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Needing RP to kill a base is stupid - Printable Version

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RE: Needing RP to kill a base is stupid - Altejago - 01-11-2014

tl : dr, so please forgive me if I overlooked someone elses post on this.

Scenario I faced back in early .86 and I found a base constructor with FL credentials, but with a DHC super transport and a USI Bison heading to way out the back of nowhere in Liberty. My Rogue sees this guy whilst cloaked, follows him to base deployment upon which A: The base owners are there and B: it's entirely in game. I tried to extort him and when he failed to pay forth despite his likely loss of his baby base, I treated him to Rogue buffet.

Now what I am querying is does the RP have to constitute forums roleplay if you're already dealing with the base owners in game? Does a KNF ship spot a BD base constructor platform just deploy a base have the right to execute the proper RP then and there and nip it in the bud, or does he tragically have to go and force some forum RP that's not likely to work in favour of the KNF rapid ingame response he's allowed to indulge in with normal players ships?

RE: Needing RP to kill a base is stupid - Pancakes - 01-12-2014

just disable construction within distance of 5k from any non-nebula object. There.

As for needing RP done on the forums in order to kill a PoB - in all my years here I haven't seen one rule that has been more dumb than that.

RE: Needing RP to kill a base is stupid - Binski - 01-13-2014

In the end, I'm also going to say nay to this rule altogether as well. Yes there's risk, everybody deals with it and accepts it, yer stuff might be lost, wasted, and destroyed without provocation. Or your base might get fired at from time to time, this now limits how much can happen in-game, when in-game rp'ing should be the bottom line. Thats why you need to build a shield and stock it up. Everytime someone fires a shot at a base now they're going to have to rp it to avoid being sanctioned, and its going to clutter up the forum with useless rp. I'm all for RP, but I'm also for the freedom of anonymity through your actions. You shouldn't need to announce to the world every time you get into it with a base, especially to avoid being punished.

If this rule was really to try to alleviate the stress on base owners when it comes to constant maintanence, or worrying about their bases, I still think lowering the consumption rates, by like.... half, would do that trick. Also, lowering the requirements for constructing the various mods would also make it a bit easier on the head. Yes building a base should be a project, but after its established, unless constantly sieged, it should be a little easier to maintain. Indies would not worry so much about losing a base if it could be rebuilt within a day.

Any base built in house terrirtory, like corpration/military owned bases, are well defended and supplied, and do not need forum rp to save them from being destroyed. Most base owners know how strong their base is and how long their shield will last. If they're worried about losing their CAU8, or bank stockpile, they should not be foolish enough to put it on a base that could lose its shield in a short time, and be destroyed soon after. So basically if the owner can't check in on their base regularly to make sure its still there (or have someone do it), with enough time to SAVE their stuff, they're the ones risking it when they shouldn't be. Play it safe, know what you can get away with or not. Let indies hide their bases adequately, instead of behind a useless rp buffer.

RE: Needing RP to kill a base is stupid - ... kur nubėgo? - 01-20-2014

I understand this rule to some degree. But if hostile base is within the zone of influence of faction which is attacking that base no roleplay should be required.

Defending sovereignity of ones space is DEFENCE.

This current nonsensical rule just empowers power-play of PoB owners.

RE: Needing RP to kill a base is stupid - RedEclipse - 01-20-2014

Tl; dr,

It's fine as it is. A short message won't do much a harm to a probable assaulter. We don't need bass hunters again.

RP server requires RP, that's confusing, right?

RE: Needing RP to kill a base is stupid - ... kur nubėgo? - 01-20-2014

(01-20-2014, 06:43 PM)RedEclipse Wrote: Tl; dr,

It's fine as it is. A short message won't do much a harm to a probable assaulter. We don't need bass hunters again.

Yes we do. Currently bases are too easy to defend and too easy to supply. Balance is already towards the base owner being able to push his policy and roleplay upon entire groups of people.

For some reason we do not have this "Required to roleplay before constructing". Only required on attacking. I mean this is just rule eforced powergaming. And anyone who came up with such rules or current POB system needs to GTFO from dev team before he damages this community even further.

RE: Needing RP to kill a base is stupid - RedEclipse - 01-20-2014

Yeah, have to admit about base construction, but I hope it'll be solved soon, as it was discussed in another thread.