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The Colonial Republic Feedback Thread - Printable Version

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The Colonial Republic Feedback Thread - Dashiell - 01-14-2011

' Wrote:Should be solved.
I am sorry, but your rants amount of flaming and trolling is not high enough and therefore has been ignored. (PM sent ;) )


Your faction sucks. I hate everything about it.

I was once ganked by 100 Zephyrs in my Sea Serpent (and they still lost, who balanced those things?) so they called in the admins and I was jailed for being too awesome.

and Java control also called me a... it rhymes with 'tanker' when I told her not to shoot me as I was busy baseraping/dockkilling Nyxes.

damn you all.

ppsst: I'll set up some coding now

The Colonial Republic Feedback Thread - Jansen - 01-14-2011

' Wrote:fine.

Your faction sucks. I hate everything about it.

I was once ganked by 100 Zephyrs in my Sea Serpent (and they still lost, who balanced those things?) so they called in the admins and I was jailed for being too awesome.

and Java control also called me a... it rhymes with 'tanker' when I told her not to shoot me as I was busy baseraping/dockkilling Nyxes.

damn you all.

ppsst: I'll set up some coding now

Thank you for the positive feedback, I appreciate that you are a fan of our work. And please thank the IMG for Java as well, it isnt out base (yet). And why should Java control call you a banker? I dont understand this.

And thanks.

The Colonial Republic Feedback Thread - Dashiell - 01-14-2011

' Wrote:Thank you for the positive feedback, I appreciate that you are a fan of our work. And please thank the IMG for Java as well, it isnt out base (yet). And why should Java control call you a banker? I dont understand this.

And thanks.

ye ye

I'll tell ya where to stuff your thanks.

It's somewhere between 'die you frakkin gankers who always oorp' and 'stop cowering at java when 50 lolranseurs are on top of you'

and I object to java as well. it should be called Poophead Station and it should be pink. ha! in ur faec!

*does backflip*

The Colonial Republic Feedback Thread - Jansen - 01-14-2011

And thats the point where I would like you to leave this feedback thread because your feedback is too constructive. My simple mind can not handle all of this information, so please safe me, or the whales.

The Colonial Republic Feedback Thread - Dashiell - 01-14-2011

edit: thx for moving the ship(bow)

The Colonial Republic Feedback Thread - Zytahar - 03-11-2011

wrong thread...

The Colonial Republic Feedback Thread - casero - 03-19-2011

Is this man representing the CR as a whole?
Is he even on a "Leading" position?

The Colonial Republic Feedback Thread - Panzer - 03-19-2011

Sorda. And yeah I know the "nemo debet esse iudex in propria causa"

Nevertheless, sorry for being a Panzy? I guess? [Apologising in advance]

* Panzer gets scared off

The Colonial Republic Feedback Thread - Jansen - 03-19-2011

This man seems to be our beloved Panzer and if its about the KNF Feedback thread, then I would say, no he is not representing us as a whole, he is merely asking a few questions which seem to be of interest for himself.

The Colonial Republic Feedback Thread - casero - 03-29-2011

Jansen is right.