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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Slainte - 08-16-2010

Comm Channel: Open
From: Adm. Jack Frost
Subject: Combat report

Scrambled into my Challenger to investigate reports on a Nomad infested cruiser in Dublin this evening. Whilst looking for it i came across the fellow long hone silver in a molly Barghest bomber attacking a miner. He was given a warning to stop and leavebut, true to form, he ignored it. I engaged the lad and he made a run for it towards the Hood. I finally managed to nail him just before he docked.

[Image: th_screen157.jpg]

Must remember to have a word with the Admiralty to get these bloody IMG lads sorted out. Letting all sorts of rif raf dock there they are!

Frost out

Comm Channel: Closed

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wellingtons - 08-19-2010

Comm Channel: Open
From: Adm Lee.Adama
Subject: Combat report

Afternoon sirs, Yesterday was a busy day. First I took off in my templar to see that their was numerous kazikou after scouting their position the offered a duel between Lt John Clay and Yuka.Kazikou in which he accepted. While observing the duel a Gaian by the name of Amazonas who became quickly board with this duel decided to attack me. I manged to take down the Griffin he was piloting with an accurate mini razor shot while his ship shields were down .

After refueling aboard HMS Derby. I received word that Jarek.RM a Rheinland battleship was spotted near new London. After which Admiral Jones, HMS Dandelion and myself chased the battleship towards the tau 31 gate.

Then following a brief interlude I joined again with Admirals Frost and Jones, and Lt John clay managed to extract the location from the Kazikou. However when we reached the location surprise, surprise the kazikou were their. However thanks to the combined effort of Admiral Jones , Admiral Frost, Lt John Clay and myself. we manged to convince them to release him. As of now Lt Micheal Clay is now resting in the Macduff med bay.

Including the gun cam image of the kill.
Gun Cam 1

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

End of transmission

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - cizin - 08-21-2010

IDENTIFICATION:Ensign Alexander Gates
TARGET:Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff

August 22nd, 818AS


When I began my patrol around Bretonia, I got a SOS call from Dublin. Apparently, there's someone tried to pirate the BMM miners in there.

Upon my arrival, I found out that there's a Gaian Gunboat with Hogosha IFF. Apparently, he tried to pirate the BMM miners in there.
Luckly, there's a wannabe reservist with Bretonia Destroyer in Dublin. Both of us manage to ask the Hogosha to leave without any combat.

After some more patrol, I found a Bumblebee, a Kusarian transport with optronics in his hold. He said that he wants to deliver it to Graves Station, so I escorted him to there, to make sure that he really sent it to there.
I also told him that it is not wise to fly a Kusari transport in Bretonia's space.

Beside that, everything is quiet in Bretonia.


Ensign Alexander Gates


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - beunt - 08-25-2010

[incoming transmission]
[source.....................FltAdm Martin Bridge]
[to............................Bretonia Armed Force admiralty board, Bretonia Intelligence Services]
[noise filtering............done]
[opening message]

Gentlemen, we have a new situation at stake.

Wednesday the 25th of august the former second in command of Commander McDonald defected to Kusari, bringing the HMS-Valiant and her crew with him. Now and then, all fleet are ordered to capture Walter and/or the Valiant on site, with minimal damages to the hull if the operation permit it. Beware that to our last informations he still uses BAF transponder, so be careful when establishing communications and check each new ships separately until the com protocol is up to date.

On a worrying note, the ennemy is now in posession of one of our Destroyer and may start a reverse engineering program soon. To that matter, I urge the Intelligence Service to consider a possible sabotage operation in Kusarian space.

Have a good day,
Fleet Admiral Martin Bridge.

[End of transmission]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Mychalitzo - 08-26-2010

...Incoming Transmission...
Sender ID: Lieutenant Michael Clay
Subject: Action Report

Good day,
this morning I was woken up by scramble alarm on Derby. A fleet of Kusarian capital ships paid us a visit and our secondary fleet forces were taking heavy casualties. Me and John Clay launched in a bomber wing. By the time we came, Kusarians had one battleship and one cruiser, we had two destroyers one fighter and bad looking situation. We were trying to take down the cruiser as it was causing a lot of damage, but it was being covered by the battleship effectively. We concentrated fire on the battleship and after some minutes she made a contribution to the Leeds pollution, the destroyer then followed. On the way back to Derby, I asked for the names of all ships involved.
Our side: HMS-Romulus, HMS-Remus, HMS-Leeds, HMS-Dandelion, HMS-Shannon -all Destroyers, only the first two survived
HMS-Hadrian -Bretonian gunboat, Buckaroo.Banzai -Hunter gunboat, both destroyed.
Andrew MacDonald - reserve fleet fighter, survived
Lt.Michael Clay and Lt.John Clay - bombers, both survived

Enemy side - all destroyed:
battleship IKN-Minamisatsuma, and three cruisers: IKN-Fujiyama, KNS-Naginata and one more, name of which no one remembered and it was destroyed before my arrival.

Michael Clay out.

...End of Transmission...

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - beander2 - 08-27-2010

BAF Comm Channel: OPEN
TO: BAF Command Staff
FROM: Lt. Cdr. Nathaniel Buchanan
RE: Active Duty

Dear Sirs:

After an extended stay in the reserves, I wish to officially request transfer back to active service. The Admiralty has tasked me with other duties, but I hope to be able to fly from time to time. Last evening, I assisted several BAF and BPA officers, under direction by Adm. Bridge, in resisting an incursion of SCRA ships into New London.

Thank you for your consideration.

Sincerely yours,

Lt. Cdr. Nathaniel Buchanan, DSC

Comm System: CLOSED

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - beander2 - 08-27-2010

BAF Comm Channel: OPEN
TO: BAF Command Staff
FROM: Lt. Cdr. Nathaniel Buchanan
RE: Patrol Report


Today, BAF and BPA personnel encountered an Order Hathor Gunboat under the name of Lukeii in Dublin, attacking BH and Molly pilots. At first, it was just BPA)Hone.Nathan and myself, so we simply asked the vessel to leave Bretonian space. However, he refused to comply, and we were joined shortly by the mercenary Willis as well as BAF|Ens.Marten.Piper. The four of us surrounded the Lukeii and demanded his immediate departure. He refused, and fired the first shots against us in anger. We then destroyed the Lukeii with no casualties on our part.


Lt. Cdr. Nathaniel Buchanan

Comm System: CLOSED

//Could somebody add me back into the BAF Skype chat? I'm trev051274 - thanks.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Jam - 08-28-2010

--[Incoming Transmittion]--
Sender ID: Lieutenant John Clay
Subject: Patrol Report
Report Begin

Good day sirs,
Today, me, Admiral of reserve fleet Collingwood and a reserve gunboat HMS-Nottingham have encountered an Armed Forces vessel in Hussar named Andrew McDonald in Dublin. Collingwood told me he refused to follow his orders, so I tried to get to know who is he. He said he only follows orders of some Regimental Command, but I didnt manage to get more info about it. Further, he said he is member of Army Air Force, 22nd Light Recon. I have never heard about something like that. Then he said he was called from planet Leeds, and went away. I wanted to stop him, but he used Countermeasures, so no CDs hit him.

Next, we were regulating traffic on the blockade where Ensign Alexander Gates joined us, no incidents, of except Gaian Wildlife aboard of ship Blahomir, whick was safely delivered to our scientists.

Then, HMS-Nottingham alerted about a pirate gunboat named Desperado, who was killing fellow miners in Dublin. Be careful around him, and be sure not to underestimate him. He has got CAU 8 armor, and is very skilled. However, we managed to put him down as we had a gunboat and 2 bombers and a battleship.
Unfortunately, my guncam was broken, so I didn't manage to take any pictures.

That is all what happened this morning and noon.
Lieutenant John Clay signing off.

End of Report

--[Transmittion Terminated]--

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Slainte - 08-28-2010

Comm Channel: Open
To: BAF Reserve Fleet
From: Admiral Jack Frost
Subject: Memo

Regarding the situation in the Dublin System. Please be aware that talks are taking place to try and resolve some issues in Dublin. Do not fire on any Molly vessel that is not breaking Bretonian law. Molly vessels are within thier rights to issue mining licences to miners there except BMM vessels mining in thier own fields. If any reserve fleet vessels sees a Molly vessel trying to get said licence outwith Graves field then that is ok.

Also be reminded that molly vessels engaged with independant pirates and/or Corsair vessels are to be helped in any way you can. The sooner we rid Dublin of the bad guys the better for all.

If there are any questions regarding this memo, then contact me on comms at any time and i will do my best to explain further.

Yous aye
Admiral Jack Frost

Comm Channel: Closed

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Slainte - 08-29-2010

Comm Channel: Open
To: Lt Cdr Nathan Buchanan
From: Admiral Jack Frost
Subject: Return to active duty

Welcome back to active duty from your spell in the reserve fleet. You are posted to HMS Essex, 1st BF, 6th Fleet under my command.
Get yourself there and get settled in. Its not the Ritz but comes a close second, and get yourself clued up on whats going on in Dublin. Its getting complicated.

Yours aye
Admiral Jack Frost

Comm System: Closed