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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Lt.Cmdr.Olsav - 11-02-2006

I am moving into defensive positions with my wraith, nad also the Helghast gunboat will be present.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 11-02-2006

Excellent, report any suspicious activities or ship movements here.

Mcintosh out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Ant - 11-03-2006

To: SCRA Fleet command
From: Frigate Antarg
Re: Operational movements

Unfortunate developments occurred while moving a Nomad brain to Zoner labs in Omega 49.

Request was sent from SF for release of Nomad brain in Cambridge sector. Two Battleship class vessels were preventing delivery.

Upon refusal, pursuit was sent into Omega 5. Combat ensued.

SF Gunboat was disabled during sporadic fighting.
Friend or Foe systems on Frigate Antarg were damaged during fighting and tactical withdrawal to Omega 47 was necessary.

The remaining fighters were undergoing significant damage when the Battlestar Kerberos appeared on scopes. Tactical withdrawal to Omega 49 was necessary.

Asteroid fields were again used as cover against attack by dreadnaught class ships. One fighter was disabled and another heavily damaged.

Upon egress from asteroid field, close to planetside, another gunboat was engaged and disabled. Enemy Battlestar emerged from planetside during fighting(Kerberos). Tactical withdrawal was necessary.

Move made towards Cambridge and intimidation was fully apparent. No request was made for the release of held Nomad brain(apparently Corsairs tag is not allowed in Cambridge). No offensive move made by SF vessels.

Nomad brain was successfully delivered to Omega 49.

Antarg out.
[Image: scra_cr_004.jpg]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aeon - 11-04-2006

Alright, I am recinding the order to shoot on sight all SF vessels.

Please do not shoot or provoke them unnecesarily, although of course if they are hostile, by all means, take them out.

Meanwhile, any and all hostile GoR vessels in the area are to eliminated. If however they are not hostile, do not bother them.

Aeon out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 11-07-2006

------Incoming Transmission------

This is the Victory. We haved moved into close orbit over Gran Canara, over the Secondary Defence Center. Armament has been reconfigured for anti-fighter operations, and the missle bays refilled with the finest money can buy. Several new crewmen joined the ship, to replace casualties taken last month. Several BHG ships were spotted, but were quickly driven off, all quiet besides that. Nothing firther to report, but I request that medium capital ship patrols be initiated to cover possibly hostile jump holes, as we are unable to leave close vicinity of the planet. Nothing further to report

Victory out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Lt.Cmdr.Olsav - 11-07-2006

I have recieved word that in conjunction with my vhf, a helghast anti-fighter gunboat will be on patrol with me.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Malaclypse 666 - 11-07-2006

Message to: SCRA Chancellor Aeon
Comm ID: Malaclypse 666

Sorry to have been so tardy in communicating, Chancey. Have been up to my bloody ears in recruiting, negotiating, and smoke-filled-room intrigueing.

Bloody bad luck, the rumored return of that "Hero" Pryde. It seems the Canaria system is big enough for new and old alike. If I can be of assistance "facilitating", please call on me. The real sticky wicket, it seems, is your current alignment with the 'sairs. Not a popular move with the Outcasts, eh? And the Kerberos, if it actually does exist, would naturally be aligned with them, and also the GoR. Perhaps a bit of "rep-jiggering" might be in order for SCRA to smooth the waters?

I'll be visiting Villa Incognita in the next day or two. How about a tour of your new Flagship? (... I understand there's an outstanding note due on her in about three weeks time...?).

Warm regards to Mcintosh and your other officers. Dis sends a flirtatious wink as well.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 11-08-2006

-----------Incoming Transmission----------------

The SF have declared their intentions of peace towards us, and I say Aye. There is to be no more carrying of contraband through Bretonian space in SCRA tagged ships, as a gesture of respect to our new friends. All other routes are open for buisness, and I hope to see a few more capital ships launching soon. My own Liberty Assault Frigate, stolen from the wreckage of a Liberty Naval Squadron, will be operational soon, it is undergoing repairs at Location Bravo.

For the Revolution! Mcintosh out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Ant - 11-08-2006

From: Frigate Antarg, Omicron Theta

To: Fleet Command

Re: Operational orders, take incognito passengers enroute to destination.

[IND] tagged transport trailed and found to be carrying 75 passengers tagged as revolutionaries.
As you ordered, such persons are to be removed by all necessary means in transit, in such a way as to remove them and their families from liability.

[IND] transport refused requests to stand down. No hostile action taken.

Suggest payment for release of passengers based on passage price, for allied factions.
Frigate Antarg requesting further orders.
[Image: scra_cr_004.jpg]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Malaclypse 666 - 11-08-2006

Message to: SCRA Fleet Purchasing and Requisition
Comm ID: Daddy Warbucks Enterprises, LLC


We are in receipt of your recent payment of 60 Million Sirius Credits, along with your very generous 10% "handling fee".

Please find attached our digital flimsy showing your payment in full; and releasing any prior liens, encumbrances, and interest in your latest acquisition.

Thank you once again for doing business with DW Enterprises. And once again, the Scotch was delicious.

We remain at your service,
R. Waverly Esq., CEO