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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Trim - 09-17-2010

----COMM ID: Robert Woodrow----

I thank you for the promotion Fleet Admiral, I'll do you proud.

*Chuckles to himself*

Blimey, I remember when we were all Ensigns together.

Anywho, godspeed.


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Oldum - 09-18-2010

[Image: kenjicomhead.png]

Good day Admirals and fellow pilots.

Ever since my return from Fuchu Prison, I've been in a dilemma with what I should do with my life. My mother is in hospital ever since, after a heavy hearth attack and I'd like to spend as much time with her as possible.

However, she had a request, which I intend to keep. She asked me to leave the ranks of the Bretonian Armed Forces, so that she doesn't have to lose me like she did my father. And ever since I landed on Leeds after my "escape" which I still don't understand at some part, I wasn't sure if I want to do this any more. Don't miss understand me , I do feel honored that the Armed Forces did so much for my safety and my return, but I just don't feel I have the will to go on without rethinking what I actually want to do in my life.

I'll also have to admit, I don't feel the same since then. Back when I first walked into the BAF recruitment office, I felt ready for anything and everything. But now, I just don't feel enough strength to walk into my hangar to get my new ships. I just simply get the feeling that this would be my last. And to be honest, I don't want to fly with this feeling. It wouldn't be of any worth for myself or for the pilots I fly with.

So to cover everything up, I hereby request my resignation from the Bretonian Armed Forces.

With respect:
Lieutenant Commander Kenji Shinoda

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

[Image: kenjicomfoot.png]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Trim - 09-18-2010

----COMM ID: Robert Woodrow----

Woodrow reporting in Sirs. It was an amazing victory today , we managed to cripple the bulk of the Indian forces that have been pestering us these past weeks and the Shaulanca's revenge ships, we took a few of them out too.

Well, I got a call from a Mercenary contact, Intellect, telling me about 4 Indians in Dublin. I responded and called for help on the emergency comms channel, with the help of Admiral Jones and one, David Robins, we went on a search. We found an Indian Gunboat and a fighter with him. We targetted The.Blackfoot and managed to damage him reasonably, but not enough, Intellect was the first to go, running straight into The.Blackfoot's Quad-Razor. We soon got help from A Molly gunboat named Bringing.Me.Down, the Molly helped us out and sacrificing it's own crew and blowing up we took out The.Blackfoot.

Then, a heck of a lot of forces of theirs came in, another Cap 8 gunboat The.Dakota and a bunch of fighters. We continued firing and soon the HMS-Romulus and BAF|HMS-Repulse came along followed by 2 Shaulanca's Revenge gunboats, both destroyed reasonably easily. Soon enough, The.Dakota was also destroyed.

Then, ANOTHER DAMN CAP 8 KUSARI EXPLORER CAME! The.Highlander was also soon taken out by the HMS-Newcastle.Upon.Tyme, the Battleship support we recieved. Though The.Highlander took out the HMS-Repulse with help from their fighters and bombers.

We then switched to firing on the bombers, The.Aztec was shot down by the HMS-Newcastle.Upon.Tyme.

The HMS-Romulus was soon taken out and Shaulanca's Revenge 2 and 1, both bombers, put out by me.

At that time, a huge number of Outcasts came, attacking the new Corsairs that came to join the fight along side the Indians. The remaining Indians fled soon after we destroyed one of their ships and we left the remaining Corsairs to the Outcasts. The Corsair sadly, was able to escape from the Outcasts.

I thanked the HMS-Newcastle.Upon.Tyme, David.Robins, and the Outcasts that aided us. Admiral Jones went off to repair his Templar.

Strangely I spotted The.Mohican in New London, so I went to investigate in New London, soon enough though, he legged it and I lost his signal.

One quick loop around Dublin and I spotted a rather disgruntled freelancer looking for John and Michael Clay for some reason. I shrugged and headed back to New London for a drink.

Now, here are the losses.

Allied Losses
Intellect - Assisting Mercenary,
Bringing.Me.Down - A Molly Gunboat,
BAF|HMS-Repulse - Bretonian Primary Fleet Destroyer - All escape pods safely collected and returned,
HMS-Romulus - Bretonian Destroyer - All escape pods safely collected and returned,
Slevin.Kelevra - A BAF Secondary Fleet Pilot, we found the pod thankfully, uninjured.

Now their losses....

Enemy Losses
The.Highlander - These first three were Kusari Explorer Gunboats with Cap 8 reinforced hull,
The.Aztec - Bomber
Shoulanca's Revenge 1 - Bomber
Shoulanca's Revenge 2 - Bomber
Shoulanca's Revenge 17 - 'Sair Gunboat
Shoulanca's Revenge 19 - 'Sair Gunboat
The.Mohican - Fighter
The.Crow - Fighter

The rest legged it.

I'd again like to extend my thanks to the HMS-Newcastle.Upon.Tyme, for playing a huge part, HMS-Romulus, David.Robins, BAF|HMS-Repulse, Intellect, the Outcasts that helped, and Admiral Jones for coordinating the battle and whatnot.

Good gob ladies and gentlemen, we hit 'em hard this time.

Also, to Lieutenant Commander Shinoda, good luck, whatever you decide to do *salutes*.

Also, with permsission, I'd like to contact the Zoner Council about how and why the Indians have been allowed to use their turrets, unless it won't be needed, seeing as we don't like 'em much.

Anyway, here.

Lieutenant Commander Woodrow signing off.


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Trim - 09-24-2010

----COMM ID: Robert Woodrow----

Greetings to all.

I woke up on the Essex, finding out about an escort for the QCP|HMS-Dominion from Rheinland space, some diplomatic meeting I suppose, anywho, I met it in Omega 3, but Admirals Adama and Jones were already with it. While waiting for them, I recieved a report from a BPA Sargeant, Kiriko Hidamari about some troubles in Dublin. I recieved orders to wait until the Dominion was escorted safely and then headed over as fast as I could. On my way, it turned out nothing was wrong, I then switched over to my bomber, after landing on the Derby.

Admiral Adama left, and Admiral Jones told me of a pirate in New London, Justin Glunt. A pilot in a Roc, disrupting lanes. Sargeant Hidamari left as her patrol time was over, and when I got on the scene, Admiral Jones had to leave due to some sort of tech issues on his ship, leaving me alone. I asked him to leave a few times and he said no a few times. I opened fire, and sent him flying in his pod after some minutes of one on one, Supernova-ing action, he clumsily turned the bottom of his hull to face me, only a hunderd meters away. I took my chance and sent off him in a pod.

Anywho, I left as soon as that was over with. Nothing left to report.

Lieutenant Commander Robert Woodrow, out.


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Trim - 09-25-2010

----COMM ID: Robert Woodrow----

Greetings to all. This report was done earlier today, though my gunbams were damaged during it and something went wrong with Clay's.

I undocked from the Derby when I heard that John Clay was under fire, 2 'Sair fighters. When I arrived on the scene I found Clay and a BAF gunboat, firing on the 2 'Sairs, before I had a chance to engage, Clay had already MRed one with the other running. We chased it off and a freelancer, something O' something chased it way off into Omega 49.

Clay and I were about to head to Sailsbury for some training, when the Derby contacted us about a Kusarian, Yoku-something. We headed into Leeds and found she was an explorer. While I was talking to her about how she may be a spy, that Something O' Something Freelancer came back, claiming that there was a Molly bounty on our heads. He said some other stuff and started shooting at us.

During the fight, Clay had to go, and a friendly Freelancer Kirsten Something jumped in to help. Soon we found ourselves with the upper hand and chasing the Freelancer to Dublin, Chester, then in New London he started to cruise off to Trafalger. There was nothing we could do, so we broke off leaving his ship crippled.

Nothing else to report.

Lieutenant Commander Robert Woodrow, out.


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - beunt - 09-27-2010

[incoming transmission]
[source.....................FltAdm Martin Bridge]
[noise filtering............done]
[opening message]

To all fleets,

considering his continued services to Bretonia and the heavy agenda the Bretonia Armed Forces are already in charge of, the charges on former Commander Austin Goodman for defection are now lifted and nullified. Pilots are allowed to establish contact with him and share tactical channel. Pilots are not allowed to share sensitive BAF material with him, to allow him access to Salisbury, nor to accept orders from him.

Good evening,

Fleet Admiral Martin Bridge.

[End of transmission]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - guitarguy - 09-29-2010

Notice to All Pilots:

With the influx of new pilots and and increasingly challenging enemies, the Admiralty Board has decided to put more emphasis on combat training. Admiral Blake Owen will lead this initiative. Senior and middle-grade officer should lead training with other pilots when there are no pressing security threats in Bretonian space and there is time available. Any sort of training, from one on one duels to mixed fleet battles is welcomed. If you require access to any of the Armed Force's training ships, please request the codes from a senior officer. Finally, all pilots should familiarize themselves with the Bretonian Space Combat Training Manual .

That is all.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 09-29-2010

[incoming transmission]
[source.....................Adm C.Collingwood]
[opening message]

Evening to all...
First I would like to inform you about my retirement,It seems my ages have finnaly placed me on a situation where I need more rest..and time with my old family.My son known as Thrawn will continue my duty commanding HMS-Royal Soverein.What I can tell is for months...he was close to me in everything I did so he is best suited for that job considering his supreme tactics. ( that was only in RP will be same person)

Second I would like to inform the admiralty board of the increased numbers of pirates which we have encountred today.In 00:23 two corsairs LF and HF class fighters have assaulted...My Capital ships patrol.We had Sovereign and 2 more desstroyers HMS-Had...and HMS|Leeds, one of BPA) ...mister Hone Nathan and one independent Gunboat . In short time my son Thrawn expected ...more arrived probably waiting us to bite the bait but thanks to his strategic movements on the battlefield we have menaged to keep all of our men allive....but cuz of the lack of skills of our new pilots..we havenet been prepared against fighters.Short after this they retreated to Edinburgh probably visiting the Gaians...

Bretonia:1 BS,2 Dessi,1GB,1 LF,1 BHG GS
Enemies: 1 Light Fighter (Decurion) ,1 Heavy Fighter (Gladiator), 5 VHF (Titans)

Bretonia Loses: the BHG GS who assisted one of our gunboat have been desstroyed...the captain is safe on board of Soverein.
Enemie loses: none

It seems we lack of good skillful pilots to oppose enemy skills...I hope that will change in time

Good evening,and ...sometimes I may be on board of Sovereign ,,,

Collingwood out
[End of transmission]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Trim - 10-02-2010

----COMM ID: Robert Woodrow----

Hello, ladies and gentlemen.

I came about in Dublin, in my Templar and saw the HMS-Guardsman, and gave it group comms. The Guardsman and a Freelancer, [Cyborg]-Marcus, in a Gunship. A Hacker one actually, were chasing a Bundschuh Gunboat named Heno it was holding BAF and BPA pilots as hostage, so I switched out to my bomber and I headed it off at the Cambridge in New London gate but it changed course to the Cambridge hole.

We managed to stop it in Cambridge, but somehow it simply cloaked before we could get the pilots.

As soon as that was done with, the Derby reported A KNF vessel in Leeds, also carrying BPA pilots, BAF pilots and even Cruiser and Gunboat Captains from our fleet! I headed over and told him to drop them.

He refused and the Guardsman, I and that Marcus fellow engaged it. A few minutes in, my hardware started to act all funny, and I had to jump out, leaving the Guardsman and Marcus. The Guardsman was destroyed and I set to fix the problem.

I managed to temporarily fix it, enough for the length of the battle, just about. We destroyed the Destroyer, soon enough.

I sent a reward from the Leeds authorities for the Capital ship Captains back. I returned the other pilots I had in my hold, along with a few Kusari ones.

Lieutenant Commander Robert Woodrow, out.


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Jam - 10-03-2010

--[Incoming Transmittion]--
Sender ID: Lieutenant-Commander John Clay
Subject: Action Report - 2/10/818
Report Begin

Good day sirs,
Today, I docked from Essex. There I spotted a Corsair Battleship named Corsair, with a Corsair bomber Captain.Armin. They clearly stated they are going to shoot me, so I quickly contacted Emergency Channel. Lieutenant-Commander Robert Woodrow responded and came to help me on his duck. On his way to Essex, he was engaged by the bloody Corsairs, so I engaged aswell. After a long fight and several escape attempts of the Corsair Battleship, we managed to blow it out of the skies with nice fireworks documented by my guncam. Then we took it against the Praetorian, and I managed to hit him with my SNAC after few jousts. Another fact it me and Woodrow didn't use any Nanobots or Shield Batteries, and my shields never went down during this battle.


This was a glorious victory for Bretonia. We showed the Corsairs that we can destroy theis battleship with just two bombers. That is all to report.

Clay out.

End of Report

--[Transmittion Terminated]--