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Top 10 tips for traders - gunj - 10-30-2009

iv read ppl debating this in comparison to rl muggings, and all apologies to ur rp, but if u drop the 20$ uv got on the ground and show them an empty wallet they will leave u th <strike>fk</strike> *heck alone, and if ur smart and uv got money u will put it in an account ur not holding the card for, so even if they ask for ur card and pin u can giv it to them without worrying(thus the point of internet banking), besides whether u actually have any experience with being mugged, only an idiot would do otherwise, not saying any of u are, thats not my intention. if u are playing a character that has no common sense then fine, give all your money to a pirate/mugger(rl or ig).

from an employers pov, they pay for a ship for 1000 employees and if they get back 1/4 of the ship+commodities price per ship run only 3/4 have to get back after 5 runs alive to make even. if there all told when the best times of day to travel are, the best paths, they all stay in radio contact, and keep resonably grouped and armed then that figure is extremely reasonable and only the lucky/ones capable of surviving return, THUS LEAVING THE COMPANY WITH THE ONES THEY WANT TO KEEP(IE TH GOOD ONES):rtfm:

and expressedly rp, yes i like my rp and have paid pirates in one way or another 7/10 times recently, not that iv given them there demands but being honest and giving them 3/4 of all th cash on hand or paying them a % of my take if they'll follow and defend me on my route if i have none on hand. rp is easy if uv got common sense irl. the problem is ppl rping something they know nothing about.

and besides all this remember be exellent to each other irl and in this mod. if u see some theif irl hes probably just hooked in the system needing another fix, the govt. is to blame not the person selling it, if it werent illegal the prices would be lower and he wouldnt need to steal so vigorously to stay f*d up, show some pity and be generous.(and have a reason for being a pirate in RP)

peace to all and apologies for all the oorp

Top 10 tips for traders - Grumblesaur - 11-02-2009

#1 trader rule: Never fly empty.

Top 10 tips for traders - msgerbs - 12-05-2009

Don't run and give a pirate trouble, then just pop the amount in my wallet after 2 minutes of running and expect me to let you go. I'm probably going to ask for more because you were stubborn.

Top 10 tips for traders - SamuWarcraft - 12-15-2009

Pirates... once or two times a week when i see high concentration of pirates i like to take my old train and pass in the sistems where the pirates are. Of course i like to do this with no cargo, bots, nanos or anything, i just like to see the goofie pirates always shouting the same thing "HALT"... and then cruise disrupting me, just to find out that i dont have anything for them.. and by the way this a good way to distract pirates while the trains with cargo can safely pass.

I miss the old good pirates, these days the pirates barely RP anything, is all about "HALT" "2 millions or die".

Thank God, im not gonna need to trade for a long time.

Top 10 tips for traders - Sergeant_Seals - 12-19-2009

' Wrote:I miss the old good pirates, these days the pirates barely RP anything, is all about "HALT" "2 millions or die".

Thank God, im not gonna need to trade for a long time.

I too have had a similar problem with RP, its gotten to the point that when I get struck by the unlucky slap in the face and have to RP with a pirate on my trader I just want to RP deaf and dumb. honestly there are way too many pirates that do not know how to RP or make reasonable demands/make it interesting its all about "haha i can kill you if you dont give into my demands cuz my ID says so"

Top 10 tips for traders - Maelstrom - 06-27-2010

Hey guys,

I think there may be several points on RP that you are missing about trading. Role play is based off from the rolls we see in everyday life. So for examples we need merely look around us to see what others are doing and then imagine ourselves in thier shoes. With that in mind, then.....

1) Many traders, especially freelancers, would fight to the death for the load they are carrying. Why? Because that load represents thier entire worth. If you are going to lose everything, then fighting is the only option you have. So when you rp pirating them, and they say no, that doesn't mean it's bad rp. It could very well be good rp.

2) Calling the athorities is not bad rp. The first thing a person does when attacked is yell for help. As a pirate you have to accept the risk that there is a lawful in range and that the trader will call it in time.

3) Threatening the ones that are taking from you is also not bad rp. A good bluff is the epitome of rp. So pirates, you are going to get threatened with bounties, reports to the law, faction sanctions, and general mayhem.

4) When a trader doesn't answer your calls for halt, that doesn't mean the trader isn't rp'ing. It just means he/she isn't talking to YOU. It could very well be that the trader is calling reinforcements, reporting his futile run, or simply playing the part of a smuggler not willing to wait for you to get around to pirate him/her.

5) Many people, companies, and countries refuse to give in to piratic and terrorist demands. Sometimes its moral, practical, patriotic, or simply just a person defending what's theirs. In fact, most law abiding areas refuse to give anything to pirates or terrorists. Saying, "No, I won't pay you to hurt me and mine, and I won't help you hurt others, so just blast away." is not bad rp.

6) 90% of all pirates died a horrible death at a young age. Every pirate wants to succeed, few do. Most die trying. Most pirates, thieves, terrorists only succeed a few times in life. So if most traders get away or don't pay, that's fairly typical, not the other way around.

7) Pirates are just as afraid of dieing as traders. Killing the trader that called for help out of pique when help arrives isn't always good rp. Try running now and then, rather than suicidal charges.

8) Most people would not trade with outlaws who have, or are known to have, pirated themselves or thier friends. So when a smuggler says he/she won't deliver to said outlaws if pirated, that threat should be accounted for. Not shrugged off by saying that others will deliver, especially when those outlaws do the same to other smugglers. Outlaws, smugglers are your lifeblood, try treating them as such. That means no pirating a smuggler known to deliver to your bases, even if the load they are carrying now isn't for your group of outlaws. That's just common sense.

Rp works both ways, and can cover many different situations. As long as it's not against thier faction, Id, and server rules, try working with it. No trader has to roll over and be submissive just because you want to pirate. I know I fight when somebody attempts to steal my things and hurt me and my family. I'm betting many, if not most, of you would, too. Trader ships don't have guns just for show.

Top 10 tips for traders - tutuna - 07-07-2010

excelent tips

Top 10 tips for traders - Lyderies - 08-26-2010

those tips sure sum'd it all up dont you think?

Top 10 tips for traders - Paulie76 - 08-29-2010

Why are most tips about "How to be pirated successfully" along the lines of "pay them"?

I've had some pirates that I've truly enjoyed RP'ing with, and I've had some that have been the classic "Pay of die" 1 line chumps. I prefer the first of course. And since the tactical advantage for me isn't there (namely...I know I'll be destroyed) I'll pay. Good pirates will know that and will make sure to put you in that position...and more importantly will let you know they have you in that position with some good RP'ing.

I would rather hear "All rightie, you're 12k away from the nearest jump hole and I've got a bead on your engines...whatever you're thinking about doing...I'd think twice" rather than "Pay 1 mil or die"

If the pirate is right, than I'll weigh my options and pay, of course.

However. If the pirate isn't smart enough to stop me before I'm within range of a jump gate (namely, I weigh my options and decide that I have a good shot at making the gate before he takes me out) Why can't I?

If I'm stopped close to the corona of a sun, why can't I use RP to try lure that pirate to chase me where (hopefully) my shields will outlast his. (Not saying that would work, in fact it would be suicidal most likely...but I'm just using it as an example of "anti-pirate tactics")

In that same vein, If I'm cruising along and I know a pirate is up ahead, why can't I cut my engines and try to coast through since I'll still hold 340 or so and his CD will have no effect?

I get the sense that traders aren't allowed to "weigh their options" with regards to pirates. I don't mind being pirated, in fact I rather enjoy it sometimes. Pirating is a job. And some do it really well. A good pirate will make sure that the traders best tactical option for survival is to simply pay them. But if the pirate hasn't done that, than why in gods name is the best advice still "pay them"?

There are nearly limitless opportunities for various RP's between pirates and traders, all based off of tactical options. The pirates job is to limit those options to them or die. The traders job is to avoid it coming to that, and weigh his own tactical options carefully.

It seems to be poo pooed upon for a trader to try to out-tactic his pirate foe rather than simply paying up after chatting for a bit. And as a result, pirates don't have to do much work at all. If a pirate has done his homework, manages to stop me where there is no way out for me. I will pay him. But if he/she just stops me where there are ways that I can out-think him (rare, but they exist if the pirate hasn't done his job), I'm not going to reward them by just chatting a bit, throwing some money at them and moving on. Not good RP.

Sorry. Turned into a bit of a mini-rant there. My apologies. Like I said, I have no problem with pirates, I just wish they would have to work a bit harder, and that the general consensus wasn't simply "pay them and move on regardless of the situation".

And yes, I blame SNAC's for much of it. SNAC's, in my opinion are the death knell of good Pirate/trader RP.


Top 10 tips for traders - Tensdale - 08-30-2010

I agree with everything you said Paulie.

I also weigh out the benefits, and if they are on my side I typically run. Although I keep it in RP. It makes no sense for a pilot working for a shipping company to risk his life for some goods.

Oh, and one thing:

' Wrote:In that same vein, If I'm cruising along and I know a pirate is up ahead, why can't I cut my engines and try to coast through since I'll still hold 340 or so and his CD will have no effect?

CD's also stop engine kill.