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{AFC}- ||| FEEDBACK THREAD - Printable Version

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RE: {AFC}- ||| FEEDBACK THREAD - WesternPeregrine - 10-06-2016

Feedback for the AFC folks: If nomnom is feeling indisposed for replying at a certain time, DO Prevent him from posting the same thing time and time again. Either have someone qualified in the group to answer in his stead, or have one post by AFC asking everyone to wait for a normal reply by him, as there is no one else available.
Repeating those "stop posting" do not give the desired effect, and makes it all look bad.

On a post earlier in this thread, @Nasher440 asked about the usage of Battleship Yamaguchi as a staging point. Not sure what is the actual relation between AFC and Imperials, but if it is not good (and on the opposite, relation with GRN is neutral or good), why not try Minato Harbor, one jump away? Consider the option when you all have relaxed and regained composure.

RE: {AFC}- ||| FEEDBACK THREAD - The Archangels Fighter Club - 10-07-2016

Alright I am home.
Time to reply.

Before I reply to all your feedback, let me tell you the backstory to all of this:

I encourage my AFC members to try to make events for our faction. I quickly look it over and agree/disagree on it.
Well we have a Race Chat on skype and @Dragonmaster thought of an event to do. He posted it on the race chat and I told him that in order for us to be able to benefit the FR4 rule, we should post it on forums within 24 hours of the event. I told him that if he has trouble formatting and making it look pretty, he can just post a short thing explaining the event and later make it better and fix any issues. This way the FR4 would still be useful.

So he posted.

We did not initially plan on having people chase us as 1) he wanted this to be a quite quick event and more private as he innitially only wanted to post it on the Race Chat on skype.
2) I asked if he wants to include cops and we agreed to not include them.

What were the reasons for number #2? Let me elaborate.

Our experiences with cops or other entities for our race events have always been very hard to control due to recent event with GMG, I thought best to not have added complications with chasing element to our races and to keep it simple.

Why is it complicated?

Let me ask you this question:
Do you like to get ganked? Now imagine you have no armor and no guns and you are on a fragile ship that has a specific route to take and you are being ganked by 5+ players.

It can be difficult to balance especially if there are not enough racers involved. We have seen a reduction in racers these days. We wanted to give the focus on racers but also make everything simple.

While I am saying this, I did have Hogosha in mind. Did I take them into consideration? yes I did. Why did I not put in the event them?
Simply becasue I dont think they would want to particiate in our event.
Why do I say that?
Because this event failed

Apparently the Hogosha group is small and something else that i cant remember so they couldnt participate. Due to wanting the event to happen tomorrow and not having to plan everything in a hurry, we excluded this. I did not think it was going to be a big issue becasue they were not interesting in our last event.

Let's get back to this topic in another angle later: What if they wanted to come?
Well if they wanted to come, I assumed I would get a friendly notification that they are interested.

let me get back to this and jump forward to what FR4 means.

Quote:Faction Right 4. Official player factions who have planned an event (with at least 24 hours notice on forum, here) can restrict participation of others in that event as they see fit.

Did I say anywhere that I was automatically not allowing any enemies to come to the race? No.
I placed this FR4 for a few reasons:

1) Protect against trolling and destroying our fun.
In the race with GMG, the GMG played poorly and even before we started racing they were all lined up and shooting at us. The event lasted less than a min before we were dead.
They also disregarded the rules for the event even though we posted the event and had FR4 in place because of the rules.
I posted to make things clear that we are FR4 protected. Usually in these events we are always FR4 protected anyway. I used my rights a lot of the time before on our other events against trolling people.

2) Balance the event.
It is easy to shoot light fighter egg shells that cannot defend themselves with any guns.
I could really see the A/) coming to bounty us for instance when we would do this event. This is also why I believe @"Auzari" has a conflict of interest and actually wants us to not be protected so that she can get easy 10 millions per AFC kill in our events. Sorry to kill your fun, girl.

3) Having control of the Event in general.
There are many people I know who would want to come unannounced and try to stir up trouble.
I'd like some ability to have order for the events we have.

So now, what if Hogosha had decided to ask us why they were not allowed to join?
The answer is simple: Just ask.

By placing an FR4 clear demand, I have the right to control the event and who can join in. This does not mean i am automatically abusing the system, as some people assumed I am doing.
It's too bad that some people have the image of me saying "lolz taking over the system muahahaha" .

If you want to have fun with us then we can talk and figure something out.

You know what I dont appreciate though? I don't appreciate people like @Char Aznable telling us we cannot go to Tutorri at all. Also that I dont RP apparently.

Not even a polite hello or anything.
He just comes in and starts yapping away that I am powergaming, that I dont RP, and that he is going to report me.

Welll I then removed him from skype.

Later on I see the HA leader post and i link the two events. I do not want to continue the conversation and I tell them I will only do it if they actually talk without breaking server rules and threatening me with sanctions.

Turns out he is not associated but still Char continues to lie.

let's get some things straight:

1) If Hogosha contacts me and wants to join in to the event, I will try my best to make something work.
2) We will be in and out of your beloved and unused system quickly and we are not powergaming. Powergaming includes that we abuse to achieve something of value. We are... what? having fun and controlling and balancing an event.
3) Tutorri =/= Alaska. AFC can go in there if we want to.

For the damn record, we DO have RP with hogosha and this is actually a very logical thing for my faction to do. Who are you, Char, to tell me, the faction leader and creator of my own faction, that I am not doing this inRP. I bet you do not know what AFC even is. Have you read our lore? Our laws? Oh wait you didnt know we have laws, did you? Ohhh cant wait for more rage from you when you get to read those Big Grin

I can already see it: RRAACERSS have LLAWWSSSsss [triggering intensified]

Rather than coming to me politely, you come accusing me of crap.

4) FR4 is ment to control the event and to keep the event plan moving smoothly and away from trouble and trolls. If you want to participate then tell me.
Do you think it is fair that I announce an event to everyone and then when we come with unarmed ships we will get 20 enemies attacking us? I think that is metagaming that you just so happened to know we would be around at that time. How about you guys respect the fact that we want to have some fun too.

What I was thinking is that AFC can do the route around the track and then get intercepted.
Oh yeah OK that's another thing I have to say:

There are currently 2 race tracks in sirius, the boring one in Dublin (which is poorly designed to fit the needs of player vs player racing), and the less boring one in Tutorri though it also has it's flaws. Before getting our own track, (becasue people are taking too long for getting my stuff inRP >.< ) we want to also get to Tutorri.


For some reason Char gets triggered that we even can enter into that system. FFS

I have heard the damn same stupid remarks before. This is litterally the same thing over and over. Last time we were there I ran for 30 mins or more and they complained that I should have died by their guns even though they killed 2 other AFC pilots. What a joke from there.

This is what I mean by hording that Char mentioned.

And you know what triggers me more?
"You guys are just rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaacers."


As if that is some sort of insult.
As if by that definition they imply we are good for nothing.

Every time I hear the same thing.


Go read our lore. Have fun.
We go where we want and are free. We respect the turf of our allies but our enemies turf are fair game to travel through.
Space is space. Be Free! That has been AFC's moto from the start.

Watch that video!
Do you see the arrow saying NOOOoooo I dont want to be chasseedd!!
No. Arrow stronk. We actually as AFC like to be chased!

The difference though in the events is the balance as to when to start chasing us. We dont want to race 1k and then die like in our last failed event!
I am not stupid. I learn from experiences and adapt!

Now lets answer all your lovely comments:

(10-06-2016, 07:53 PM)WPeregrine Wrote: What does this mean in this case? Setting an operation in the holdings mostly flown by your chosen enemies and their (somewhat) close allies, and expect to not be bothered due to rights? Not sure you can invoke that in this scenario...

It is not an operation. It is like jumping a fence, running around, and exiting.
And no we do not "expect to be bothered due to rights". We expect to not be bothered randomly by people who come unannounced to an EVENT that is posted for EVERYONE to see and freely metagame. You are not automatically entitled to disturb an event just becasue it is your space.
I am asking you kindly: Do you want to join in on the fun and do you have people who want to play with us? If yes, we can arrange the scenario and have fun on both sides.

(10-06-2016, 08:05 PM)Char Aznable Wrote: Your accusation of me 'hoarding' a racetrack that you believe to have a claim on because you are a racing faction while I have given away 343 ages ago was what topped this all off. Your poor reaction to feedback doesn't reflect well on you. Just saying.

"becasue i am a racing faction" i have 'claim' over a racetrack?

Um I believe the proper term is that I should have access to a track.

(10-06-2016, 08:16 PM)Auzari Wrote: He wasn't being rude, and if anything, you are being rude right now with your hostile attire.

It's very sketchy. I could make a event in Omicron Iota and disallow Nomads to come for example.

I really hate it when people that are not involved in an argument start jump in and assume they know everything.
This is why I told you to stop posting. Perhaps you understand what patience is? From your actions of "I post what I want" i think you dont.

(10-06-2016, 08:23 PM)Char Aznable Wrote: I did neither threaten you nor did I tell you that you do not RP. What I told you is that you didn't give a proper RP justification for this event, and your heavily defensive attitude is evidence that you have nothing to say about it. In fact, when I told you that this event is, in its current form, bullsh**, you accused me of 'hoarding a racetrack' and just 'continuing the hate'. While it is true that I could have used less blunt wording, your reaction to my legitimately voiced criticism in the past has gotten the better of me and resulted in harsh words I've put towards you on Skype.

If you want to think that I am turning this into hate here, go on. I could not care less about you, to be honest. I am just sad to see what AFC has become while it had a lot of potential for interesting RP, that is all.

For everyone that doesn't know what this discussion is about though: From my point of view, AFC operating in Tottori, even excluding the people that would logically prevent them from doing so, is a load of nonsense, and nothing more. The use of FR 4 reinforces this point - and before anyone uses my usage of FR 4 in the past as a counter argument, this was in no way used to exclude enemy factions from their home bases, rather than it was used to keep out a group of particularly harmful people.
@nOmnomnOm has repeatedly shown that he does not care for the Roleplay background of something, and just wants to imprint his personal stuff on it. You can't sit in your little hugbox with no one hurting you inRP, and your actions should have consequences. Using ooRP rules to get an inRP benefit is and should be considered powergaming, and is thus, in my opinion, a sanctionable offense.

1) you threatened me by saying to expect to be reported.
2) You told me to RP for once. As if I dont Rp. Sorry, my excellency. Does my RP disappoint you?
3) Propery RP justification... OHHHH boy. I have 3 new storys that you can read from the failed AFC - HA thread. They are linked when you go to that thread. Please check them out and come to me again and say that I have no justification to do waht I do.
On top of all that, we were in Tutorri before. What makes you think we cannot go there again?
4) You are hording the race track and continuing to hate us RRRAAAAAaacceerrss.
5) You use blunt wording, and expect to get it back to you.

6) Oh please post the skype convo. I cant atm anyway becasue skype doenst work on my browser. You are twisting things anyway.
7) AFC operating in Tutorri is not a load of nonsense and the admins have disproved you before.
8) See above why I use FR4
9) I dont care about RP background? LOL! You actually dont care about it seeing you are so ignorant to think there is no possibility to this event making sense.
10) My previous events prove that I dont sit in a 'hugbox' , whatever kinky thing that is.
11) They have consequences already. We are red with Hogosha. Lolwut?
12) Not powergaming, sorry to disappoint and have you cry. See above for details.

(10-06-2016, 08:38 PM)Char Aznable Wrote: I have not lied with one word. Plus the only person throwing accusations around here is you, and nobody else.
See above for your accusations. You also lied and twisted our nice convo we had by saying you didnt threaten me when you actually did.

(10-06-2016, 08:42 PM)Char Aznable Wrote: As I already mentioned, nobody here is crap posting. The only person getting agitated and angry here is you, and you're digging your hole ever deeper with every time you accuse me of it.
I'm not hating on you. There's only one person on Disco I hate, and that, I can assure you, has nothing even remotely to do with AFC. I am just criticizing your decisions, because I believe them to be wrong. If you can't deal with that kind of feedback, though, I would advise you to go and eat a sandwich, then return when you've calmed down and reread all the posts that have been done so far.

1)No i think at the moment you have dug your own hole for being mad about someone coming in to race in a system and then coming out.
I legit can do this when the population is at 10 people, yeah? Oh but muh NPC patrols keep the raaaaacerss awayyyyy.
2) I deal with your kind of feedback on skype. I rejected it. You base your criticism on only assumptions. You didnt even ask me anything before hand on my intentions!
3) OH yeah i am reading all these posts. #No-shame

(10-06-2016, 08:43 PM)Auzari Wrote: Take a chill pill/time out dude, no one here is attacking you. It's just simple curiosity.
Go away. If you waited then your curiosity would have been replied to with less stress from me.
Do you know I have maybe caught a cold or flew becasue of all the stress I have in school at the moment? And i am now using up more than an hour to reply to all this.
You guys could have STOPPED POSTING and waited.

(10-06-2016, 08:50 PM)Caelumaresh Wrote: John, guys, take a step back please. This is turning more into a slug throwing contest then a race.
Perfect example of someone coming in at the wrong time with no idea what is going on.

(10-06-2016, 08:53 PM)Garth Saris Wrote: And here I thought this was a roleplay community. /:
Again, perfect example

(10-06-2016, 08:57 PM)Kalhmera Wrote: ok bud, we can post where ever we like... you can not control anyone... take the feedback and or comments your getting like a man and stop getting Triggered over small stuff... You might need a sandwich break..
And you can mind your own business Smile

(10-06-2016, 09:08 PM)Auzari Wrote: No need to be so rude. But personally, adding spice, like hostiles, to races makes it more interesting, and less predictable.

Oh yes... Common thing here:
first of all, again, she has a conflict of interest in killing easy AFC targets.
secondly, Adding hostiles in a race event is very ... how can I put it... fragile!
I can do it, but I wont allow for it to be unsupervised.

And no you cannot come to claim easy bounties.

(10-06-2016, 09:09 PM)kenshin156 Wrote: To get back on topic, I am also uncertain how "impairing" an FR4 in this event would be for other factions.
Of course, you want to have this race, and I get that, but simply removing encounters with a faction - whose territory you pass, I might add - to have a nice race seems kind of Overkill. If anything you could ask the faction to maybe look the other way or actually implement them by saying they can't disrupt your cruise or whatever, making the fire-dodging a thing in the race while also eliminating unfair play with target preference.
I would also advice you to not open your browser for the forums until you actually are home and have calmed down a bit.
Please, do not take any of this as agression towards you, AFC, this race or whatever. It is simply a thing of curiosity about the abilities of an FR4, which apparently weren't very clear until now, so people want to discuss about it and get multiple opinions.

You should have waited for me to explain the situation before you posted. That's all I have to say to you.
You are fair in your comment, but your time could have been saved.

(10-06-2016, 09:11 PM)Arioch Wrote: The amount of posts you've made John telling people to stop, could've been spent drafting up a single, longer post. Yes some people who have posted aren't the most diplomatic/tactful in their approach, but there is a lot of genuine curiosity and confusion. You're treating that as trolling when it is far from it. I get you're upset, fine. But don't take every post that people make that are either asking perfectly acceptable questions or are saying "hey man, you're upset, let's calm down a bit, ok?" as trolling, hateful, targeting you and painting you as a bad person. You're reaction to those posts in the manner thusfar are doing that for you.

As I said, instead of responding to every comment with "STOP TROLLING!" when it's painfully obvious it's not a troll-post, just start writing up a reply to the legitimate concerns people have brought forward. You could've easily written one up in the amount of time you've instead spent at yelling at people. Not being aggressive, not trolling FYI.

Right right right. OOOOFF coarse

This post is already taken me 1.5 hours to complete. At the time i was moving from tab to tab, from working to this forum, to try to get people to CHILL THE HELL DOWN.
To say: "you could have easily replied back to us" is kinda ignorant becasue you dont know what situation I am in. You think I have time to sit down, think, and reply genuinely while I am working in studio? Please be considerate and actually LISTEN that I will reply later.

(10-06-2016, 09:54 PM)King Boo Wrote: Because of the nature of this event, the AFC are allowed to restrict participation of the race itself thanks to Faction Right 4

However, the AFC is not allowed to prevent factions/players who belong in the system from showing up. They may not be allowed to participate, but the AFC still can have RP (or PvP if it boils down to that) consequences if they aren't happy with your shenanigans.

This does not mean people should show up in order to ruin the event. Let people have their fun. But logically a race through a system which you might not be very welcome in naturally may have some consequences.

And I am not going to abuse FR4 as you all may think I am doing it.
Oh yeah guys! I am doing a SMUGGLING event from x to y and NOOOO ONEEE can stop me becasue of FR4 MUAHAHAHAHAHA


anyway, thank you. If you all dont know already, HA and AFC are in a turf war anyway.

(10-06-2016, 10:08 PM)Inferno Wrote: Om, this may not be related to signing up for the event(like this thread was to be), but would this be the thing I bring the news ships to?

i dont get it

(10-06-2016, 10:12 PM)King Boo Wrote: Things generally are considered case by case. If there is valid reason to have people not show up, we'll make accommodations.

That's how I roll. Case by case.

At any rate, I recommend that you do not post events until all of the details are written out. Makes things a lot more streamlined.

The into to the whole post basically says why it is not concrete.
We wanted to us the FR4 so we posted fast.
We are willing to add people that want to join in on the fun. Just ask politely.
We will iron out holes if you find them.

(10-06-2016, 09:12 PM)Arioch Wrote: Since you want people to post feedback here instead:

(10-06-2016, 08:27 PM)Arioch Wrote: Honestly it is very sketchy as Auzari said to make an event in hostile territory, expect those hostiles to not react/act, and demand an FR4. If you have an enemy, you can't very well go into his house, turn on his TV to watch your favorite show, and expect no consequences/repercussions, or an attempt to remove you from the house.

What would have been believable/more acceptable would be to make an event KNOWING it's in hostile territory, work with the faction leaders to set up a race that would not only have to follow the course, but also dodge enemy fire. Makes the stakes that much more higher, gets involvement from your enemies as well (Considering it's in their system), and avoids the 'We do what we want, regardless of if it's in an enemy's system, and we've demanding FR4 so we can't be touched."

The amount of posts John made asking people to stop posting could've been better spent writing a quick, concise reason to the concerns brought forth. I really am not interested in "Well someone threatened to sanction me!" or accusing people of trolling. I don't care. I do though care about the above, and why a faction would host an event in an enemy system, without (unless you have an I am wrong in this) working with said faction(s), and then demanding an FR4 for the event.

Please explain to me the thought process behind this, if you could, so everyone raising eyebrows can hopefully be provided an explanation.

Thanks -

Did I say those hostiles are not allowed to react? no. That is not what FR4 is all about. It is about keeping the event that was planned controled. If you want to participate, ask me.
Oh and your suggestion doesn't work that easily.

(10-06-2016, 09:17 PM)Auzari Wrote: Then what is the point of telling people to post here? Are you actually going to tell 'what is really going on'?

Sticking your snout up and going 'nope' isn't really a nice answer. Instead of leaving people in the dark, perhaps you could enlighten us what exactly is the issue concerning the FR4 usage.

Consider yourself enlightened.

(10-06-2016, 09:23 PM)Vendetta Wrote: Another quality event and public relations example.

Can we talk about how silly this situation and reaction is? I've spent all day picking up literal crap in Vietnam my basement and this is the first thing I sit down to.

It seems really sketchy to somehow manage to host a race in hostile territory and deny said owners of the territory participation. Where's the fun in that for those people?

I do not like impatient people.
Again, read above.

(10-06-2016, 10:01 PM)WPeregrine Wrote: Feedback for the AFC folks: If nomnom is feeling indisposed for replying at a certain time, DO Prevent him from posting the same thing time and time again. Either have someone qualified in the group to answer in his stead, or have one post by AFC asking everyone to wait for a normal reply by him, as there is no one else available.
Repeating those "stop posting" do not give the desired effect, and makes it all look bad.

On a post earlier in this thread, @Nasher440 asked about the usage of Battleship Yamaguchi as a staging point. Not sure what is the actual relation between AFC and Imperials, but if it is not good (and on the opposite, relation with GRN is neutral or good), why not try Minato Harbor, one jump away? Consider the option when you all have relaxed and regained composure.

I will go through the details of start and stopping soon.
The event will continue as planned.

If you want your HA to join us, please tell me.

I think that concludes what I have to say

RE: {AFC}- ||| FEEDBACK THREAD - Char Aznable - 10-07-2016

(10-07-2016, 02:47 AM)The Archangels Fighter Club Wrote: Um I believe the proper term is that I should have access to a track.

Your whole response boils down to this point, and it just doesn't make sense. I won't go into detail again, because to be perfectly honest with you, the whole discussion is absolutely pointless until you understand the difference between inRP and ooRP reasoning.

Good luck with leading your faction the way you do, and reacting on feedback the way you do.
Nice talk.

RE: {AFC}- ||| FEEDBACK THREAD - Goldberg - 10-07-2016

Man this is better then the Zoner drama.

Whatever, I want to try this racing in Freelancer, never did that before, are there any special rules and so on?

Oh, and could you like pm me when you have the next race event?

RE: {AFC}- ||| FEEDBACK THREAD - The Archangels Fighter Club - 10-07-2016

(10-07-2016, 03:26 AM)Char Aznable Wrote: the difference between inRP and ooRP reasoning.

I do not think you do, honestly, based on what you understood from my reply.

After talking to Finn in game, and having a little discussion about this, what his point was basically that HA has not been informed of this happening in their system before we POSTED the event.

While my argument back is that the 24 minimum post for FR4 was created so that everyone know what is going on and can comment and ask to be included, Finn is saying I should state oorply my intentions to the leader required so that no one has issues.

You know what? Fair call. To have you all settled down, I can have this suggestion implemented into the planning stages for the events to come.

Please note that in previous events we HAD done this, but due to my understanding of HA's apparent situation, I had overlooked this.

Not a problem for me to adapt.

My PoV still stands however on using FR4 to stop people from laying waste to planned events that they know noticeably ahead of time.
I do not wish to have things happen like they happened before. No thanks.

RE: {AFC}- ||| FEEDBACK THREAD - nOmnomnOm - 10-07-2016

(10-07-2016, 03:37 AM)Legionnaire Wrote: Man this is better then the Zoner drama.

Whatever, I want to try this racing in Freelancer, never did that before, are there any special rules and so on?

Oh, and could you like pm me when you have the next race event?

Rules are usually that we fly with light fighters and No guns and no armor are allowed on them. This makes the ships cheap, unless you want to invest in a cheetah thruster.
We allow Mines, CDs, and CMs to race with. Pick and choose which ones you perfer.

If you want a PM, would you like a skype notification or a forum PM? I can add you to our race chat and you will be updated that way fast if there is a new race event coming.

RE: {AFC}- ||| FEEDBACK THREAD - Kauket - 10-07-2016

(10-07-2016, 02:47 AM)The Archangels Fighter Club Wrote: 2) Balance the event.
It is easy to shoot light fighter egg shells that cannot defend themselves with any guns.
I could really see the A/) coming to bounty us for instance when we would do this event. This is also why I believe @Auzari has a conflict of interest and actually wants us to not be protected so that she can get easy 10 millions per AFC kill in our events. Sorry to kill your fun, girl.
(10-07-2016, 02:47 AM)The Archangels Fighter Club Wrote: Oh yes... Common thing here:
first of all, again, she has a conflict of interest in killing easy AFC targets.
secondly, Adding hostiles in a race event is very ... how can I put it... fragile!
I can do it, but I wont allow for it to be unsupervised.

And no you cannot come to claim easy bounties.

Pfffffft. Please. That's hilarious (also rude of you to say). You're just acting scared and paranoid just because of a few negative encounters. Bounty Hunting doesn't mean I'll go out of my way to circlejerk you.

I have better things to do than to shoot Arrows with 120ms~, especially at events. I just don't care about AFC, likewise for most factions.

(10-07-2016, 02:47 AM)The Archangels Fighter Club Wrote: Did I say those hostiles are not allowed to react? no. That is not what FR4 is all about. It is about keeping the event that was planned controled. If you want to participate, ask me.

Riiii-iiight, but do remember that shoving it in everyone's face as a reminder everytime an event is possible implies you want the event in one specific condition. It's also decency to ask the local faction about setting up an event that's in their area.

Maybe you should state why it's being reminded so brashly, perhaps adding a line - for example, saying that people who aren't invited to the race aren't allowed, or if individuals are banned from racing. Otherwise, there's no reason to keep reminding it, the rule is already in effect, no need to repeat it.

Also Char has a point. Just because it's a racing track, doesn't mean it's inRPly open to your faction or 'owned' by it - which also adds the danger spice and level to it, trepassing on another's turf etc.

Unless the whole point is to defecate on the name of Hogosha by stomping around their grounds. Which in that case it could always be made interesting by letting other Hogosha racers go demolition derby on the track, but as you said, the guy wanted it to be a quick one, so it's probably not within current interests.

RE: {AFC}- ||| FEEDBACK THREAD - nOmnomnOm - 10-07-2016


for u.
I think you are smart to connect these two threads.

I honestly dont feel like discussing my events with someone that has no interest in participating or just shoves their nose into topics becasue you are "looking though all the forums"

(10-07-2016, 07:26 AM)Auzari Wrote: but do remember that shoving it in everyone's face as a reminder everytime an event is possible implies you want the event in one specific condition.

also no i disagree.... I will not also continue to discuss this topic.
sorry u got triggered by my rights

Edit: I actually disagree with everything you posted above, and also am confused about your stance in some things. it's very hard to read.

Edit again: I think you are giving away free +1s to your name, becasue some things here you are just repeating that has already been delt with like a talking parrot.

RE: {AFC}- ||| FEEDBACK THREAD - Kauket - 10-07-2016

(10-07-2016, 03:30 PM)nOmnomnOm Wrote: @"Auzari"

for u.
I think you are smart to connect these two threads.

I honestly dont feel like discussing my events with someone that has no interest in participating or just shoves their nose into topics becasue you are "looking though all the forums"

(10-07-2016, 07:26 AM)Auzari Wrote: but do remember that shoving it in everyone's face as a reminder everytime an event is possible implies you want the event in one specific condition.

also no i disagree.... I will not also continue to discuss this topic.
sorry u got triggered by my rights
Except that was a different situation and a recorded event. And it's completely irrelevant.

Lol, just because people don't play with you - doesn't mean they can't comment the way you present yourself to the public. So, in other words, you decline to give appropriate answers because of your feelings. Wonderful. "I'm right and you're wrong" - fantastic answer.

And it isn't just your rights, it's everyones. And by your tone, you're portraying yourself as a mere toddler in his sandbox. That's all I'm saying. If you don't want to be questioned about your portrayal, then change your ways to be less overly defensive-aggressive.

Edit: Nice edit, I can see asking questions and expecting answers is beyond reasonal expectations. If you're going to be like that - then, well, I don't see why I should bother. Have fun with the races and stuff.

RE: {AFC}- ||| FEEDBACK THREAD - Vendetta - 10-07-2016

This is relevant here.

(09-22-2016, 07:47 AM)Vendetta Wrote: We're all adults and should be getting along, but instead we're essentially in a giant internet daycare playing make-believe with toy space ships that defy the laws of physics in more ways than one.