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Texas Separatists - Information & Feedback - Printable Version

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RE: Texas Separatists - Information & Feedback - Texas Separatists - 10-12-2014

@Echo 7-7 - Well LR ID offers tons of allies and ofc access to cap ships and full blockade of the Texas system will be really cool so i have to choice between LR ID and Pirate?What you suggest for such a blockade and a liberating movement ?

RE: Texas Separatists - Information & Feedback - Derkylos - 10-12-2014

Please bear in mind that the following is only my opinion.

To effectively free a system from house government control, especially such a strategically important system as Texas (Liberty's frontline with Rheinland, and Rheinland's waypoint to New York), would take a lot of work. The Mollys are barely holding out in Dublin (sure, there is a fair bit of propaganda on the Molly side about how they fought the BAF into a standstill, but there's an Armed Forces battleship sitting pretty in the system...not to mention the fortified outpost otherwise known as the BMM gold field...and half the system belongs to the IMG, anyway...), and they've had years as well as considerable reserves of manpower (IIRC, nearly all the miners involved in the uprising joined the Mollys in the aftermath).

From what I'm reading, your initial concept is a small band of freedom fighters trying to make some headway against the overwhelming military might of Liberty. First off, going it alone is not the sanest of moves (ask the Xenos...), so you're probably going to want to look for allies. A temporary allegiance with the Rheinland "invaders" may be a sensible first step, using their assistance to occupy the Libertonians' military assets while striking at their supply lines, including attempting prison breaks on the 2 LPI facilities in the system, in the hopes of swelling your ranks with the recently incarcerated. Then, when the Rheinland Military's backs are turned, plunge the knife in to make sure neither side comes out on top.

Of course, fighting for a political ideal puts you in a tricky want to make it impractical for Liberty to maintain a foothold in the system, by squeezing their economy, but you also need people to flock to your cause, so raiding the ships of those who work for Liberty corporations, while practical in preventing the re-supply of their outposts, will put you at odds with the working class from whom one would assume the majority of your recruits to come.

I could see this working as a sub-set of the Liberty Rogue NPC faction, the Rogues being described as a fairly diverse bunch of criminals, lacking any unified leadership structure or goal, your guys just happen to be a group within a group, following the basic ethos of "get the easy targets, run from the big things" and with an overall goal (albeit one with a slim chance of actually coming to fruition).

Tl;dr: Go with an LR ID.

Oh, and don't worry too much about getting your hands on a cap fleet, bombers and judicious use of the "run away" tactic can beat any caps you may encounter >.>

RE: Texas Separatists - Information & Feedback - Texas Separatists - 10-12-2014

(10-12-2014, 07:31 AM)Derkylos Wrote: Please bear in mind that the following is only my opinion.

To effectively free a system from house government control, especially such a strategically important system as Texas (Liberty's frontline with Rheinland, and Rheinland's waypoint to New York), would take a lot of work. The Mollys are barely holding out in Dublin (sure, there is a fair bit of propaganda on the Molly side about how they fought the BAF into a standstill, but there's an Armed Forces battleship sitting pretty in the system...not to mention the fortified outpost otherwise known as the BMM gold field...and half the system belongs to the IMG, anyway...), and they've had years as well as considerable reserves of manpower (IIRC, nearly all the miners involved in the uprising joined the Mollys in the aftermath).

From what I'm reading, your initial concept is a small band of freedom fighters trying to make some headway against the overwhelming military might of Liberty. First off, going it alone is not the sanest of moves (ask the Xenos...), so you're probably going to want to look for allies. A temporary allegiance with the Rheinland "invaders" may be a sensible first step, using their assistance to occupy the Libertonians' military assets while striking at their supply lines, including attempting prison breaks on the 2 LPI facilities in the system, in the hopes of swelling your ranks with the recently incarcerated. Then, when the Rheinland Military's backs are turned, plunge the knife in to make sure neither side comes out on top.

Of course, fighting for a political ideal puts you in a tricky want to make it impractical for Liberty to maintain a foothold in the system, by squeezing their economy, but you also need people to flock to your cause, so raiding the ships of those who work for Liberty corporations, while practical in preventing the re-supply of their outposts, will put you at odds with the working class from whom one would assume the majority of your recruits to come.

I could see this working as a sub-set of the Liberty Rogue NPC faction, the Rogues being described as a fairly diverse bunch of criminals, lacking any unified leadership structure or goal, your guys just happen to be a group within a group, following the basic ethos of "get the easy targets, run from the big things" and with an overall goal (albeit one with a slim chance of actually coming to fruition).

Tl;dr: Go with an LR ID.

Oh, and don't worry too much about getting your hands on a cap fleet, bombers and judicious use of the "run away" tactic can beat any caps you may encounter >.>
Hah sure using Rheinland as ally and when we remove the liberty influence in Texas then to attack them will be too badass even for us hah. About the Texas blockade to squeeze their economy will be much better way to liberate Texas. So ty for the tip !

RE: Texas Separatists - Information & Feedback - Thyrzul - 10-12-2014

That moment DeVersailles meets Jenkins and goes "Whoa, David, where have you been all this time? No, you are not getting your company back."

Aka - Dopplegängers are fun. Until your own characters get cloned. I would not like that too much. Keep that in mind.

RE: Texas Separatists - Information & Feedback - Huursa - 10-12-2014

History , ID and home base changed waiting for feedback!

RE: Texas Separatists - Information & Feedback - Stefz - 10-12-2014

This is definitely an improvement and makes much more sense than Piligrims whatsoever. Listen to what the community has to say and keep developing the faction - it might turn into something decent.

RE: Texas Separatists - Information & Feedback - Astraea - 10-12-2014

Much, much better. makes more sense, as stefz said.

Keep at it. good job.

RE: Texas Separatists - Information & Feedback - Evo - 10-13-2014

If the Xeno ID ends up being used, you'll need to get a different IFF. Shooting Liberty capital ships that are stationed for the purpose of defending Liberty from the Rheinland threat will make us hate you real quick since you're intentionally weakening our borders. We frequently ally with ln to kill rheinland incursions in Texas. An exception to the "no shooting your own id" crap would have to be added. You'll also need to refrain from docking on Xeno bases or using our equipment. Then there comes the issue of not being able to shoot your own id which is a pain.

Tl;Dr idk man.

Edit: I see this was resolved already towards pirate id. I blame skypelag.

RE: Texas Separatists - Information & Feedback - Huursa - 10-13-2014

(10-13-2014, 08:25 AM)Evo Wrote: If the Xeno ID ends up being used, you'll need to get a different IFF. Shooting Liberty capital ships that are stationed for the purpose of defending Liberty from the Rheinland threat will make us hate you real quick since you're intentionally weakening our borders. We frequently ally with ln to kill rheinland incursions in Texas. An exception to the "no shooting your own id" crap would have to be added. You'll also need to refrain from docking on Xeno bases or using our equipment. Then there comes the issue of not being able to shoot your own id which is a pain.

Tl;Dr idk man.

Edit: I see this was resolved already towards pirate id. I blame skypelag.
Ye we changed to Pirate ID now we are looking for home base.

RE: Texas Separatists - Information & Feedback - Omicron - 10-13-2014

Look around neighbouring independent worlds aka Hudson and Bering. They are underused and deserted, helping you to stay low from lawfuls.