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max size transports - stewcool - 02-06-2009

Jinx could you tell me if there will be new Cargo Pods for the trains? Like new colors?

max size transports - Grumblesaur - 02-06-2009

Kusari transport. Definitely. Though I'm too lazy to reset my Adv. Train again, so I'll stick with what I have.

The Liberty SuperTransport needs reworking. It looks... ugh.

Otherwise, nice work.

max size transports - zeinstruktor - 02-06-2009

All of those are awesome, especially the Kusari one.

Only peeve I have is the Liberty one looks a bit too fat, but it may just be the angle. I'm sure they'll all look very nice ingame.

Nice work.

max size transports - Clarkie - 02-06-2009

(saves images to desktop before Jinx deletes them..)

Quick question, any info on where these beauties will be sold respectively?
Also, I take it only corporation ID'd ships such as Bowex, Kishiro, Interspace et al will be able to fly these? (Other than the zoner whale of course)

max size transports - dr lameos - 02-07-2009

' Wrote:(saves images to desktop before Jinx deletes them..)
Quick question, any info on where these beauties will be sold respectively?
Also, I take it only corporation ID'd ships such as Bowex, Kishiro, Interspace et al will be able to fly these? (Other than the zoner whale of course)

As jinx said, they're still as generic as the Adv. Train, anyone can use them, just allows for some more variation and customizeability.

And thanks for the good work Jinx, we really appreciate it, same goes for all the dev team.

max size transports - jammi - 02-07-2009

Will the cargo pods be removeable so you can customise the colours still?

max size transports - AdamantineFist - 02-07-2009

Ah, nice to see the Bret transport from other angles. It looks much better from those angles.

max size transports - -Wraith- - 02-07-2009

Jinx once again you have pulled through for the entire of Discovery. These ships are great and will make trading on the server, just a bit more interesting and will add the needed variation in trading.

max size transports - Nadis - 02-07-2009

well when i lookt at kusari train i was so happy to se that beauty. So i checked this thread every day to see bretonian.AND GOD that looks like a tractor. Ech i was hoping to fly somethig nicer but i'l think i will stick with aTrain... Liberty train is my best hope but i dont think it will be made as cool as kusarian...

I think soon after mod releace bretonian train will be one of the first ones that will be voted to be changed...
As most of us sad new ships should look beter than aTrain. So aTrain whould be forgotten or used only in reinland.

max size transports - Jinx - 02-07-2009

about factionizing and faction determining characteristics of ships... - its tough sometimes.

for kusari ... any ship with a pagoda on top and a brownish colour appears to be kusarish much much easier than any other faction.

for liberty ... those are classics. - normal sci fi characteristics + some naval shapes.

for bretonia ... well........... when you see the vanilla ships, you think to yourself - "gosh, not too complicated, i can do that" - then you sit down, make a concept and realize it doesn t work. bretonian ships are a bugger to make - and the result is not really a "beauty" but a what you might call "a rough diamond".

just look at the crusader. - ppl might say its looking large, clumpsy, slow. - then you look closer and you see - it has smooth floing shapes, doesn t look slow at all for most of it at least. its a VERY sleek looking ship - combined with elephant trunk like "legs" - but somehow, it goes well together... sort of a real chimaera.

same with the capital ships - they are not really large and shapeless. - but they sometimes have a single element that disrupts the sleek form. - for the destroyer, it is the underside frame on an otherwise sleek body. - for the battleship it is the very sharp edge that connects the body to the head.

needless to say - the current train model is "sufficient" but not enough - indeed. but nothing that ll change till 4.85 - cause no one wnats to wait longer.

rheinland again is different - but easier. - their ships are not as twisted as bretonia. - they are industrial - but not really dumpy. rather abstract.

ingame - i like the rheinland train the most - the bretonian train second most, the liberty supertransport is different - not inspiring, but it ll do its job. its a rather ugly rig - ( ugly in terms of what its meant to be - in a positive way ) - like the mammoth or the heavy lifter. the kusari looks sleek and nice - but is after all... just a train.. rather boring.

the vanilla train is still MUCH better. - it has excellent details everywhere and a perfect shape - its a real mixture between a truck and a train engine - and i d hate to see the train vanish from the server ( which won t happen )