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Gytrash's solution to 80% of core drama - Printable Version

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RE: Gytrash's solution to 80% of core drama - Black Widow - 02-24-2015

I doth declare this thread a trash thread lets fill it with trash memes:

[Image: s32kfi.jpg]

RE: Gytrash's solution to 80% of core drama - Jansen - 02-24-2015

(02-23-2015, 05:12 PM)Toris James Gray Wrote: What in the name of Jansen is that?

This is a tractor thread.

RE: Gytrash's solution to 80% of core drama - Remnant - 02-24-2015

[Image: 104877d1277355079-tractor-picture-thread-876.jpg]

RE: Gytrash's solution to 80% of core drama - Sath - 02-24-2015

(02-23-2015, 10:02 PM)Gytrash Wrote: Man oh man.
I love this.
I make a post pretty much saying if you don't want people to assume you're bhg then you should remove the bhg tag from your iff and every single piece of equipment you use, bhg shipline, bhg guns, all that nonsense.
Also, it's flood, I make these complaining threads here but I'll freely acknowledge that I don't understand core lore, I read what you directed me to and didn't get it, then every time I bring it up and mention that I read it I get "yolololo you can't read good." or "read it and you'll understand."
I read it.
I still don't get it.
That said I kinda threw this out there in the middle of a set of 12-14 hour days partially because I know lath can't help but respond to these threads because he interprets any attack on the perceived quality of the core lore as a direct attack on himself.

Edit: This is also the first time I've heard jack about info cards being changed.

Are you a 12 year old or something? You cry like some, thousand rivers for every single issue.

RE: Gytrash's solution to 80% of core drama - ProwlerPC - 02-24-2015

I'm glad for the split as I was heavily heavily opposed to the amalgamation in the first place. As long as they don't power RP BHG lore and just go on doing their own thing I'm happy. If they intrude upon the RP lore of a faction they publicly say they have nothing to do with and this even includes trying to create a new back story for BHG I will be amongst those who oppose such power RP. Aside from that carry on this is entertaining.

edit add: Oh this is flood. I'm not using the side bar anymore...

RE: Gytrash's solution to 80% of core drama - James Greed - 02-24-2015

[Image: main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_it...alNumber=4]

RE: Gytrash's solution to 80% of core drama - Zoner Freeport Network - 02-25-2015

Wrong account, I'm clearing the cookies on this browser

RE: Gytrash's solution to 80% of core drama - SnakeLancerHaven - 02-25-2015

THE ZONER CONFEDERATION D: RUN- Not. Keel take all their money and women c:

RE: Gytrash's solution to 80% of core drama - Yber - 02-25-2015

(02-23-2015, 02:16 PM)Tachyon Wrote: there is core drama ?

didnt hear about it in the realm of relevant things



RE: Gytrash's solution to 80% of core drama - Scotia - 02-25-2015

(02-23-2015, 10:20 PM)Lythrilux Wrote: Infocards. They are getting renamed to APM Guns/Ships, which are actually their proper names since vanilla

Vanilla Infocards:
Quote:Bounty Hunter AP-6364 Piranha Light Fighter
With crime on the rise, there has been resurgence in the Bounty Hunter Trade. To hunt down a criminal one must think like a criminal - and be armed like one too. The Piranha delivers expertly on this note, providing every bit of the firepower and armor needed for the job. The added cargo space for transport and delivery of captured escape pods rounds out its generous appointments

Bounty Hunter AP-7031 Barracuda Heavy Fighter
When the fire is thick and flack and fallout rip the competition apart, the "Barracuda" still fights. Because of its strength and survivability in open combat as well as its stealthy, maneuverable handling, this ship distinguishes itself as the best friend for the modern Bounty Hunter. This coupled with the tricked out power array makes it an easy choice.

Bounty Hunter AP-8050 Hammerhead Very Heavy Fighter
Desperate times call for desperate measures, in this case desperate designs. "The Hammerhead" is the result of years of work by the Bounty Hunters Guild to improve upon the traditional AP line. Its armor and power ratings have been elevated to peak levels to deliver a greater advantage to Bounty Hunters in the field.

I don't think that statement is very accurate.

The only reference to AP is in the model number in the shipline, and the way these cards are written, the AP could just be the name of a shipline produced by the Bounty Hunters Guild. Not all manufacturers mark their product with their name on the model number.

If you were to infer that there is in fact an AP Manufacturing group from vanilla lore, they'd likely be based out of House space, since the Hammerhead development is stated to be post BHG reaching the Edge worlds.

While i'm not trying to argue against whatever lore has been built up by discovery surrounding this, it is pretty misleading to state that AP's existence is common knowledge from Vanilla.