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RE: Task Force Gladius TFG| Information & Feedback - Fluffyball - 11-06-2014

That LSF guy was me, but as LF I had no true influence on the fight (except spamming with CDs + other guy made me flee). The unclear line in LSF ID (can ally with unlawfuls) lead to confusion, for which I am VERY sorry. I even asked Angel after that if such engagement is possible (LSF vs LN, after some RP) and even he wasn't sure about that, what confused me even more.

As for bat feeding, nothing like that took place. I simply forgot to refil my bat/bot what I have just realized in the middle of the fight (that's why I fled, as I had no bats and bots).

As for failed infected RP, even Nomads shot me. No question on that. It was otter utter failure.

Not that I feel like "OMG, I'm going to get sanctioned/banned..!" now. Sad

RE: Task Force Gladius TFG| Information & Feedback - Outro - 11-06-2014

(11-06-2014, 09:29 AM)Toji-Haku Wrote: That LSF guy was me....
If you were infected by Nomad then no need to apologize. RP > ID in that case. Hell, even I (the other Navy guy) once attacked an LSF ship when nearby cloaked K'hara started mindraping me. The only difference was that everyone involved knew about it.

On topic: From the outside, TFG looks like another ganksquad of Liberty to me (remember CGS?). But I haven't had many encounters with you (only 2 so far). If you provide some nice RP before fight, I don't mind. Of course, the opposite side should respond to your RP (which is not always the case). Anyway, I'm looking forward to meet you again in a proper group fight. ;-)

RE: Task Force Gladius TFG| Information & Feedback - Vigilia.Procuratio - 11-06-2014

Can we just bear in mind two things here?

Firstly; when it comes to hunting, HF only really have the Navy to look for. It's not like a mercenary guild which can pretty much go anywhere and attack anybody with a bounty. Maybe there'll be the odd pirate on a lane but HF don't specifically hunt them. As for cops, they're few and far between nowadays. Basically, HF meeting Navy is like pirate meeting trader; it's just too tempting to pass.

Secondly; the TFG lore is partly a work-in-progress - some of which might come into existence by means of real RP encounters rather than just typing up a story. As such, the response from other players could have an effect in some situations, as exemplified by the rogue LSF pilot. Sometimes, others may not even respond at all. Suffice to say, it could easily go wrong but I have faith in Vendetta's ability to adapt and make positive changes if ever they're needed.

RE: Task Force Gladius TFG| Information & Feedback - sindroms - 11-06-2014

I have a rather simplistic question.
What are the OORP goals of this new group?

Considering NY usually has enough problems with unlawful players, a new and organized criminal group would bring more OORP harm than use. Not to mention the ID you have picked even if you had some sort of grand plot to improve the RP in NY is way too limited and was created with mostly pvp in mind by the original faction.

Is there anything in particular you are bringing to the table as an unlawful faction, or are you yet another group with a random tag, trying to justify bluing everything in New York, because ''they are just LNS anyway'' while hiding behind some sort of bogus roleplay justification?

If you are indeed such a group, perhaps just drop the pretentious bs and advertise the faction as it is?

RE: Task Force Gladius TFG| Information & Feedback - Vendetta - 11-06-2014

(11-06-2014, 02:18 PM)sindroms Wrote: I have a rather simplistic question.
What are the OORP goals of this new group?

Considering NY usually has enough problems with unlawful players, a new and organized criminal group would bring more OORP harm than use. Not to mention the ID you have picked even if you had some sort of grand plot to improve the RP in NY is way too limited and was created with mostly pvp in mind by the original faction.

Is there anything in particular you are bringing to the table as an unlawful faction, or are you yet another group with a random tag, trying to justify bluing everything in New York, because ''they are just LNS anyway'' while hiding behind some sort of bogus roleplay justification?

If you are indeed such a group, perhaps just drop the pretentious bs and advertise the faction as it is?
Our intent with this faction is to eventually restore what the Legion ID and the Legion as a whole used to be. In order for us to reach that point, we require a lot more RP than what we have now. As for the stuff that happens in New York, it's pretty natural inRP for the Legion to be attacking the Navy. Unfortunately for the opposite side, there are a lot of us, and we're extremely active. Therefore, it may seem like our intent is to be an HF ID'd ganksquad, but we've been doing our best to limit ourselves from outnumbering people lately.

Goalwise, we intend to begin opening trade with some factions such as the GMG. The Legion as it sits now has no economy, and is in dire need of one. We've got a very limited supply of resources such as food, water, minerals, fuel, munitions, general consumer goods, stuff like that. We've been looking at our options on how we could best do this without damaging our current alliances with both the Mollys and the Xenos. Fragile diplomacy is not really something easy to work with. Beyond that, we definitely plan to go for officialdom. However, we're no where near ready to even consider it.

As for special stuff we're bringing, I can't really think of any. There are a few projects we're working on inside the faction that we aren't putting out yet. You threw a hard question our way, sindroms. Not something I was expecting to respond to when I woke up today.

@Moriarty, prior to your arrival (Which was literally right after I had arrived) those dudes were in the middle of a conversation with some people that had been going on for several minutes. My attempts to get you to not shoot them were for them to continue it. Eventually I decided to assist you, by shooting one of them down. (Cutlass has a hard hitbox to hit) I hope that if there's a next time, you'd stick around for a conversation. As for the lack of RP, I was surprised by the amount you gave prior to engaging, most of the time we end up in Liberty, we either scare stuff off or get silent-engaged by some carrier somewhere.

RE: Task Force Gladius TFG| Information & Feedback - Vigilia.Procuratio - 11-06-2014

I'm not in a position to comment on the rest, but I will highlight my personal non-RP goals. I enjoy being part of an active group but without the intensity of an official faction. I am always keen to promote balanced PvP mixed with good RP and endeavour to do my part in effecting such. If ever there's a problem in respect of TFG then I'll certainly voice my concerns.

In any case, do remember that this is a PvP game above all, in that nobody would be playing it for the RP values alone. Don't get me wrong, I love role-playing here but it'd be utterly pointless if nobody could shoot me. It can also be a challenge finding a decent encounter because there are much fewer people playing nowadays.

I mean, think of it like this...if I'm pirating then I'm going to do it properly (half of the time I just throw a token 100k demand for the lulz), but the general scenario is that somebody is either going to get robbed or killed. That's the nature of the game; PvP is pretty much inevitable on unlawful characters.

RE: Task Force Gladius TFG| Information & Feedback - Gulryz - 11-06-2014

Never met any of you , let's see how it goes

RE: Task Force Gladius TFG| Information & Feedback - Technogeist - 11-06-2014

We've been getting a lot of good RP in with people. Unfortunately it seems like many in the community only bother to post on feedback threads to vent, which has cast us in a bad light. I can assure you guys that we have had a lot of RP going on, as much as we can possibly find. We (read: I) have reached out ingame to the charity helium miners in Penn and offered protection, and we try to RP with civvies and traders as we encounter them, though that doesn't happen as often because we avoid trade lanes. However, the other day we hunted down some [LN] Bisons that I think were base supplying (don't remember) and after a bit of a conversation and maybe perhaps some hinting that maybe they should join a truly freedom-promoting faction, unlike a certain house in the middle of Sirius Tongue we let them go on their way.

We have been trying our best to get as much RP in as possible, but people are much more prone to write about bad things than good things. Internally a few of us are getting a bit irritated by this thread having devolved in to what is essentially a "hate TFG| here" sign after so much work to try to do good by people.

We are trying our best. We are not here to get easy blues. I know most of our members if asked would say they care not for kill messages with their names attached to them.

As to our RP, Vend is right in that we are developing it further, along with some things we haven't mentioned on the forums yet. Finding a good trade route or two as HF is a struggle, so much so that we've had to put someone in to a dedicated position of "find us routes plox".

This faction is not an easy one to play with, but we are doing our best. It does not, however, help when people like Snak3 spam our thread with sillyness, as you can imagine. There are many challenges to a HF indie faction, and we can see very clearly why Warhammer ([HF]) is not very active. Finding trade routes we can run for a profit on our HF characters so as to be able to write RP about it and interact with people in a more passive stance, trying to grab decent RP from passers by who often seem to be afraid of the Legion and leg it as soon as they see us at long range, avoiding the critical mass of Navy and finding ways to interact and get diplomacy with various factions while maintaining our fragile but important diplomacy with groups such as the Mollys and Xenos is a massive hardship.

Going forwards, hopefully we can overcome these hardships, and prove our worth to the community.
I feel that Navy players are not used to even numbered fights against things that are not Rheinland Tongue
We'll see how things pan out. I am hoping for some fruits of labour in the future.

RE: Task Force Gladius TFG| Information & Feedback - Rasco - 11-08-2014

I was invited to check out TFG in another thread, mostly because I'm looking for an active group with good in-game RP, but minimal forum RP.
I'm new to Discovery Freelancer, but I have the time / potential to be fairly active, so I'm looking for other active players.

I've been playing solo for a few weeks now, mostly treasure hunting and mining.
I'm looking for a more interactive experience. Hopefully TFG will provide at least some interaction with other players.

RE: Task Force Gladius TFG| Information & Feedback - Flashâ„¢ - 11-08-2014

Well..finally decided to post some feedback. After seeing some "you're bad" feedback, I couldn't judge by that.

I had a fun little encounter with you couple minutes ago, even with it ending with PvP. You guys look good, and wish you the best for your faction. As [HF] are dead then ever, you guys are doing great to bring some activity to Hellfire Legion. Keep it up Smile))