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House, Military, Police and Intelligence IDs - Printable Version

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RE: House, Military, Police and Intelligence IDs - Cashew - 05-10-2015

Stay on topic, the Mods are watching.

RE: House, Military, Police and Intelligence IDs - Jack_Henderson - 05-10-2015

I bet there is some fixing underway already. It seems a little too harsh to e.g. disallow Navies to not engage their mortal enemies (like: BAF vs. Sairs in O3, RM vs. Hessians in O7). But that can be handled via some slight ID changes.

Quote:Do we now know who complained to make this happen? (happy)

And no, it was not me who complained.
But I have been actively campaigning for Borderworlds to go back to a wild west lawless feeling for years. (e.g. this thread
And in this change I see this idea being implemented.

So, no. I am not the one you can point at and say "guilty".

RE: House, Military, Police and Intelligence IDs - Shinju - 05-10-2015

Captain Nemo, I feel like "Five" said you will stay on topic. Your post has been removed.

Warning number two. This is mainly about IDs not Congress.

RE: House, Military, Police and Intelligence IDs - Thyrzul - 05-10-2015

(05-10-2015, 04:13 PM)Jack_Henderson Wrote: I have been actively campaigning for Borderworlds to go back to a wild west lawless feeling for years. (e.g. this thread
And in this change I see this idea being implemented.

Can't we just have your "wild west lawless" Borderworlds without screwing over authorities? I mean, like let's just put a huge resource field in a system not bordering any house, but still not far from main traffic lines, things like O9 in Omegas come to my mind, and then let corporations fight eachother and unlawfuls for it while lawfuls can still hunt pirates in systems bordering their houses, how about that?

RE: House, Military, Police and Intelligence IDs - Lythrilux - 05-10-2015

(05-10-2015, 04:46 PM)Thyrzul Wrote:
(05-10-2015, 04:13 PM)Jack_Henderson Wrote: I have been actively campaigning for Borderworlds to go back to a wild west lawless feeling for years. (e.g. this thread
And in this change I see this idea being implemented.

Can't we just have your "wild west lawless" Borderworlds without screwing over authorities? I mean, like let's just put a huge resource field in a system not bordering any house, but still not far from main traffic lines, things like O9 in Omegas come to my mind, and then let corporations fight eachother and unlawfuls for it while lawfuls can still hunt pirates in systems bordering their houses, how about that?
Agreed. There's many ways we can achieve this and bring positive results for a few groups without screwing over everyone else. If the Devs could listen to some suggestions we could provide the intended positives of this ID change without the negatives.

RE: House, Military, Police and Intelligence IDs - Jack_Henderson - 05-10-2015

(05-10-2015, 04:46 PM)Thyrzul Wrote:
Can't we just have your "wild west lawless" Borderworlds without screwing over authorities? I mean, like let's just put a huge resource field in a system not bordering any house, but still not far from main traffic lines, things like O9 in Omegas come to my mind, and then let corporations fight eachother and unlawfuls for it while lawfuls can still hunt pirates in systems bordering their houses, how about that?

I proposed that also: link

And the fast solution is now:

> give Navies back the ability to shoot their reds.

That will mitigate most the problems.

RE: House, Military, Police and Intelligence IDs - Miaou - 05-10-2015

(05-10-2015, 04:46 PM)Thyrzul Wrote: Can't we just have your "wild west lawless" Borderworlds without screwing over authorities? I mean, like let's just put a huge resource field in a system not bordering any house, but still not far from main traffic lines, things like O9 in Omegas come to my mind, and then let corporations fight eachother and unlawfuls for it while lawfuls can still hunt pirates in systems bordering their houses, how about that?

The "wild borderworlds" has nothing to do with this. I don't see how this is a step in that direction; it's more or less stepping on house lawful's pre-existing actions instead.

RE: House, Military, Police and Intelligence IDs - Wildkins - 05-10-2015

You can still protect any neutral or allied lawful ship in the entirety of your ZOI.
You can still engage any Houses you are at war with in any system of your ZOI.
You can still engage all hostile organizations or lawbreakers within your house space.

The only thing you can't do now is directly go into an "independent world" and engage vessels on your own accord. It's like "being stretched thin" or however you want to put it.


Still, the timing of this was pretty garbage, if I'm honest.

RE: House, Military, Police and Intelligence IDs - Lythrilux - 05-10-2015

(05-10-2015, 04:50 PM)John Wildkins Wrote: Still, the timing of this was pretty garbage, if I'm honest.
It's a perfect example of a loophole to this change and to why it doesn't work. You've got a hostile group with hostile/uncooperative intentions right on the Liberty border. Yet, an ID change like this renders the house absolutely powerless to do anything about it.

RE: House, Military, Police and Intelligence IDs - Teerin - 05-10-2015

*takes off his mod hat for this thread; dons conspirator hat*

As some have undoubtedly mentioned, this has many ill affects on systems such as Omega-3, Cortez, Magellan, Hudson, and likely more. All those have more than sufficient roleplay reasoning behind the nearby lawfuls to enforce legislation there, and now they cannot.

Additionally, non-House nations such as (but not limited to) GMG and CR now have more authority to enforce their laws in systems within their ZoI than Houses do. So where Liberty or Bretonia are now magically barred from upholding the Treaty of Curacao, Crayter can still do so. I'll be quite frank; it's nonsensical. Yes, for some systems, I can see the reasoning here. Kepler, Galileo, Omega-5, and a few others are supposed to be lawless. But throwing a blanket over all of these doesn't work, and will lead to increasing complaints over time. Also, using the rules to forcibly nullify the fulfillment of well established roleplay (Treaty of Curacao, Settlement of Sprague, etc.) is verging on atrocious.

As with this previous announcement regarding the nerfing of law enforcement (which was supposedly going to get revised, but no further change nor announcement ever occurred), this is rather poorly thought through. Good decent idea, with bad implementation.