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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Trim - 08-06-2010

----COMM ID: Robert Woodrow----

Good day sirs.

I started a lone patrol in my Challanger by Leeds, scanning incoming and outgoing traffic. After a while a Freelancer named, Marauders-[Ptolemaeus], showed up in an OS&C IDed, Police IFFed Spatial with Liberty Navy and BAF/BPA weaponry. I stopped him and asked him to explain. He said he was a Mercenary hired by OS&C(with an IFF malfunction) who hadn't yet payed him and so he got whichever weapons he could. I asked him to fix his IFF and drop the BPA weapons off at the Derby, he did so and I let him go.

After a few more minutes a Gaian came out of the Edinburgh lane in a hurry, instantly being destroyed by the Derby's gunners, little odd if you ask me.

Some more scanning of traders and I found an Interspace ship who's ship's name was AnnoyingMosquito. He was taking Military Viechles to the Yamaguchi. I told him this was unallowed and after some protest he asked me where else I could take it, I said the MacDuff or the Planet. He chose the MacDuff and I escorted him there. He was angry and said some things about controling him then after selling his cargo, stormed off and told me to go. Not the pleasentest of people to be with so I left.

Later a Corsair showed up, Isabel.Ceballos at the same time as some traders, I told the 'Sair to leave before I left to escort the traders to the Magellan hole. The 'Sair folllowed us to the hole and I gave her one more chance to leave. So I opened fire, she said though that I should go and get my fighter and that she'd wait. I said I would never leave a 'Sair alone and opened fire.

After about 10 minutes of jousting with niether of us getting the other's shield down the heat turned up as shields kept going down and Razors and SNACs were flying all over. She was in a Heavy Fighter though, so she had the advantage. It was about half way through when I got her shields down and shot with a SNAC, it hit and I thought I'd won, but in fact It was one of here weapons that I hit. A while later she gave up and said she'd leave. I followed her to the Cambridge hole then by the Norfolk where she went of into that cloud behind Ross Planetoid.

I stopped off at the Norfolk to repair my ship, even though there wasn't too much damage done and signed off.

Nothing else to report, Woodrow out.


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - beunt - 08-08-2010

[incoming transmission]
[source.....................FltAdm Martin Bridge]
[to............................Bretonia Intelligence Services]
[noise filtering............done]
[opening message]

Good day sir,

As you may already know, on friday the 6th of august 818 A.S. the Bretonia Armed Forces succeeded in the capture of the Hinode, the flag ship of the Kaizoku organization. One of their leaders, known as Yuki, was actually onboard and agreed with our surrendering conditions. She is currently jailed in Newgate prison, along with the Hinode and other evidences.

Yuki is personally responsible for the death of four of my pilots, and inflicted almost critical damages on the HMS-Vesper which implied numerous crewmember injuries and held it drydocked for several months. She's also suspected of piracy and possible murders of bretonian citizens. On a more global scale, she's one of the two leaders of the Kaizoku, which all in all proved itself as a confirmed threat for Bretonia and directly serving ennemy interests, both corsairs or kusarian.

The Hinode minesweeping operation is now completed since today at 17.37 and your services are free to submit the prisonner to deeper questionning about the Kaizoku endeavours and examine the evidences. Be warned that she is utmostly dangerous, somewhat resistant to sedatives and could turn basically anything into a weapon.

Since I expect a soonish retalation, if you find anything during your inquiries that could be of direct interest for BAF please let me now as soon as possible, even if it means bypassing the usual protocol.

Fleet Admiral Martin Bridge.

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix !

[End of transmission]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Dab - 08-08-2010

Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: Dominic Windram Norrington
Recipient: Fleet Admiral Bridge

I shall have the subject transferred to an intelligence facility on New London, and we will begin our interrogation. We have some information already on the Kaizoku group from our sources in Kusari, and hopefully we will get enough from 'Yuki' to bring them down, or at least curtail their plans in Bretonia.

Pending your authorization, I shall also send a few agents to the Hinode to see what they can find there.

-Director Norrington, MI5
<div align="right]End Transmission

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - fencore - 08-09-2010

> Incoming Transmission

> CommID: Ens. Marten Piper
> Origin: Planet Cambridge, Cambridge System
> Encryption: Secure
> Subject: Patrol Report

> Message Begins

Of course, for my first report, do I find myself home on Planet Cambridge again. And the Cambridgian Oaks are pollenating as well. What luck...
Today's patrol was relatively uneventful. I roamed New London, running periodic scans oft he ships passing by and detected no unlawful cargo. I did receive a short transmission from a Police Authority officer providing information about a pair of Corsairs located in the Cambridge System.

Shortly after commencing a patrol sweep, I came across the pair cruising near to the Planet Cambridge - New London Jump Gate trade lane and they halted for inspection. One was a cargo ship, Borderworld Transport class by the name of Wolf_1, captained by a man named Kepen. He had two dozen Police Authority pilots on board, as well as a pair of Bounty Hunters and nine Civilians. The man, unlicensed to carry human passengers, was fined one million credits and turned over the pilots to me, which I immediately took to Cambridge.

Just another day of keeping our space safe. Attached to this message is a written transcript of the communications received by my ship while on patrol to be filed in record.

I had heard tale of a scuffle between another Armed Forces officer and a Corsair a system or two over, but I was unable to investigate the matter due to other business on Cambridge to attend to.
Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!
Ens. Marten Piper

> Message Ends

Attached File: Communications Transcript - Ens. Marten Piper

> End Transmission

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Mychalitzo - 08-10-2010

...Incoming Transmission...
Sender ID: Lieutenant Michael Clay
Subject: Action Report

Good day gentlemen.
Today it was a very long day on duty, so I will mention only the important incidents.

First, right when I undocked from Derby, I encountered two transports with military vehicles. I asked for their destination, response came immediately: Battleship Nagasaki. I laughed and told them to drop the cargo on planet Leeds. After a few minutes of talks and after captain Blair arrived, they both complied.

Second incident was the biggest one. It started by a lone fighter, Kaizoku|Watanabe. I forgot his first name. He talked a lot with Fleet Admiral Bridge, he got angry and left. In the meantime three KNF fighters and one Gaian appeared and after usual talks the fight started. Result was two destroyed enemies, one KNF and one Gaian. The remiaining two fled. I was happy to have survived the fight in one piece. Austin Goodman helped us out a lot when the fight was going wrong way.

After this followed a training, from which I had to leave because we were going to deal with pirates once again. So, a corsair gunboat wolf_1 was sent away from Cambridge. Shortly after that, captain Blair gave me command and the troubles started. I had one battleship in Dublin, one in Leeds, BPA officer Kiriko Hidamari and an indie BAF Thresher. I asked miss Hidamari to take care of Leeds blockade, and I with Thresher started patrolling.

First, a gunboat with Hacker IFF and Liberty Rogue ID appeared, it managed to get away and docked at Arranmore.

Second, we met a transport with 5000 pieces of couterfeit software. When asked to halt, he immediately docked with the nearest station. His name was Quarc and he should be put on blacklist.

Then we got a report from Dublin about Corsairs. By the time I and Thresher got there, miss Hidamari along with two indies were about to engage. We managed to destroy one corsair gunboat, one gunboat was chased away, and a corsair bomber piloted by some religious moron was tailed by miss Hidamari to Trafalgar station. The indies left to conduct repairs on their ships ans I along with pilot Evans flew to Trafalgar where we found miss Hidamari fighting the.Mohican and the corsair watching them. I was decided to help kill the indian, but before I even managed to gave out engaging signal I was shot by the religious corsair ranting something. I dont know what happened then because I fell unconscious. Miss Hidamari managed to get away and brought my pod to Suffolk. After that I took some pills to kill the headache and went to write the report.

Clay out.

...Transmission Ended...

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Deneth Aleski - 08-14-2010


PRIORITY: [color=#33CC00]Normal
ENCRYPTION: Standard (Protocol 2-TR)
IDENTIFICATION: Lieutenant Deneth Aleski
TARGET: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff
SUBJECT: After Action Report

August 14st, 818AS

The combat sortie began as a general scramble was emitted. The situation was vague, we were only told to report to the Battleship MacDuff.

Under the leadership of Admiral Adama, we were then ordered to do a full reconnaissance patrol of Tau-29. The patrol was uneventful until we looped back to the T-29/T-31 jump gate, where we encountered several unknown Kusari vessels, along with missing Lieutenant Commander Kenji Shinoda.

We managed to get him safely back to the MacDuff, soon after.

In an other instance, in Leeds space, a suspected Corsair mercenary "Olivia.Dunham." along with her associate "Steve's.Big.Gun" taunted and engaged me, with no provocation from my part whatsoever. Reinforcements were requested and the two bogeys were dealt with with little difficulty.

No other instances to report. God Save the Queen.


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - fencore - 08-14-2010

> Incoming Transmission

> CommID: Ens. Marten Piper
> Origin: Planet Leeds, Leeds System
> Encryption: Secure
> Subject: Kenji Shinoda

> Message Begins

Ens. Marten Piper reporting from Planet Leeds regarding operations taking place August 14, 818 AS.
We did it, command. The operation to intercept the Kusari Police guard escort of Mr. Kenji Shinoda went off without a hitch. During a patrol ordered by Fleet Admiral Bridge and led by Admiral Adama into Tau-29, we picked up Shinoda and his Kusari escorts near the Tau-31 Jump Gate. We held the guards off until backup arrived and then proceeded to extricate Shinoda.

On the orders of Fleet Admiral Bridge, I jumped to Tau-31 behind Shinoda and ran escort for him to Battleship MacDuff. We arrived there with no resistance.

Although Sir Henry Beaumont's ship was destroyed, his escape pod was recovered, leaving that the only loss of equipment. There were no casualties. Beaumont did manage to nick a Kusari ship before he went down as well.

Mark this one as an extreme success. We retrieved our man and nobody got hurt.

Shinoda is now in MI5 custody pending debriefing. I have attached to the end of this message a written transcript of all the communications received by my ship during the operation.
Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!
Ens. Marten Piper

[Image: shinoda.jpg]
> Message Ends

Attached File: Communications Transcript - Ens. Marten Piper

> End Transmission

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Mychalitzo - 08-15-2010

...Incoming Transmission...
Sender ID: Lieutenant Michael Clay
Subject: Action Report

Good day ladies and gentlemen.
This morning, just as I was going to start my usual patrol duty, the comms operator at Derby received a report of Corsair "Praefect" cruiser named LTfighter in New London near Southampton shipyard. In two minutes I was on the spot and joined with HMS-Airedale to pursuit the Corsair. He fled towards Trafalgar, where we managed to stop him. He looked like he wanted to peacefull go out of Bretonia, but I gave him choice of giving up the ship or doing it the usual way. He decided for the second, so after ten minutes, being damaged by HMS-Airedale artillery, he received a SNAC hit into his engine chamber, which the ship didnt survive. I also add photodocumentation.

[Image: th_screen2.jpg] [Image: th_screen4.jpg] [Image: th_screen6.jpg]

That is all, Clay out.

...End of Transmission...

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Jam - 08-15-2010

--[Incoming transmittion]--
Sender ID: Lieutenant John Clay
Subject: Report

Good day sirs.
This day was quite long. First of all, around noon, we detected a large Kusari force near Stokes. 1 Battleship, 1 Destroyer and some fighters. We engaged and won the battle, with no losses. Then I had a shower and rest.
I again went to patrol Bretonia in the evening. First I checked Dublin. I found a lad pirating miners called Pirate_King. I asked him to leave Bretonia. Then he attacked me. When he was about to die, he said that he will leave the system. I didnt like it and tried to arrest him, but he managed to run away.
Then, Admiral Adama, and Fleet Admiral Bridge joined the action. We met a Mercenary named Olivia.Dunham, who was appereantly hired to kill Armed Forces pilots. She engaged me, and I won the fight.
Shortly after the fight we started to chase a Hogosha pilot, Amelia:Zoa with a Gaian named [NLH]Low.Emission. They probably went to Omega-49.
After this we were going back to Derby, when we met a Liberty Rogue named Bird.of.Prey. We chased him to Magellan. Then I informed Liberty about him.
That is all that happened today.

Associated Images:
[Image: th_report_15810-1.jpg][Image: th_report_15810-2.jpg][Image: th_report_15810-3.jpg][Image: th_report_15810-4.jpg][Image: th_report_15810-5.jpg][Image: th_report_15810-6.jpg]

End of Report

--[Transmittion Terminated]--

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Mychalitzo - 08-16-2010

...Incoming Transmission...
Sender ID: Lieutenant Michael Clay
Subject: Action Report

Good evening.
Today started as usual. Chasing some pirates in Dublin, escorting a trader during a transaction, these two went both fine.
Then I and John Clay were tasked to escort a delivery of military hardware to Macduff. Again, we met no problems there all along the route.
Then I got a report about strange sightings in Dublin. We moved in and initiated a full system sweep. I also requested all ships in the system to report, identify themselves and give their coordinates. 4 ships reported, but Essex long range relay picked up 5 signatures. The system sweep was also unsuccessful so I was about to call it off. And then it happened. I saw a figure in space just in front of my cockpit talking to me... Ot it was at least talking to my head. It asked why I am searching for it. I was so shocked at the moment that I was only sitting motionless, my thoughts racing. And the... figure seemed to respond to my thoughts. The figure then disappeared and I had a vision of my brother screaming in pain and calling for me. I immediatelly contacted him via the comms and he was allright. The vision then disappeared and I only heard echoes of the voice asking me why I was searching for it. It then faded away, and I docked at Essex and went to medical bay with terrible headache. Result was: Completely healthy both physically and mentally, minor shock, ready for duty after a good rest.

This report might seem unreal, but... Maybe there is something I dont know. Clay out.

...End of Transmission...