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Discovery Launchpad v1.3 - Printable Version

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Discovery Launchpad v1.3 - Jongleur - 01-27-2011

' Wrote:When I use the export feature, does it only export the active account or all of them? It doesn't give an option to only back up one or all like AM does.

I've added the single account option to exporting. Now whenever you attempt to export (XML or ADF), you will be prompted to choose Yes for exporting the currently selected account, No for exporting the complete list of accounts, and Cancel.

I've also fixed the bug where holding CTRL and double clicking an account to activate throws an index out of range exception. Thanks for all your suggestions and feedback.

~ Jong

Discovery Launchpad v1.3 - Kane182 - 01-27-2011

oh my gosh, this is so awesome, you have just saved my FL life:D

Discovery Launchpad v1.3 - Govedo13 - 01-27-2011

You are awesome.

Discovery Launchpad v1.3 - Curios - 01-27-2011

Kudos :3

Discovery Launchpad v1.3 - rwx - 01-28-2011

If it's possible, please include the following feature to the next version:

The freelancer screenshots are saved in %Username%\...\Freelancershots folder - I would like to subfolder this (on each account).

I also would prefere to use wildcards/placeholder.

Example: If you play your account "Pete Pirate" today (2011-01-08) and make a screenshot. The Folder is set to $std\$cd\$an ($std = standard freelancer folder, $cd = current date, $an = account name [feel free to rename]). The picture is now saved as "%Username%\Freelancershots\2011-01-08\Pete Pirate\1.bmp".

I'm lazy and hate the reordering of my screenshots...

Discovery Launchpad v1.3 - Alex. - 01-28-2011

You'll have to ask Cannon about that.

Discovery Launchpad v1.3 - Charo - 01-29-2011

Alright, it's been awhile since I've used this, but I think I should let you know anyways.

Last time I tried to use Launchpad, It started up as usual, but then 3 error messages came up, and it dumped all my accounts, and now wont work period.

Lucky, I still had everything backed up on FLAM

Discovery Launchpad v1.3 - Jongleur - 01-29-2011

' Wrote:Last time I tried to use Launchpad, It started up as usual, but then 3 error messages came up, and it dumped all my accounts, and now wont work period.

Interesting.. would you be able to post a screen shot or paste the error messages here? I wouldn't mind seeing the problem so I can figure out what's going on.

On a somewhat related note I've updated the recently released exes again to have "Version 1.2" displayed in the About info. Sorry about any confusion that may have caused and thanks to aerelm for bringing it to my attention.

Discovery Launchpad v1.3 - michiyl - 02-21-2011

Hm, downloaded and installed it, got an error, installed the .NET Framework 3.5 thingie, tried again ... program runs fine, created the "main" account with my characters, tested it with Discovery 24/7 server, all chars were there ... quitted FL to create a new account, and activated this new one, tried to join the Discovery main server again, and NO characters, as it's intended to work, so no problem at all ...

But I am wondering:
Let's say, I backup my accounts with the Launchpad. Is it possible to play with those characters AFTER the 60 day deletion date (like activating the "laziest" account and everything is fine with those accounts)?

Or ... wait ... the character files are stored serverside ... so I have to make sure that every single char is played at least once every 60 days, no matter what I do "outside", right?

Discovery Launchpad v1.3 - Jongleur - 02-21-2011

' Wrote:Or ... wait ... the character files are stored serverside ... so I have to make sure that every single char is played at least once every 60 days, no matter what I do "outside", right?
