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Rheinland Military Message Dump - Qunitinius~Verginix - 12-03-2006

Lance Schmetterling reporting.

A group of us tried to assist a fellow Millitary today but we were uable to locate him, despide many attemps. I think it has to do with our ships navigation and communications AI systems. I suggest we all go to New Berlin for a refit.

LS Out
For the Chancellor!

Rheinland Military Message Dump - marauder - 12-03-2006

General Nakazawa,Dec 3 2006, 07:35 PM Wrote:OOC:i have a police tag right now but cant seem to switch it for military, please edvise.

OOC: I've got one on a cruiser so don't worry.

Begin Report:

Further to my earlier report I assisted with the chase of edmorte, an outcast destroyer (tagged and ID'd as one too), who refused to fight and spent the best part of an hour plus running from my cruiser and the wraths of Flug-korper and W BlauMax nowotny (along with a pair of banshees and the armoured transport they were escorting...).

Also an unknown type of cruiser broadcasting the ID of Accipiter and apparantly belonging to the hessians, was defeated in hamburg.

I have my intel specialists going over the sensor records to try and find an origin for the design, once found I intend to assault and destroy the production center.

Also a Bs| tagged large train ID'd as Ali was found to be hostile and shooting at republican ships at alster shipyard, it was engaged and destroyed.

Another Bs| vessel arrived and failed to obey an order to leave rhienland, eventually it's captain was convinced to leave, however he failed to obey the order to wait for his escort.

I recommend all Bs| vessels be banned from rheinland space until they can prove that they can do as they are told, when they are told.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Chucc - 12-04-2006

Lt. Hoffstetter Reporting.

As I was working in New Berlin, one General Nakazawa blurted out over system comms that there were no RM, Happy hour was open. I informed him that RM was here, and Identified myself. He later sent over open commsn that NCC or no he had just destroyed a BS and multiple police vehicles at New Berlin. I didn't engage, and never actually made a visual confirmation he was there or that a BS had been destroyed but informed him it would be in my report. To which his answer was and I quote, "Yay" End quote.

PG-S(something, not supernova) was also in New Berlin, as a show of respect did not attack due to NCC in hold. As a return courtesy I didn't engage and he left New Berlin.

Report end.

Hoffstetter out.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Virus - 12-04-2006

Comm. ID: Lukas "Damon" Sliwiak
Re: After-Action Report Continuation.

The RACS-Procrastinator returned to Planet New Berlin late last night. Somehow, repairs were made in under an hour, and she wished for revenge. We did not let her have that.

I immediately began my attack. I was soon joined by Bruno Stachel on long-distance patrol from the Schwerin, as well as 'BlauMax" not longer after him.

The Procrastinator moved towards the Aachenfeld, I believe. I cannot say I was paying much attention to our location. Wherever we were, Hessians saw a chance of teaming with the Corsair tagged Dreadnaught and eliminating us. I ordered a split of duties; Bruno and Max assault the Procrastinator while I kept off the growing number of Hessians.

The Cruiser "Geliebter Sieg" arrived and began the attack. Her 'razors tore through the Procrastinators hull while I ordered Bruno and Max to switch to shield removal.

Once I dealt with the remaining Hessians, I began to hammer the hull of the Procrastinator with my Firekiss. Not long after, she went up in fire. Nothing left but more scrap for the field.

Black Box image:

Rheinland Military Message Dump - General Nakazawa - 12-04-2006

can i clarify that the "General Nakazawa" he refirs to is a triger happy char of mine that has no afiliation to me what so ever and that after i said "YAY" i also said "i cant wait to hunt myself" exact quote. I will also confirm that he killed 2 Battle ships and 2 cruisers along with several police and military pilats. I whant a bounty on his head because i whant some pvp.
P.S. he still has the admerals in his hold and will be returning to rhineland soon

Lt. Yakov reporting
During a patrol of New Berlin today i resived a call for help from an RM pilot who had ingaged an Outcast Distroyer and was being beten prity badly. Myself and several others atempted to lokate him but were unable to. None of us cold figure out why before i had to dipart for another crisis.
ending report

OOC:i regret having to leave you guys like that at such a bad time but i had no choise. My mother was yelling at me to get off

Rheinland Military Message Dump - marauder - 12-06-2006

Begin report:

Captain marauder of the Plunderer,

I ordered a vessel ID'd as [kosher]~Richie to halt at dortmund station for an inspection, however the said vessel not only docked with dortmund, getting rid of any incriminating evidence but also continued on it's way and entered stuttgart.

Therefore [kosher]~Richie should be added to the list of fined vessels.

Due to kosher being way below level 30 there was nothing I could do, so if he enters rheinland again and doesn't pay up I suggest doubling the fine until either he pays or it reaches 8 mil, then we can stick a bounty on his head.

Also I had a rather long private chat with him, as soon as he found out we're not allow to shoot him cos of his level he came straight back into NB, so regardless of his level, the next time he enters NB he either pays the 2 mil fine or it gets doubled, unless he's over level 30, then he either pays up or dies three times.

Also Blaumax, Lt hoffstetter and myself, chased the SCRA vessel antarg out of NB.

***OOC*** we did chase him out, mainly cos he spent more time with his 'tactical manoeuvres' (read: shield running) then he did fighting.

I don't know whether Nightfall got fed up with him and left or just got disconnected, however I left cos I'm fed up of chasing, if people want to fight then they should do so, not just sit and talk about it or only fight when they can win.

Shield running is not a tactic, it's a stupid annoying trick designed to **** off whoever your fighting, if you want to fight the RM then fight.

I recommend all capital ships mount and have loaded train cruise disrupters aboard to stop this 'tactic'.

Report ends:

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Nightfall - 12-06-2006

Lt. 'BlauMax' Nowotny, addendum to Cpt. Marauder's report:

I was on a usual patrol of Omega-15 and was engaged by a wing of 20 Titans escorting some Corsair VIP by the name of Juan Carlos Santini when the SCRA Frigate 'Antarg' and it announced it's intention of bombing New Berlin through the system-wide channel. Realizing I can't do anything alone in a Wrath, I comissioned a Snub Nose from Schwerin and proceeded to pursue. The Plunderer was already engaging the aggressor at the time I arrived. Short after, Lt Hoffstetter joined us in the defense.

The Antarg had it's shields down and was severely damaged when it started 'tactically maneuvering' (ooc: shieldrunning and using batts/bots against two fighters) into Sigma-13.

After pursuing the Antarg through the Sigma-13 jumphole and engaging the cowardly cruiser I lost it in the gas pockets after a blast knocked out my IFF transponder and the rest of the comms (ooc: my internet connection went on strike for an hour). I have returned to New Berlin.

If I may speak freely sir, this looks like an act of war to me.

(*ooc: damn, I thought I had the screenie of him saying that he just wanted to bug someone, apparently I didn't press 'PrintScreen'*)

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Wolfpack98 - 12-06-2006

OOC: SOunds like SCRA are actually following through with something I had heard weeks ago about them wanting to pick a fight with *SOMEONE* and it just happens to be RM. Figures.


This is Erich Hartmann. I'll be on patrol through new berlin this evening as well as through the week. Should I consider any SCRA ships as hostile and engage on sight or should I order them out?

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Nightfall - 12-06-2006

I suggest checking their faction status and look for diplomacy. Interesting declaration imho...

BlauMax out

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Virus - 12-07-2006

Wolfpack98,Dec 6 2006, 01:47 PM Wrote:OOC: SOunds like SCRA are actually following through with something I had heard weeks ago about them wanting to pick a fight with *SOMEONE* and it just happens to be RM.  Figures.


This is Erich Hartmann.  I'll be on patrol through new berlin this evening as well as through the week.  Should I consider any SCRA ships as hostile and engage on sight or should I order them out?

Comm. ID: Nickolaus Reinhardt, Vice Admiral

They have engaged our forces at least three times without cause. Terminate with extreme prejudice.