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Vigilantes | General Information and Feedback - Printable Version

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RE: Vigilantes | General Information and Feedback - SnakThree - 07-01-2014

Ask official faction to open bounty board contract to intercept criminals and whatnot. I am sure there are factions who would not mind it. Yes, rules are crappy and are not flexible for out-of-the-box-RP, but you can loophole them too to get what you want.

RE: Vigilantes | General Information and Feedback - KUBANA - 07-01-2014

Looking forward to meet you with my Xeno-morph Big Grin

RE: Vigilantes | General Information and Feedback - KUBANA - 07-01-2014

Anyhow i agree with the above statements according to their acting like a liberty police.

Couple of days ago i came to liberty in my Colonial LF and i've stated that i am looking for a place to offer a helping hand in fight against criminals. Every LPI officer even Naval dreadnought were okay with that, now some nonamer with \V/ pops out of nowhere shouting (not shooting) at me and demanding an answer for me what the hell i am doing here.

First of all as a member of colonial military I don't have to say shizz to civilian nobody and second of all stop acting like you are the law in liberty because you are NOT

RE: Vigilantes | General Information and Feedback - SnakThree - 07-01-2014

(07-01-2014, 11:28 AM)KUBANA Wrote: First of all as a member of colonial military

Yeah. That's your problem if you count yourself as military man in foreign lands.

RE: Vigilantes | General Information and Feedback - KUBANA - 07-01-2014

(07-01-2014, 12:20 PM)Snak3 Wrote:
(07-01-2014, 11:28 AM)KUBANA Wrote: First of all as a member of colonial military

Yeah. That's your problem if you count yourself as military man in foreign lands.

Never heard about some kind of denial of military access between Liberty Navy and their Coronado neighbours which supply them with Deuterium Smile

And ofc I will take orders from Liberty Navy while being there .. but not from a civilian vigilante which is trying to act cool Big Grin

RE: Vigilantes | General Information and Feedback - Vigilantes - 07-01-2014

Quote:Ask official faction to open bounty board contract to intercept criminals and whatnot. I am sure there are factions who would not mind it. Yes, rules are crappy and are not flexible for out-of-the-box-RP, but you can loophole them too to get what you want.
We might look into that as soon as half of our members are done being on holiday.

Quote:Every LPI officer even Naval dreadnought were okay with that, now some nonamer with \V/ pops out of nowhere shouting (not shooting) at me and demanding an answer for me what the hell i am doing here.
If you even bothered to answer, then it would all be fine. I actually happened to be the one asking you that. You were a member of a foreign military inside Liberty space. This was not an order, this was a subtle question what on Earth you have to do inside Liberty space. If I liked your answer, nothing special would happen. If I didn't I would gently suggest the Navy to dispose of you.

Quote:Never heard about some kind of denial of military access between Liberty Navy and their Coronado neighbours which supply them with Deuterium
[Image: failfish.png]
I really doubt you were supplying us with Deuterium in an Eros.
And about the denial of military access, yes, there is one. If you are with a fighter, then we first ask questions and then eventually shoot, if you're in a capship it's the opposite.

RE: Vigilantes | General Information and Feedback - KUBANA - 07-01-2014

I don't have to answer you at all if I've already answered the Navy and Police Smile

Not in Coronado, not in Rheinland, not in Liberty, not in Bretonia, not even in Kusari.

Even though I did

You question and hunt unlawfulls not members of quasi-lawfull minihouse

RE: Vigilantes | General Information and Feedback - Corile - 07-01-2014

Quote:I don't have to answer you at all if I've already answered the Navy and Police Smile

Not in Coronado, not in Rheinland, not in Liberty, not in Bretonia, not even in Kusari.
You're getting inside Liberty territory with a military fighter, on a foreign military ID and then expect nobody to bat an eye?
Keep it up with that, let see how much time can you spend without being shot at.

RE: Vigilantes | General Information and Feedback - KUBANA - 07-01-2014

(07-01-2014, 12:41 PM)Protégé Wrote:
Quote:I don't have to answer you at all if I've already answered the Navy and Police Smile

Not in Coronado, not in Rheinland, not in Liberty, not in Bretonia, not even in Kusari.
You're getting inside Liberty territory with a military fighter, on a foreign military ID and then expect nobody to bat an eye?
Keep it up with that, let see how much time can you spend without being shot at.

Actually no. I've communicated with that house's military personnel. They agreed and I've followed their orders without question (only in exception when they asked me if i can invade rheinland, which I declined). Even showed em such a respect that i was saying Sir ... Sir in every statement.

All I am saying is that the Vigilante guy seemed to act as an authority there.

RE: Vigilantes | General Information and Feedback - SnakThree - 07-01-2014

(07-01-2014, 12:44 PM)KUBANA Wrote: All I am saying is that the Vigilante guy seemed to act as an authority there.

Sounds like that guy was roleplaying.

Bad vigilantes, bad. You roleplayed.