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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - dr lameos - 10-31-2008

The secretary hurried to the Minister of Defense's office, he didn't like to be kept waiting on news, let alone his private mail.
It was rare she would see a handwritten note, a personal message perhaps? In her excitement she crumpled the letter as she nearly ran down the corridor.

Nervously pausing before docking on the large oak doors that lead to James Ralston, the leader of the Bretonian Forces, a great man in both person and legend. She was new and entering such a powerful man's office was still unusual for her, hand trembling, she knocked.

"Enter" came the booming voice from within, she hurried in, fumbled with the envelope before dropping it on the desk.

"Thankyou Miss"
Blushing she nearly tripped as she came close to running out the door.

Calmly James opened the letter...

Sir, I come with a simple, yet peculiar request.

As you are aware I have been piloting a Templar, a fine ship we both agree, however it is not the type of ship nor role I am best suited to. My battle skills and report show a less than adequate history, in all major skirmishes my ship has been lost, thankfully my life has not suffered the same fate.

I would like to help my country in a more supporting role. I do not seek glory nor fame, i wish not to be included in the history books. I merely wish to be involved in Bretonia's victory over the treachorous scum which call themselves Kusarians.

I believe I would be of more service out of a military craft. I therefore ask to be commissioned a fully outfitted Repair Ship, with this I hope to offer repair support to our officers in battle. Also because of its large hull, shield and copious amount of Shield Batteries and Nanobots it could survive at the sidelines of battles. Also perhaps not being in the heart of the battle would allow for more strategic command.

Whilst perhaps not as good at policing the Repair ship has been missing during many battles it could have been the deciding factor, many ships have been destroyed when close to being victors. Of course a fully stocked ship costs 1 and a half million credits every battle, however due to its generous cargo hold it could trade to recuperate costs. Remember it also has a few transport turrets... not weapons to be derogatory about, as well as a transport shield, and storage for 4000 shield batteries and 4000 nanobots. I believe it is often an overlooked ship but if we can utilize it correctly it may present us with an upper hand.

However it would require flying to Liberty for purchase and equipping, I trust our allies there would allow this.

That is my Bizarre request, for a Repair ship, for victory, for Bretonia

Lieutenant George Harrington

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - dr lameos - 11-01-2008

--Incoming Transmission--
--Comm ID: George Harrington--

Lieutenant Harrington here reporting a complete victory over the hippies today.

Whilst I was patrolling Cambridge, Fleet Admiral Nelles received a message from Aberdeen Border Station. They had detected a gaian presence in Edinburgh, myself and the fleet admiral then joined in Leeds before proceeding to the Edinburgh system. Once we entered, their long range scanners detected us and they started approaching. Few kind words were spared before battle ensued. At this time it was 2 against 2, however we contacted a Bowex escort pilot who kindly offered his services.

We had the upper hand, at this point another BAF officer, Eveyn Hunter came on duty, and she quickly came to our aid. With this we were comprehensively winning, and a short while later both NLH vessels which had engaged us, [NLH]Kytan and [NLH]Marburg, were destroyed.

A third NLH ship, the [NLH]Red.Sunset had been taunting us during this battle and as we were leaving it entered scanner range. Eveyn found him and disposed of the ship within seconds.

Thats the end of my shift, a pleasure to be part of the victorious and mighty Bretonian Armed Forces
Harrington out

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Derkylos - 11-01-2008

Combat Report, 31/10/816

Filed by: Ensign Aldwyn

Two occurrences of note today-a tanker flying under the callsign "CaptinKdawg" was able to transfer a sizeable amount of Deuterium to Kusari, due to my inability to properly engage his transport in my Templar (maybe some pointers for this kind of engagement are in order?). I suggest action be taken against him as an obvious ally of our enemies.

The second, however, was of far greater note. A Zoner Juggernaught, callsign "Danny Archer", was encountered in Manchester. Upon closer inspection, he was determined to be carrying a large quantity of both Nomad brains and Nomad weapons. Claiming that he was going to Cambridge, he entered the New London system. Fortunately, he was flying through open space, so I shadowed him to the Cambridge jumpgate. He proceded directly to cambridge, but consented to my request that he not attempt to unload his cargo on the planet. He then moored with the research station, presumably to offload his cargo, but promptly cloaked(!) I informed him of how he could aquire a license, but refrained from engaging due to being heavily outclassed. A scan of his hold is attached.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - MarvinCZ - 11-01-2008

[Incoming Transmission]
[Comm ID: Commodore Mark McKenna]

Engagement report
I launched from Southampton at 1200 Sirius Mean Time, to face a corsair fleet that penetrated into our core systems. Our numbers were low, but we were slowly amassing forces. One thing that we seemed to lack was time.

At planet New London I was attacked by several Corsair ships, and soon the main fleet appeared. With the knowledge that our main forces are not ready to stop the incursion, I held my ground and faced the enemy. I was able to inflict only minor damage, but that was not the goal. I succeeded in my main goal, detaining the enemy force. I bought our forces 10 minutes of relative tranquility. Then I was forced into my escape pod.

attached logs:
[1] [2] [3]

[Transmission terminated]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - beander2 - 11-02-2008

*****GuildComm Activated*****

FROM: Peter Barrington, IMG
SUBJECT: Trading Permit

To Whom It May Concern:

On behalf of the Independent Miners Guild, I request permission to carry h-fuel through Bretonian space. I have recently received permission via private communique from BPA to carry deuterium from Gran Canaria either to our base at South Shields, or into Rheinland. Unfortunately, our permission has yet to be posted publicly. Following the recent resignation of the BPA superintendent, I made a second request for permission to carry h-fuel. Due to the hassles of management transition, no doubt, I have yet to hear back.

I therefore request from BAF a trade permit for h-fuel. Our typical route would have us carrying it from South Shields back to Gran Canaria or to Lanzarote, both Zoner bases in Omega 49. We might have occasion to carry it elsewhere, but under no condition would we take it (or deuterium, for that matter) into the Tau systems or trade it with Kusari. Any IMG trader found to have done so would be disciplined severly.

I look forward to hearing from you, and if you are able to confirm our permit for deuterium with BPA, please include that permission in your public posting.

Thanks very much,

Peter Barrington
Guild Master
Independent Miners Guild

*****GuildComm Deactivated*****

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Dieter Schprokets - 11-02-2008

TO: Peter Barrington, IMG
FROM: James Ralston, Minister of Defense
SUBJECT: Trading Permit


Permisson is granted to ship H-Fuel, and Deuterium, through Bretonian Space, but, I reiterate your own words:

"under no condition would we take it (or deuterium, for that matter) into the Tau systems or trade it with Kusari. Any IMG trader found to have done so would be disciplined severly."

I consider those words to be a binding promise.

To demonstrate how seriously I consider that promise, note that any IMG trader caught trading with the enemy will be intercepted and required to pay a 5 million credit fine. Failure to do so will result in destruction. Advise your pilots of these conditions.

This arrangement will require a one-time licence fee of 40 million credits.

Trusting you find the above terms acceptable, I remain

Yours Truly

James Ralston, Minister of Defense.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Dieter Schprokets - 11-02-2008

Memo to all Flag Officers, Bretonian Armed Forces

From : Fleet Admiral Percy Nelles

Re : Official Policy and Protocol, "Zoners Against Slavery"

All Flag Officers of the Bretonian Armed Forces are required to communicate the following Official Policy and Protocol regarding the "Zoners Against Slavery", and the particulars of their humanitarian mission.

This organization is committed to liberating slaves throughout Sirius and transporting them to a Zoner Slave Rehabiltation Facility in Omega 49. They have requested free and unfettered passage through Bretonian space. The Prime Minister has granted that request via Orders in Council.

The Armed Forces will also, naturally, defend these vessels as we do any other trader.

Flag Officers will acknowledge receipt of this message on secure channel.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - beander2 - 11-02-2008

*****GuildComm Activated*****

TO: James Ralston, Bretonian MOD
FROM: Peter Barrington, GM
SUBJECT: Trading Permit

Dear Mr. Ralston,

I appreciate the prompt reply. We agree to the one-time 40 million credit permit fee for both deuterium and h-fuel.

Of course, we will keep to our commitment regarding transport of these two items into the Taus; IMG word is our bond. As to your addendum - "any IMG trader caught trading with the enemy will be intercepted and required to pay a 5 million credit fine" - I presume you specifically mean this very point, i.e., taking these items through the Taus to Kusari. If so, then we are agreed.

Please PM me with the account to which to transfer the fee, and I will see to it presently. Also, please see to it that our permission is relayed to BAF forces and to the Bretonian Police. I would like to avoid any unpleasant situations.


Peter Barrington
Guild Master
Independent Miners Guild

*****GuildComm Deactivated*****

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - pbrione - 11-04-2008

Incoming Field Report
From: BAF Commander Stanley Neslon
Priority: Urgent

Gentlemen. Today we witnessed a great triumph of Bretonian Arms. The most wanted man in Siruis, the notorious Mon'Star the Red, and his programmed psi-borg comrade, have both been soundly defeated in the skies of Edinburgh, and their vessels utterly destroyed.
After seeing his trail of destruction pass through Kusari and Liberty, leaving dozens of vessels smouldering in his wake in New York and California, the terrorist known only as Mon'Star was sighted entering Magellan, heading for the Manchester border. With impressive swiftness that is testament to Bretonia's ealy response system we rapidly gathered a sizeable force in Manchester comprising myself, Ensigns Chris Bradley and Elsie Robirds, and the gunboats HMS Warspite, Tartar and Bulwark. Seeing our fleet so unexpectedly prepared, Mon'Star, in his Flagship Necrosis, fled through Newcastle to Tau, with our fleet in hot puruit. Meeting with his psi-borg assitant, he returned to Bretonia via Edinburgh, whereby our fleet fell upon them. Wiith the Ensigns not yet arrived, the HMS-Warspite was lost to the crushing firepower of the Necrosis' forward turrets. The skill of the captains of the three gunboats, however, ensured that his shields were soon collapsing, and we were able to concentrate all our firepower onto the upper decks of the Necrosis, which finally exploded in an immense blast. After a breif skirmish the Psi-Borg vessel was also destroyed, to no further losses. Scanning the area after the battle, however, we were able to find no trace of Mon'Star's escape pod. Either he escaped or, more likely, perished in the demise of his ship.
I must commend all those involved in the lengthy action for their endurance, skill and courage in the face such a legendary opponent, against whom neither Kusari nor Liberty had been able to stand.

End of Report

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Akumabito - 11-06-2008

Activity report, Outcasts, Mollys and Junkers turn hostile to BAF

Sirs, While on routine patrol in Leeds, I came across two lane hackers pirating in Leeds, as evidenced by the scanner log below. I have seen these two pirates in Leeds on numerous occassion and chased them back to Magellan.

[Image: churchill1.jpg]

I followed them to Magellan, where I was fired upon by an outcast in a bomber, named Ramirez, soon joined by a second outcast in a gunboat, the two Lane Hackers, and a Junker and a Molly, who all commenced to fire on the Churchill.

I departed back to leeds where all followed and disabled the Churchill, sending her to dry dock where she requires extensive repairs.

It looks like the cease fire with the Outcasts and the Neutral relationship with the Mollys and Junkers is no more. I suggest aggressive action be taken to quell this Lane Hacker aggression and convince their new allies that they should have kept their neutrality.

[Image: churchill.jpg]