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RE: Med Force Enterprises - Doc Holliday - 08-26-2020

Several updates made in ship rosters and some language corrections.

RE: Med Force Enterprises - Doc Holliday - 10-11-2020

Minor edits made.

RE: Med Force Enterprises - Doc Holliday - 10-23-2020

*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: Doc Holliday
To: All Med Force Assets
RE: New Ship

Today, I commissioned the [MFE]Pasteur in honor of the father of germ medicine, Louis Pasteur. It is an Osprey II fighter that will be based in Baffin. It is quite lonely out there and there is no security so I set this ship up.
Also, I am watching talks between the Enclave and the Tau Zoners. I will keep you all posted.

RE: Med Force Enterprises - Bellepheron - 10-31-2020

To: Medical Administration
Medical Force Enterprise

From: Operations Officer

Since Commissioning the hospital Ship has completed trails and exercises to ensure that the ship and crew are fit for purpose. You would have seen the inspection report passing both the ship and crew for operational duties.

The assigned medical crew are superb as all those who have received treatment from them will testify.

A distress call was received from Omega 55 where a ship had succumbed to the radiation rigours that system is endowed with. The distress ship was beyond the scope of this vessel to salvage but all 23 crew were rescued and treated with various radiation burns. All were brought to Om Theta Bases for continuing treatment. (please see the note below)

This ship took part in the rescue of refugees from the Edinburgh system. It did not convey those casualties to Gallia but treated wounds and illnesses that were rife amongst those casualties and returned them to the various escort vessels that participated in the rescue. All received food and sustenance before they were released from medical care.

After Note:
We ask if the Theta Base B is due enhancements to combat radiation sickness. It is known that research is on going into the properties given of by the Theta's sun's radiation and it is hoped that we can soon accelerate such treatment if and when base modifications can be made to absorb the sun's healing radiation.

Signed Nichola White
Senior Nurse and Operations Officer

RE: Med Force Enterprises - Bellepheron - 11-04-2020

To: Doc Holliday
Medical and Nursing Administration
Medical Force Enterprise

From: Operations Officer
MFE St.Agatha. Hospital

You will excuse this message of elation but by now you may have heard the news from this mobile hospital.

Earlier today a call was received for urgent assistance from Freeport 1 in Om3. The call stated that a pregnant passenger from a docking liner had gone into labour but with severe medical difficulties. The hospital ship docked at FP1 and received the patient who was taken direct to the on board trauma facilities.
The difficulty was that the patient was indeed expecting triplets all of whome were showing signs of distress.

The good news is that all 3 babies were delivered succesfuly and following intense medical care the senior medical officer stated that the mother and triplets are now in good health.

The ship St.Agatha.Hospital then maintained medicall care while transfering the new Family to the Planet Manhatten in the New York system and the medical facilities based upon the planet.

St.Agatha.Hospital is now back on base in General B Theta.

Nichola White
Senior Nurse and Operations Officer

RE: Med Force Enterprises - Doc Holliday - 11-07-2020

*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: Doc Holliday
To: Nichola White

Miss White,

Forgive the tardiness of my reply. It is always good news to hear about the birth of a child. In this day and age of people killing each other, new lives are a good sign. You and your staff did an excellent job on this and gave the Enterprise some good PR.

As to radiation sickness, I believe we are using Med Force Donryu is heading this up. I hope this helps and I look forward to hearing more from you and your staff in the future.


RE: Med Force Enterprises - Doc Holliday - 11-08-2020

*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: Doc Holliday
To: All personnel

While the crew of the [MFE]St.Agatha.Hospital has been working under the MFE banner, I have made it official. Miss White, welcome aboard Med Force Enterprises. You will find that I have rostered you, the ship and your crew. Continue your good work and notify me of any changes or additions.

Also, I have added the [MFE]Pasteur to the list of bulk ships.


RE: Med Force Enterprises - Pennyfield - 11-22-2020

[Image: MFE-top-logo-noloop.gif]

* incoming transmission *

Comm ID..... Jill Xi, PharmD, Med Force Donryu RnD
To...................... Dr. John H. Holliday
Subject......... Regarding the Donryu station

Hello John,

I know we talked about this earlier yet here's the on-the-record report. With the Donryu station being reinforced I am happy to report that the station is at 75% capability to serve as a back-up location to General-B. We managed to create more space for hospital rooms by making the research areas a bit smaller. Recent upgrades have also helped to reduce the area needed for our research equipment thereby opening up even more space for non-research related areas. With the help from the engineers at DSE we created many 'smart-rooms'. This is basically taking down the internal bulkheads of the station and replacing these with level-10 forcefields and moveable walls. This approach to interior design helps us to quickly modify areas to their needed size as well as help us create large open spaces while preserving bio-hazard security.

Apart from the interior, the loading bays have also been upgraded to allow more ships to offload theirpassengers and cargo while maintaining ample space for storage of supplies. In addition to that the station also has been upgraded with a new, stronger, shield generator and 2 weapon platforms as to ensure her safety at times where little hope may exist.

The crew and I are doing our best to make sure that all is done before the end of this year but Donryu can already serve as a back-up to General-B should this be needed.

Yours in the service of those in need of medical care,

[Image: Jill-Signed.png]
Jill Xi, Pharm.D,
Chief of Medicine, General-B hospital
Med Force Enterprises

Med Force Enterprises welcomes your help!
Send your donation to [MFE]Donations and join the cause to build hope where little may exist.

RE: Med Force Enterprises - Doc Holliday - 11-23-2020

*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: Doc Holliday
To: Dr. Jill Xi
Subject: Donryu; Med Force General and Research

Good Evening, Jill,

This is indeed good news. Having Donryu serve as a backup is truly wise. Hopefully it never comes to that. With two bases in Theta and Med Force One in system as well, we have more than enough research room. Of course, we have the base out here in Baffin as well which, by the way, has all of its goods for Core 3. Now it is just a matter of me filing paperwork and the fee. That said, the contract with Gateway was an expensive one so we will need some time to build up the funding on it.

One thing we should start considering is what research and projects should we do where? It was my thought that those secret projects that should be out of public eye and the ones that will take a lot of work would be best done out here. Of course, I have some of the worst patients here as well. I am still astounded at how much some of these people, if we can call them people at all, can find so much delight in seeing how much destruction of the human body they can do. The burned beyond recognition but still breathing people and the ones missing more than they come in with. Somehow I still maintain faith in humanity.

As for the Enterprise itself, I still seek new people that can help us grow. We are big enough to be known but small enough to slip under the radar of many. Perhaps that is a good thing.
I will be running some routes before I return the Theta for awhile. Put me on the surgery schedule and let me know what we need.

Yours in medicine,

RE: Med Force Enterprises - Pennyfield - 11-30-2020

[Image: MFE-top-logo-noloop.gif]
< MFE Eyes Only >

* incoming transmission *

Comm ID ..... Jill Xi, PharmD
Location ....... Med Force Donryu RnD, Theta
To ...................... Dr. John H. Holliday
CC ..................... MFE Internal
Subject .......... Med Force Academy - Initial project brief

Good day,

With the recent expansion of the MFE Baffin facility the need for a research facility in Omicron-Theta has become less. As the Donryu facility has already been refitted to serve as a back-up location to the General-B hospital I would like to suggest that we change Donryu into the "Med Force Academy".

With a new name and purpose the station can remain the back-up location for General-B yet also serve as a facility where we can train not only medical personnel but also our rescue crew and security staff. Which would be usefull considering the posting of new job openings soon. Furthermore, as the Donryu facility has been upgraded herself she can simultaniously function as a place to hold training courses and medical conventions.

This change would, however, not be without costs. In order to have the facility ready for all described above we are talking about an investment of no less than 250m SC.

I am interested in your views on this.

Yours truly,,

[Image: Jill-Signed.png]

Jill Xi, PharmD,
Deputy director Donryu RnD, O--Theta
Med Force Enterprises