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Sunbucks Cafe - Drakaisyl - 01-19-2011

Imphy stood in the shadow of one of the near alcove, watching the people coming in the Café. Imphy, wearing her Black Watch Uniform, too, which helped her to be overlooked by the most of the guests. When Jess walked into the Café, Imphy was a bit surprised, seeing another Black Watch Uniform, too. She looked at Jess a few Seconds, before she slowly walked into Jess'€™s direction. '€œHello Miss.'€ She greeted the other girl, which turned around to her. '€œOh hello.'€ She replied and Imphy smiled a bit. '€œQuite full today'€¦don'€™t know why.'€ She said, while she loked around after a free seat, the same as Jess did before. '€œDo you want something to drink? I could fetch us something.'€ Offered Imphy to Jess, still smiling.

Sunbucks Cafe - Widow - 01-19-2011

"I just ordered a coffee..." Jess said trailing off as someone she thought she recognized entered the bar. Imphy noticed her pause and the slight shake of the head, Jess glanced around the room, hoping no one would have seen her do that. Averting her gaze to the floor she asked "you wouldn't happen to know where I can get something more... Alcoholic.. Had a rough day.. They don't seem to like me so much here... " She looked up, directly at Imphy, her the light reflecting off her eyes, giving them a glowing appearance. She gave her a half smile before looking back down at the ground.

Sunbucks Cafe - Altejago - 01-20-2011

As he walks into the bar, he notices the ladies loitering about the bar. "Is that...?" He thinks to himself, "surely not"

A takes a seat, down the back, facing the door. Always alert, always scanning. Some things are just second nature to him. He examines to room, clears it in his head. Glances back at the women, particularly the one staring at the ground. He hears a mutter, something resembling a bad day. And then he remembers.

"Jess, is that you?" He questions, raising from his seat. "Is that really you?"

Sunbucks Cafe - Widow - 01-20-2011

Jess looked up, at the man who had just spoken. "That depends who's asking..." She eyed him up suspiciously, she knew him but could not quite remember where from. Ever since she was injured in an escape attempt from some Rogue's holding her hostage demanding a prisoner exchange, her memory hadn't been the greatest. She ran her hand over a scar on the left side of her forehead, barely visible unless you looked for it, and flinched at the memories it bought back.

Sunbucks Cafe - Altejago - 01-20-2011

He stops, pauses a moment as he discovers the new scar upon her face, and his memories of the last time they saw each other when she was departing on her doomed mission before her capture, in early 816.

"Jess, its 'Jago, Altejago. I was your wingman.... we went through flight school together" He starts to move forward, assessing Imphy. Though he was now an official member of the Black Watch, he still hadn't associated with the rest of the crew yet.

"Ma-am, *nods*" in Imphy's direction

Sunbucks Cafe - Widow - 01-20-2011

"'Jago..." she frowned, taking a step back towards the bar, in what one could only say was fear, as he moved towards her and Imphy, while going through the little memories she had left, trying to put two and two together. A look of recognition replaced the frown, "Oh, 'Jago...!" she practically jumped on him, giving him a hug, startling a few of the officers around her with the sudden burst of energy.

"Sorry.. You will have to forgive me, My memory is a little... shotty.... at the moment, well, it has been for a while, Doctors don't think I will get the memories I've lost back from... well... um, yeah... " She trailed off, going quiet as her hand moved back up to the scar subconsciously. She seemed uncomfortable with it being there, even though it was hardly noticeable. She started talking again, this time on a different topic. "Flight school.. Wow... That was a while ago. So how have things been? anything new been happening? Would you like a drink of anything? my shout.." She stopped and looked him up and down, "Blackwatch, eh?" She laughed slightly, "fancy that, back on the same team again.." She trailed off into thought, obviously unsure of herself and weather she should even be saying anything.

Sunbucks Cafe - Altejago - 01-20-2011

'Jago beams "Yeah, sought after even. How about you? Last I heard you were blasted into scrap metal!"

He beckons the waitress, and acknowledges Imphy again with a question, "What are you drinking there lass?"

Sunbucks Cafe - Widow - 01-20-2011

"Yeah... Scrap metal... A little bit of an understatement.. I guess I'll tell you about what happened one day... thats if you wanted to hear it.." She started playing with her nails, getting frustrated because her drink wasn't ready yet. When Altejago asked Imphy about her drink, she glanced up, waiting for her answer, before returning to chipping the brightly colored nail polish off "I never liked this color anyway.." She muttered.

Sunbucks Cafe - Drakaisyl - 01-20-2011

Imphy looked to the Man,who just came to her and Jess. After a short look on him, checking if there would be any danger from him,she answered on his question. "Nothing for me.Iam fine" she replied and looked to Jess as she started to play with her finger nails.While Jess moved her hand over the scar,Imphy registered it but didn't react on it.She had seen scars so she wasn't shocked and it didn't smaller the beauty of the face from Jess,at least in her eyes. "May I ask who you are exactly?" she asked the Man.

Sunbucks Cafe - Widow - 01-20-2011

"Oh... Right.. This is 'Jago." She said replying for him "Well, Altejago... Heh.. you probably gathered that we went to flight school together.. Apparently, Well, by what you are wearing, I am guessing he is part of blackwatch also." She stopped and frowned slightly, then sighed. "To be honest I don't remember much more. I know that we were really close, and made one hell of a team.. most criminals saw us and ran.. Apart from that, 'Jago will have to fill you in."

"She glanced up at Imphy "You sure you dont want some coffee, or water, or juice or something?"