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Crayter Defense Industries @ Sabah Shipyard - Printable Version

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RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - Gypsie - 01-24-2013


From: Helena Agrippa, Temporary Autonomous Zoners Templar
To: Liam Anders, Colonial Republic (CR|)
Subject: Ship purchase request

[Image: prism.jpg]

Kallisti Mr. Anders,

There are no words for my gratitude towards you and the rest of the Republic. The transaction can be found at your treasury already, and here is the reciept. Always remember that you and yours are welcome at Baffin. If you ever go to Shasta, go to the bar and have a drink, it's on me.

Yours in Eris,

Helena Agrippa
Temporary Autonomous Zoners Templar

RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - Rems - 02-26-2013

Colonials. Here the IMG pilot Snow Wayne.

I contact you because i need your technologie.

I joined IMG| fleet some days ago, i ever done some escorts and scouting with them as Freelancer.
I also assisted them during defensive missions within Taus and Omegas systems.
I saw, during those battles, what your Nyx was able to do.

I will keep my Eagle for escorting/scouting missions, but Nyx is done for the battlefield. That s why i ask you to build my Nyx, to be as efficient as i can in da battlefield.

Thanks you.


RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - SummerMcLovin - 02-28-2013

[Image: LiamAnders.png]

Mr. Wayne,

Another Guild pilot admiring our fighters I see. It is a fine ship, and one of them is now yours. Your payment is received, and the new Nyx will be waiting for you in Coronado. Good luck in the Taus.

Liam Anders

RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - nemi89 - 03-11-2013


Comm ID: Josh Hannigan
Location: Tau 23 system
Subject: Nyx VHF

Hello, this is Josh Hannigan of IMG asking for permission to buy one of Nyx VHF. Im in IMG for some time now, and always wanted something deadly and good looking to fly around. Those things are nice, and since iv heard you have a lot of them im sure you can spare one for me. I will use it to defend our traders and miners, you know how hard it is to get good ship this days.

And those damn outcast will see its true power, damn sniffers are geting braver flying in and destroying our tranpsorts, im sure with Nyx i can make them suffer, and IMG guns on it, it will be deadly combination. Hope you will reply soon.

And yes, I almost forgot, the construction fee has been transferred...

Signed: Josh Hannigan


RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - SummerMcLovin - 03-11-2013

[Image: LiamAnders.png]

Mr. Hannigan,

One more Nyx in the Taus on our side - if not necessarily in our ranks... our pilots in the Firebirds will be pleased. Try not to rough it up too much, one has been taken out the queue for you.

Liam Anders

RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - Core_One - 03-20-2013

*<-Location: *<-I Omicron Delta->*
*<-ID: *<-Tau-22->*
*<-To: *<-Sabah Shipyard->*

[Image: Tau-243.jpg]

Good Day Colonial constructers.

My name is Tau-22, new AI prototype. I'd been interested in colonial transport. Are your constructers still constructing this transports?? I am new in Sirius, but your transport is the most beautiful. Other transports don't have my requirements. I would like known price of you transport, If it is available.

Thank you Tau-22


RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - SummerMcLovin - 03-21-2013

[Image: MichaelFrost_zps7e79930a.png]

Tinker toy,

So, one of you metal men have got your eyes on our transports. Let's just say it'd be best you went for one from the civilian market. We don't trust very much over basic Robotics, check up on your Crayter history some time. You won't be getting a ship from us.

Frost out.

RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - Core_One - 05-08-2013

ID: Nicole Hawkins
Location: Tau-39, Jakarta
To: Colonial Defense industries
Subject: "Nyx"

[Image: Summe.jpg]

Ahoya Friends.
My name is Nicole Hawkins and I'm IMG member of Jakarta Defense Wing. I would like buy one of your Nyx fighters. I know we have Lhotse, but Nyx is better in Battles with Outcasts in Taus. I would like use it only in Taus, maybe in convoy. For Sure, Lhotse is better escort ship.

Can I buy your Nyx?? I'm transfering credits now.... Yeah. Your Treasury has money for Nyx. And if I can't buy your Nyx, that credits are yours. Thanks for reading.

Nicole *sended kiss*

RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - monmarfori - 05-16-2013

CC: Jon Richardson
Callsign: Samana_Andorra, IMG Eagle
Hello Colonials, I am an IMG pilot who flies an Eagle. Currently my ship doesn't do well in combat. I request one Nyx, forgoing the construction parts. You can see me proof having IMG ID and IFF.

By the way, here's the payment for one (15 million)

Jon Richardson out.


RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - SummerMcLovin - 05-16-2013

[Image: MichaelFrost_zps7e79930a.png]


Well hello there. What's a pretty girl like you doing flying escort missions? The Nyx is a beauty, and there is one waiting for you to pick up. I don't think anything the Guild does with our ships is going to cause problems for us; the other way is much more likely.
If you ever want some tips on how to fly it, we can always get a drink some time and discuss it in more detail.


I don't know why anyone would want to fly an Eagle when they have the Nyx on offer, but seems you've come to the sensible side. Try not to smash it up too soon, but Singapore is still geared to fix them up as good as new if you can't avoid it.

Frost, out.