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Violator's of Omicron-100 - Printable Version

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Violator's of Omicron-100 - Saigo.Watanabe - 09-30-2008

' Wrote:Ive only been in Alpha twice as far as i remember, and then two Outcasts, one in a Sabre and Turanic Freighter started firing at me; i will defend myself. Plus, then we had a nice little chase through Eta when you guys brought out two Juggernaughts.
Problem is, to get to Delta (my base of ops), i HAVE to go through Minor, Alpha or Gamma, there are no other options. So when the enemy voices your position through the public comms system, it might be advantageous to take down the bomber/gunboat/cruiser etc that is tailing me, so that's one less enemy i have to fight when the do attack.

ive seen you there at least 5 times, everytime i have met you you have ether been on your way to/through alpha. Yes its fine to kill a tailer, id do that, but i must ask, if you was going to eta? why was you heading towards malta and not the eta jh, you should be able to go in and out straight away, before you have to defend yourself? Just a point.

Edit: Since the Eta Jh is hardly far away from the Beta jh, also would it be in RP for a nomad lf to slip through omi-100 to get to Major?

Violator's of Omicron-100 - Asgardian - 09-30-2008

' Wrote:ive seen you there at least 5 times, everytime i have met you you have ether been on your way to/through alpha. Yes its fine to kill a tailer, id do that, but i must ask, if you was going to eta? why was you heading towards malta and not the eta jh, you should be able to go in and out straight away, before you have to defend yourself? Just a point.

Edit: Since the Eta Jh is hardly far away from the Beta jh, also would it be in RP for a nomad lf to slip through omi-100 to get to Major?

You have seen me personally 5 times in Alpha have you? I can only remember the times when i left the safety of the cloud in that system and was spotted by the Outcast attacker (i had to gain more intel on what exactly was in the system eg: Where exactly was the planet? Other JH's i should look out for if im fleeing). Even so, i'm quite sure ive only engaged twice in Alpha, mainly in self defense. You could argue that the fighters weren't worth my time, but any hostile actions, by hostile players should be met with hostility. If that makes any sense:)