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New line to Law ID - Printable Version

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RE: New line to Law ID - Petitioner - 06-03-2016

(06-03-2016, 04:02 PM)Anomander Wrote: That is pure discrimination
That's not what discrimination means.

(06-03-2016, 04:02 PM)Anomander Wrote: and overkill...
That's your opinion. Don't try to dictate to others how they can and can't roleplay their own characters. To me personally, one of the biggest draws to playing police characters has always been the grey area in the server rules regarding whether it's okay for me to make up BS on the spot to fine someone for something minor; kinda like how LPI- used to fine everyone who passed for a "broken docking light". While I never did that sort of thing, I'd do my best to come up with creative ways to get money out of people, or even just make them squirm but let them off with a warning.

The point is, any sort of restrictions on how police characters can and can't operate is not only silly and unnecessary, but would be addressing a problem that doesn't exist; simply put, if you have problems with how various law enforcement officers operate in-game, you should address that issue in an in-roleplay manner. And, to address the intent this thread was originally posted with: sasa, it's quicker to use FLCompanion and alt-tab out of the game to check prices if you need to help a new player. If you want to have "catalogue characters" because you don't like FLCompanion for some reason, you should try and join the Angels; having a Neutral ID would allow you to have those commodities without fear of in-RP repercussions, since Angels characters don't exist in the roleplay environment.

tl;dr pls no

RE: New line to Law ID - Anomander - 06-08-2016

(06-03-2016, 04:25 PM)Jayce Wrote: Does this look like real life to you? All I see is people who play in Liberty that can't be bothered doing roleplay (or can't do it well enough) to get a special permit.

Maybe this is my problem that I treat RP too seriously...

Yet, last time when I was trying to explain inRP possession of 1 (in words one) piece of NOX
I was blasted into oblivion along with over 3500 pieces of fully legal goods by some random LNS L0Lwut
( in front of LPI player who done nothing to stop him )
That day I've lost many unique, not available now goods and commodities - collected for almost two years.

So forgive me my flustration when I hear sometiing like "Contraband is contraband. Drop it or explode. "
where "1 unit or 5000 units." is the same offence - since for me it sound like low RP excuse to get some easy kill.

(06-03-2016, 04:56 PM)Petitioner Wrote: That's not what discrimination means.
Quote:In human social affairs, discrimination is treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing is perceived to belong to rather than on individual merit.[1] This includes treatment of an individual or group, based on their actual or perceived membership in a certain group or social category, "in a way that is worse than the way people are usually treated".

Where some individual is treated like common criminal - bound to smugglers or drug dealers
just for having one illegal commodity in contrast to the example. alcohol holders.
( where having one of few bottles for personal use is allowed, but trading without a license is not )

RE: New line to Law ID - Jayce - 06-08-2016

If you treated rp seriously, you'd attempt to get a permit for your disgusting, depraved illegal goods.

RE: New line to Law ID - Swifty - 06-08-2016

(06-08-2016, 06:47 PM)Jayce Wrote: If you treated rp seriously, you'd attempt to get a permit for your disgusting, depraved illegal goods.

Pretty much this, regarding the topic. This says everything that has to be said

RE: New line to Law ID - Inferno - 06-08-2016

(06-08-2016, 06:47 PM)Jayce Wrote: If you treated rp seriously, you'd attempt to get a permit for your disgusting, depraved illegal goods.

This about sums it up.

If you don't want to get blasted for having five Artifacts, one NOX, two Black Market Munitions, a unit of Stabaline and Cardamine alike, a slave, some counterfeit software(Alright, we all have at least one of these so I would not blame), some dead K'Hara and fake pot, go get a permit to carry.

RE: New line to Law ID - SergeantSausage - 06-09-2016

No Politics. Period. - The Moderation team

(06-03-2016, 11:49 AM)Karst Wrote: Instead of suggesting this a rule change, why not try to lobby the governments inRP to take a more lenient stance on contraband commodities? You're trying to find an ooRP solution to an inRP issue which is the wrong approach to take.

Who knows, maybe you'll find some support for the idea.

This is exactly what needs to happen. Stop trying to avoid RP.