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RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Doria - 05-28-2016

[Image: rE3kabW.png]

Hey there, Paulson. Long time no see...

Well, we need more good pilots. Always. And you must've heard at least of the mess at Freeport 11. Stuff needs to be moved.

Since you are in Canaria, report to OSI Headquarter, Human Resources department, to have your flight license re-activated. Ask to have your whale checked by our repair crews, and good flights!

Welcome back.

Starr out.

David Starr
Chief Executive Officer
Omicron Supply Industries

[Image: qDFBbvU.png]

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Sombs - 08-15-2016

[Image: osikyu2_by_rhulaner-da7qvs5.gif]

Akibara here!

The production of the Cloaking Device MKII is done and it is already sold. I'll focus now on the delivery of the materials we need for the production of the Cloak Disruptor Type-1. I suggest we put two additional medium cloaking devices in queue. Last time I checked the equipment market on the neural net, they were looking for those things. Will make sure we have enough material for the construction then.

By the way, my first days here were quite cool. Not a single pirate so far. Hope it will stay that way.

Kyu Akibara

[Image: osiapp_by_rhulaner-da7qrwf.gif]

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Sombs - 08-15-2016

[Image: osikyu2_by_rhulaner-da7qvs5.gif]

Akibara here again!

All productions on Nichols have been finished. The Docking Module, the Cloaking Disruptor Type-1 and the Cloaking Device MK-2 for medium-sized vessels are waiting in the equipment shop. I updated the delivery sheets. Also, Rochester Base in New London is no longer offering Magnetic Superconductors. I suggest getting them directly at Ageira's Pueblo Station in Colorado, using the Ontario-route. Less dangerous, less time-consuming than the New York-route.

By the way, I wanted to share the audio logs of this little encounter, as I find it amusing. A hessian fighter asked me to stop on the lane between New London and the Dublin gate. I was hauling Industrial Hardware to Nichols, as this guy wanted me to drop the load.

[15.08.2016 16:26:36] OSI-Tilapia: Kyu: Good day, Hessian.
[15.08.2016 16:26:39] Herman_Boehm: STOP!
[15.08.2016 16:26:50] OSI-Tilapia: Kyu: What's it?
[15.08.2016 16:26:56] Herman_Boehm: STOP!
[15.08.2016 16:27:06] OSI-Tilapia: Kyu: I'm on schedule, buddy.
[15.08.2016 16:27:38] Herman_Boehm: drop all cargo or pay 10 milion credit
[15.08.2016 16:27:51] OSI-Tilapia: Kyu: Well, then take my cargo.
[15.08.2016 16:28:17] OSI-Tilapia: Kyu: Happy now?
[15.08.2016 16:28:55] Herman_Boehm: you can take the load
[15.08.2016 16:29:07] OSI-Tilapia: Kyu: Sure?
[15.08.2016 16:29:11] Herman_Boehm: yes
[15.08.2016 16:29:21] OSI-Tilapia: Kyu: Well, then, thank you, I guess?
[15.08.2016 16:29:32] Herman_Boehm: ok, fly
[15.08.2016 16:29:46] OSI-Tilapia: Kyu: Have a nice flight.

The cargo made it to Nichols unharmed. Maybe the pilot was just training.

Kyu Akibara

[Image: osiapp_by_rhulaner-da7qrwf.gif]

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Peyer - 09-26-2016

> Incoming Transmission

CommID: Petro Velocities
Origin: Planet Gran Canaria, Omega-49 system
Subject: Nichols Trade Center supply report


I haven't reported here for a very long time. I delivered a lot of goods to factories located at Nichols Trade Center in the few last days.
Here is my supply report:
Argentium Silver: 7120 units to Jump Drive Factory
Gravity Field Stabiliziers: 716 units to Jump Drive Factory
Industrial Hardware: 10740 units
Iridium: 3580 units to Cloak Discruptor Factory
Plasmonic Metamaterials: 10740 units to Cloak Discruptor Factory and Cloaking Device Factory
Quantum Arrays: 2400 units
Robotic Hardware: 17900 units

Due to problems with my ZBT-1002 "Whale" I'm forced to use BK-65 "Serenity". It's a very good ship, but I feel lack of cargo space compared to my ZBT vessel. I'd be greatful if you could help me resolve this problem.

Petro Velocities

> End Transmission

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Sombs - 12-03-2016

[Image: osikyu2_by_rhulaner-da7qvs5.gif]

Akibara here again!

[Image: placeholder_by_rhulaner-daqhlyg.png]

See this blue blur here?I stumbled across it today, and I like it. A few independent traders use this already. It's a jump hole to Omicron Kappa, near the gate to Manchester in New London. So I tried it, and it's pure gold, friends. I looked up an easy but profitable route here:

Grab Iridium from Freeport 11 and bring it to New London - everyone and their mother will buy it there, but I suggest doing so at Kensington. Then head for Curacao and get a load of tea there. Freeport 11 is weirdly interested in mass-importing it, and I don't see a reason to question this. We should exploit this jump hole as much as we can. People say it's not there forever. Maybe we can also get someone to investigate this phenomena.

Also, maybe we can earn some reputation with the Bretonian Police aswell, as I saw some smugglers abusing this new link. Like this one here.

[Image: placeholder_by_rhulaner-daqhmvi.png]

Maybe we can make a deal with the BPA to get a free Mox transport license as long as this jump hole is there, as I know they also import Mox at Freeport 11. According to Bretonian Laws, we need a license to bring it there.

Kyu Akibara

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Sombs - 12-03-2016

[Image: osikyu2_by_rhulaner-da7qvs5.gif]

Akibara here again...

Do not go there! Avoid this jump hole at all cost - I just got surprised by very heavy hitting nomads. My Whale is out of order for a while... damn, I really wasn't expecting this. They use some sort of torpedo that ripped the ship into pieces! With one shot! I'm glad it didn't hid the bridge, otherwise I wouldn't have made it to the escape pod.

Damn, and here I thought we could use that thing.

Kyu Akibara

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Sombs - 01-08-2017

[Image: placeholder_by_rhulaner-darhy0o.png]

To all OSI personnel,

I guess the most of you already have heard the news about Freeport 11 and the recent Core ambush on Zoners. If not, this transmission went through the public channels last night, followed by the Confederation of Freeports requesting assistance from everyone out there. I think we can all agree the Core is a powerhungry, warmongering monster, and since my defection from it last year, it just got worse with them. However, we now have to think about our moves.

I know, we have some pilots within OSI that can't wait to fly over to Freeport 11 and help there, and that's just fine. We need to do it the right way, though. Transports heading to Omicron Delta are advised to be extremely carefully, as I doubt the Core will make any difference for us.

1. Do not go there if not necessary.
2. Equip your Whale with a transport cloaking device to ensure the Core will not get you.
3. Leave Omicron Delta as soon as possible. Do not idle there. Don't risk anything.
4. Do not partake in potentially battles. Do not insult the Core or anyone else. No provocations.

I'm sure we also have a few people that would want to support Freeport 11 in it's defense, but we shall not go there uncoordinated. Do not do anything stupid. Don't do anything on your own. The Core is dangerous, probably just as dangerous as the Nomads, and they are trained in combat. They are an entire different league than us, and although we may have a few good combat pilots as well, I advise you to not go there without the approval of the Board of Directors. If you want to help Freeport 11, do it on a logistical base. We value our pilots, but our training program isn't nearly as professional as the one of the Core is. I know what I'm talking about.

Remember, Omicron Supply Industries priorities are your priorities. That may sounds ignorant given the situation in Omicron Delta, but until the Board of Directors is giving you concrete orders, we will not interfere there. Right now, the best chances to solve this situation is to not have it escalate any further, and maybe the CoF is able to find a peaceful solution to this. The ceasefire was working quite a while. It should work for another while.

Kyu Akibara
Advisor of Omicron Supply Industries

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Sombs - 01-09-2017

[Image: placeholder_by_rhulaner-darhy0o.png]

To all OSI personnel,

when you're out there, keep your eyes peeled for the ships with the following designations:

Ship DesignationType
[ZMCS]-FP-66|ArcadiaNephilim-class Colony Ship
I-401Aquilon-class Light Carrier

Collect as much information as possible about those ships without acting suspicious. Don't get yourself into trouble. Less is sometimes more. If you happen to see those two ships, report it here. The latest public channels, like this one and this one indicate the very possibility to end this horrible situation in Omicron Delta, which seems to be caused by the Captains and Crews of those two ships. The more information we can gather one those, the better it is. The CoF and the Core will need it if we want to have this not escalate any further.

Also, pilots, again a warning about entering Omicron Delta. We have encountered a minor setback last night and are still waiting for the actual reports about it to come it. The situation there is dangerous, but it seems less to be about the Core but about the other factions that are suddenly appearing there to, well, do whatever they think it right. If possible, hire escorts!

Kyu Akibara
Advisor of Omicron Supply Industries

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Sombs - 01-10-2017

[Image: placeholder_by_rhulaner-darhy0o.png]

Akibara reporting.

[Image: HbRs6P6.png]

This is the current situation in Omicron Delta. The people did as they said, yet nobody knows exactly who it was. One side claims it was infected people, the other side blames the Core. OSI-Raido, piloted by Maria Shelby, escorted me to Omicron Delta to investigate the current situation there, and it is chaotic. We found a Kusari Battlecruiser of the Kempetai there, trying to fend of the local nomad population. At the Freeport, Shelby and I took some scans of the Freeport. It's structural integrity could be better, but it is still alive. We were unable to dock or to communicate with the Freeport, and it seems it is disconnected from the Neural Net right now. The radiation of the NEMP bomb is very strong in the radius of like 7.500 K around the Freeport, variating, though.

We took samples of debris and got enough scans of the Freeport to have our scientists and technicians on Canaria working on a solution on how to fix the issue. Will take time, and probably a lot of ressources to repair everything to an operational level.

In the meantime, I suggest every OSI vessel to stay away from Omicron Delta. The situation is unstable there.

To the Board of Directors,

we have encountered one of the two ships that are requested to the handed out to the Core. Here are the audio logs.

[09.01.2017 22:09:35] OSI-Kyu.Akibara: Scanners are working. Full scan will be completed in a minute.
[09.01.2017 22:09:42] Charles.d'Tancarville: Who didn't make it, died a terrible death...
[09.01.2017 22:09:54] Lambda: Alex: I see, The Core definetly hit hard this time. Its much worse then the last time they attacked.
[09.01.2017 22:09:59] OSI-Raido: Maria: Use my ship as a relay, i'm only 50 M away.
[09.01.2017 22:10:07] OSI-Kyu.Akibara: That's one of the two ships the Core was looking for.
[09.01.2017 22:10:31] OSI-Raido: Maria: Dammit, lost the cloak.
[09.01.2017 22:10:35] OSI-Kyu.Akibara: OSI Advisor Kyu Akibara to I-401. What's your status?
[09.01.2017 22:10:57] I-401: ?: All systems are green. Scanners clean.
[09.01.2017 22:11:13] OSI-Kyu.Akibara: Could you please identify your self, Captain?
[09.01.2017 22:11:39] I-401: ?: Captain? *She laughs* I am not the captain. My captain is not here at the moment.
[09.01.2017 22:12:00] OSI-Raido: Maria: Full base scan in progress.
[09.01.2017 22:12:03] OSI-Kyu.Akibara: Then could you kindly tell me your name and the name of your captain?
[09.01.2017 22:12:12] Did you end up lost? Can't find your way back? Use the Interactive NavMap on our forums.
[09.01.2017 22:12:41] OSI-Kyu.Akibara: Thanks for the escort, Izu.
[09.01.2017 22:12:54] I-401: ?: The name of my captain is classified. But my name is Iona.
[09.01.2017 22:12:56] KDS-Izu: safe flights
[09.01.2017 22:13:22] OSI-Kyu.Akibara: Hello then, Iona. Your ships name catched quiet some attention on the official channels.
[09.01.2017 22:13:39] OSI-Kyu.Akibara: Could you tell me why the Core is interested in you that much?
[09.01.2017 22:14:05] OSI-Raido: Maria: Scan complete. Transferring data to you Kyu.
[09.01.2017 22:14:28] OSI-Kyu.Akibara: Thank you, Miss Shelby. Good job. Keep your eyes peeled.
[09.01.2017 22:14:37] OSI-Raido: Maria: Copy.
[09.01.2017 22:14:51] I-401: Iona: Maybe because we shot some of their ships recently.
[09.01.2017 22:14:57] Lambda: Freelancer designated Charles.d'Tancarville, you're carriying Order Pilots, would you mind transfering them to my ship?
[09.01.2017 22:15:12] OSI-Kyu.Akibara: May I ask why you did so, I-401?
[09.01.2017 22:15:22] Charles.d'Tancarville: Request denied.
[09.01.2017 22:15:47] I-401: Iona: You can read it on the unencrypted message to the CoF.
[09.01.2017 22:16:10] OSI-Kyu.Akibara: Will do it. Thank you for informing me about it.
[09.01.2017 22:16:26] I-401: Iona: The transmission was send by the Arcadia.
[09.01.2017 22:16:35] OSI-Kyu.Akibara: May I ask, given your troublesome situation, what you are intending to do next?
[09.01.2017 22:17:52] I-401: Iona: The core allied with the nomads... they are traitors... we have to eliminate them.....
[09.01.2017 22:18:07] OSI-Kyu.Akibara: We?
[09.01.2017 22:19:00] I-401: Iona: Yes. We.
[09.01.2017 22:19:13] OSI-Kyu.Akibara: Who is "We" in your definiton?
[09.01.2017 22:20:07] I-401: Iona: We. The Freeport defenders. You didnt saw what i saw several hours ago.
[09.01.2017 22:20:45] OSI-Kyu.Akibara: I am sure you have a good reason for your acting. That's not the question. I just wish to learn about the details.
[09.01.2017 22:21:06] OSI-Raido: Maria: Permission to retreat to Livadia. The radiation is burning into my ship's hull.
[09.01.2017 22:21:21] OSI-Kyu.Akibara: Permission granted. Safe skies, Miss Shelby.
[09.01.2017 22:21:34] OSI-Raido: Maria. Likewise, and good luck.
[09.01.2017 22:21:51] OSI-Kyu.Akibara: You too. Thanks for accompanying me.
[09.01.2017 22:22:00] OSI-Raido: Maria: COme home safe!
[09.01.2017 22:22:03] I-401: Iona: The details? The Core are terrorist. They are nothing more.... They must pay.
[09.01.2017 22:22:39] OSI-Kyu.Akibara: Could you do me a favour and share all your proofs about your motivation with me?
[09.01.2017 22:22:51] OSI-Kyu.Akibara: Like, it does not need to be right now.
[09.01.2017 22:23:01] OSI-Kyu.Akibara: You can send me the details via Neural Net later.
[09.01.2017 22:23:12] OSI-Kyu.Akibara: It is however important that you do it.
[09.01.2017 22:23:36] OSI-Kyu.Akibara: The Confederation of Freeports is in important negoations with the Core about a peaceful solution to this situation.
[09.01.2017 22:23:40] I-401: Iona: I can try it... but i lost most of my database in that fight today.... i am still damaged.
[09.01.2017 22:23:55] OSI-Kyu.Akibara: Anything you can offer us will help, Iona.
[09.01.2017 22:24:14] OSI-Kyu.Akibara: Maybe we find a way to prevent even more damage.
[09.01.2017 22:24:24] OSI-Kyu.Akibara: *He looks at the Freeport.*
[09.01.2017 22:24:56] I-401: Iona: Did you read the news?
[09.01.2017 22:25:12] OSI-Kyu.Akibara: Everything that was on the public channels.
[09.01.2017 22:25:23] OSI-Kyu.Akibara: However, things there aren't as detailed as we may need it.
[09.01.2017 22:25:49] I-401: Iona: Core will eradicate every zoner ship in the omicrons.....
[09.01.2017 22:25:52] OSI-Kyu.Akibara: Omicron Supply Industries already sent transports to bring casualties from the Freeport to our institutions on Canaria.
[09.01.2017 22:26:03] OSI-Kyu.Akibara: What makes you think they will?
[09.01.2017 22:26:45] I-401: Iona: The announcement to all Zoners....
[09.01.2017 22:27:37] OSI-Kyu.Akibara: But you are able to make a difference. This is not the Core High Command.
[09.01.2017 22:27:55] I-401: Iona: That makes no difference.... they will.
[09.01.2017 22:28:07] OSI-Kyu.Akibara: This was the girl that started the first Core-Zoner-Conflict months ago.
[09.01.2017 22:28:33] OSI-Kyu.Akibara: The current Core Guildmaster Jack Daniels is in negoations with Finn McCool of the Confederacy.
[09.01.2017 22:29:49] I-401: Iona: If they hand us over to the core.... everything is lost....
[09.01.2017 22:30:21] OSI-Kyu.Akibara: Then you should give the CoF a good reason to not hand you over.
[09.01.2017 22:30:40] OSI-Kyu.Akibara: See, the problem is, this all started because you are using a public Zoner identification code.
[09.01.2017 22:30:57] OSI-Kyu.Akibara: This had lead to believe the Zoners are now fighting the Core.
[09.01.2017 22:31:36] OSI-Kyu.Akibara: If you wish to fight the Core, for whatever justification you wish to use, you should try to avoid dragging other Zoners in.
[09.01.2017 22:32:09] OSI-Kyu.Akibara: Thousands of people are endangered now, because of your actions. We need a bit more than "They are evil".
[09.01.2017 22:32:25] OSI-Kyu.Akibara: Otherwise, you leave the CoF no other choice.
[09.01.2017 22:32:30] Running two or more instances of Discovery Freelancer (Be it on the same machine, a second computer/laptop or other means) for your own financial benefit is considered as cheating and will result in the complete deletion of your ingame assets.
[09.01.2017 22:32:38] I-401: Iona: What was that?
[09.01.2017 22:32:46] I-401: *?
[09.01.2017 22:33:34] OSI-Kyu.Akibara: Obviously a nomad. Try to not make it angry. We have already enough trouble.
[09.01.2017 22:34:27] OSI-Kyu.Akibara: Anyway, Iona. Whoever your captain may be, he should think about how to act now. We need to save lives now.
[09.01.2017 22:35:04] I-401: Iona: It will take a while to... bring him back on the ship....
[09.01.2017 22:35:19] OSI-Kyu.Akibara: I'll bring the data about the damaged Freeport to our OSI headquarters on Canaria, so we can figure out what to do.
[09.01.2017 22:35:39] OSI-Kyu.Akibara: If you are so kind as to contact me on Neural Net, we could continue this talk.
[09.01.2017 22:35:51] OSI-Kyu.Akibara: Maybe we can find a solution.
[09.01.2017 22:36:28] OSI-Kyu.Akibara: *He watches his scanner, adrenalin rushing through his body.*
[09.01.2017 22:36:35] I-401: Iona: Communication relays damaged. Longrange transmission not available.
[09.01.2017 22:36:50] I-401: Iona: Maximum communication range is two systems at the moment.
[09.01.2017 22:37:00] OSI-Kyu.Akibara: What is with the other vessel. The Arcadia?
[09.01.2017 22:37:19] OSI-Kyu.Akibara: You mentioned it earlier. Can you use it as a relay?
[09.01.2017 22:37:33] I-401: Iona: The Arcadia? Current status unknown. The ship jumped out of the system. No signal.
[09.01.2017 22:38:00] OSI-Kyu.Akibara: And you? Will you wait here for it?
[09.01.2017 22:38:14] I-401: Iona: I cant wait here. Too dangerouse alone.
[09.01.2017 22:38:22] OSI-Kyu.Akibara: Where will you go?
[09.01.2017 22:38:36] I-401: Iona: Don't know.... somewhere.... i am not welcome.....
[09.01.2017 22:39:08] OSI-Kyu.Akibara: Try to focus your repairs on your Neural Net accessing systems and get in touch with either me or the Confederacy.
[09.01.2017 22:39:15] OSI-Kyu.Akibara: It is important.
[09.01.2017 22:39:33] OSI-Kyu.Akibara: Only that way we can find a solution. And a reason to not hand you over.
[09.01.2017 22:40:22] I-401: Iona: I try.
[09.01.2017 22:40:44] I-401: *She coughs several times*
[09.01.2017 22:41:06] OSI-Kyu.Akibara: Very well. I got what I came here for. Iona, I wish you good luck on your mission. We don't need more casualties.
[09.01.2017 22:41:14] OSI-Kyu.Akibara: Safe skies.

I'd want the Board of Directors to share those logs with the Confederacy of Freeports. Maybe they are helpful to find a peaceful solution to the current situation. Maybe we should send a copy to the Core as well, as it seems like it is only about those two vessels, while everyone else is just suffering from this situation.

What are your suggestions, friends?

Kyu Akibara
Advisor of Omicron Supply Industries

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Omicron Supply Industries - 01-12-2017

[Image: 88T2JSt.png]

Attention All Employees,

The Directors of Omicron Supply Industries have voted and approved a 10,000 credit per unit bonus for Armament deliveries from Bethlehem Station to Corinth Research Station

[Image: qDFBbvU.png]