024 21:34:42] Schwefel: B: Hmm....
[06.05.2024 21:34:44] 46th|Leroy.Fishburne: Copy that.
[06.05.2024 21:34:45] Pech: J: Them, as in us?
[06.05.2024 21:34:47] 46th|Leroy.Fishburne: Engagine pirates!
[06.05.2024 21:34:52] 46th|TFA-'Atlantis': Stay still and find out.
[06.05.2024 21:34:55] Schwefel: B: Oh boy! Here we go!
[06.05.2024 21:34:58] Pech: J: Urgh, Lame.
[06.05.2024 21:35:04] Bessie-"Bison"-Bishop: Uh oh, someone's not gonna let grass grow under his feet now is he?
[06.05.2024 21:35:05] XA-Cobra: Those pirates are going to get slaughtered.
[06.05.2024 21:35:16] XA-Midian: [With most holes taped up with duct tape and hope, Midian returns to battle. The broadcast remains live.]
[06.05.2024 21:35:17] XA-Cobra: I don't quite care.
[06.05.2024 21:35:22] XA-Cobra: But still.
[06.05.2024 21:36:57] XA-"Rattlesnake": Well. Can't say I expected to return to this.
[06.05.2024 21:37:03] XA-M.Hill-: Party's still going on.
[06.05.2024 21:37:25] Death: Mr_Spok suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[06.05.2024 21:37:34] Syndic: We get to relax now.
[06.05.2024 21:37:56] XA-Cobra: I underestimated the pirate.
[06.05.2024 21:38:02] XA-"Rattlesnake": Seems so.
[06.05.2024 21:38:09] XA-Cobra: Completely corrected.
[06.05.2024 21:38:09] Bessie-"Bison"-Bishop: I definitely ain't so eager to rush off to a somewhat potential paycheck and more likely an insurance claim.
[06.05.2024 21:38:18] XA-Cobra: Piss off hunter.
[06.05.2024 21:38:28] XA-M.Hill-: You still trying, hunter?
[06.05.2024 21:38:33] XA-"Rattlesnake": Hope not.
[06.05.2024 21:38:45] Bessie-"Bison"-Bishop: Naw, I don't serve and protect, this is strictly business, and this kinda heat ain't good for business.
[06.05.2024 21:39:05] Syndic: They don't look dumb.
[06.05.2024 21:40:24] XA-Midian: [Midian closes in on the Bounty Hunter's position with fangs oozing venom. A dance around the Hammerhead signifies -
[06.05.2024 21:40:31] XA-Midian: - his intent to engage.]
[06.05.2024 21:40:47] Bessie-"Bison"-Bishop: Well ain't you a fun lil bastard eh? Decide to leave your pile of friends there?
[06.05.2024 21:40:50] Death: Mr_Spok suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[06.05.2024 21:40:59] Bessie-"Bison"-Bishop: Hmmph.
[06.05.2024 21:41:05] XA-"Rattlesnake": We already talked about overconfidence the last time we met, Hunter.
[06.05.2024 21:41:08] XA-"Rattlesnake": Don't make the same mistake twice.
[06.05.2024 21:41:22] XA-Midian: [His weapons decide to spit. Venom if anything else.]
[06.05.2024 21:41:39] NDI|Eclipse: RO: Good lord...
[06.05.2024 21:41:42] Syndic: Why hello Miner.
[06.05.2024 21:41:57] Syndic: How's it going?
[06.05.2024 21:43:28] XA-Cobra: Anyone's fight.
[06.05.2024 21:43:31] XA-"Rattlesnake": Seems so.
[06.05.2024 21:43:48] 46th|Leroy.Fishburne was put out of action by Pech (99%)
[06.05.2024 21:44:04] Syndic: Nice nice.
[06.05.2024 21:44:04] Pech: J: That was fun.
[06.05.2024 21:44:06] XA-"Rattlesnake": You look a little banged up, Pech.
[06.05.2024 21:44:07] XA-M.Hill-: Pretty close, I'd imagine.
[06.05.2024 21:44:17] Pech: J: Ahhh, no. that's the usual collateral damage.
[06.05.2024 21:44:23] XA-"Rattlesnake": Uh-huh.
[06.05.2024 21:44:33] Death: "Ravager" suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[06.05.2024 21:44:33] XA-"Rattlesnake": Might want to go get yourself sorted out. Before the thing falls about around you.
[06.05.2024 21:44:33] Pech: J: It quite hot in here tho.
[06.05.2024 21:44:55] Pech: J: Uhh, was the plan. Just gotta wait for my bro to finish things off.
[06.05.2024 21:45:11] XA-Cobra: Starting to cook!
[06.05.2024 21:45:27] Pech: J: I would help him. but he always gets mad at me when I shoot at his prey.
[06.05.2024 21:45:55] Schwefel was killed by 46th|TFA-'Atlantis' (100%)
[06.05.2024 21:45:58] Pech: J: NOOOO!
[06.05.2024 21:46:06] 46th|TFA-'Atlantis': Coward.
[06.05.2024 21:46:08] XA-Cobra: Not after last time.
[06.05.2024 21:46:16] Pech: J: And now you run, coward!
[06.05.2024 21:46:21] XA-"Rattlesnake": Seems a little excessive, Commander.
[06.05.2024 21:46:33] Pech: J: Come here and face me you coward!
[06.05.2024 21:46:38] XA-M.Hill-: Let's see who wins burning.
[06.05.2024 21:46:47] XA-"Rattlesnake": Get out of here, Pirate.
[06.05.2024 21:46:53] Pech: J: NO WAY!
[06.05.2024 21:46:57] XA-Cobra: He can have his prize.
[06.05.2024 21:47:03] XA-Cobra: Keep this one from running.
[06.05.2024 21:47:26] XA-Cobra: You can turn around and fight off that pirate or deal with everyone else.
[06.05.2024 21:47:30] XA-Cobra: Your choice, white knight.
[06.05.2024 21:47:33] Syndic: Fight the pirate or else.
[06.05.2024 21:47:40] 46th|TFA-'Atlantis': Fine.
[06.05.2024 21:47:43] XA-"Rattlesnake": Seems blood sport is on the menu today.
[06.05.2024 21:47:44] XA-Cobra: There we go.
[06.05.2024 21:48:08] Pech was killed by 46th|TFA-'Atlantis' (100%)
[06.05.2024 21:48:12] 46th|TFA-'Atlantis': Too slow.
[06.05.2024 21:48:18] XA-Cobra: He tried.
[06.05.2024 21:48:21] XA-"Rattlesnake": Indeed.
[06.05.2024 21:49:05] XA-Cobra: Holding fire.
[06.05.2024 21:49:08] XA-Cobra: Making sure this one makes it.
[06.05.2024 21:49:14] XA-Cobra: On impulse please.
[06.05.2024 21:49:16] Syndic: Copy.
[06.05.2024 21:49:20] XA-Cobra: Want you well done.
[06.05.2024 21:49:21] XA-M.Hill-: Though that one's a bit stubborn.
[06.05.2024 21:49:50] 46th|TFA-'Atlantis': Relish in sitting from the sidelines and watching.
[06.05.2024 21:49:50] Bessie-"Bison"-Bishop lost a fight with XA-Midian (100%)
"Learn from failure, and you will succeed."
- Mark Hill
☠ Transmission signal lost.
RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - monmarfori - 05-10-2024
☠ Incoming transmission.
☠ Signal source: Free Republic relay, Liberty
☠ Opening video feed...
Sender: Mark Hill
Recipient: Alliance Commander "Cobra"
Subject: Today's events
I woke up rushing on my freighter, only to see three Rogue ships just outside Fort Ramsey. Two gunboats and one fighter. It seems they somehow penetrated through the jumphole and were threatening us openly.
Although we managed to repel all of them with the aid of one Bristol gunboat, the FRS Broadhead and the BCV Milwaukee were disabled and had to be towed back to Fort Ramsey. It seems the Rogues may be planning something bigger. I request 1 (one) Condor-class gunboat as a result, in order to bolster our defenses.
A log have been attached below.
[10.05.2024 21:18:24] Birdie: XA pls leave the system
[10.05.2024 21:19:03] Birdi: Here they come
[10.05.2024 21:19:04] Rico_Delgado: There's a hostile object on the radar, everyone take up combat positions
[10.05.2024 21:20:02] Birdie: next XA on radar
[10.05.2024 21:20:15] XA-M.Hill-: What are you doing here in our area?
[10.05.2024 21:20:27] Birdi: "Your" area?
[10.05.2024 21:20:30] Birdie: come boy
[10.05.2024 21:20:41] Birdi: This no man's aread, fool.
[10.05.2024 21:20:44] Combat: we can start now
[10.05.2024 21:20:49] Birdie: i want to see you
[10.05.2024 21:21:09] XA-M.Hill-: It seems they are wanting for a fight.
[10.05.2024 21:21:17] Birdie: well well
[10.05.2024 21:21:21] Birdi: Who doesn't
[10.05.2024 21:21:36] Combat: first snub
[10.05.2024 21:21:48] Combat: enemy spotted
[10.05.2024 21:21:55] Combat: all weapons loaded for battle
[10.05.2024 21:22:05] Birdie: all guns hot
[10.05.2024 21:22:08] Combat: fire at will
[10.05.2024 21:22:10] Birdi: Guns to battle
[10.05.2024 21:22:20] Birdie: return fire
[10.05.2024 21:22:31] XA-Midian: [Midian's ship enters in a state of frenzy. Both engines and weapons begin to overcharge as the pilot charges into battle.]
[10.05.2024 21:22:35] XA-M.Hill-: Very well then.
[10.05.2024 21:22:39] XA-M.Hill-: Primed and ready.
[10.05.2024 21:22:40] Birdie: time to die XA XA'
[10.05.2024 21:24:00] XA-FRS-Broadhead: R: Standing by.
[10.05.2024 21:24:15] XA-FRS-Broadhead: R: Not standing by anymore.
[10.05.2024 21:25:21] A/)-Megiddo lost a fight with TFP)-Emilia:Osorio: (72%)
[10.05.2024 21:26:43] B|-BCV-Milwaukee: This is the BCV Milwaukee. We have hostile targets in range.
[10.05.2024 21:26:47] B|-BCV-Milwaukee: Are we clear to intercept?
[10.05.2024 21:27:00] XA-FRS-Broadhead died to Birdi (73%)
[10.05.2024 21:27:00] Assisted by: Birdie (27%)
[10.05.2024 21:29:35] Birdi died to B|-BCV-Milwaukee (51%)
[10.05.2024 21:29:35] Assisted by: XA-M.Hill- (23%), XA-Midian (14%)
[10.05.2024 21:30:54] B|-BCV-Milwaukee died to Birdie (99%)
[10.05.2024 21:31:09] XA-Scarlet.: Time to clean up.
[10.05.2024 21:31:14] Reilly.O'Connor: Weapons primed.
[10.05.2024 21:31:15] DTR-CNS>Poche.Miel got divebombed by DTR-CNS>Ravenna's.Mace (100%)
[10.05.2024 21:31:17] XA-Scarlet.: Die.
[10.05.2024 21:31:18] Reilly.O'Connor: Moving in to assist.
[10.05.2024 21:32:19] Reilly.O'Connor: Target down.
[10.05.2024 21:32:21] XA-M.Hill-: Standing down.
[10.05.2024 21:32:26] Birdie died to Combat (52%)
[10.05.2024 21:32:26] Assisted by: XA-M.Hill- (23%), XA-Scarlet. (15%)
[10.05.2024 21:32:46] Rico_Delgado was slain by XA-Midian (53%)
[10.05.2024 21:32:46] Assisted by: Combat (24%), XA-M.Hill- (13%)
[10.05.2024 21:33:22] Warthog: Fuck, I'm late to the party.
"Learn from failure, and you will succeed."
- Mark Hill
☠ Transmission signal lost.
RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Reeves - 05-13-2024
☠ Incoming transmission.
☠ Signal source: Free Republic relay, Liberty
☠ Opening video feed...
Sender: Alliance Commander "Cobra"
Recipient: Xeno Alliance Communications
Subject: Condor Requisition
Volunteer Hill.
"Liberty or death."
☠ Transmission signal lost.
RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Nekrotalis - 05-25-2024
Incoming transmission . . .
Encryption pattern: [H3-M4CH-4TU5] . . .
Starting decryption process . . .
"Rinkhals" detected . . .
Recipient: Cobra
Subject: FRS-Gorgon
Displaying message . . .
Hey Damien,
during a recent engagement the captain of the FRS-Gorgon passed on. The vessel itself is currently moored at Milford undergoing repairs. I would like to ask if you would be willing to put the vessel under my command? After the repairs are complete that is. There recent developments in Liberty have me thinking that a heavier asset is required to keep our enemies at bay.
That's about it, hope you've been keeping well the past days. The lasses and lads over at Milford also extend their greetings.
"Nec plura arcana"
Transmission terminated . . .
RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Reeves - 05-26-2024
☠ Incoming transmission.
☠ Signal source: Free Republic relay, Liberty
☠ Opening video feed...
Sender: Alliance Commander "Cobra"
Recipient: Xeno Alliance Communications
Subject: Gunboat Requisition
Adjutant Rinkhals.
I have no problem with this, but obviously ensure that the crew of the ship is willing to accept your leadership. See that the previous captain has a plaque placed aboard the ship somewhere to commemorate his sacrifice and service to the cause.
And I've been fine.
"Liberty or death."
☠ Transmission signal lost.