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Sunbucks Cafe - enterprise5595 - 09-23-2010

Jerry Shaw walked into Sunbucks for the first time in so many months, took a look at all the officers chatting happily and headed to the bar.

Hey Jerry.. havent seen you here in God knows how long, what happened to you? Said with surprise the bartender

Shaw lighted a cigarette and took a deep puff

A lot of space crap, my friend. I lost my wife, lost my house... everything. All I have now is my ex-life..

He took another puff and ordered a big glass of lib ale.

Here you go pal... so you're thinking of asking for reinstation?

Shaw drank half the glass, had another puff, then looked around thinking..

Alot of things have changed since I had my last ale here... friends left, new politics... Do I rly want to get back into that meat grinder? I dont know... for now I just wanna have my ale and my smoke in peace. Life can wait another day.

Jerry, after finishing his cig and drink, paid his bill, said goodbye and left.

Sunbucks Cafe - Miranda - 10-01-2010

Miranda Essington walks into the bar for the first time, her LPI uniform neatly pressed and her boots brightly shined.

She eyes the sign hanging and mutters something, possibly something unkind about the navy before walking over to the bar.

Grabbing a fresh Liberty Ale from the bartender, she waves and makes her way over to the other LPI officers, happy to have found a new sense of belonging.

Sunbucks Cafe - Trim - 10-09-2010

Hank Goodman walks into the bar, asks for a simple coffee. He takes a window seat, alone.

He occationally glares out into space, looking relaxed but slightly concerned.

Sunbucks Cafe - XanderPrice - 10-11-2010

Xander tucks a note behind a picture frame. Short, simple, rather to the point.

"Steve, it's time for our 11-98 at Carol's Caffene Castle!"

With a smirk to the age's old reference, Recruit Price grabs a cup of Joe for himself and his training officer before hurrying back out to his Liberator.

Sunbucks Cafe - TheJarl - 10-23-2010

A new recruit, Violet Starlight, walks in. Unlike most recruits she doesn't seem nervous or anything, she doesn't have her uniform overly tight either, she's in the Sunbucks not on duty, why should she even wear a uniform at all. Well of course it looks fancy...

She looks around wondering where she could sit down..

Sunbucks Cafe - Trim - 11-09-2010

Goodman stood up and while walking to get another coffee, saw Violet standing by herself, he asked her if he wanted to sit with him. He wasn't too interested in talking, but she looked some what new and alone, so why not?

Sunbucks Cafe - Drakaisyl - 12-03-2010

Anastasia slowly walks into the Cafe,her mood wasn't the best these days and even the promotion could raise her mood.Slowly she sat down at one of the empty tables of the Cafe and looked out of the window.Then she let her view fly through the Cafe to see if someone else was there she could know but all she saw was Goodman and a new Officer...according to her new looking Uniform a rookie but at least a new face.The Police needed new Pilots as the last couple of month some Officers were shot down by a new high number of Pirates and the navy wasn't there to usual.When the both looked to her she slighlty nodded and then again looked out of the window,seeing a Patriot patrol starting from the near Police base.

Sunbucks Cafe - Garrett Jax - 12-07-2010

Back from his non paid six month vacation, Seymore Justice entered Sunbucks revived and refreshed. It didn't take long to get the bad news, Chief Myers was gone. On the other hand, he thought, that might not be a bad thing. One less brick thrower to have to worry about. Seymore's head starting hurting from the phantom pains induced by the memory of an angry man hurling bricks with uncanny accuracy.

More bad news. Seymore's ship was stolen, or lost, or something. How do you lose a ship, he wondered? Oh, well. Nice thing about the Libby's, they don't cost much, and you can kick some serious tail with them.

The good news was that there were a lot more bright faced, shiny uniformed recruits joining the ranks. Yep. Things were looking up. Seymore grabbed a hot chocolate from the counter, sat down and relaxed one more time before getting back to work.

Sunbucks Cafe - Drakaisyl - 12-09-2010

Anastasia looked up when a new visitor arrived in the Cafe.She couldn't realise to have seen him before.Anastasia stood up from her table and slowly walked to the bar where she ordered a water.Some of the people looked at her surprised."What ?"she asked the nearest person who looked at her and her voice had a hint of anger in it. "N...nothing,Ma'am" he said daunted."Fine,then look at something else" she said,grabbed her glas with water and moved back to her table.How she hated it to get this reaction all the time she got something different instead of this awfull brewing what the other officers drank.How did they call it...ah yes coffee.She sat down again and her eyes wandered out of the window again.

Sunbucks Cafe - Widow - 01-19-2011

Jess walked Sunbucks for the first time, as she untied her hair from a long day on shift. She sighed, she hated her hair. most girls wanted it, long, dark, straight, but she just didn't think it suited her, it didn't go with her green eyes. She was too 'average height' for her liking, too skinny, and the uniform they made the black watch operatives wear was heavy. She had left that with her new ship as she was not use to the weight. Nothing was right, the first day had been a bad one, She just wanted to go home. Everyone had been telling her she would not be able to cope with what happens in the LPI, and treating her like... well, a girl. Wearing only a pair of blackwatch branded shorts, sneaker shoes, and a singlet top she felt out of place, with a shivered due to the cold and raised an eyebrow at the commotion, and glanced at the female who appeared to had caused it before muttering something about there being no alcohol around here and ordering a very strong coffee. While she waited for it to be made, she looked around only to see there were no empty seats left.