RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Hopewell - 01-13-2017
:::LOCATION: Ômega 49
:::RECIPIENT: OSI-Nichols Upgrade
:::SUBJECT: Supply Report
:::DATE OF SEND: 12 and 13/01/824 A.S.
:::SIGNAL STRENGTH: ██████████ 100%
:::ENCRYPTION: _____ ██████████ 100%
I made two deliveries of Armaments groups of Bethlehen Station in Pennsylvania to Corinth in Omicron Kappa. See evidence below:
Commodity Delivered | Amount | Proof |
1º Delivery | 4000 | [x] |
2º Delivery | 4000 | [x] |
karl Broken
See you later.
RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Hopewell - 01-22-2017
:::LOCATION: Ômega 49
:::RECIPIENT: OSI-Nichols Upgrade
:::SUBJECT: Incident Report
:::DATE OF SEND: 22/01/824 A.S.
:::ENCRYPTION: _____ ██30%
S.O.S ..... S.O.O ......
Come, by this letter, reporting an incident with Lane Hackers in the Texas System, when I went to get supplies to the ship entitled OSI-Bugre.
In the middle of the Jump gate path Hudson to the Planet Houston, A pilot named Chang, that had a Lane Hacker transponder, disrupted the Trade Lane and stopped me.. Then came another and kidnapped me, taking me and my crew for the big black, a heap of debris in space. There, after a troubled dialogue, asked to report a message to my superiors. That's what I'm doing the Communicator to my pod. I find myself in this black cloud with my crew and ship. Without flight conditions. Krypter complete, that is, for me and my crew to 99 employees and trailer for Station Cold Bay on Hudson.
following transmission of the dialogue and photographic evidence of what I consider a violation of Mr Chang.
Code: [22.01.2017 12:19:08] Chang: hold it
[22.01.2017 12:20:09] Chang: So OSI where are those filters going to?
[22.01.2017 12:20:24] OSI-Bugre: Omega 49
[22.01.2017 12:21:07] Chang: To which base?
[22.01.2017 12:21:39] LH~Leiden.Suppressor: Very good work Mr Chang.
[22.01.2017 12:22:00] Chang: Ive just been holding him in place
[22.01.2017 12:22:11] LH~Leiden.Suppressor: Captain of Bugre, state your name.
[22.01.2017 12:22:37] OSI-Bugre: my name is Bugre
[22.01.2017 12:22:49] LH~Leiden.Suppressor: Fantastic.
[22.01.2017 12:22:55] OSI-Bugre: ty
[22.01.2017 12:23:06] LH~Leiden.Suppressor: I have noticed you have been eyeing Sugarland a lot
[22.01.2017 12:23:26] OSI-Bugre: its no true
[22.01.2017 12:23:27] LH~Leiden.Suppressor: Why don't we go to a more pleasant location, so to avoid those second thoughts of yours.
[22.01.2017 12:23:41] LH~Leiden.Suppressor: Mr Chang, set course for Grande Negra.
[22.01.2017 12:23:48] LH~Leiden.Suppressor: Bugre, follow Mr Chang.
[22.01.2017 12:23:57] LH~Leiden.Suppressor: Go
[22.01.2017 12:24:17] LH~Leiden.Suppressor: So do you have a sharename?
[22.01.2017 12:24:20] LH~Leiden.Suppressor: surname*
[22.01.2017 12:25:14] Chang: Here should do
[22.01.2017 12:25:50] LH~Leiden.Suppressor: Full stop, Bugre.
[22.01.2017 12:26:08] LH~Leiden.Suppressor: I asked you a question. I will repeat it once again.
[22.01.2017 12:26:11] LH~Leiden.Suppressor: Do you have a surname?
[22.01.2017 12:26:35] OSI-Bugre: bugre
[22.01.2017 12:26:45] Chang: Thats your first name
[22.01.2017 12:26:53] OSI-Bugre: Karl
[22.01.2017 12:27:05] LH~Leiden.Suppressor: So it's Karl Bugre.
[22.01.2017 12:27:35] LH~Leiden.Suppressor: You've know I have been speaking with your boss lately. Do you know David Starr?
[22.01.2017 12:27:43] LH~Leiden.Suppressor: You know*
[22.01.2017 12:27:50] OSI-Bugre: no
[22.01.2017 12:28:07] LH~Leiden.Suppressor: Now that's interesting. He's the leader of OSI. Or so I am told.
[22.01.2017 12:28:19] Chang: How dont you know the person that employs you?
[22.01.2017 12:28:22] LH~Leiden.Suppressor: So you are saying you don't know the leader of your corporatation.
[22.01.2017 12:28:52] OSI-Bugre: i'm newbie
[22.01.2017 12:29:06] OSI-Bugre: recruit
[22.01.2017 12:29:17] LH~Leiden.Suppressor: Oh that explains a lot.
[22.01.2017 12:29:28] LH~Leiden.Suppressor: Has your corporation given you some supply routes to do?
[22.01.2017 12:30:12] LH~Leiden.Suppressor: I suppose these Xenobiotic filters are for somewhere, right?
[22.01.2017 12:30:39] OSI-Bugre: this is my first assingnment
[22.01.2017 12:30:47] Chang: He told me they are heading to Omega 49
[22.01.2017 12:31:20] OSI-Bugre: true, my route to O49
[22.01.2017 12:31:38] LH~Leiden.Suppressor: Very good.
[22.01.2017 12:32:01] LH~Leiden.Suppressor: Since you are new in OSI, I was wondering if you were briefed about the LAne Hackers.
[22.01.2017 12:32:14] LH~Leiden.Suppressor: Have you heard anything by your colleagues about the Lane Hackers?
[22.01.2017 12:34:14] OSI-Bugre: Like what?
[22.01.2017 12:34:22] LH~Leiden.Suppressor: Like anything.
[22.01.2017 12:34:42] Chang: Was you even made aware we exist
[22.01.2017 12:34:44] LH~Leiden.Suppressor: Don't take too long to answer. Our patience is not limitless.
[22.01.2017 12:35:59] OSI-Bugre: this is an imposition with threat?
[22.01.2017 12:36:28] LH~Leiden.Suppressor: *laughs*
[22.01.2017 12:36:38] LH~Leiden.Suppressor: Mr Chang. Take out his shield.
[22.01.2017 12:37:03] Chang: does that show you what you are dealing with?
[22.01.2017 12:37:19] OSI-Bugre: humnn your is assassin. True?
[22.01.2017 12:37:34] Chang: No where near
[22.01.2017 12:37:39] LH~Leiden.Suppressor: I believe Mr Chang showed you his disposition towards OSI crystar clear.
[22.01.2017 12:37:56] LH~Leiden.Suppressor: You are not making the questions here, Karl.
[22.01.2017 12:38:04] LH~Leiden.Suppressor: crystal*
[22.01.2017 12:38:05] Chang: if not i thought that act made it clear
[22.01.2017 12:38:15] LH~Leiden.Suppressor: Bugre. Answer my question.
[22.01.2017 12:38:25] OSI-Bugre: Kidnappers and thieves?
[22.01.2017 12:39:02] LH~Leiden.Suppressor: You have some nerve, don't you?
[22.01.2017 12:39:19] Chang: Bugre we are the ones asking the questions your in no positon to be asking questions
[22.01.2017 12:39:47] LH~Leiden.Suppressor: I think we had enough of you
[22.01.2017 12:40:00] LH~Leiden.Suppressor: Karl Bugre, are you able to carry messages to your superiors?
[22.01.2017 12:40:11] Chang: I am starting to think the same way
[22.01.2017 12:41:41] OSI-Bugre: Certainly i will heve to report to my superiors
[22.01.2017 12:41:54] LH~Leiden.Suppressor: Very good, so listen carefully.
[22.01.2017 12:42:22] OSI-Bugre: speak
[22.01.2017 12:42:46] LH~Leiden.Suppressor: You will send 5 million credits to Mr Chang and inform your superiors that Mr. Yoshida sends CEO Starr his regards.
[22.01.2017 12:44:55] Chang: We're still waiting
[22.01.2017 12:45:37] LH~Leiden.Suppressor: Mr Chang. Take out some of his hull.
[22.01.2017 12:46:39] OSI-Bugre: I am an employee and i can only send credit if my superior.
[22.01.2017 12:46:49] LH~Leiden.Suppressor: Speak clearly.
[22.01.2017 12:47:01] LH~Leiden.Suppressor: What's bothering you? Perhaps Mr Chang can you help find a solution.
[22.01.2017 12:47:37] Chang: Lets see if this makes things easier
[22.01.2017 12:48:15] Domino.Harvy: Cnock cnock...
[22.01.2017 12:48:27] LH~Leiden.Suppressor: It appears we don't have much time
[22.01.2017 12:48:36] LH~Leiden.Suppressor: Do as we say or you will face the consequences.
[22.01.2017 12:49:06] LH~Leiden.Suppressor: Mr Chang.
[22.01.2017 12:49:17] LH~Leiden.Suppressor: Show him the way out.
[22.01.2017 12:49:58] Chang: And that way out is with out the ship
[22.01.2017 12:50:14] Chang: I hope you have escape pods on board
[22.01.2017 12:50:21] Death: OSI-Bugre was put out of action by Chang (Gun).
[22.01.2017 12:51:11] OSI-Bugre: someone turn me and take my ship for repairs.
[22.01.2017 12:51:23] OSI-Bugre: Assassins!!
karl Broken
See you later.
RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Sombs - 01-22-2017
![[Image: efvAwhO.png]](
Advisor Akibara here.
Try to keep calm and keep everyting operational as long as possible. A rescue team will be dispatched in order to get you home safely.
Don't worry, pilot, we're on our way.
Kyu Akibara
Advisor of Omicron Supply Industries
RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Hopewell - 01-23-2017
Location: Ômega 49
Recipient: OSI-Nichols Upgrade
Subject: Incident Report
Date of Send: 23/01/824 A.S.
SIGNAL STRENGTH: ██████████ 100%
ENCRYPTION: _____ ██████████ 100%
The repair ship complete. Crew healthy again. Some have gone through evaluation psicogalactico; other by the infirmary where they were treated. In short, we are returning to work. We appreciate the help provided by OSI. In particular the Advisor Kyu Akibara, ready, we answered.
karl Broken
See you later.
RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Sombs - 01-23-2017
![[Image: efvAwhO.png]](
It's good to see you have made it unharmed. Let's just hope and make sure something like this won't happen again.
Get some rest, and then back to work. People are counting on us.
Kyu Akibara
Advisor of Omicron Supply Industries
RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - AL3XAND3Rd91 - 02-06-2017
![[Image: DNrkO6P.png]](
- To: OSI HQ - High priority -
Me and Damien are having an emergency stop on Freeport 10. We we're en route to our destination, just entering Tau-37, when a member of the Maquis stopped us and demanded to drop our cargo or we would get killed. We had no choice but to comply.
I'm attaching the ship's blackbox logs:
[06.02.2017 18:00:49] OSI-ZBT-1002: Amon: I see red on scanners.
[06.02.2017 18:01:03] OSI-Othila: ?: Hmm, a maquis.
[06.02.2017 18:01:11] Le_Tueur: Ohooo new victim on sight.... time for a target practise !!!
[06.02.2017 18:01:20] Le_Tueur: both odf you surender your cargos right now
[06.02.2017 18:01:27] Le_Tueur: if you jump i will open fire
[06.02.2017 18:01:59] Le_Tueur: Engagabung... booom... trass.... the enemy ship !!!
[06.02.2017 18:02:04] OSI-Othila: ?: Calm down.
[06.02.2017 18:02:12] Le_Tueur: Surender the cargo containers now drop it
[06.02.2017 18:02:22] OSI-Othila: ?: We were already in jump sequence.
[06.02.2017 18:02:36] Le_Tueur: good now you can comply with my request
[06.02.2017 18:02:49] OSI-ZBT-1002: ?: What exactly is in it for you, to destroy our cargo?
[06.02.2017 18:02:56] Le_Tueur: Cargo shiping is forviden thrue tau sistems by the authority of the maquise
[06.02.2017 18:03:03] Le_Tueur: you will hand over the cargo or be destroyed
[06.02.2017 18:03:26] OSI-ZBT-1002: ?: Well..
[06.02.2017 18:03:38] Le_Tueur: Well
[06.02.2017 18:03:51] OSI-ZBT-1002: ?: I see now why the maquis is so hated *smiles*
[06.02.2017 18:04:04] Le_Tueur: Same goes for the other vessel
[06.02.2017 18:04:04] OSI-Othila: ?: There...
[06.02.2017 18:04:07] Le_Tueur: Drop the containers
[06.02.2017 18:04:21] OSI-ZBT-1002: ?: If you would be so kind and use the scanner on your comms sir.
[06.02.2017 18:04:24] Le_Tueur: alright two of you get out of our space now
[06.02.2017 18:04:28] OSI-ZBT-1002: ?: You will actually see it is there for you.
[06.02.2017 18:04:43] Le_Tueur: we have a cargo vessel to pick it up any time soon
[06.02.2017 18:04:44] OSI-Othila: ?: Set course to Freeport 10.
Alexander Williams
Omicron Supply Industries
- To: Madd Williams -
Honey? Can you come pick us up from Freeport 10?
Alexander Williams
Omicron Supply Industries
![[Image: h2kkmZ9.png]](
RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - AnneMadelline - 02-07-2017
I took my Pelican-class up to Freeport 10 and assisted Alex and Damien in returning back. Their ships seemed to be in intact condition.
After this was done, I returned back to Nichols and resumed normal activity.
Madd Williams
Omicron Supply Industries
RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Sombs - 05-07-2017
![[Image: efvAwhO.png]](
This report comes in a bit belated, but I had a little bit of trouble getting back from Omicron Delta to Omega-49.
Currently, Omicron Delta has turned into an active warzone once more, with the Core attacking the freeport and any entity not allied with them. Most of you probably saw this: Public emergency call.
Now see this video evidence of another interesting thing I managed to record in Omicron Delta a bit more than a day ago. To not waste your time, here the short version of it: Iona Taylor is still alive, not that that is a surprise, given that Lars Dross is still alive, too. I guess I will need to refresh the bounties I placed on them and add the current ship designations they use. Iona is currently using ORG assets, ORG is an Order affiliated group. But this is interesting: As you see in the recording, Iona is somehow in touch with the Nomads. Not that that surprises me either. I do think there is a high probability of Iona Taylor and Lars Dross being infected or at least under nomad influence. Wouldn't that explain some stuff? The weird behavior?
I hereby advise any personnel to report any contacts with Iona Taylor and Lars Dross. Guncam pictures, audio logs, if not even video footage. Anything. Be extremely careful. Don't get into their weapon range, as they could turn any time against you.
Kyu Akibara
Advisor of Omicron Supply Industries
RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Techpriest - 07-08-2017
So, there have been rumors about a contract concerning a Liberty faction and I was wondering if this needed some shippers to fulfill the contracts. Give me more details. Should this prove true.
Henry Smithson
Omicron Supply Industries
RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Sombs - 07-08-2017
Uhm, you seem to have a problem with your transmission bar. Better fix that, that is not how we present ourselves towards other people.
The drop-off point for the Hellfire contract is at Bethlehem, a small transport will take the stuff from there and deliver it to the final destination.
Kyu Akibara
Advisor of Omicron Supply Industries