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Rheinland Military Message Dump - tfmachad - 12-06-2007

Sender: Obergefreiter Hans Krieger
Destination: Rheinland Military Command offices
Subject: Engagement report


After the incident involving the Zoner smuggler most ships landed for check-ups, I remained. After a few minutes Gefreiter Fuhrmann joined me to patrol the area. As soon as we had our frequencies set up I picked up two signals not more than 10k from the planet. As the ships just stood there I figured they were preparing for a large assault. Our long range scanners showed up more ships moving in to New Berlin. Both me and Fuhrmann were flying bombers and I requested another one so we could hold up the large incoming force.

As the fight started, RepEx security operator codenamed 'Iceman' helped us hold up the first strike. We were up against comprised of of 2 Corsair Cruisers (Muten and Trevise), 2 Corsair Gunboats (El Cajon and Dark Fire) escorted by a Raven's Claw VHF (Sgt Dice).

Me, Fuhrmann and Iceman managed to blast the first gunboat before both Gefreiter Galland and RepEx security operator codenamed 'Helios' joined in to assist us. Perhaps motivated by our display in swiftly controlling the situation, a couple of civilian transports (MPP and Seb Rooks) joined in to help us terminate the last ships.

I hereby strongly reiterate my previous warning against the presence of civilians near battle areas and suggest our flight control droids to be programmed to deviate those ships during such events.

The remaining ships were done for in a matter of a few minutes.

[Image: kills84.jpg]

I'm then glad to report once again our forces managed to repel a bold strike by the Corsairs without losses.

Thankfully we have such support amongst our citizens, both from RepEx and even from others who ended up risking their lives in an effort to help us. Such approval and support beams a blinding light over any shadow of criticism certain groups and individuals try to cast over the Rheinland government.


Rheinland Military Message Dump - vpdm - 12-06-2007

Sender: Kapitaen Leutnant Wetterstein, Commander Gunboat 'Finsterwehr'
Destination: Rheinland Military Command offices
Subject: Patrol duty report


Besides the daily routine of scanning traders i encountered a IFF/ID Corsair Bomber in front of New Berlin.
I tracked the ship 'Maria.Fondevila' scince entering Rheinland space via Bering on my long range scanners.
While engaging near The Ring my first officer noticed the lack of reengagement.
I suppose the bomber was on some reconnaissance mission.
After this incident i resumed patrol duty.

On patrol i encountered a Liberty Battlecruiser of the LSF, desgnation Thalian_Scalian.
On my call about the purpose in RH space i recieved a broken message regarding some restockments.
With a Mercenary called Slayer as wingman who offered his services i assured that the LSF BC left RH space.

I resumed my patrol duty and encountered some CT_ tagged ships (low level) who stated to buy some fine Rheinland ships.
I directed them to a Daumann salesman on Holstein.

After resuming patrol duty my scanners showed up a {SU} vessel, designation Seth.Driskill.
He refused to do a routine inspection and sneaked around New Berlin heading to Sigma 13.
No further incidents during patrol duty.

During patrol duty the Sigma 13 Jumphole was cleared from some Wild presence.


Rheinland Military Message Dump - tfmachad - 12-07-2007

Sender: Obergefreiter Hans Krieger
Destination: Rheinland Military Command offices
Subject: Engagement report


I was called in today by flight group command with a report of two Unioneer ships orbiting New Berlin. I undocked from the planet to find one Viper VHF and a Corsair GB attacking our forces around the planet. I moved in to engage. As I was flying a Wrath, I tried to avoid the GB while engaged the fighter. A mercenary vessel registered as DW-revenge offered assistance and I accepted. In time we managed to drive away both hostile ships.


Rheinland Military Message Dump - RingoW - 12-07-2007

Sender: Georg Paulsen, ALG Trader
Destination: Rheinland Military Command offices
Subject: Observation of criminal activity


Today i had contact with a Battlestar MkII "Yoda" in Stuttgart (New Berlin JG) and Bering (Freeport 2).
Ship had Synth Foods TAG and was bearing Zoner ID and BS license.
In Stuttgart it was attacking LWB and i noticed wrecks of Daumann or Krueger freighters.
Few minutes later it was stopped by Rheinland Federal Police (NPC's). It oppened fire immediatly and destroyed the Police patrol.
So i scanned its cargo. Cargo area was filled with many different escape pods, including Civilian, BHG and Rheinland Federal Police.
Tried to make contact, but got no response.
Also tried to contact the RM command offices, but my communcation channels were jammed (no RM members online)
I was flown a Camara and it was clear this BS was not friendly to Rheinland, so i left the scene as soon as possible.


Rheinland Military Message Dump - Qunitinius~Verginix - 12-07-2007


This is Kaptain Zur Sei Axel Topf! I am glad that the frighter captains of the Father land are haviong their minds graced by Das Gottkanzler and are willing to report criminal activites to us. We need the citizens of Rhienland to be vigilant against the ever increasing threats! Good job, Paulson, the Gottkanzler (Bless his holy name) will be undoubtably pleased. OUr forces will keep a watchfull eye out for this ship.

Axel Topf
Ein Volk, Ein Kanzler, Ein Rheinland!

Rheinland Military Message Dump - trekster - 12-07-2007

|Begin Transmission|
To:Rheinland High Command
CC:RepEx-Security Management

Most high commander of the fleet
I was looking for a list of all your officer since I work with them almost every night and Some of them deserve some metals:

For excellence in Support military defense:

Commander Dieter Schprokets -
Lieutenant Commander Gunther Rall
Lance Corporal Hans "Gesicht" Krieger
Corporal Walter Krupinski

Hats off guys!
|End Transmission|

Rheinland Military Message Dump - trekster - 12-07-2007

|Begin Transmission|
CC:Rhineland Security

Intercepted message....

Quote:Message to: TAZ
Comm ID: Leviathan
From: Glen Hagbard

As i was delivering shipment of niobium to Dauman base in Dresden, in sigam 13 near jumphole to New Berlin system one "independant" pirate tryd to rob me for 3 million credits, as he was fas on trigger and knocked my shields fast, i was having no choice but to pay this pirate.

As my scaners showed he was having corsair IFF and generic pirate ID, ship apperd to be Raven Talon VHF, name of ship is Skyelius.

So all Zoner beware of this pirate he will have no mercy for you

Glen Out

Again The Pirate Scum Skyelius strikes in our area, what shall we do to prevent this?

|End Transmission|

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Praetyre - 12-10-2007

Comm ID: Obergefreiter Gerhard Barkhorn
To: Rheinland High Kommandt
Dieses ist Gerhard Barkhorn und noch einmal berichtet von der Entweichenh?lse meines Schiffs, das gleichm??iges in ihr jetzt dick erhalten ist interne D?mpfe ist. Ich hoffe diese Anzeige Reichweiten Sie, wenn ich umkomme, weil ich eine zu liefern Priorit?t 1 habe Anzeige.

Heute w?hrend ich auf regelm??iger Patrouille war, lehnte ein Pilot, der als Pheretima gekennzeichnet wurde wiederholt ab, auf Hagelst?rme zu reagieren. Ich lie? eine System breite Schleife f?r ihn beim Versuchen, Zivilausgaben zu beheben laufen, dann schlie?lich gefunden ihm auf einer alternativen Schleife nahe dem Frankfurt Sprunggatter. Ich hatte vorher wiederholte Versuche gebildet, mit ihm in Verbindung zu treten und alle linguistischen Schwierigkeiten zu beheben, die er haben kann, aber er blieb leise.

Ich fand schlie?lich heraus, da? er eine Freiheit-Marine Freund-Feind-Kennung besa?. Die unmittelbar drohende Drohung der Gottkanzler-less Libertonian Invasion mit seinem Mangel an Befolgung in wiederholten Versuchen hinzuf?gend, in den zahlreichen Sprachen und in seiner Freund-Feind-Kennung zu hageln aus, ?bte ich ihn in das Harzfeld, in dem eine Sackzeugpatrouille Kreuzfahrt mich von meiner Verfolgung st?rte und mich veranlie?, das Marinemittel zu verlieren. Ich wurde dann von Fregattenkapitan Rall nahe dem Sigma 13 jumphole benannt, in dem das vordere Schiff und ein Fl?gel eines Arbeiters der wilden Angriff K?mpfer anvisiert worden waren. Ich versuchte, das vordere Schiff des Arbeiters herunterzunehmen, aber mein Schiff wurde dann nach Fregattenkapitan Rall zerst?rt, das versucht wurde, um etwas Versorgungsmaterialien in mein Schiff w?hrend der Hitze der Schlacht niederzulegen.

Als I zuletzt ?berpr?fte, versenden meine Scanner f?r die Marine, es waren noch in neuem Berlin. Ich habe entschieden, das Fasten f?r 3 Tage aufzunehmen, es sei denn anders bestellt durch Kapitan Topf, um zum Gottkanzler f?r meine S?nden zu b??en. Gebracht ein Bild des Freiheitschiffs an, das von einem Fragment der orange Kodierung des Kastens erholt wird, die ich kurz aufhob, bevor ich aus dem Harzfeld heraus trieb; [Image:]

Obergefreiter Gerhard Barkhorn heraus!

This is Gerhard Barkhorn, once again reporting from the escape pod of my ship, which is even now getting thicker in its internal fumes.. I hope this message reaches you if I perish, because I have a Priority 1 message to deliver.

Today, while I was on regular patrol, a pilot identified as Pheretima repeatedly refused to respond to hails. I ran a system wide sweep for him while attempting to resolve civilian issues, then eventually found him on an alternative sweep near the Frankfurt jump gate. I had previously made repeated attempts to contact him and resolve any linguistic difficulties he may have, but he remained silent.

I eventually found out that he possessed a Liberty Navy IFF. Adding the imminent threat of the Gottkanzler-less Libertonian invasion with his lack of compliance in repeated attempts to hail in numerous languages and his IFF, I pursued him into the Harzfeld, where a Hessian patrol cruise disrupted me from my chase and caused me to lose the Navy agent. I was then called by Fregattenkapitan Rall near the Sigma 13 jumphole, where a Workers Front ship and a wing of Wild assault fighters had been sighted. I attempted to take down the Workers Front ship, but my ship was then destroyed after Fregattenkapitan Rall attempted to deposit some supplies into my ship during the heat of battle.

When I last checked my scanners for the Navy ship, it was still in New Berlin. I have decided to take up fasting for 3 days unless ordered otherwise by Kapitan Topf to atone to the Gottkanzler for my sins.

Attached is an image of the Liberty ship recovered from a fragment of the orange boxs coding I picked up shortly before drifting out of the Harzfeld;

Obergefreiter Gerhard Barkhorn out!

Rheinland Military Message Dump - mjolnir - 12-10-2007

Sender: Hauptgefreiter Friedrich Lang
Destination: Rheinland Military Intelligence Offices
Subject: Engagement report


While on duty in New Berlin system my long range scanners detected an unknown ship approaching from the Dresden system. I proceeded to Brandenburg border station and found a Lane Hacker Gunship with Comm sign. Teknikal there.

Strangely neither the border station nor the police pilots flying by were shooting on him. I engaged and hoped that our police will find their mistake and join me in fight. But it didn't happen.... a military patrol consisting of a Cruiser and 2 Gunboats flew past and didn't pay attention to the attacker either.

After quite a long time I managed to fly in between a few police ship while the Lane Hacker was shooting on me... this got their attention and they joined me in attacking the enemy.

His ship was fast an agile but he was slowly going down... after his shield batteries and nanobots were depleted he tried to run, but my Cruise disruptor stopped him and he eventually fell to my mine.

[Image: tekn.jpg]

Lang out


Rheinland Military Message Dump - tfmachad - 12-12-2007

Sender: Obergefreiter Hans Krieger
Destination: Rheinland Military Command offices
Subject: Patrol report


My patrols were most uneventful in the last few days. My hours marked by a heavy trading traffic through the New Berlin system.

Since a couple of days ago, a new organized group has been sighted in Rheinland. Their ships fly under "LLJK" colors and are quite numerous. Even though most their registrations didn't match, a number of them were carrying "Miners" IDs. Earlier today I ordered the captain of the ship "[LLJK]HeavyMetalUmlaut" to turn around and leave Rheinland on the grounds of rumors stating the group was in fact affiliated with the GMG. He then told me that was not true and that the group was composed of simple traders trying to make a living. As his ship was registered as a Miner ship and his escort a Civilian I let them proceed. Time and again their ships would return to New Berlin seeking trade in our territory. Later, another group of LLJK ships entered New Berlin, but this time, one of them was marked GMG. I then demanded that they, once and for all, stated their allegiance. They said that they were indeed with the GMG. Taking their travesti as a hostile act, me and Korvettenkapitan Rall engaged the ships. Some of them seeked protection re-entering the planet's atmosphere while others fled the area. At that time there was a great deal of confusion between our forces and theirs, but we managed to drive the hostiles away from New Berlin back to Sigma-13. During the period, a couple more of their ships took off New Berlin and were escorted out of Rheinland.

As the traffic in New Berlin became more quiet, a trader ship registered BOZO_BOO was hailed and ordered to stop for inspection. He refused and docked at The Ring. I told him that it was a mistake and gave him a chance to correct it by returning to the planet. As he was undocking from The Ring, I moved in to intercept figuring he might try and run. As I was moving another ship entered the area and I decided to stop it so I could inspect it. BOZO_BOO took the chance to make a run for it, completely disregarding orders to stop. I issued his name as that of an enemy of the state for disobeying military directives and warned him not to return to Rheinland as he moved out. Later, the same ship returned and was pursued by me, RepEx security operator Gunther and the ship AEGIS, all the way from New Berlin to Munich, through Halle. There, even though I warned Nuremberg's dock personnel, he managed to land his transport. I strongly recommend that we issue a letter of complaint to Nuremberg demanding explanations on the matter. It seems the dock workers in Munich feel they can ignore orders from the RM.

As we moved back to New Berlin, a Unioneer ship was spotted in Hamburg. I proceeded back to the planet so I could refuel my ship and proceed to Hamburg. AEGIS and Gunther moved in to intercept. As I reached New Berlin I happened by Korvettenkapitan Engel. I gave him the sitrep and asked him to assist in the combat against the Unioneer. Finally I managed to join the battle near Alster. The battle was fierce, but the Unioneer was outnumbered. He moved the shipyard's structures trying to avoid our fire and probably to eliminate AEGIS' threat. He managed to avoid our fire long enough and eventually slipped past our attempts to hold him in position. We followed suit in cruise engines as he moved towards Bering. AEGIS tried to box him by taking the tradelanes. Hugo Clemens probably figured AEGIS move and finally rid of the Bounty Hunter battleship's fire, disengaged his cruise engines and the fight resumed. After sometime he managed to slip from our grip again moving towards the Bering JH. There he grouped first with Bernd Schuster and finally with Simon Wildeberg. The battle started again, now around the JH. Korvettenkapitan Rall managed to reach us. All Unioneers were onto Korvettenkapitan Engel's bomber, which suffered from the lack of maneuverability compared to the Eagle and Vipers. Eventually it was clear the ship had no standing in that fight and he moved back. As we lost Damon's reinforcement the Vizeadmiral came to assist us. We pushed on further and Wildeberg's ship almost gave in to our fire, but as soon as it was clear he wouldn't last much he fled to Bering. The other two Unioneer vessels covered his retreat and soon followed suit. Both Hauptgefreiter Guntram and RepEx security operator Helios were approaching the area as the last Unioneer ship jumped to Bering. The fight was long and fierce and demanded a great deal of flying from everyone involved. I'd like to register my gratitude for the assistance from both AEGIS and the RepEx security operators, Gunther and Helios.