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RE: {AFC}- ||| OFFICAL REGISTRATION | HANG-AROUND RECRUITMENT | Step 1 is now optional - Tetrahydrocanabinol - 09-25-2016

Virgin Application

Name: Dominic Love

Ship Name(s): Typhoon

Who are you?: Let's see, at first, I was just a poor rogue like any other. I kept on getting in trouble with the law and ultimately got my ship destroyed and left for dead in space. I was brought back to a zoner base where I made a deal with some sinister guy. I had to go deep in the Omicrons to deliver some supplies. Doing so gave me a huge pay as the job was very dangerous. With all the money I got, I made a deal with another Zoner and got myself a Very Good ship, a Renzu Liner to be specific. Then I made my way back home to Liberty where I was not very well received as most of my previous mates saw me as being too good for them and wanted to get rid of me a few times. Although some of them helped me build the interior of my ship into a Luxurious Party house, most were still very hostile towards me. I held many parties on board for about 1 year and a half, made some money and now I believe it's time for me to move on.

Why do you want to join?: I was on my way to start smuggling when I was intercepted by one of your pilots {AFC}-Borghini.F1A[P]. We then had a conversation and one thing led to another, He managed to make me think of joining the AFC. Of course, for that, I would have to clear my name and Get rid of my current Ships.

Skills & Interests: I spent quite sometime in the Omcirons and due to the Harsh environment over there, I believe I became a much better pilot and capable of fighting decently. Also due to my past experience as a " Party Boat" Owner, I am quite Sure I will be able to host or if needed, Co-host a few parties.

Name Your Arrow: Burnout Machine

What have you done or what can you do that would make you valuable to the club?: I know my way under the nose of the Law to smuggle anything and as Stated Above, I have a lot of experience at managing Parties. I currently have my Renzu Liner which I will not be able to fly anymore as it is a dead giveaway of who I am because of the Lights and Internal Structure. If ever all these change, and hopefully for the better, we never know, it might be part of the AFC.

What ship to start out with?:

Are you friends with any cops?: Even if I wanted, I would not be.


Have you been sanctioned before?: Yes

How good do you believe your RP is?: 6

RE: {AFC}- ||| OFFICAL REGISTRATION | HANG-AROUND RECRUITMENT | Step 1 is now optional - The Archangels Fighter Club - 09-25-2016

[Image: xaI0W9q.png]

So you've met the Prez himself, did you?
You know, normally a Rogue would be sent out the door with his head between his legs, but we see you are different.
From you're meeting with the Prez, we have less doubt about your party or smuggle abilities, though flying a big ship does make you forget a bit the controls and swiftness of a proper fighter.

You have made a smart decision picking the Arrow and we admire your intuition.
We'll like to as well test your skills before you can fly with our colors.
A certain standard needs to be maintained, no?

The task you will be given with your newly acquired Arrow that The Club will give to you is simple:
Win a race against someone (one or multiple) through the lanes.
Well, is it simple, though? Let's find out!

You will have a special chance to learn how to do these races the club way today in our race event in Rishiri.
You can even watch how the finalists perform on the lanes to get some great tips to learn from.
If not, the basics of the race through the lane that we do is that we use a straight of a lane path and fly through the red rings of the lane; not docking on the lanes to use them. Depending on the race, different equipment standards can be present. For the event today there is required to be no armor and no guns mounted on your ship. Additionally, you should have a CD, CM, and Mine dropper on your ship. Standard stuff.

Check the hangar for your newly acquired hangar and get to work.
Record your race winning with either screens or other and report back to our Message Dump.

In addition as a bonus, if you master the 1-Kicker move prior to starting a race, you will have a bonus from The Club.
(1-Kicker - Starting off a ship while in per-cruise and boosting forwards.)

Remember also the other requirement for getting out of Virgin Status too!

Good luck, pilot!

RE: {AFC}- ||| OFFICAL REGISTRATION | HANG-AROUND RECRUITMENT | Step 1 is now optional - The Archangels Fighter Club - 09-26-2016

[Image: xaI0W9q.png]

Dominic Love has passed all the requirements and has been Accepted into The Club!
We look forward to your contribution.

RE: {AFC}- ||| OFFICAL REGISTRATION | HANG-AROUND RECRUITMENT | Step 1 is now optional - spaceminer - 10-29-2016

Virgin Application

Name: [Airshaman]
Ship Name(s): [Bong]
Who are you?: [Well mates i was born long ago in a place like any other bla bla these things are not important ... what i think is ... ok let me tell you about how i got here.One day i was in a dark dirty station docked for repairs and to lose some of the heat i had on me .. i had just made it away from a cop chase ... and there is a huge party there and i can't go in unless i know someone ... sobber and tired and a bit grampy i see a guy with a fancy lether jacket going in out in and out really high really red in the eyes . Oi i say lad what's up witht the party i wanna come inside and have a few rounds ... It's private he says. Hey man who do i have to speak to ? i fought at the gallic wars i spilled my blood for that party to be free to go on , i have a right to be in there lad.Then the guy starts to ask me questions only a military should be asking , hey matey who are you to say these thing i say you look cool in the jacket but you sound like a battle brother ... then he explained to me about the Archangels , i smiled and told him man i need the action i can't stand this anymore i am depressed , i surf the blackhole's event horizon to get some adrenaline in my blood , i outrun the outcasts to get some action , i miss it , civilian life is boring .. is it possible to join you? I smuggle half for the cash half for the adventure. The guy liked the smuggling even more , he punch me in the belly just a tinny little punch "Ok lad get in , you ride by me , let's go for some more chit chat inside"so here i am ... the rest is to be done in open space ... high , motorhead . mostly ....]
Why do you want to join?: [You know i am as i told you ex military pilot , i can't fit in the civilian way of life so this kind of action the AFC has is getting me out of depression and suits me ...]
Skills & Interests: [i am a smuggler i like pvp(need practice yet ...) and i am good with turret steering ]
Name Your Arrow: [Edge1]
What have you done or what can you do that would make you valuable to the club?: [among the things you need i can maintain a steady drug supply to party high ... Oh Yea !!!]
What ship to start out with?:
Are you friends with any cops?: [No]


Have you been sanctioned before?: [No]
How good do you believe your RP is?: [4]

RE: {AFC}- ||| OFFICAL REGISTRATION | HANG-AROUND RECRUITMENT | Step 1 is now optional - The Archangels Fighter Club - 10-31-2016

[Image: xaI0W9q.png]

Dear Airshaman,

You were a little... you know... up in the clouds while writing this, man?
Ah well... I hope you will say yes since we aren't much different anyway.

Alright dude. So you want to party and supply to keep it going on huh? Excellent. We love to have another mule around that can do some dirty work. Interested?
I need you to do something special for us, eh? We've got some clients that need to be taken care of. One is on Manhattan. Another one is at Planet New London, and a third is right up at Planet Akbat at our new club location. They all are needing 50 Units of Synthetic Marijuana each. Not the cheap stuff either but rather from Planet Marseille in Provence.
Right... and another thing is while Akbat and New London have clients that are very quick to respond to you, at Manhattan you will have to wait outside the planet for about 5 minutes before going in. That client needs a 5 minute wait time.

Quite some work isn't it? Don't worry, man. We got you all hooked up. At the end you can travel to Planet Curacao with the rest of the Synthetic Marijuana you have left and we'll have two exotic entertainers waiting for you for some fun and partying.

Now get out there and show your skills. We'll give you a bonus once you finish your task for us depending on how it goes. Fool a cop or two and the reward can get higher.

Report in your next transmission about how it went and all that.

FROM: Airshaman:Arrow ready - spaceminer - 11-07-2016


After some nice runs here and there my Arrow is ready to go

Here are some nice shots of my baby ...

Also the lights and chapter i choose is Keppler , can't wait for some action ... ready to party , he he.


RE: {AFC}- ||| OFFICAL REGISTRATION | HANG-AROUND RECRUITMENT | Step 1 is now optional - spaceminer - 11-07-2016

Post-Virgin Application

Name: [Airshaman]
Nickname: [Optional]
Ship Name(s): [Edge1 , Bong[V]]
Biography & Description of Character: [Here]
Summary of Hang-Around Role-play: [Here]
Summary of developed Virgin Role-play: [Well i had to deliver some nice Synthetic MaryJane to three clients , one was at New London planet , the other at Akabat and the third was at Manhattan only trouble but fun also was that the third was a bit slow i had to wait 5 minutes infront od the planet loaded ... but all was ok at the end]
Virgin Task Completion Proofs: [ * * * * ]
Pimped Arrow Proof: [ * *]
Requested Chapter to join: [ Kepler ]
Previous Sponsors: [Names of Who Sponsored You Into Virgin Status]
Are you friends with any cops?:


S.K.Y.P.E. : [Airshaman]
Are the Archangels a bunch of racers?: [No]

RE: {AFC}- ||| OFFICAL REGISTRATION | HANG-AROUND RECRUITMENT | Step 1 is now optional - The Archangels Fighter Club - 11-07-2016

[Image: xaI0W9q.png]

Good work, Airshaman you've been Accepted into The Club!
You've got several people agreeing to let you in too. Nicely done.
We look forward to your contribution.
Go out and get your full colors! See you in the bar.

RE: {AFC}- ||| OFFICAL REGISTRATION | HANG-AROUND RECRUITMENT | Step 1 is now optional - The Archangels Fighter Club - 02-18-2017

Changes are being made to the recruitment process for AFC.
The changes will make the faction more accessible for new members as well as new players.
We look forward to the fun.

The registration thread is on stand-by until everything is completed.


we have had already 1 person join AFC while we are at this bit of re-do of the system
it's not so bad. I am just trying to write that players can apply based on oorp and then they have 2 weeks or 1 month to make a solid application to be member of AFC.
that means passing virgin status

For now if people want to join, let us know and we will get you started.