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»UPLINK: Elgin Primary Node - Printable Version

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RE: EIDO Network Communications Uplink - Ace Razgriz - 07-10-2016

[Image: 86OQuSh.jpg]


COMM ID: Miranda Nagase
TARGET ID: EIDO Communications Uplink

Good Evening,

Me and Guardian William Foulke called into a distress call from Joshua Hunt and Keeper Raven in Cortez, a red alarm about a Lane Hacker Destroyer. Me and Foulke sortied out for it, the Eidolon decided to pay a visit as well. A sortie like this was a good refresher for both me and Foulke. Their vessel will encroach upon our pilots no longer.

>File-1: Confirmed Kill<
>File-2: ID Scan<

Safe Skies

~Miranda Nagase.
"I lost a lead pilot once before, I won't let it happen again"


RE: EIDO Network Communications Uplink - Kauket - 07-13-2016

[Image: HZ1dgdY.png]

CONNECTED ID: Sapphire Raven
RANK: Keeper
TOPIC: Data Logging

Priority Announcement

For approximately one solar year, I will be stepping down from the front line of duty for leave, of course, this shall be temporary. As such, the Curator will take my position as Keeper, Endurance, you may approach them for any queries.

Of course, my communications link will still be open, and should something go down, I'll resume control to resolve the situation. Mission objectives will be relayed shortly, but for now, resume your operations as normal - the main fleet will still remain in Kansas and Ataraxia is priority.

Stay tuned for debriefing.


RE: EIDO Network Communications Uplink - Zephyranthes - 07-16-2016

[Image: e773477385.png]

Name: William Foulke
Location: Coronado system
Encryption: HIGH
Subject: Routine Patrol

Paladin Foulke here, reporting in after our patrol yesterday. I launched from the hangar to find Templar Aalto waiting outside Barrier Gate Station. After some time maintaining position, we found two Gallic fighters with disabled transponders skulking around the station. When we asked them about their intentions, they indicated they were merely scouting. It was around this time that the Predator came online, followed by the emergence of Templar Khan, Guardian Xonnel, and Sentinel Venus. Templar Cromwell soon appeared in the Titania II, and the Gallic fighters departed before we could get a scan on them. Around this time, a familiar Freelancer by the name of Tal Ravis. Templar Khan reported biometric readings indicating a Nomad presence, and wishing to avoid an engagement that could put the station at risk, we departed for our patrol. Ravis elected to remain with our impromptu patrol, seeking security and protection against the possible Nomads in the area. Throughout this time in Coronado, Templar Khan reported experiencing hallucinations, both auditory and visual, in such a way that it was most likely caused by Nomad telepathy.

We chose to move to Cortez and commence our patrol, moving to the Inverness jump hole in the southwestern quadrant of the system. Templar Khan continued to report frequent attempts by the Nomad entity, which by this time we hypothesized was an Infected human, to disorient and panic her. Sentinel Venus transferred command to me, and I elected to enter the Inverness system and split our forces up to attempt to isolate the Infected assailant. Khan continued to fight against the enemy in her mind, and with my assistance, she made it through. We then encountered an Order agent who the Infected seemed to take great interest. Wishing to deny the enemy any possible advantage, I allowed the Order operative to join our patrol, increasing our momentary strength. We proceeded to move through Magellan, then to Kansas, where the Order agent commented on the damaged gate in the Tuttle Creek Nebula as being 'The Eight Knossos." I'm not sure what they meant by that. The Infected continued to follow us, but after we set out for Humboldt, they disappeared.

When we returned to the Kansas system, two Bounty Hunters, a Nomad Morph, and an LSF Gunboat awaited us. One Bounty Hunter engaged Sentinel Venus, leading me to order Guardian Xonnel to move in and assist. After the enemy was shot down, the second Bounty Hunter moved in to engage. They were able to destroy Guardian Xonnel's craft, yet we were still able to retrieve him. The Predator and other fighter wings moved in to finish off the lone Bounty Hunter, and the killing blow was landed by Templar Khan. Around this time, I began to experience communications malfunctions, and had to dock my ship with the Titania for the ride back home.


I would like to express deep concern about the attitude of some of our members towards the Nomad Morph that was present in Kansas, particularly elements of the crew of the Titania II and Templar Khan. They treated the being as some sort of harmless pet, and despite the Morph being unarmed, I fear this fawning over and sympathy with the Morph may lead to issues further down the line with their ability to engage and destroy Nomad targets. Additionally, I would like to recommend that Templar Khan undergo further training to resist the debilitating effects of Nomad telepathy. It would aid her well later on.

This concludes my report. Attached are logs of the patrol. Paladin Foulke out.

Attachment: Logs


RE: EIDO Network Communications Uplink - SeaFalcon - 07-19-2016


COMM ID: Miri Keating, Auxesian Templar
TARGET ID: EIDO Network Communications Uplink
SUBJECT: Aquired a Nomad power cell

823 A.S. 19th July,

On one of my solo flights I ran into a scene where the Wilde were engaged with the Liberty Navy. It wasn't difficult to identify them as the LNS-Tundra was firing on a Liberty dreadnought. The Tundra was accompanied with a Rheinland gunboat. Just after my arrival this gunboat had been put out of action by the Liberty Dreadnought.

The captain of this Navy vessel appeared to be taking a dislike for the cargo that had been obtained from the wreckage of this fight, a nomad power cell. I managed to convince the captain that we, as Auxesia, have good relations with researchers, the IRG in this case. He knew them as was willing to hand me the cell. After acquiring the item I called for support. 'Alecto' and 'Paradox' responded to my call and escorted me with the cell back to the Eidolon wraith where it was secured. Having gone over the recordings of the fight, I noticed that the power cell was obtained by the Navy before the destruction of the gunboat. This means that the cell's origin is unknown.

Apologies for the late report but the influence of the cell seemed to play havoc with my head. Some previous experiences I had with them came to mind and had be off balance. I should be fine now, however there have been other developments that had me move to Freeport 6 in Tau-29. I am unsure on how long my stay here will be but if there are emergencies then I'm still reachable and will respond when this is required of me.


Miri Keating



RE: EIDO Network Communications Uplink - Kauket - 07-22-2016

[Image: HZ1dgdY.png]

CONNECTED ID: Sapphire Raven
RANK: Keeper
TOPIC: Data Logging

As promised, here are the updated objectives.


We're moving on to the initation of the second stage of our primary operation. As before, with the previous stage of Ataraxia, please use this designated channel for deliveries, as we are moving on to the second stage.

The landing and the storage is completed and available for ships to dock on for incoming deliveries, but for now - docking will be limited for incoming couriers, landing pad A-1 will be the only available zone for arrivals.

You will deliver this materials, in order to begin the construction of the deeper sections of the station to set the foundations and to allow the basic modules to be completed, namely the reactor, power lines, system generators, security system, so on.

REQUIRED MATERIALS - PHASE TWO Wrote:70,000 Basic Alloys
30,000 Super Alloys
20,000 Mining Machinery
15,000 Xenobiotic Filter
15,000 Robotics
15,000 Optronics
12,000 Solar Panels
10,000 Quantum Multiplexors
10,000 Ablative Armor Plating
10,000 Optical Chips
10,000 Industrial Materials
5,000 Industrial Hardware

It's been noticable that K'Hara activity has been increasing in the local areas recently, I'd like all pilots to report any Nomadic encounters to the uplink, and make notes of any telepathic interactions, write it down on paper or whatever you deem suitable for recording. I also ask you to record any findings of Baxter anomalies, due to the nature of them being linked to K'Hara race.

A watchdog wing has been deployed to Rheinland to observe for any unusual activity - due to speculation from intelligence that notable attacks have yet to occur in Rheinland.

In light of this activity, I have hired a team of researchers to analyse the recently formed baxters that occurred in New York and Pennsylvania, obviously, we cannot analyse it ourselves due to diplomatic concerns. Should the crew of the Explorer come under attack, you are to protect them from harm, for obvious reasons.

Additionally, a bonus reward network will be set up shortly for those who desire to push further. Keep up the good work, people.


RE: EIDO Network Communications Uplink - Aether - 07-24-2016

[Image: TVPB01H.jpg]

NEURAL NET ID: Keeper Endurance
TOPIC: Promotion


Daniel Blake has hereby been promoted to the rank of Guardian, for outstanding work under Venator Stacker and in the name of Auxesia. Congratulations.

- Keeper Endurance


RE: EIDO Network Communications Uplink - Machelvanius - 07-28-2016

Please Delete

RE: EIDO Network Communications Uplink - Operator - 07-30-2016


[Image: 97hbI9M.png]

Neural Net ID: Johan Schmidt

Rank: Initiate

Encryption Level: Unbreakable

Priority: High

Topic: Auxesia/IRG survey expedition.

Frau Keeper and Herr Curator,

Our recent survey expedition with the Ingenuus Research Group in Omicron Delta system was productive. Doctor von Goeben and Doctor Thorn were quite cooperative, however, Frau Thorn's health condition could be worse than we can assume. Getting into a structure with a high Gamma Radiation emission is almost a suicide. I hope that she's getting an irradiation check as soon as possible, otherwise it will play a bad game with her.

In the meantime, I have to apologise, but my camera drone was heavily damaged during the survey operation. All camera shots were deleted and I'm afraid that they're completely unrecoverable. But there's also a good news. I had recorded those voice prints, in case if they might be useful. Uploading them with this report.
And in another thing - I had collected about 80 units wealth of Azurite Gas. As soon as you let me know, I will continue my researches of this peculiar element.


RE: EIDO Network Communications Uplink - Spectre - 07-30-2016

- - -{Transmission Initiated}- - -

[Comm ID: Initiate Tristan Fresnel
[Recipient: EIDO Network Comm Uplink

{Encryption Level: Alpha - High
{Priority: Iota - Medium

(Subject: After-Action Report - Coronado/'Drake'


The flight today started out rather erratic. Reports had been made of two possibly infected vessels roaming Coronado. It was unclear if they were using cloaking technology to keep themselves hidden, or simple smoke and mirrors. It wasn't long before their signals were detected entering an alien formed jumped gate near the southern edge of the system.

Our forces followed, and we soon found ourselves in a system my navigational charts registered as Tau-117, but my nav-map recognized as 'Drake'. The ships we were pursuing remained cloaked, leave us to deal with several of their 'lesser developed kin', until a fighter of Liberty make, callsign 'D9|Forgotten', came out of hiding, and proceeded to exchange a few word with Templar Cromwell. This didn't last long, as the ship soon opened up on her, wherein she insisted on taking the fiend on until help was absolutely necessary. Paladin Foulke and I remained on the side, ready to assist when the Templar required it.

Eventually, another infestee came out, this one sporting a Lynx, and soon after, another one showed up, flying what I could only assume was a Rogue Hyena. The two new contacts hopped into the fight, prompting the rest of the group to engage. First, we focused the Libertonian fighter, it's hull eventually succumbing to a well placed shot from my disruptor launcher.

We began to focus fire on the next target: The Lynx. The Curator, who had been dealing with the Hyena, succumbed to a cannon blast to their hull, tearing their ship apart. Their pod was recovered, most likely by either Templar Cromwell or the Predator. In time, the last two ships eventually turned tail and fled, leaving us the victors.

It was a rather intense confrontation, and at least we can scratch one more infestee off the list.

To the stars and beyond

-Initiate Tristan Fresnel

- - -{Transmission Terminated}- - -

RE: EIDO Network Communications Uplink - Operator - 07-31-2016


[Image: 97hbI9M.png]

Neural Net ID: Johan Schmidt

Rank: Initiate

Encryption Level: Unbreakable

Priority: High

Topic: Injured Golden Chrysanthemum/Baja's Wormhole

Frau Keeper and Herr Curator,

I had heard a distress signal in Coronado system and soon the Crayterian Pilot "Hellfire" has contacted me. He told me that they had a heavily damaged ship within the nebula. Although, my ship wasn't quite adopted for being a resuqe vessel, I have a Mobile Medical Unit for such situations.

However, it was worse than I thought. The ship's hull was breached in several locations and the life support was malfunctionating. The only right move was to extract the pilot from it's cockpit and provide the first aid. Her wealth condition was... Shocking. Despite of several type-2 scorches and a concussion, she had the late stage of Cardamine withdrawl. She was bleeding and the only decision that I had to use is my Cardamine sample. I was... Scrutinizing it before, trying to find out why does it couses DNA changes.

But that's not a case. As soon as I brought her at the MMU, I had connected her to diagnostic machines. The pulse was... Shocking.
[Image: cgPGDjM.png]

However, after an injection of Cardamine sample, she seemed to be calmed down. Well, at least, she stopped to bleed and I assume that she was unconcious... Sort of. She will recover in my MMU until Doctor Glass handles her. All I know is... That the dose of Cardamine sample won't work for long.
In the other news. It was the first time when I was outside of Barrier Nebula in Coronado. The system itself is beautiful, but there was something else that brought my attention. As soon as I exited the nebula, my sensors has detected an anomaly near planet Baja.
[Image: 6hMzC5X.gif]

I'm quite aware that you all know about it. However, I assume that I could investigate it as soon as possible. Maybe we will find a way to an another undiscovered system... Or even a sector. Well, sounds like more work for me. I will keep you posted, in case if I find anything.

Schmidt out.