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Impossible demands? - Printable Version

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RE: Impossible demands? - Dawson Base - 12-31-2015

(12-31-2015, 12:55 AM)FluffReborn Wrote:
(12-31-2015, 12:53 AM)Dawson Base Wrote: Instead we proceeded to down the shield ourselves to shoot off the guns as we originally wanted. This is when the guy started shooting us.

I clearly stated I'm AFK to all players around, so I weren't going anywhere. You could have waited, because you know I prefer serious RP and I don't ask ooRPly bigger boys to come and defend me. I've returned to my PC and I saw my ship being fired upon. How I was supposed to react?

During the moment you moved, we stopped shooting to tell you to hold still. If you had enough time to write up the text that you were opening fire, I think you should have enough time to realize that the fire was not actually hitting your hull and that we were indeed shooting your turrets off.

We tried our best to give you enough chances for you NOT to become a blue.

RE: Impossible demands? - The Savage - 12-31-2015

(12-31-2015, 01:01 AM)Dawson Base Wrote: During the moment you moved, we stopped shooting to tell you to hold still.

I've witnessed nothing like this on my side, because all I saw was continuous fire AND dropped shield, which for me was already engagement.

Truth is, for me it looked like a troll attempt and I treated it as such (asking to drop shield is quite unorthodox demand, which I neither encountered before nor did as a pirate). But then, I was pretty interested into opinion of community, if such an action is fully legit. I had my answer, and I wanted to close this topic, without bringing entire thing onto forums.

Then you come with logs, leading into situation that looked like trial-by-forum. For your information, it was the last thing I wanted to do on this topic. And I didn't do that - you did it yourself, as if out of anger that someone dared to ask onto forums if such an action is a proper demand.

I'm sorry. But I'm not you. I don't throw out garbage onto other people in public, just because they don't understand something, asking about it.

RE: Impossible demands? - Laz - 12-31-2015

(12-31-2015, 12:58 AM)Laz Wrote: This is a classic case of Mis-Communication.

RE: Impossible demands? - Dawson Base - 12-31-2015

(12-31-2015, 01:03 AM)FluffReborn Wrote:
(12-31-2015, 01:01 AM)Dawson Base Wrote: During the moment you moved, we stopped shooting to tell you to hold still.

I've witnessed nothing like this on my side, because all I saw was continuous fire AND dropped shield, which for me was already engagement.

Truth is, for me it looked like a troll attempt and I treated it as such (asking to drop shield is quite unorthodox demand, which I neither encountered before nor did as a pirate). But then, I was pretty interested into opinion of community, if such an action is fully legit. I had my answer, and I wanted to close this topic, without bringing entire thing onto forums.

Then you come with logs, leading into situation that looked like trial-by-forum. For your information, it was the last thing I wanted to do on this topic. And I didn't do that - you did it yourself, as if out of anger that someone dared to ask onto forums if such an action is a proper demand.

I'm sorry. But I'm not you. I don't throw out garbage onto other people in public, just because they don't understand something, asking about it.

Yes, and from my pov it was an angry junker who after spamming my PM and local with oorp about what was supposed to be a very simple encounter, then went to the forum to continue their whining. So I suppose we are even.

As for the logs, they were needed. You were explaining the situation in a manner that simply did not happen. I posted the logs to remind you of what happened, because it was rather obvious that either you yourself forgot or just did not wish to acknowledge. Anyway, it is not like the logs show anything you would not like the rest of the community to see, right?

RE: Impossible demands? - The Savage - 12-31-2015

(12-31-2015, 01:26 AM)Dawson Base Wrote: then went to the forum to continue their whining.
(12-30-2015, 11:30 PM)FluffReborn Wrote: There's a quite legit question:

Most of unlawful IDs allow demand on cargo and credits. However, is asking to drop shield or remove mounted equipment then engagement if player refuses to fulfill such a demand, allowed by server rules? Is that even a proper demand?

I fail to see how it is whining. It is a simple question regarding rules.

RE: Impossible demands? - Dawson Base - 12-31-2015

(12-31-2015, 01:28 AM)FluffReborn Wrote:
(12-31-2015, 01:26 AM)Dawson Base Wrote: then went to the forum to continue their whining.
(12-30-2015, 11:30 PM)FluffReborn Wrote: There's a quite legit question:

Most of unlawful IDs allow demand on cargo and credits. However, is asking to drop shield or remove mounted equipment then engagement if player refuses to fulfill such a demand, allowed by server rules? Is that even a proper demand?

I fail to see how it is whining.

I simply asked, without giving out names or bringing entire incident to the forum.

Yes, and I am telling you for the fourth time now, THAT is exactly why I posted here in the first place.

(12-30-2015, 11:30 PM)FluffReborn Wrote: is asking to drop shield or remove mounted equipment then engagement if player refuses to fulfill such a demand
Is this what happened between us? I do not remember telling you to unmount your equipment in space.
I stated the demand 4 times. There is no way you could have missed it.

RE: Impossible demands? - The Savage - 12-31-2015

(12-31-2015, 01:32 AM)Dawson Base Wrote:
(12-30-2015, 11:30 PM)FluffReborn Wrote: is asking to drop shield or remove mounted equipment then engagement if player refuses to fulfill such a demand
Is this what happened between us? I do not remember telling you to unmount your equipment in space.
I stated the demand 4 times. There is no way you could have missed it.

The point is, the latter was not describing the situation between us. I was describing similiar situation in the past I didn't even bother to fill a sanction, not even connected with what have happened today.

I think you took entire topic as an assault onto yourself.

RE: Impossible demands? - Badperson - 12-31-2015

Having been one of the witnesses, I have to side with Laz here. Fluff was actually AFK, however he didn't see any of the messages sent until he came back and found you guys shredding his guns off. However, Fluff could have either asked about what he missed or gone back and read the chat logs, instead of just opening up like that. As for Argo, I don't know what happened there. Also, I'm pretty sure this thread is going nowhere and at this point it is just FluffReborn and Dawson going at each other.

RE: Impossible demands? - Dawson Base - 12-31-2015

(12-31-2015, 01:36 AM)FluffReborn Wrote: I was describing similiar situation in the past I didn't even bother to fill a sanction, not even connected with what have happened today.

While I highly doubt it that you posting this thread had nothing to do with the interaction, especially after noting that such demands are almost nonexistant, I will stop replying here. I just wish you could have saved us both our nerves and posted the quote above right after my first post, if it was really the case.

The offer of PMing me your character names so we can ignore you IRP still stands.

RE: Impossible demands? - The Savage - 12-31-2015

Dawson Base Wrote:While I highly doubt it that you posting this thread had nothing to do with the interaction
You've misinterpreted completely, perhaps on purpose, what I've just wrote above.

(12-31-2015, 01:41 AM)Dawson Base Wrote: The offer of PMing me your character names so we can ignore you IRP still stands.

This made me discouraged from any futher discussion with you. I'm a roleplayer, and this was the most insulting thing you could've ever write right now.