RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Reeves - 12-28-2024
☠ Incoming transmission.
☠ Signal source: Free Republic relay, Liberty
☠ Opening video feed...
Sender: Alliance Commander "Cobra"
Recipient: Xeno Alliance Communications
Subject: Operation Detox
I considered it, Rattlesnake.
But the problem there is that slog is something only the average joe would be into under the duress of a graveyard shift at the boron mines. Even my tolerance of cardamine extends only insofar as its utility as a weapon to hurt the elite of House Liberty is concerned.
Slog does the opposite.
It hurts the people we are sworn to emancipate.
So there can be no other policy other than a policy of zero-tolerance.
"Liberty or death."
☠ Transmission signal lost.
RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Reeves - 01-04-2025
☠ Incoming transmission.
☠ Signal source: Free Republic relay, Liberty
☠ Opening video feed...
Sender: Alliance Commander "Cobra"
Recipient: Xeno Alliance Communications
Subject: Operation Detox
Op complete.
We have a rough tally of how many hulks are floating around as burning wrecks in Texas and California. Our wide interdiction net was effective but it was impossible to exert any form of total blockade on the new drug trade, some of it obviously spilled through the cracks. And my sources are yet to confirm if the Navy and LPI were anywhere near as effective as we were.
Still, this was good work on such short notice and with minimal prep-time. The surge is over, the rush is dead, you can all return to your normal duties.
"Liberty or death."
☠ Transmission signal lost.
RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Reeves - 01-21-2025
☠ Incoming transmission.
☠ Signal source: Free Republic relay, Liberty
☠ Opening video feed...
Sender: Alliance Commander "Cobra"
Recipient: Xeno Alliance Communications
Subject: Princelings
History just keeps on giving.
I already knew the Hackers were good for nothing and that their supposedly ironclad word is a politician's promise. After all, we remember Hesperia.
But now their ambition outstrips them to our eventual detriment.
They did something. We aren't sure what they've done in the absence of reliable information, but whatever it was, it was enough to prompt two apparent taskforces of both House Liberty and Kusari to pursue them into Ontario and freely engage them there.
Pilots from Ramsey's rapid response wings that were on standby at the time obviously responded to this unprecedented incursion. From reports I have right now, one of those pilots is KIA and two are wounded. As infuriated as that makes me, given the fact that it was Hackers that shot those ships down after they engaged House forces, is the fact that this isn't the end of the damage that they've done.
The LSF is already up our exhaust pipes over Sudbury. And now, with whatever this was, we have to be prepared for an inevitable escalation.
One I'm sure our wayward technical support department will do little to offset.
With that in mind, your orders are this - full combat readiness on the Ontario front at all times. No exceptions. We can't afford to let Liberty take control of Sudbury.
Our country and the millions who will one day call it their home are counting on us.
"Liberty or death."
☠ Transmission signal lost.
RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - monmarfori - 01-31-2025
☠ Incoming transmission.
☠ Signal source: Free Republic relay, Liberty
☠ Opening video feed...
Sender: Mark Hill
Recipient: Alliance Commander "Cobra"
Subject: Crying Republicans
I was alerted to a possible intrusion by elements belonging to the Crayter Republic, which has a history of cooperating with opponents of the Liberty Free Republic. Sure enough, my scanners found two ships, one gunboat and one fighter wandering around the Sudbury anomaly claiming to be on a "scientific expedition". They surely made a big mistake coming here, so I had to deal with them in my own hands.
Needless to say, I took care of them aboard the Crimson Biter. Best to keep rabid dogs away from people, they say. Who knows if they are buddying up with the LSF so they can feel safe projecting their "power"?
I am ready to defend Ontario with my own life from all the problems creeping closer to us. They can taste my own fangs.
[17.01.2025 22:22:23] XA-FRS-Crimson.Biter: H: Crayterian. Mind if you can explain your presence here.
[17.01.2025 22:22:25] =CR=FV-Maxim|528: Running it against star charts. Let's see where this is going.
[17.01.2025 22:22:50] =CR=FV-Maxim|528: This anomaly is the subject of our concern.
[17.01.2025 22:23:05] XA-FRS-Crimson.Biter: H: You do realize this is Free Republic space.
[17.01.2025 22:23:14] =CR=Vagabond: Greetings we are on a scientific expedition
[17.01.2025 22:23:22] =CR=FV-Maxim|528: We're runing scans pn it now.
[17.01.2025 22:23:26] =CR=Vagabond: We are not aware of a Free Republic?
[17.01.2025 22:23:29] =CR=FV-Maxim|528: This is new space to me.
[17.01.2025 22:23:45] XA-FRS-Crimson.Biter: H: You should have known that before venturing into our home.
[17.01.2025 22:23:58] =CR=Vagabond: Has this New Free Republic made diplomatic Entreaties to the Crayter Republic thus far?
[17.01.2025 22:24:34] XA-FRS-Crimson.Biter: H: I don't have access to that.
[17.01.2025 22:24:45] =CR=FV-Maxim|528: Neither would I.
[17.01.2025 22:24:54] =CR=Vagabond: Indeed
[17.01.2025 22:25:11] =CR=FV-Maxim|528: I'm here on a survey mission in space not explored by the republic.
[17.01.2025 22:25:22] XA-FRS-Crimson.Biter: H: "Not explored"?
[17.01.2025 22:25:34] =CR=Vagabond: This anomaly is uncharteed
[17.01.2025 22:25:48] XA-FRS-Crimson.Biter: H: In any case you should be staying out of this place.
[17.01.2025 22:25:59] =CR=Vagabond: It is of great interest to the saftey and scientific community of our nation
[17.01.2025 22:26:16] XA-FRS-Crimson.Biter: H: You're a bit too far from home, and there are Auxesians near us.
[17.01.2025 22:26:35] =CR=FV-Maxim|528: What can I say, I'm good at my job.
[17.01.2025 22:26:56] XA-FRS-Crimson.Biter: H: What makes you say that? You're not in a research vessel or anything.
[17.01.2025 22:26:57] =CR=FV-Maxim|528: Reason why I'm the first.
[17.01.2025 22:27:19] =CR=Vagabond: We multi-use many of our vessels to be utilitarian
[17.01.2025 22:27:28] =CR=FV-Maxim|528: Gotta be ready, I got the scanners for charting.
[17.01.2025 22:27:38] XA-FRS-Crimson.Biter: H: How bold of you to say that, trying to justify your presence.
[17.01.2025 22:28:22] =CR=Vagabond: Xeno pilot, this disturbing anomaly should be of great import to your people as well. We research for our collective safety
[17.01.2025 22:28:40] =CR=FV-Maxim|528: If this thing turns out to be a threat to our people. You know, the big frak off laser in-
[17.01.2025 22:28:42] XA-FRS-Crimson.Biter: H: That depends, though your kind is not welcome here.
[17.01.2025 22:28:44] =CR=FV-Maxim|528: front of us.
[17.01.2025 22:29:02] =CR=FV-Maxim|528: We plan to make this visit short.
[17.01.2025 22:29:13] =CR=Vagabond: Our work is nearly concluded pilot
[17.01.2025 22:29:17] =CR=FV-Maxim|528: All you xenos say the same shit.
[17.01.2025 22:29:31] XA-FRS-Crimson.Biter: H: You leave us no choice, Crayterians.
[17.01.2025 22:30:02] =CR=Vagabond: Stay silent a moment Xeno while I upload our data
[17.01.2025 22:30:10] =CR=FV-Maxim|528: Scans complete, we'll be heading home with it.
[17.01.2025 22:30:16] XA-FRS-Crimson.Biter: H: You are not going anywhere. For the Free Republic!
[17.01.2025 22:30:20] =CR=FV-Maxim|528: Drives are archiving.
[17.01.2025 22:30:22] =CR=Vagabond: Thank you for your cooperation
[17.01.2025 22:30:27] XA-FRS-Crimson.Biter: H: Eliminate these intruders!
[17.01.2025 22:30:30] =CR=FV-Maxim|528: Fine then.
[17.01.2025 22:30:32] =CR=Vagabond: Moving to protect
[17.01.2025 22:32:08] =CR=FV-Maxim|528: W'll be leaving
[17.01.2025 22:38:51] =CR=FV-Maxim|528 died to XA-FRS-Crimson.Biter (98%)
[17.01.2025 22:39:32] =CR=Vagabond was shot out of the skies by XA-FRS-Crimson.Biter (100%)
"Learn from failure, and you will succeed."
- Mark Hill
☠ Transmission signal lost.
RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - conmann35 - 02-14-2025
☠ Incoming transmission.
☠ Signal source: Free Republic relay, Liberty
☠ Opening video feed...
Sender: "Blacktail"
Recipient: Alliance Commander "Cobra"
Subject: Flight Report 2.13.835
Operation started with deployment of "Sonoran" from Ouray Base to provide logistics to interception in Galileo. Barge with 30000 tons Artifacts was interdicted by "Deadmeat", logistics was provided to liberate 3600 tons as contribution to the LFR. During the interdiction a priority call for interdiction was made, with haste we offloaded the cargo to aligned brokers at Fontana Freeport. Interdiction sortie deployed in fighter and moved to join without incident. While other elements were stretching the dragnet I ended up running into the intended interdiction target, 3x Gaians, 2 in Rheinland frigates and 1 Serenity. Under orders from flight commander, tailed the convoy to its destination at safe distance, then RTB to Ramsey.
☠ Transmission signal lost.
RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Caffeine - 02-14-2025
☠ Incoming transmission.
☠ Signal source: Fort Ramsey, Ontario system.
☠ Initiating network handshake...
Sender: Callsign: "Deadmeat"
Recipient: Xeno Alliance High Command.
Subject: Barge black box records.
Yesterday at 22:44:20 UTC I came across a Barge-class mobile factory hauling thirty thousand crates of artifacts in Galileo, headed to Liberty. Sonoran responded my call and came shortly after to confiscate as much of it as the ship could carry and then I escorted them to Fontana. I'll attach the radio comms on this transmission.
[13.02.2025 22:44:26] XA-U-Deadmeat: Are you fucking serious now...
[13.02.2025 22:44:38] Barge.Of.The.Contraband: Daisy: Sick ride, isn't it.
[13.02.2025 22:45:13] XA-U-Deadmeat: HOW did you make it here.
[13.02.2025 22:45:16] XA-U-Deadmeat: On that thing?
[13.02.2025 22:45:18] Changing screen mode=windowed
[13.02.2025 22:45:37] Barge.Of.The.Contraband: Daisy: Baby got Rockhounds, makes Grendels and Blood Dragons find more pressing appointments.
[13.02.2025 22:46:02] XA-U-Deadmeat: Rock-what?
[13.02.2025 22:46:03] Changing screen mode=full
[13.02.2025 22:46:25] Changing screen mode=windowed
[13.02.2025 22:46:34] Barge.Of.The.Contraband: Daisy: Rockhounds, nice Liberty mining kit, mines warships just fine, sugar.
[13.02.2025 22:46:56] Changing screen mode=full
[13.02.2025 22:47:03] XA-U-Deadmeat: Ah.
[13.02.2025 22:47:35] XA-U-Deadmeat: What do you do when you run out of ordnance?
[13.02.2025 22:47:57] Barge.Of.The.Contraband: Daisy: If whatever I'm fighting isn't dead by then, sucks to be me.
[13.02.2025 22:48:19] Barge.Of.The.Contraband: Daisy: I guess I'll find out when Liberty sends the entire Ohio group against me.
[13.02.2025 22:48:32] XA-U-Deadmeat: You're fucking deranged.
[13.02.2025 22:48:49] Barge.Of.The.Contraband: Daisy: Could you autograph that for me, sugar?
[13.02.2025 22:48:58] Barge.Of.The.Contraband: Daisy: A Xeno called me deranged.
[13.02.2025 22:49:21] XA-U-Deadmeat: Not just a xeno, a former legionnarie from the Alliance penal unit called you deranged.
[13.02.2025 22:49:31] XA-U-Deadmeat: You can fucking bet I know about that.
[13.02.2025 22:49:34] Barge.Of.The.Contraband: Daisy: Cobra still hasn't made his boys all the way respec-
[13.02.2025 22:49:48] Barge.Of.The.Contraband: Daisy: Oh, bad business about Guadalajara.
[13.02.2025 22:49:51] Barge.Of.The.Contraband: Daisy: My condolences.
[13.02.2025 22:50:17] XA-U-Deadmeat: You just called it Guadalajara, huh...
[13.02.2025 22:51:44] Barge.Of.The.Contraband: Daisy: What? Should I be using the names they slapped on them for... some reason?
[13.02.2025 22:52:04] Barge.Of.The.Contraband: Daisy: I remember it being Guad, I'm calling it Guad.
[13.02.2025 22:52:16] XA-U-Deadmeat: I do not expect random smugglers to care or know about the former name.
[13.02.2025 22:52:39] Barge.Of.The.Contraband: Daisy: Yes, random smugglers.
[13.02.2025 22:52:50] Barge.Of.The.Contraband: Daisy: Guess so.
[13.02.2025 22:53:19] Barge.Of.The.Contraband: Daisy: I'm old-school, where it was the sledgehammer to get the contraband through.
[13.02.2025 22:53:25] XA-U-Deadmeat: Did you seriously get those artifacts all the way from Crete to here?
[13.02.2025 22:54:01] Barge.Of.The.Contraband: Daisy: Yes, and the worst part was the asteroid clearance for this thing.
[13.02.2025 22:54:04] XA-Sonoran: Logistics standing by.
[13.02.2025 22:54:06] Barge.Of.The.Contraband: Daisy: It was nuts.
[13.02.2025 22:54:45] XA-U-Deadmeat: Ever did the same trip from Malta?
[13.02.2025 22:54:56] Barge.Of.The.Contraband: Daisy: I refuse to travel through the Taus on this thing.
[13.02.2025 22:55:00] Barge.Of.The.Contraband: Daisy: Refuse.
[13.02.2025 22:55:12] XA-U-Deadmeat: Why?
[13.02.2025 22:55:33] Barge.Of.The.Contraband: Daisy: The Barrier's an agony dispenser is why.
[13.02.2025 22:55:33] XA-U-Deadmeat: Going through Sigmas, Kusari and Liberty is fine but Taus is too much?
[13.02.2025 22:56:14] Barge.Of.The.Contraband: Daisy: Kusari's a straight line with no stellar bodies blocking the path, really.
[13.02.2025 22:56:31] Barge.Of.The.Contraband: Daisy: The Sigmas likewise.
[13.02.2025 22:56:35] XA-U-Deadmeat: Letting patrols aside.
[13.02.2025 22:56:38] XA-U-Deadmeat: And gas pockets.
[13.02.2025 22:56:44] XA-U-Deadmeat: And corsairs, the GMG...
[13.02.2025 22:57:03] Barge.Of.The.Contraband: Daisy: Namura's crew has retired to their booze, it seems.
[13.02.2025 22:57:20] XA-U-Deadmeat: This is fucking dumb.
[13.02.2025 22:57:31] Barge.Of.The.Contraband: Daisy: The Corsairs are more pre-occupied with their brush wars, they waved me through.
[13.02.2025 22:58:17] XA-U-Deadmeat: Alright, Sonoran-actual?
[13.02.2025 22:58:28] XA-Daring: Being recalled, emergency.
[13.02.2025 22:58:32] XA-Sonoran: Figured you boys were running the show.
[13.02.2025 22:58:33] XA-U-Deadmeat: There's free hold in there.
[13.02.2025 22:59:03] Barge.Of.The.Contraband: Daisy: Guess today's my lucky day.
[13.02.2025 22:59:28] XA-U-Deadmeat: Captain... Consider your fee to assist the Free Republic.
[13.02.2025 22:59:38] XA-U-Deadmeat: Three thousand and six hundred crates.
[13.02.2025 22:59:49] Barge.Of.The.Contraband: Daisy: Oh, you have a friend who's asking me to run some fuel to you. I'll put the fee on their ta- yeah, sure.
[13.02.2025 23:00:03] XA-U-Deadmeat: What was that?
[13.02.2025 23:00:16] Barge.Of.The.Contraband: Daisy: I was going to put it on their tab if it was money. Heh.
[13.02.2025 23:00:21] Barge.Of.The.Contraband: Daisy: But cargo works too.
[13.02.2025 23:00:24] XA-Sonoran: We're not here for fuel, we're here for product.
[13.02.2025 23:00:44] Barge.Of.The.Contraband: Daisy: I will convey that to the client.
[13.02.2025 23:01:07] Barge.Of.The.Contraband: Daisy: Get those crates in the air, what do I pay you for?
[13.02.2025 23:01:35] XA-Sonoran: Packages secured, burning out.
[13.02.2025 23:01:51] XA-U-Deadmeat: Alright we're done here, let's see what was the hurry for Daring-actual.
[13.02.2025 23:01:56] Barge.Of.The.Contraband: Daisy: See you around, I guess.
"Molon Labe."
☠ Transmission closed.
RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Levenna - 02-14-2025
☠ Incoming transmission.
☠ Signal source: Free Republic relay, Liberty
☠ Opening video feed...
Sender: "Rattlesnake"
Recipient: "Deadmeat"
Subject: Self explanatory
Why the fuck is the Hellfire emblem stamped on your communication.
"Sometimes, it's better to live than let live."
- "Rattlesnake"
☠ Transmission signal lost.
RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Caffeine - 02-14-2025
☠ Incoming transmission.
☠ Signal source: Fort Ramsey, Ontario system.
☠ Initiating network handshake...
Sender: Callsign: "Deadmeat"
Recipient: "Rattlesnake".
Subject: Roger the jolly Man on fire.
It's bait, and you took it.
"Molon Labe."
☠ Transmission closed.
RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Reeves - 02-14-2025
☠ Incoming transmission.
☠ Signal source: Free Republic relay, Liberty
☠ Opening video feed...
Sender: Adjutant J. Royce
Recipient: Xeno Alliance Communications
Subject: RE: Roger the jolly Man on fire
You are a traitor serving out a sentence towards the ultimate end of repatriation in the LFR. Your pride, your honor, all of it ought to be stowed until the day that sentence is over.
So stow it. And scrub that damn skull off our comms.
"Fear the White Star."
☠ Transmission signal lost.
RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Levenna - 02-14-2025
☠ Incoming transmission.
☠ Signal source: Free Republic relay, Liberty
☠ Opening video feed...
Sender: "Rattlesnake"
Recipient: "Deadmeat"
Subject: Your safety
Kids around here have caught bullets to the back of the head for less. Keep your head on a swivel.
"Sometimes, it's better to live than let live."
- "Rattlesnake"
☠ Transmission signal lost.