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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Axe - 12-30-2007

Begin Transmission

To: All SCRA fighter/bomber pilots
From: Captain Dieter Zehn

You all know about the tensions between the Coalition and the 'Brotherhood' of Corsairs. As so, there is to be no firing upon a TBH designated ship unless fired upon. If fired upon, your orders are to firstly maintain some kind of evidence that they have fired upon you first. That order is above ALL ELSE in that situation. You may then choose to either depart from the battle, or destroy them. You've all had proper SCRA training so that shouldn't be a choice for you.

In regards to ICO, they've shown their true colours. If they have any sense they won't show up near Gamma after making fools of the TBH. If they do, make sure they don't leave, REGARDLESS of what the TBH tell you. Destroy them infront of the fools if you must.

End Transmission

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 12-31-2007

Transmit to: All Revolutionaries
Comm ID: Grand Admiral McIntosh

My Brothers, you've done well, and for that, you shall be rewarded. Captain Zehn, I hereby promote you to Commodore Zehn, Commandant of the Fighter Corps. You are now the ranking fighter pilot of the Revolution. If you try to turn this down, I'll shoot you, so shut up and get your new uniform.

Captain Ares, you are now the XO of the Fighter Corps, second in rank only to one. I am also bestowing upon you the Red Star of Loyalty, for your proven and re-proven dedication to the Coalition Cause, despite the cowardly actions of your own race. Wear it with pride. Show it to your mama, when we march back onto Crete with out heads held high.

To Lt. Commander Ivan Voronov and Lt. Commander Sonja Kerensky, my humblest congratulations. Your union is an encouragement to us all that

For the rest of you: Continue to rearm and reship, the Revolution will no longer be shackled by reliance on that band of ragged survivors. Gunboat Commanders, proceed to Classified and park your ships, you'll be ferried back to HQ and can get some R&R before we acquire new vessels for you. I intend to venture into negotiations with the Colonial Remmanent to purchase IMG Gunboats as replacements for the old 'handbags'. Judging by reports, they're speedy and heavily armed, exactly what we need.

As to the Corsairs: I have assurances from the Benitez clan that they'll not fire on us, regardless of the actions of our brethren. Independent Corsairs and the decrepit Brotherhood have yet to profess intentions of peace, although there appears to be some strife within their ranks over whether or not committing suicide is a good idea...

We shall wait, comrades. Although I'm not known for waiting, I feel that this conflict will be one that, if started, can only result in the destruction of the Corsairs as a race. Remember Comrades, our goals are to convert the capitalists and the unbelievers through education and force, not to burn them to the ground and erase any record of their existence. The Revolution is a constant, living thing; it must have enemies to lead as an example of the unbeliever, lest faith among the masses flag due to a lack of example. The Corsairs, many of them, have proven themselves to be willing and able revolutionaries. Their people flock to our banners, the Army swells with recruits bearing the marks of Crete. Many of them welcome us as their saviours from the Domination of the Clans, and seek The Coalition's Banner flying Crete!

If they call us, we shall not fail them!

Comrades, we shall wait. Let the Brotherhood factionalize and argue. We shall wait. The Revolution shall not come quickly, but it shall come, come with a vengeance. We shall lead it, and others shall continue to flock to our banner.

Comrades, I speak not as your leader, but as a Believer: YOU are the Revolution, its heart and soul. YOU shall lead it to the masses, and free them from their bonds. YOU are the reason that the Coalition has stood proud for a Thousand Years!

And you, my brothers, shall not falter, because the Revolution beats in your veins, and the Revolution shall never falter.

For the Coalition! McIntosh, out.

Transmission Ended//

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Zelot - 01-03-2008

Incoming Signal-----
Signal Source: AFA Fallowed Ground, Saga Station, Tau-42
Signal Destination: SCRA Admiral Mcintosh, Omega-52
Signal ID: Ambassador Ze'ev Barak, Artisan Farmers Alliance

Admiral Mcintosh,
I understand from my sources that there has been quite a bit going on for you lately. If you would like to delay our meeting, I understand. I do think our meeting could be helpful to you, as our territory might make a good strongpoint for operations into the Tau's and Kusari space. We can meet at whatever date is avalible to you.

This is my personal comm channel:

I await your response.

Ambassador Ze'ev Barak, Artisan Farmers Alliance

Signal Terminated -----

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - chavez - 01-04-2008

...message forwarded from Ares' personal mailbox...

Quote:Message to: All Corsair Elders
Priority: TOP
Comm ID: Teresa Maniaco, Council Chamber Mainframe

Elders and Dons!

It's time to calm down the emotions and start looking for ways how to co-exist peacefully and cooperate as Corsairs!

STOP your pointless squabbles and mutual incriminations and start thinking reasonable. Is a civil war among Corsairs really your primary objective? Is your personal pride and the name of your family/brotherhood/organisation really more important than the Unity of our nation? Are you really prepared to be blamed for breaking it by future generations?

Corsairs are only strong when united. Look at the Brotherhood's lonely and failed attempt to invade Frankfurt! Do you really think it would end that way if Corsairs attacked with full strength counting united forces of several brotherhoods and families? No! And the consequences may be far more critical this time. Right now we are showing the rest of Sirius that we are weak...

I urge you, let alone your grudge and send your leaders to the Corsair Council Chamber.

I feel you all need to talk face to face.

Message ends.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Axe - 01-08-2008

Begin Transmission

To: All SCRA pilots
From: Commodore Dieter Zehn

It is my 'displeasure' to inform you that Lt.Commander Ivan Voronov has been suspended from active duty, pending an investigation, as of the sending of this message. His flight status is revoked indefinately and he is confined to his bunk. I've ordered a squad of armed Spetznaz to guard his room, no visitors allowed. This includes family. Any attempt to persuade the guards otherwise, then they have expressed orders to shoot to kill.

Captain Ares Jovem is ordered to produce a report on the actions of said suspendee ASAP, to be handed to Admiral Britanov personally. If there is any mis-information within said report, you will be shot.

If I know the Admiral, he will be punished severely.

End Transmission

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 01-08-2008

To: Admiral Viktor Britanov
CC: Commodore Dieter Zehn
Comm. ID: Captain Ares

Message Begins//

Firstly, I'd like to recommend that Lt. Commander Ivan Voronov receive the Star of Terra for his heroism in Liberty earlier this week.

Secondly, my report...

I was testing systems in Gamma, and conducting strategic mapping for possible hostilities from certain members of the Brotherhood when Voronov arrived.

He flew on my wing, as he should have, for a short while, before leaving to fly in group with a Brotherhood wing.

I ordered him to return, then contacted Commodore Zehn, who told me to order again.

He left the Brotherhood's group, but refused orders to get into an SCRA formation, stating that 'he didn't want to pick sides.'

After this, we debated various issues, and he seemed to show mental deterioration from too much front-line combat. Possible shell-shock, I don't know. He made claims like 'he's never killed anyone in his life', in spite of Commodore Zehn and I having witnessed otherwise.

His mental state worries me and he may need treatment soon... I wouldn't want to see my friend become like one of those lunatics from Alpha.

-Ares out

//Message Ends

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 01-08-2008

To: Sonja Kerensky
Comm. ID: Ares

Message Begins//

Sonja... I'm sorry to have cut short the honeymoon I had arranged for you and Ivan when those Liberty bastards jumped me with a whole fleet... but now, I have worse news.

Ivan has been detained on charges of serious insubordination and desertion of his post. I myself witnessed it, and I shall testify in his defence should he plea 'Insane'.

You see, he must have taken a knock to the head or something, chica, he's not right in the head. He's forgotten important things that have happened in front of my own eyes and Dieter Zehn's too, replacing those memories with utter fabrications. He speaks utter nonsense, and I worry for his mental wellbeing. For his safety and your own, he is being held in custody by our special forces until his trial. Zehn and I will sue for leniency on the grounds of his current mental state.

Call myself or the Commodore if you need help.

Your friend,


//Message Ends

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 01-08-2008

Comm. ID: Captain Ares

Message Begins//

I've just been training with Lt. Kessler, and he is showing remarkable progress, I must say. He improved tenfold over the course of a single training session.

Before that, myself and Captain Costello were able to capture a large amount of coded weapons and Nomad tech from a Rheinland vessel trying to sneak through Gamma.

A good day, all in.

-Ares out

//Message Ends

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 01-10-2008

To: Grand Admiral McIntosh
CC: High Command
Comm. ID: Spetsnaz Guard Zeta-4

Message Begins//

Commander Totenkopt has executed the prisoner, Ivan Voronov, for treason. The body was incinerated as ordered. His family and comrades will be told that he committed suicide due to his insanity.

Can't say we're sorry to have the crying prisoner go, Grand Admiral. I hate guard duty.

-Zeta-4 out

//Message Ends

OOC Note: Before people cry 'powerplay', see post 325 in RM's dump, please.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - desecrator - 01-10-2008

--- Incoming Transmission ---
-Trace Detected; The Krivak, Omega 52 - Transmitting Message-

Message to; SCRA High Command
CommID; Commander Nikolai Varnava

Varnava here, I have just checked over my security logs on board to the Krivak and someone has managed to gain unauthorized entry. I've check the ship, nothing is out of place. The comms and classified logs haven't been touched at all since I've left, I would of known the second someone tried to access them.

I wish for any information possible on who may of broken in to my ship reported to the second you hear it. My ship isn't something easy to break in to. Whoever did this knew what they were doing. Varnava out

--- Transmission Terminated ---