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Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Printable Version

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Rheinland Military Message Dump - mwerte - 12-12-2007

"Open Program: Message. Create blank message"
Specify Recipiant
"RM High Command"
Create Message

"Tonight as I battled insomnia I went out to play tag with a few Hessians. En route to the Sigma-13 JumpHole I noticed [LLJK]Kerc in-system with me. I informed him that he needed to move out of Rheinland space immediatly as he is GMG. I was present for the debacle earlier today in which [RM] Hans Kreiger and other RM officers forcably removed these people from Rheinland's boarders. I also noticed a Corsair tagged freighter and told him that he needed to leave and return only when his tag was correct. He did have a trader ID though.

No RM forces were in space at the time and I shudder to think of what [LLJK] might have done with no one around to stop them"

Victor Remond

"P.S. If you feel that I did something wrong, please send me a private message so that I can correct the problem."

"End Message. Seal, stamp, and send."


Rheinland Military Message Dump - mjolnir - 12-13-2007

Sender: Hauptgefreiter Friedrich Lang
Destination: Rheinland Military Intelligence Offices
Subject: Engagement report

On patrol in New Berlin I received a message from a Jupiter Guild pilot under attack by 2 Corsair gunboats in the Stuttgart system. I moved in, found one of the gunboats and engaged.... the Jupiter Guild pilot lost his thruster and was killed quickly... I slowly wore down the gunboat but when the other came to help him I was forced to call Lance Corporal Fuhrmann for help. Immediately after he arrived the first gunboat exploded:

[Image: dexter.jpg]

A Blood Dragon pilot appeared on our radar, but we focused on destroying the other gunboat first:

[Image: vincent.jpg]

Then it was just us in 2 bombers against a blood dragon VHF.... the ship proved difficult to hit but we managed to damage him before 2 ships from RepEx security division arrived. With their help the Dragon was finally destroyed.

[Image: marz.jpg]

We thanked RepEx for their help and headed to New Berlin system for ammo reload. As we entered the nearest trade line a pirate transport just flew through!!! We couldn't believe our own eyes.. he came right into our grasp, hauling a full load of artifacts. We ordered him to stop, but he didn't answer and tried to run.
After a short pursuit we managed to disrupt his cruise engines and Lance Corporal Fuhrmann dealt the final blow.

[Image: afa.jpg]

My ship is now being reloaded and refitted on the military base at New Berlin.

Lang out


Rheinland Military Message Dump - tfmachad - 12-13-2007

Sender: Obergefreiter Hans Krieger
Destination: Rheinland Military Command Offices
Subject: Patrol report


Two LLJK (GMG) ships were spotted in New Berlin today, after being hailed they requested permission to cross Rheinland space. I denied and ordered them back. One of the pilots said he had injured crewmen aboard his ship from an attack by pirates and needed urgent medical assistance. A sudden ion storm then hit New Berlin.

After the ion storm I managed to find one single LLJK ship, the same one with the supposed injured personnel. The ship was already roaming inside New Berlin space and I ordered it to the planet if it indeed was in need of medical assistance, otherwise they'd be shot down. The pilot responded and said he'd come to the planet.

Given the nature of the encounter I proceeded with extreme prejudice and warned the captain of the LLJK ship that if his distress call was a ruse I'd have his ship destroyed. Curiously a PRF bounty hunter took my threat to the LLJK ship personally and threatened me back stating that if I had the GMG ship destroyed he'd, in turn, destroy my ship.

I ignored his colorful remark as the LLJK ship approached the planet entering scanners range. I ordered the ship to stop, but the pilot then veered and took the tradelanes to Frankfurt. As I engaged cruise to follow my engines faltered and I could not give pursuit. The ship AEGIS and the pilot Seb Rooks followed the runaway ship and had it destroyed.

I then turned my attention back to the bounty hunter. He continued with his cheap threats and questioning of my authority. After refusing the opportunity to take his statements back I issued a him a ban from Rheinland space until he sent a letter to RM offices apologizing for his behaviour. A few minutes later he tried to offer me money to allow him safe passage again inside Rheinland territory. I, of course, denied. So I'm hereby requesting that a formal ban be issued on the bounty hunter ship registered [PRF]-Chucky and that a request be sent to the Bounty Hunter's Guild nullifying his permit until he learns his place within our territory and more yet, in the midst of military officers.


Rheinland Military Message Dump - tfmachad - 12-14-2007

Sender: Obergefreiter Hans Krieger
Destination: Rheinland Military Command Offices
Subject: Patrol report


A Blood Dragon Raven's Talon came straight from the Frankfurt JG today while I was inspecting traders outside New Berlin. The ship, registered Illusion, came out of the tradelanes and opened fire immediately. Me, RepEx security operator 747 and a couple of civilians engaged the criminal. After a couple of minutes we managed to get rid of the hostile ship, without any damage taken by the civilian traders in the area.


Rheinland Military Message Dump - tfmachad - 12-15-2007

Sender: Obergefreiter Hans Krieger
Destination: Rheinland Military Command Offices
Subject: Patrol report


A pirate named Skeletor tried to avoid me in Hamburg. He refused orders to stop and managed to get past me and enter New Berlin. I managed to stop him before he reached Dortmund. On his hold were numerous civilian and navy pilots. They were all rescued after his ship was destroyed.

After a tiring fight involving both me and Hauptgefreiter Lang in our bombers and a Bundschuh in a Sabre VHF, both Vizeadmiral Freelamen and the Feuer came to assist us. After a few minutes the criminal realized he had no chance to win against such odds and fled the area. As we pursued we surprised a pilot smuggling Cardamine and Synthetic Marijuana. As he managed to dock in Kreuzberg before being intercepted, we issued a warrant for the retrieval of the illegal material.

All crafts landed, but I returned in a Wrath. Hauptgefreiter Krupinski joined me in space. Long range stations reported Unioneers pirating in Hamburg and we move in to intercept. We found them between Planet Hamburg and the JG to Bering pirating a trader. Fortunately the trader had an escort who kept the Unioneers at bay until we arrived. As we engaged both the trader and his escort left the scene.

As usual, the Unioneers showed great resistance, but the Hauptgefreiter managed to destroy Bernd Schuster's ship. Hugo Clemens continued the fight against both of us, but his nanobots and shield batteries reserves continuously waned and he eventually fled to Bering.

As we returned to New Berlin, a Corsair (Tinky[TBH]) made an attempt into our territory. Hauptgefreiter Lang singlehandedly drove the gunboat off New Berlin to Sigma-13 before I arrived at the scene.


Rheinland Military Message Dump - Razr - 12-16-2007

Comm ID: Lieutenant Commander Gunther Rall
To: Rheinland Military Personnel

Beginning Transmission.....

It seems some ships tagged LLJK need to be reminded of their status in our space. They openly admit to being GMG and their identification cards reflect such. Give them a warm welcome, and show them how we feel. If I see another dock on New Berlin there will be hell to pay. I've even heard reports of them bragging about "duping" us. I will NOT have this military be made a mockery of. You have your orders ladies and gentlemen let's see what you can do, the LLJK are now officially kill on sight.

Transmission Ends.......

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Turkish - 12-16-2007

[Incoming Message]
[Com ID: Lance Corporal. Wolfgang Luth]
[Subject: Aye Sir!]

I hereby recognise your orders and will gladly carry them out.
Lets show these boys who the RM are!

Luth out.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - tfmachad - 12-16-2007

Sender: Obergefreiter Hans Krieger
Destination: Korvettenkapitan Gunther Rall


Read and understood, sir. I will carry out your orders without the slightest hesitation.


Rheinland Military Message Dump - Dieter Schprokets - 12-16-2007

Message received and acknowledged.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - yurineova - 12-16-2007

Orders acknowledged and will be carried out.