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[Infopage] Battlegroup Harmony - Information and Feedback - Printable Version

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RE: Battlegroup Harmony - Information and Feedback - Sciamach - 03-20-2018

(03-20-2018, 06:09 PM)SnakThree Wrote:
(03-20-2018, 01:26 PM)Tænì Wrote: Why would that be any different in Discovery?

Because it's all electronic now and you it's no longer defection with wooden/metal ships. While freedom to roleplay how you like should not be taken away, it would be stupid to ignore any possible countermeasures for capture/defection every single capital ship would be hardwired with.

Thats not even counting the fact that these are capital ships, crewed by hundreds of individual human beings, most of which probably have families they'd like to go back to at some point in their lives and see again. You cannot concievibly convince them to abandon all they know back home simply to just become their own thing. This is largely why the innumerable "separatist battlegroup/battleship" factions disco now has plaguing it's faction lineup drives me up the wall: these are crewed ships. Automation wouldn't help either, as any faction willing to install a large degree of automation on their warships is also going to put in innumerable electronic failsafes to lock down the vessel in the event of a mutiny or the crew going AWOL for some odd reason. These are major factors that prevent modern-day warships from running off on their own and becoming renegades. How exactly does it make sense for futuristic ships to be able to do it when logically there would be even more failsafes?

Short answer: it doesn't. Can we please stop having these things happen every other month?

RE: Battlegroup Harmony - Information and Feedback - Skorak - 03-20-2018

I let people use the whole concept as a basis to make their own things. I supported this particular thing with rp posts and event management. My people do their own projects and for letting these run rather open they work out well.
This is not intended to become a cap spam faction. My members have only one battleship at their disposal so I can fully understand the wish for another.

While the story doesn't scream "special" at you there is people who have fun with it and it is not game or faction breaking. Luckily this warship also didn't run off but was fought free. Two official Navy factions took part without any complaints of sorts. This didn't strike me as too odd to stop it and seeing how people have fun makes me not regret it one bit.

Could this have been done better or more exciting? Probably. But for that I didn't really do this myself it's come out quite well.

Don't even know what you want us to do now. There was like "I don't like this" but no suggestion.

RE: Battlegroup Harmony - Information and Feedback - Shelco - 03-20-2018

My suggestion would be to make it at least seem like a lot of effort was brought into this, currently it looks like a "Hey, I have an Overlord, how about I make a comm and you guys take it?" situation. However, I don't have a lot of intel information so therefore I'll just think that you're not going to pull off more immersion-breaking defections anyway, I really do understand the need for more caps on your side, though.

Edit: I also agree with Scourge, the fact that Honnete wrote it like "My crew agrees with me that LN is bad" doesn't make much sense, you would never have hundreds of people to agree to the most part with such a radical change, a large missed chance on some rebellion RP as a story.

RE: Battlegroup Harmony - Information and Feedback - Shinju - 03-20-2018

(03-20-2018, 07:04 PM)Shelco Wrote: Edit: I also agree with Scourge, the fact that Honnete wrote it like "My crew agrees with me that LN is bad" doesn't make much sense, you would never have hundreds of people to agree to the most part with such a radical change, a large missed chance on some rebellion RP as a story.

How would you explain Battleship Oblique defection then?

RE: Battlegroup Harmony - Information and Feedback - Shelco - 03-20-2018

(03-20-2018, 07:11 PM)Shinju Wrote:
(03-20-2018, 07:04 PM)Shelco Wrote: Edit: I also agree with Scourge, the fact that Honnete wrote it like "My crew agrees with me that LN is bad" doesn't make much sense, you would never have hundreds of people to agree to the most part with such a radical change, a large missed chance on some rebellion RP as a story.

How would you explain Battleship Oblique defection then?

I assume the Oblique defection was just what I described above but I don't actually know because I haven't been around this long xD. Anyway, that is what I would call somewhat "original" back then, it was also part of the actual ingame story, wasn't it? And I am not saying that this is not a possible reason, it's just a very easy and lame one that indicates not the will to RP something but to wear another ID on the same ship.

RE: Battlegroup Harmony - Information and Feedback - Enkidu - 03-20-2018

Also why does everyone assume that the crew would be loyal because the commander chooses differently?

Pro-Harmony sentiment isn't hyper-rare in the Navy.

RE: Battlegroup Harmony - Information and Feedback - Shelco - 03-20-2018

(03-20-2018, 07:25 PM)Tænì Wrote: Also why does everyone assume that the crew would be loyal because the commander chooses differently?

Pro-Harmony sentiment isn't hyper-rare in the Navy.

And yet 100% not common enough to represent more than probably a quarter of the crew.

RE: Battlegroup Harmony - Information and Feedback - Sciamach - 03-20-2018

(03-20-2018, 07:01 PM)Skorak Wrote: I let people use the whole concept as a basis to make their own things. I supported this particular thing with rp posts and event management. My people do their own projects and for letting these run rather open they work out well.
This is not intended to become a cap spam faction. My members have only one battleship at their disposal so I can fully understand the wish for another.

While the story doesn't scream "special" at you there is people who have fun with it and it is not game or faction breaking. Luckily this warship also didn't run off but was fought free. Two official Navy factions took part without any complaints of sorts. This didn't strike me as too odd to stop it and seeing how people have fun makes me not regret it one bit.

Could this have been done better or more exciting? Probably. But for that I didn't really do this myself it's come out quite well.

Don't even know what you want us to do now. There was like "I don't like this" but no suggestion.

I mean I'm pretty sure Hone was having fun when he was sieging 10,000 bases a day - I'm fairly certain Tutashkia (or however it's spelled) and his merry band of "forget the lore" bros were having fun when they were doing whatever the hell it was they did - and I know for a fact that Wesker was having fun when he was making the Omegas scary again. Common denominator here in all of these examples is that sure while it may be fun for some of the people involved, just about everyone else either didn;t care or were massively eyerollingly annoyed with the actions undertaken for one reason or another.

Hone because of constant base sieges with little to no lore backing,
Tutty for the "forget the lore" thing,
Wesker because bases were a dumb idea and the valiant purge of the omegas of their blight was a righteous crusade for the good of everyone
and the plethora of uninspired, poorly written, badly characterized "lol I stole an osiris/overlord/LABC" stories that infest the SRP section of the forums for fairly self-explanatory reasons.

You can have fun in this game while also making 0-sense lorewise and having a good few people enjoy it. That doesn't make it okay.

Pardon the usual hyperbolic tirade but I dont even specifically mean this as a criticism of Harmony- I've at least seen some effort from you lot. No this reflects a larger problem in discovery of this kind of thing just being way too damn common. It's overdone, it's boring, and everyone has either done it or had an idea they thought was original for doing it. I get the feeling a lot of the backlash you all are getting here is because of the aforementioned overdone trope of the "lol rebel battlegroup faction." If you want suggestions as to how to fix that: Maybe try to do something new and different with the roleplay beyond saying "we only stole a couple of caps."

Find a way to integrate back into Liberty, abandon the locked-down capships and become full snub/transport pirates, abandon combat all together and become a traveling theatre troup-- something, anything different. Please. I'm not trying to hate on anyone here, I just get tired of seeing the same RPs done with 0 original thought put in, and I know for a fact I'm not the only one.

(03-20-2018, 07:25 PM)Tænì Wrote: Also why does everyone assume that the crew would be loyal because the commander chooses differently?

Because when you sign up for the Military:
A: a certain degree of patriotism is basically required.
B: a certain degree of discipline is then instilled to prevent exactly this from happening. 99.9% of the time it works.

The people that are "on the fence" about this kind of thing typically don't sign up to serve the thing they're on the fence about.

RE: Battlegroup Harmony - Information and Feedback - Skorak - 03-20-2018

Not interested in either of your suggestions. You can stop posting now.

RE: Battlegroup Harmony - Information and Feedback - Sciamach - 03-20-2018

And thats absolutely fine- thats y'alls choice to make.

Just don't expect everyone to be okay with it.