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Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Printable Version

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RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - HighHopes - 02-17-2016


[Image: q1JdtxK.png]

Full Name: Ellena Noree
Ship Name: OSI-Pumpkin
Date/Time: 16-02-823 AS, 23:56 STM
To: Omicron Supply Industries
Subject: -Report-
Encryption: High


I would like to report a small incident that took place earlier today, so other can avoid this.

So, after a day off, I have returned back to work and planned some deliveries to the Nichols Trade Center. I went on Planet Grand Cannaria and bought some Deuterium and then went to the Honshu System, to deliver the Deuterium. On my way back I took Optronic Arrays, from Planet Honshu.

Everything went as excepted with no incidents on my way to Honshu System, but on my way back to Omega-49 System happened that "incident", in Sigma-17 System, to be more precise. After jumping in the system I have set up my waypoint on Omicron Theta Jump Hole and then started thrusting toward that direction. On my way to the Jump Hole, right before my eyes, some ship started uncloaking, and right after that starting to disrupt my cruise speed with cruise disruptors. After he uncloaked I saw that it was a Kruger tagged vessel, named Kruger|KMS-Kotzen. But with some luck none of the missiles hit me and I continued my route. Oh, that pilot didn't say anything to stop nor he did ask any questions. After this he cloaked his ship again and I believe he followed me, because when I jumped into Omicron Theta System, right near me, less than 2K distance, I just saw that ship again. Now he disrupted my cruise speed and told me to stop or else ... my ship fate was not so bright. I did what he told me to do, and full stop my ship.
His ship was a 568-ARKG-B6 "Behemonth" Rheinland Transport. My first thoughts were that he wants some cash or something or my cargo (because he was a transport); well, luckily, after we had a small chat, he just wanted me to transmit a simple message to every one of us, that they don't like us and that they are watching our activities near their border. That is all what he wanted me to tell you. After this he cloaked again and left.

I went to our station, Corfu Base, to refill and then I continued my route to deliver the Optronic Arrays to our base.

And that is all I want to report. I will attach below the files with the conversation and the guncams.

[17.02.2016 08:56:17] 2016-02-16 22:56:39 SMT
[17.02.2016 08:56:17] Kruger|KMS-Kotzen: well wat do we have here
[17.02.2016 08:56:31] 2016-02-16 22:56:53 SMT
[17.02.2016 08:56:31] OSI-Pumpkin: What?
[17.02.2016 08:59:07] 2016-02-16 22:59:29 SMT
[17.02.2016 08:59:07] Kruger|KMS-Kotzen: well now dont move
[17.02.2016 08:59:32] 2016-02-16 22:59:54 SMT
[17.02.2016 08:59:32] OSI-Pumpkin: Why
[17.02.2016 08:59:44] 2016-02-16 23:00:06 SMT
[17.02.2016 08:59:44] Kruger|KMS-Kotzen: Cut engines now ZOner or else
[17.02.2016 08:59:51] 2016-02-16 23:00:13 SMT
[17.02.2016 08:59:51] OSI-Pumpkin: Ellena: Or else?
[17.02.2016 09:00:00] 2016-02-16 23:00:22 SMT
[17.02.2016 09:00:00] Kruger|KMS-Kotzen: you are considered hostile with rheinland
[17.02.2016 09:00:06] 2016-02-16 23:00:28 SMT
[17.02.2016 09:00:06] Kruger|KMS-Kotzen: because of your suport for the red hesisan army
[17.02.2016 09:00:20] 2016-02-16 23:00:42 SMT
[17.02.2016 09:00:20] Kruger|KMS-Kotzen: We remembered well your actions
[17.02.2016 09:00:31] 2016-02-16 23:00:53 SMT
[17.02.2016 09:00:31] OSI-Pumpkin: Ellena: What actions do you mean/
[17.02.2016 09:00:44] 2016-02-16 23:01:06 SMT
[17.02.2016 09:00:44] Kruger|KMS-Kotzen: suplying the Red Hessian Army with various things
[17.02.2016 09:00:54] 2016-02-16 23:01:16 SMT
[17.02.2016 09:00:54] OSI-Pumpkin: Ellena: Well we do not do that.
[17.02.2016 09:01:16] 2016-02-16 23:01:38 SMT
[17.02.2016 09:01:16] OSI-Pumpkin: Ellena: And I don't know where you got that information but it's wrong.
[17.02.2016 09:01:26] 2016-02-16 23:01:48 SMT
[17.02.2016 09:01:26] Kruger|KMS-Kotzen: Listen zoner we do not like your kind
[17.02.2016 09:01:37] 2016-02-16 23:01:59 SMT
[17.02.2016 09:01:37] Kruger|KMS-Kotzen: The one who suports the Hessian terorists
[17.02.2016 09:01:48] 2016-02-16 23:02:10 SMT
[17.02.2016 09:01:48] Kruger|KMS-Kotzen: Spread the word to other of your kind
[17.02.2016 09:02:06] 2016-02-16 23:02:28 SMT
[17.02.2016 09:02:06] Kruger|KMS-Kotzen: We will keep our eyes on your activities close to our borders
[17.02.2016 09:02:17] 2016-02-16 23:02:39 SMT
[17.02.2016 09:02:17] Kruger|KMS-Kotzen: Your life is spared
[17.02.2016 09:02:19] 2016-02-16 23:02:41 SMT
[17.02.2016 09:02:19] Kruger|KMS-Kotzen: for now

Have a nice day,
Ellena Noree.


RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Shubi - 02-18-2016

[Image: nK9IzWQ.png]
Hello everyone,

as Ellena I was also en route to get Optronic Arrays a few days ago. Incidently I ran into the same fella a few hours before she did. It all happened on my way to Honshu in the Sigma 19 system where the "Kruger|KMS-Kotzen" stopped me rather unpleasantly. We had a little talk (see attached communication logs) which seemed to be aggressive on his side. Luckily his ship had some kind of complete power failure. I took my chance and flew the scene. Thankfully I was already around 15k away when his power returned and he didn't decide to follow me any further. After that I safely made it to Honshu were I stocked my cargo with the Optronic Arrays. Just to be sure I stayed at the planet for a while before I returned to Omega 49.

On the same day I also had another encounter with a much nicer guy who is staying at Planet Gran Canaria as I took it. After a little chat he offered us some Nomad Battleship Remains, ten to be precise. He didn't go into detail about the price and all. He seems to be in an organisation called the Terrans. For more details, please see the communication log.


  1. Communication log Kruger|KMS-Kotzen
  2. Communication log Battleship Remains
[Image: JYa8QhE.png]

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Stoner_Steve - 02-29-2016

[Image: RRvg2De.png]

Attention Current Employees,

We are happy to announce that for the month of February OSI built 28 advanced equipment items worth 4,550,812,680 credits. Bonus payments for the month stand at 1,590,929,590 credits. This represents 2,726,000+ units of cargo moved or about 90,000 units a day for this month.

Payment distribution is as follows

Nemo - 296,751,350 credits
Mendes - 710,641,740 credits
Voncloud - 8,400,000 credits
Brown - 293,915,000 credits
Mahagadz - 28,246,000 credits
Tunicle - 39,450,000 credits
HighHopes - 213,524,500 credits.

Please send your account information to our S.K.Y.P.3 communicator for payment distribution.
[Image: transmissionbottom.png]

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Stoner_Steve - 03-26-2016

[Image: RRvg2De.png]

Attention OSI Logistics,

Find attached manifests for 30,000 units of Industrial Hardware to the Outer Rim University.

Isaac Nemo
Omicron Supply Industries

5,000/30,000 - Bill of Moor
10,000/30,000 - Bill of Moor
15,000/30,000 - Bill of Moor
20,000/30,000 - Bill of Moor
25,000/30,000 - Bill of Moor
30,000/30,000 - Bill of Moor

[Image: transmissionbottom.png]

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Shubi - 03-26-2016

[Image: nK9IzWQ.png]
To OSI Logistics

I had a rather busy day working on the contract for the Outer Rim University. It's a great thing to have such a facility out there, I might support them in some way. But I'm getting sidetracked. I did 9 deliveries of 5000 units of Industrial Hardware each. That makes a total of 45000 units of Industrial Hardware, see attached logs.

Matt Brown

  1. 5000/45000
  2. 10000/45000
  3. 15000/45000
  4. 20000/45000
  5. 25000/45000
  6. 30000/45000
  7. 35000/45000
  8. 40000/45000
  9. 45000/45000

[Image: JYa8QhE.png]

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - HighHopes - 03-26-2016


[Image: rkYlc0Q.png]

Full Name: Ellena Noree
Ship Name: OSI-Pumpkin
Date/Time: 26-03-823 AS, 21:25 UTC
To: Omicron Supply Industries Logistics
Subject: -Industrial Hardware Delivery Report-
Encryption: High


Today I did 3 deliveries of 5,000 units of Industrial Hardware each (15,000 units in total) to Outer Rim University. I attached below the logs.

Have a nice day,
Ellena Noree.

1. 5.000/15.000
2. 10.000/15.000
3. 15.000/15.000


RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Stoner_Steve - 04-01-2016

[Image: RRvg2De.png]

Attention Current Employees,

We are happy to announce that for the month of March OSI built 21 advanced equipment items worth 4,470,000,000 credits. Bonus payments for the month stand at 1,261,529,380 credits. This represents 1,769,835 units of cargo moved with a daily average of 58,994 units

Payment distribution is as follows

Mendes - 638,525,000 credits
Voncloud - 8,400,000 credits (Payment From Febuary)
Brown - 303,410,000 credits
Mahagadz - 60,358,380 credits + 28,300,000 credits (Payment From Febuary)
Tunicle - 20,330,000 credits
HighHopes - 107,897,500 credits
Reynolds - 131,008,500 credits

Please send your account information to our S.K.Y.P.3 communicator for payment distribution.
[Image: transmissionbottom.png]

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Tunicle - 04-02-2016

[Image: 2h4hzqt.jpg]

Good day,

deliveries of High Performance Alloy to Outer Rim University, 6 loads giving 40 000 units in total

1: Load 1
2: Load 2
3: Load 3
4: Load 4
5: Load 5
6: Load 6

plus 5000 checked by >Z|U< Polaris and 5000 with corrupted docking file so only evidence is the 40 000 used in the build.

This completes that phase of the order.


[Image: ghoqQvf.png]

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Tunicle - 04-06-2016

[Image: 2h4hzqt.jpg]

Good day,

a load of Optronic Arrays delivered to Outer Rim University


[Image: ghoqQvf.png]

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - RBP - 05-27-2016

[Image: UPQ6DeR.png]

You lot ought to deactivate the access codes to the company's network. My old codes still works. Not that you have anything to fear from me.

*he grins*

Been away on leave, apologies I never left a message. If y'all will have me back, I'd like to fly again for OSI. My ship has been repaired and has amassed enough dust as it is. I'm sick of sticking to a planet, miss the open space.

I'll be on planet Gran Canaria, if you need to find me.

[Image: transmissionbottom.png]