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Rules Clarification Thread - Printable Version

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RE: Rules Clarification Thread - Ruairi - 07-17-2018

Bump. Some of these months old questions need to be answered. I hate pressuring staff but the fact some of these have been completely ignored for so long is honestly sad.

RE: Rules Clarification Thread - The Sovereign - 07-19-2018

If I did not respond to a Rules clarification, it's because it requires more discussion.

RE: Rules Clarification Thread - Nodoka Hanamura - 08-04-2018

RULE: 4.4 Every char must have only one type of ID equipped and they must play to that ID. Ship and equipment infocards which specify their use on a specific ID or specific ship must only be used on that ID or ship. In all other cases where these restrictions and allowances conflict with the server rules, the ID overrides the rules except as described in 4.5
QUESTION: If a ID does not list that the ship utilizing it can take bounties (such as those on forums, not ingame bounties paid on demand), does that mean the ship is prohibited from claiming bounties, even if they are outside of its' ZoI? (ID in question is Farmers' Alliance ID)
ADMIN/MOD ANSWER: [Insert admin Inferno's gun words here]

RE: Rules Clarification Thread - SnakThree - 08-15-2018

Faction Right 5.
Groups that have been subject to the use of FR5 by another faction, may treat this faction as hostile targets, except for transports.

If a Faction A uses FR5 against FL ID player/group, can that FL ID player/group engage Faction A anywhere?
ADMIN/MOD ANSWER:My take on it, in the interest of fairness, would be that the Freelancers can only engage the Faction, that FR5'ed them, in the Systems that they are FR5'ed in - St.Denis

RE: Rules Clarification Thread - Jake Logan - 08-21-2018

RULE:4.3 Docking during combat with hostiles in docking message range (15k) counts as PvP Death, except for transports. If a player combat docks in a transport they may remain in the system for the sole purpose of trading only. They may not attack anyone unless in self defense. This restriction lasts for two hours.

QUESTION: I was in a Junker IDed/IFFed Armoured Transport outside Ingolstadt Station in Munich, engaged in the risky business of attempting to drop a Codename gun into space, hoping to quickly switch to another character and tractor it in.....It was obviously unmounted at this point....suddenly a Zoner IFFed ship approached from the Direction of Nurenberg...possibly having just immediately opened fire on me with no interaction at all....It was a Serenity I did little or no damage to my shields even....I did dock, discretion seemed the better part of valour….Does an armoured Transport count as a "transport" in the spirit of the rule? I had no actual cargo and went on the assumption that since I'd docked during combat (even if a sort of undeclared attack etc) I was "PVP dead"....What I did was log off the character...and stayed off it for 2 seemed the right thing to do....hopefully that counts as "leaving the system" ? Should I have remounted the gun for safekeeping and actually flown to a jumpgate? I wasn't sure....
also is there any loopholes or whatever with regard to attacking to aqquire an unmounted code gun that I'm unaware of? I don't want to make an issue of the attack itself or's too short, type of thing....There's a slim possibility that they maybe posted something in public chat...while too far away to recieve...but I doubt it...I'm fairly sure they undocked...The interaction itself and having to wait to resume my business was slightly tiresome but I wanted to do the right thing....
ADMIN/MOD ANSWER: (Leave blank for Admin/Mod comment)

RE: Rules Clarification Thread - OrignlGaminGeneration(OGG) - 08-22-2018

4.1 If you die whilst in a PVP situation, in any form, you are considered as ''PVP Dead''. A PVP Dead player must:
Leave the system the fight took place in for two hours. You must not carry cargo while doing so and must not engage in any player interaction while you are leaving. Other players must allow a PVP Dead player to leave the system.
Not re-enter the system they died in on any of their characters for two hours.
Not attack the player/players they died to on any of their characters for two hours.
Question: What if I was the victor as a Lawful and the Unlawful goes to another system within my ZOI and I am the only one on patrol due to my time zone (which is Pacific Time) and Traders are asking for my help?

This came close to happening a while back however a Lawful logged on and I referred it to him with quick explanation as to why I shouldn't. As the way 4.1 reads I could have showed up to Unlawful's inRP and he would have had to leave to avoid breaking the last line in 4.1 and (out of respect for the nature of said rule) I don't want to put myself nor the PvP Dead in a grey area where 1 or both get sanctioned. Nor do I wish my char to PM trader and say "// I just killed him in the XX system and he is PvP dead to me for 2 hours and I am the only one on patrol. Sorry for the tough luck, but you are on your own." This answer would not make sense in this inRP scenario.

The only solution (from my perspective) would be to log on as another Lawful char so it would allow Unlawful char to continue playing, but Admin and all oversight personel on their respective computers logged in Disco would know that it was me in another char putting both of us under scrutiny and this scenario could lead me to be sanctioned, yes? So what would the solution be when this happens? This scenario will happen sooner or later to someone. Can there be an exception made for something like this?
===========================================================================================ADMIN/MOD Answer (Left blank for ADMIN/MOD Answer)

RE: Rules Clarification Thread - Aristaan - 08-23-2018

RULE: Faction Right 5. Official player factions may request that the reputation of a player's ship be changed to hostile with respect to their NPC faction. These requests must be posted within the Violation Reports subforum, and include link(s) to valid forum roleplay, as well as actual interaction between the character and the official faction. In case of IDs with multiple official factions, this right can only be used if it has support of every official faction of the ID, but in case of disagreement between the factions involved, they can post an appeal to the administrators to review the situation and come to a decision.
Groups that have been subject to the use of FR5 by another faction, may treat this faction as hostile targets, except for transports.
QUESTION: If a faction makes an FR5, and another faction BECOMES official on the same affiliation (Corsairs in this specific case) AFTER the FR5, is that faction also able to be treated as hostile targets and be engaged?

RE: Rules Clarification Thread - SnakThree - 08-26-2018

Victor Steiner Wrote:Your recent base attack declaration was found to be insufficient, as such I have removed it, please try again with more role play in future.
QUESTION: What is the minimal amount considred sufficient.
ADMIN/MOD ANSWER:(Leave blank for Admin/Mod comment)

RE: Rules Clarification Thread - SnakThree - 08-26-2018

In regards to your declaration, it is strongly advised you find some images to go with your post, so as to clarify which base you are talking about and it's provable location.
QUESTION: Since when are images "strongly advised" for siege declaration? Is it a requirement?
ADMIN/MOD ANSWER:(Leave blank for Admin/Mod comment)

RE: Rules Clarification Thread - Timinator - 09-20-2018

RULE: 4.5 Nomads are allowed to be engaged by all non-nomad IDs regardless of engagement rights except for the Neutral and Recruit IDs.
QUESTION: Does this mean if the player has general engagement rights, like LiNavy in Liberty(ZoI) or Siriuswide for any id like Freelancer anywhere, Naval Forces anywhere etc?
ADMIN/MOD ANSWER:(Leave blank for Admin/Mod comment)