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.:j:. Junker Congress Recruitment - Printable Version

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RE: .:j:. Junker Congress Recruitment - Junker Congress - 05-31-2020

[Image: avatar_7714.png?dateline=1464120333]

Siokas Dusos,

You seem like a good person with good values and solid genes, thats more important than some might think living in Puerto Rico. Just uh, try to keep the Pirate Train out of Liberty, they are really not fond of those things.

Welcome to The Congress captain,
Move on over to Puerto Rico and visit Arbiter Rick Tiltman at the Ruff Tuff bar on the Vieques Shipyard to get your ship fitted with the proper equipment,

RE: .:j:. Junker Congress Recruitment - Justinjah91 - 06-05-2020

[Image: avatar_7714.png?dateline=1464120333]
Name: Ganfell Collwad

Age: 38

Birthday and Birthplace: September 19th, 764 AS, Planet Erie, Pennsylvania

Biography: I grew on the streets of Erie. I never really knew my parents since they died while I was young. I've spent my entire life doing whatever it took to get by. Eventually, I landed a gig as a cargo guard on a transport ship. We had a few scraps every now and then, but then we ran up against some Xenos. It was during this confrontation that the captain was killed by a rupturing plasma conduit in the cockpit. We were adrift with Xenos bearing down on us, so I flung myself into the pilot's seat. I was no pilot, but I managed to get us moving again. We pulled to the nearby trade lane and narrowly escaped.

Ever since, I've been addicted to the thrill of piloting a cargo freighter. I pride myself on being able to get anything to anywhere, and doing it as fast as possible. No cargo is too hot.

How fast can you repair a broken Salvager?: I don't do fixing. I do piloting.

How good are you at selling Premium Scrap to a stranger?: The trick is convincing them that the scrap is still functional. You can charge much higher prices for functional equipment.

What would you do if you get caught smuggling by a member of law enforcement? What about if you're stopped by a bandit while smuggling?:

Law enforcement: "Contraband you say?! Why officer, I had no idea! I was told that these crates contained standard food rations!" (All while charging the cruise engines and priming countermeasures)

Bandits: You can never have too much scrap. Fire up the turrets.

What knowledge do you possess of the Puerto Rico systen, if any?: Very little

What ships do you already own?: DSE-720 "Camara" Civilian Freighter


Post the ID rules of the Junker ID here:

Pilot carrying this quasi-lawful ID is a member of the Junkers, who:

- Can attack any ships in self-defense, to protect another Junker ship, or in defense of a Junker base.
- Can demand cargo and credits from ships outside of Rheinland, Liberty and Bretonian house space, and attack them if they do not comply.
- Can attack Xenos and Hogosha anywhere.
- Cannot use any Transport with more than 4,300 cargo.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats

Are you allowed to pirate in Liberty as a Junker?: Well that would be an incredibly stupid thing to do. Of course not!

Have you had any interaction with a Congress member thus far? If yes, what was his/her shop or character name: No

Your Discord details: Abrogator91#0195

RE: .:j:. Junker Congress Recruitment - WizardLizard - 06-28-2020

[Image: avatar_7714.png?dateline=1464120333]
Name:Hanzo Jidai

Age: 32

Birthday and Birthplace: 3/4/795, Roppongi Station <ANSWER>

Biography: I was born to a Libertonian mother and a Kusari father. Both were scientists who made great discoveries, but were never funded for their work and were often plagiarized. After several years of trying to solve an impossible problem, they were quickly discredited and pushed out of the Kusari Scientific Organization. I am not like my parents. The only family and group of people I trust with my knowledge and safety are myself and my parents. We have been running for decades now from Kusari, and now that we are in Liberty, I need a new family to put my trust in. <TEXT>

How fast can you repair a broken Salvager?: As fast as they stole my parents' work. So hella fast. But it depends on the money and the extent of the repairs, of course. <ANSWER>

How good are you at selling Premium Scrap to a stranger?: “Hello sir, can I interest you in some Premium Scrap, the finest scrap in all of Sirius? Only (random number) credits for this here bundle!”, although I probably wouldn’t be as nice.

What would you do if you get caught smuggling by a member of law enforcement? What about if you're stopped by a bandit while smuggling?: “talk it out” and then countermeasure them in the face. <ANSWER>

What knowledge do you possess of the Puerto Rico systen, if any?: O have never been to the Puerto Rico system, sadly. <ANSWER>

What ships do you already own?: An osprey mk2 <ANSWER>


Post the ID rules of the Junker ID here:
Pilot carrying this quasi-lawful ID is a member of the Junkers, who:

Can attack any ships in self-defense, to protect another Junker ship, or in defense of a Junker base.
Can demand cargo and credits from ships outside of Rheinland, Liberty and Bretonian house space, and attack them if they do not comply.
Can attack Xenos and Hogosha anywhere.
Cannot use any transport with more than 4,300 cargo.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats

Are you allowed to pirate in Liberty as a Junker?: Never <ANSWER>

Have you had any interaction with a Congress member thus far? If yes, what was his/her shop or character name: I think his name was Heilbronn, he was running a scavenger <ANSWER>

Your Discord details: WizardLizard#8153 <ANSWER>

RE: .:j:. Junker Congress Recruitment - Alpha - 09-20-2020

[Image: avatar_7714.png?dateline=1464120333]
Name: Mike Williams

Age: 35

Birthday and Birthplace: Beaumont Base, Texas

Biography: Hello, I'm a normal guy, I used to smuggle Cardamine and artifacts first until I heard about premium scrap and other ores so I started to explore the fields and bases to find and collect data about these ores and the best routes to sell them. From that time I didn't smuggle a lot. To be honest If I can make 40-50 million per run in trading ores (which is legal) I would ask for double the price to smuggle since Kusari is blocking us.

How fast can you repair a broken Salvager?: Easy I can dock and Repair it.

How good are you at selling Premium Scrap to a stranger?: It's my Job to mine and trade premium scrap.

What would you do if you get caught smuggling by a member of law enforcement? What about if you're stopped by a bandit while smuggling?: Normally I use clacking device when I smuggle so I'll clock my ship.

What knowledge do you possess of the Puerto Rico systen, if any?: I usually visit Vieques station to buy Pirate trains and repair/upgrade weapons on my ships.

What ships do you already own?:
1x Salvager
1x Luxury Liner
3x Pirate trains


Post the ID rules of the Junker ID here:
The Junkers are a group of Smugglers and Black Market Traders who maintain a legal front through Scrap peddling. They are rumored to deal with a lot of unlawful factions, but are enemies of the Xenos and the Hogosha.
Pilot carrying this quasi-lawful ID is a member of the Junkers, who:

- Can engage in piracy outside of Rheinland, Liberty and Bretonian house space.
- Can attack Xenos and Hogosha.
- Cannot use Cruisers , Battleships or any Transport with more than 4,300 cargo.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats

Are you allowed to pirate in Liberty as a Junker?: No

Have you had any interaction with a Congress member thus far? If yes, what was his/her shop or character name: I just talked with someone in the Congress today and I asked him to join.

Your Discord details: outcast.alpha#7812

RE: .:j:. Junker Congress Recruitment - Junker Congress - 09-22-2020

[Image: avatar_7714.png?dateline=1464120333]

Mike Williams, Hanzo Jidai, Ganfell Collwad.

At this time we most regrettably must deny your applications, thank you for your efforts and stay safe out in those scrap fields.

RE: .:j:. Junker Congress Recruitment - Khem - 10-20-2020

:::]InRP Form[:::

Your Name:
Your Age:
Where are you from?:
Previous Jobs/Roles:
Ageira Technician, Soldier of Fortune, Freelancer
Detailed Background, a Paragraph (the more we can learn about you, the better):
Seen many things in my short years. Enough to know this economy is unstable. Won't last long. Existential threats lurk on the edges of our perception. Most can't see it. Squabbles for resources are petty. One man can only accomplish so much. Knowledge brought back from the shrine is... unsettling at best. Must prepare. Best course of action would seem to be guiding the events of Sirius from the shadows, and with force when necessary. Junkers potential for influence greater than all other factions.
Why do you want to join the Junker Marauders? What can you bring to JM?:
"Lawful" and "Criminal" are subjective terms; useless in the grand scheme. Violence is a means to an end, yet usually unnecessary. Connections across universe useful. Freedom from House tyranny is essential.

:::]OoRP Form[:::

How long have you been playing Freelancer Discovery for?:
I can't really say. Ive had Freelancer since it came out (i was a kid). Was always looking for good mods on it. Found Discovery like 2-3 years ago but didn't get too deep into it. Past month or 2 i've been on a real nostalgia kick and came back. I must admit i was ecstatic to see the server was still active.
How long have you played a Junker character for, if at all? (Not important, it's just useful to know if you've played a Junker before. We accept both people who have and people who haven't played a Junker before):
Never really got in to RP much, and was usually an Outcast when I do. I'm much more appreciative of neutrality now that I'm older.
In your own words, how would you define a Quasi-Lawful?:
Seemingly lawful, but not really. Strong legal front. Brings order to the potential chaos of the criminal underworld.
How familiar are you with the Borderworlds?:
I know Vanilla Freelancer like the back of my hand. Discovery not so much, but i'm still exploring and using navmap.
How familiar are you with smuggling?:
I know how to buy something cheap, take a path not often traveled, and sell it where its illegal. Outside of that I can't say.
How familiar are you with piracy?:
Somewhat. I'm big on gathering knowledge so whatever I know isn't really relevant because I'm always looking to add to it.
What factions have you been in previously?:
On Discovery I have never joined an official faction. Did not get around to it.
Why do you want to join the Junker Marauders? What can you offer?:
I want a true neutral character. Like i said in character: Legal and Illegal are subjective terms, and I don't want to limit myself to being one or the other. I also was reading in to discovery rules and how powerful factions can influence some of the story. I would like to do that. Junkers funding warring factions for their own interests.
Finally, what is your Skype?:
Um i have discord. BangBangBoogie#7026

RE: .:j:. Junker Congress Recruitment - Khem - 10-22-2020

[Image: avatar_7714.png?dateline=1464120333]
Name: <Khem>

Age: <25>

Birthday and Birthplace: <November 10 , 796 AS , Planet Denver>

Biography: <Not Much is known of Khem before he joined Ageira Technologies at 16. By age 23 He left, mostly falling off the grid. Surprisingly charismatic for a man of few words, Khem was often known for his intelligence and ability to defuse hostile situations; violently, if necessary. After his disappearance in 818 A.S he was sighted leaving the unstable jumphole in Thuriniga. After spending a month on Malta, he returned to Liberty, even quieter than before.>

How fast can you repair a broken Salvager?: Depends. Do I have to run diagnostics? Depending on what's broken could turn it from an hour and a half job to a multy day job.

How good are you at selling Premium Scrap to a stranger?: As good as their money is.

What would you do if you get caught smuggling by a member of law enforcement? What about if you're stopped by a bandit while smuggling?: <Depends on situation. Either Get rid of who's in my way and any witnesses, or... appease them because the cost is negligible. >

What knowledge do you possess of the Puerto Rico systen, if any?: <Stay the fuck away from the Stellar Matter Steam>

What ships do you already own?: <Salvager, Pirate Train>


Post the ID rules of the Junker ID here: <
-Can attack any ships in self-defense, to protect another Junker ship, or in defense of a Junker base.
- Can demand cargo and credits from ships outside of Rheinland, Liberty and Bretonian house space, and attack them if they do not comply.
- Can attack Xenos and Hogosha anywhere.
- Cannot use any Transport with more than 4,300 cargo.>

Are you allowed to pirate in Liberty as a Junker?: <Not in house space.>

Have you had any interaction with a Congress member thus far? If yes, what was his/her shop or character name: <Not That I'm aware of.>

Your Discord details: <BangBangBoogie#7026>

RE: .:j:. Junker Congress Recruitment - Marco.Lukic - 02-09-2021

align=center][Image: avatar_7714.png?dateline=1464120333][/align]
Name: Hall.Luca

Age: 23
Birthday and Birthplace: June 4. , 805 A.S. ,Allentown Base.

Biography: I am the son of a Junker father and a Junker mother.Quite recently, my father passed his torch to me.
This came along with his ship and his scrap operations.
Part of me always suspected this would happen.
Overnight I went from wanting to be in space again, to being in space again.

How fast can you repair a broken Salvager?: Depends on whats damaged and how badly, i can do a patch-job pretty quick but more extensive repairs can take a while.

How good are you at selling Premium Scrap to a stranger?: Not a very smooth talker but i can make a decent deal.

What would you do if you get caught smuggling by a member of law enforcement? What about if you're stopped by a bandit while smuggling?: On Cops: "Oh, im so sorry. i had no clue that was in there!"
Not much problem with bandits, since i am not friendly with Police and Navy.

What knowledge do you possess of the Puerto Rico systen, if any?: Puerto Rico is the secret home of the Junkers in Liberty and all of the Sirius Sector.

What ships do you already own?: My dads TTR-1130 Pilgrim Liner.


Post the ID rules of the Junker ID here: The Junkers are a group of Smugglers and Black Market Traders who maintain a legal front through Scrap peddling. They are rumored to deal with a lot of unlawful factions, but are enemies of the Xenos and the Hogosha.
Pilot carrying this quasi-lawful ID is a member of the Junkers, who:
- Can attack any ships in self-defense, to protect another Junker ship, or in defense of a Junker base.
- Can demand cargo and credits from ships outside of Rheinland, Liberty and Bretonian house space, and attack them if they do not comply.
- Can attack Xenos and Hogosha anywhere.
- Cannot use any Transport with more than 4,300 cargo.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats

Are you allowed to pirate in Liberty as a Junker?: Never by my side sir.

Have you had any interaction with a Congress member thus far? If yes, what was his/her shop or character name: No contact with Congress members yet.

Your Discord details: @Shogun

RE: .:j:. Junker Congress Recruitment - Charo - 02-22-2021

[Image: avatar_7714.png?dateline=1464120333]
Name: Catalina Hamilton

Age: 27

Birthday and Birthplace: June 20th, Planet Malta

Biography: I spent most of my life on Malta before leaving at the age of 17. I came to Liberty and got tangled up with multiple people, including a Junker. I flew as a general smuggler and Outcast pilot for awhile before applying for Universal, hiding my past. That didn't last, so I left and decided to follow my husband's path as a Junker. I've worked with my Salvager for around 7 years now, both with the Congress and on my own.

How fast can you repair a broken Salvager?: Fast enough to get out of danger

How good are you at selling Premium Scrap to a stranger?: I can bat my eyelashes and talk about my "poor family" until they give in

What would you do if you get caught smuggling by a member of law enforcement? What about if you're stopped by a bandit while smuggling?: Play dumb and do what they ask. And also play dumb and do what they ask but try to get out of the scenario by talking about being from Malta (if they're friends with Outcasts)

What knowledge do you possess of the Puerto Rico systen, if any?: Enough to know where to stay away from

What ships do you already own?: Salvager, Blossom, Pilgrim, BWT


Post the ID rules of the Junker ID here:
-Can attack Hogosha and Xenos
-Can engage in piracy outside of Bretonia, Liberty, and Rheinland House Sovereign Space.
-Cannot use Cruisers, Battleships, or Ships with more than 4300 cargo space.

Are you allowed to pirate in Liberty as a Junker?: No

Have you had any interaction with a Congress member thus far? If yes, what was his/her shop or character name: Too many to count, used to be a member years ago

Your Discord details: Charo#2595

RE: .:j:. Junker Congress Recruitment - Junker Congress - 02-22-2021

[Image: avatar_7714.png?dateline=1464120333]

Catalina Hamilton and Hall Luca

Your applications have been accepted.

Welcome to The Congress captains,
Move on over to Puerto Rico and visit Arbiter Rick Tiltman at the Ruff Tuff bar on the Vieques Shipyard to get your ship fitted with the proper equipment.