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OS&C| Orbital Spa & Cruise - Recruitment - Printable Version

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RE: OS&C| Orbital Spa & Cruise - Recruitment - mm33dd - 02-23-2021

[Image: Cruise-ship-captain.jpg]

Name: Eugenio Ramirez
Gender: MALE
Age: 39
Place of birth Crete


Born and raised in the violent lands of the recently formed Iberian Empire.
Since I was a teenager I have always been more interested in business and the good life than in raffling it off with some poor Christ to the old fashioned Corsair style.
I worked hard as a courier for the Empire aboard a Correo, until I was able to raise a small but significant sum of credits to leave. Now that I think, I so lucky to be alive right now.
I took a job as security aboard the OS&C Hawaii in Sigma-19, apparently the captain was delighted to have me, I suppose that because I am from Crete, it is known that all Cretans who leave the planet must at least know how to pilot a fighter and survive the brutal Malvada test.
Not that I have anything against my brothers in Crete, quite the contrary, I love them and from time to time I pay them a visit. We could say that unlike the average Cretan, my fine taste for wine and women and for a different life in which I can sleep peacefully knowing that the next day I will still be alive have oppened a diferent path for me.
Through some friendly contacts I have been able to obtain a loan and have acquired a Democritus Yacht, which I have put at the service of Hawaii.
With nothing more to add, I'm looking forward to join you.

Best Regards

Please give a brief overview of your past work experience if any.
Cargo Security aboard the OS&C Hawaii.
Passengers transportation and luxury goods to any OS&C liner who need it.

Are you in possession of a criminal record within any of the 5 houses? If so, please explain. Nes
I'm not gonna lie to you....

Do you have a particular interest in any of Orbital Spa & Cruise's specific divisions?**

[X] Passenger transportation (OS&C)
[ ] Logistical operations (Orbital Network Express)
[X] Security (SPA-SEC)
[X] Deep Space Excursions (Triton Expeditions)
[X] Publicity and Special Events (White Star Lines)

Eugenio Ramirez
Pardelas Luxury Yacht Captain

[Image: PojtqNs.png]

Orbital Spa & Cruise

Have you ever been sanctioned?
No, I play by the rules

What is your Discord username?
Already in it.

RE: OS&C| Orbital Spa & Cruise - Recruitment - Lord Helmchen - 02-23-2021

[Image: 68teG9q.png]

- - - - Incoming Transmission - - - -

ID: Caitlyn Cross
Location: Samson Resort, Planet Curacao, System Cortez
To:Mr. Eugenio Ramirez
Encryption:Neptune Spear
Subject: Welcome to the Family

Mr. Ramirez

my Name is Caitlyn Cross I am the Chairwoman of OS&C. it is a Welcome but Rare Occasion to Welcome a Citizen of Creta into our Company, but it is a Welcome one. Orbital is Proud of its Friendship with the People of Creta and we Welcome anyone into our Corporate Family. I know how hard the Life in the Borderworlds is then I was Born as a Junker. I hope my Story can lead by Example that those that others might see as Unlawfulls or even Criminals can Change their lives. and you are not the only Capitan from Creta my Former Weapons Officer and now Capitan of the OS&C|TE-Cloud-9 is also from Creta, Orbital Opens a Path to Luxury for anyone. Despite your Past as a Corsair, I am sure you are familiar with the Laws of the Sirian and Gallic Houses, if not I am sure our Legal Team can Give you some Tutoring in legal issues and Refresh your Memory. as to your not so Clear answer for your Criminal Record, I Can ensure you that it is not Ilegal to be Born on Crete and Improved your Life. Should you still get into trouble because of your origin Send them to me or other members of the Directors Board, Orbital Spa and Cruise Takes care of its Employees. Your Past work for Orbital was also Noted, the Capitan of the Hawaii has Told me about your Service on his Ship. the Old Man was Highly Impressed by you. We are sure that you will find what you Seek in Orbitals Service. Please come to the HQ on Curacao so we can Talk about your Future inside the OS&C Family. Your Application is Accepted

Safe Skys,
Caitlyn Cross
Captain Red Velvet Club
Director of OS&C and Head of Triton Expeditions

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

[Image: DmiRfcj.png]
[Image: kA4jnzr.png]

RE: OS&C| Orbital Spa & Cruise - Recruitment - Solo Wing Sagume - 03-07-2021

Name: Cynthia Farwell
Gender : Female
Age: 31
Place of birth Planet Los Angeles, California


Born as a wealthy daughter of a retired Liberty Navy Officer, Cynthia became fascinated by military history early on during her childhood. Reading and learning much about stories, biographies and documents of ranging from old ancient earth times up to relatively speaking recent sirian and gallic military history and history in general. She always wanted to do something with that knowledge and eventually worked in her younger years in a museum, yet it didn't fully feeled like it is what she searches for. She is also fascinated by how entertainment media can play a huge impact on this. She has as her hobbies collecting several little antiquities of old weapons and collecting all sorts of military stuff, she also is fascinated by modern technology, AI's, robotics and games as she views games and simulators as a great way to show and teach others about history. She Attended and experienced several events and conventions all around sports&games like Lasersoft (//Airsoft reference) and always thought that you could make something out of this. As a life goal then she decided to make a safe haven for all these people that are into either one of these things, military enthusiasts, historians, tabletop strategists, lasersoft players, etc. You call it. In the University of Los Angeles then, she studied and eventually got her Master in Business and Economics and tries now with help of several relations to fullfill her lifelong dream, the very first military history themed luxury liner.

Please give a brief overview of your past work experience if any.
3 years working experience in the military history museum on Planet Manhattan, NY
Mastered Business and Economics at the University of Los Angeles

Are you in possession of a criminal record within any of the 5 houses? If so, please explain. None.

Do you have a particular interest in any of Orbital Spa & Cruise's specific divisions?**

[X] Passenger transportation (OS&C)
[ ] Logistical operations (Orbital Network Express)
[ ] Security (SPA-SEC)
[ ] Deep Space Excursions (Triton Expeditions)
[X] Publicity and Special Events (White Star Lines)

Signature here

Cynthia Farwell

[Image: PojtqNs.png]

Orbital Spa & Cruise

Have you ever been sanctioned?
Once. Basically an unawareness of rules which ended in an accident. Never happened again, two years ago when I actually started to actively play Disco with more into rp stuff and not just casual here and there.

What is your Discord username?
Solo Wing Sagume#7649

RE: OS&C| Orbital Spa & Cruise - Recruitment - Lord Helmchen - 03-07-2021

[Image: 68teG9q.png]

- - - - Incoming Transmission - - - -

ID: Caitlyn Cross
Location: Samson Resort, Planet Curacao, System Cortez
To: Miss. Cynthia Farwell
Encryption: Neptune Spear
Subject: Welcome to the Family

Miss. Farwell

My Name is Caitlyn Cross I am the Chairwoman of OS&C. First want to thank your Family for their Service OS&C always Honors those that Protect us and our Guests. Now let's come to Business, I have to say we are really Lucky to Have someone with your Kind of Expertise to Join OS&C at this Moment. While Orbital Spa and Cruise always tends to Fulfil the Wishes of our Customers we haven't done much in the Military Hobbyist Markets in the Past. But there sure are Customers that are interested in this Kind of Merchandise and Experience. We also have Planned a Joint Venture with Bowex to Open a War Memorial/Museum in the Orbit of Planet Leeds, your Expertise in Military History and your Past Work in the Manhattan Military History Museum come at the Right Moment for us. As an Expert in Military History, I am sure you are familiar with the Legal Procedures and Statutes around that Field of Business, but our Legal Team will help you in any way they can should you have any problems while you Satisfy the Needs of your Guests. Please be aware that the Gallic Union has Declined its Involvement in the Leeds Museum and the Help in Acquiring Exhibits, therefore you should be Extra Careful when it comes to Items from Gallic Origin onboard your ship. I am Looking Forward to meeting you in person and hearing about your Opinion on how we can Give your Guest the Perfect Cruise of their Dreams. Please come to the HQ on Curacao so we can Talk about your Future inside the OS&C Family. Your Application is Accepted

Safe Skys,
Caitlyn Cross
Captain Red Velvet Club
Director and Chairwoman of OS&C

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

[Image: PojtqNs.png]

RE: OS&C| Orbital Spa & Cruise - Recruitment - Bartholomew Fitzgibbins - 03-10-2021

[Image: bartholomew.jpg]

Name: Bartholomew Fitzgibbins
Gender (Include preferred pronouns for Wanderlust if not male or female): Male
Age: 62
Place of birth Planet Cambridge


Born to a meager income family on Planet Cambridge, I had a rich childhood and decent education. Throughout my life I've worked hard and come up the ranks as you say in various companies. I quickly got my pilots license and for the bulk of my years have ran the helm of large transport freighters. The starways of Sirius are as much my home you could say as any planetside abode. I retired from freight hauling 3 years ago and attempted to set up a little place for meself back home.

Please give a brief overview of your past work experience if any.
I have over 41 years of captaining freight and large transport vessels of mostly Bretonian, Libertonian and Border Worlds designs. Spent a bit o'time too in the logistical division of a small freight firm planning routes and schedulings.

Recently having retired, I've not been able to entertain myself planetside and have this itch to keep wandering the stars. Hope a position within your company can fulfill this.

Are you in possession of a criminal record within any of the 5 houses? If so, please explain. No

Do you have a particular interest in any of Orbital Spa & Cruise's specific divisions?**

[X] Passenger transportation (OS&C)
[X] Logistical operations (Orbital Network Express)
[ ] Security (SPA-SEC)
[X] Deep Space Excursions (Triton Expeditions)
[X] Publicity and Special Events (White Star Lines)

B. H. Fitzgibbins

[Image: PojtqNs.png]

Orbital Spa & Cruise

Have you ever been sanctioned?
No, I play by the rules

What is your Discord username?

RE: OS&C| Orbital Spa & Cruise - Recruitment - Lord Helmchen - 03-10-2021

[Image: 68teG9q.png]

- - - - Incoming Transmission - - - -

ID: Caitlyn Cross
Location: Samson Resort, Planet Curacao, System Cortez
To: Mr. Bartholomew Fitzgibbins
Encryption: Neptune Spear
Subject: Welcome to the Family

Mr. Fitzgibbins

My Name is Caitlyn Cross I am the Chairwoman of OS&C. it is always a Welcome Sight to Welcome a Veteran of the Stars into the Orbital Family. I know how it is to have Life between the Stars and how it is to have Stardust in your Veins. I am a Born Junker and even though I Live on a Planet now I still feel the Call of the Stars when I am at my Home for too Long. Your Experience will surely benefit you in your Work for Orbital Spa and Cruise. I am sure you Find a Job that Perfectly Fits your Skills and Tastes. if it's as a Cargo Capitan to Supply Orbitals Liners and Planetary Properties. or as the Capitan of a Liner Yourself, I am sure in that case you can Tell and Show your Guests the Wonders of the Stars that only a True Native knows. I am really Interested to meet you in Person and Exchange some Storys from one Native of the Stars to the Other. Please come to the HQ on Curacao so we can Talk about your Future inside the OS&C Family. Your Application is Accepted

Safe Skys,
Caitlyn Cross
Captain Red Velvet Club
Director and Chairwoman of OS&C

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

[Image: PojtqNs.png]

RE: OS&C| Orbital Spa & Cruise - Recruitment - DkJericho - 03-20-2021

Name: Laura Scott
Gender: Female
Age: 30
Place of birth Planet New London


Hello my name is Laura Scott, I was the proud owner of a passenger shuttle company on Planet New London. Though due to hard times I was forces to close down the business. I may have owned the company but that didn't mean I sat behind a desk. I worked side by side with my employees shuttling customers from planetside to the local space ports in orbit. Even with the company lost I believe my skillsets could come of interest to others. Which brings me to the office of Orbital Spa & Cruise. With my experience in customer service I believe I could be a great asset to your company in its future endeavors.

Please give a brief overview of your past work experience if any.
Shuttle Pilot of a local shuttle company.

Are you in possession of a criminal record within any of the 5 houses? If so, please explain. No

Do you have a particular interest in any of Orbital Spa & Cruise's specific divisions?

[X] Passenger transportation (OS&C)
[ ] Logistical operations (Orbital Network Express)
[ ] Security (SPA-SEC)
[ ] Deep Space Excursions (Triton Expeditions)
[ ] Publicity and Special Events (White Star Lines)

Laura Scott

[Image: PojtqNs.png]

Orbital Spa & Cruise

Have you ever been sanctioned?
No, I play by the rules

What is your Discord username?

RE: OS&C| Orbital Spa & Cruise - Recruitment - Coliz - 03-20-2021

Name: Hector Balzac
Gender (Include preferred pronouns for Wanderlust if not male or female): Male
Age: 39 years old
Place of birth Montmartre Space Colony, Ile-de-France system, (former) Gallic Kingdom


Even if I'm a "spaceborn" I spent the early part of my life on New Paris: my father was the majordome of the Deluc family, a minor noble house of New Paris. After completing all the mandatory years of compulsory school I began working alongside my father at Deluc's villa. Working with the noble family that almost raised me gave me the opportunity to improve my formation, with the Deluc financing my attendance at special butlers school, sommelier and haute-cousine courses, sirius languages lessons and specific driver licenses for both orbital and planetside luxury veichles.

I spent ten years of my life working there. Unfortunately, the financial conditions of the Deluc family worsened and, albeit reluctantly, they were forced to fire me, not before filling me with letters of reference to get me hired by another family or company. My choice fell on Bouvet Space Entertainment, at the time a subsidiary of Solar Engineering specializing in tourism and luxury travel. With the references provided by the Delucs I was able to avoid much of the "dues", starting to work directly aboard the Liners, first as a second level officer and, after a few years as captain.

The idyll of the early years ended with the dismemberment of Solar and the takeover of Bouvet by the IDF: worse working conditions, extended hours and continuous salary cuts. The end of the war and the uncertainties of the Confederation period worsened the initial situation even more, thus leading me to the decision to resign from the company and to start again. Your company, I would say the "direct competition" was the best choice for me to apply to.

Please give a brief overview of your past work experience if any.
As already stated:
Mandatory school at Saint-Jean College, Mondine, New Paris until the age of 18.
Ten years as butler at Deluc family, years that gave me competence and skills in cooking, wine tasting and management, house and house-economy management, swordfight, luxury veichles driving, conciergerie, hospitality and event planning.
Eleven years as Solar Engineering and later IDF employee on Yachts and Liners, both as part of the crew and captain.
Sirius languages fluency: fluent in Bretonian and Libertonian english, mid-level in Kusarian japanese, base level in Rheinlandic german.

Are you in possession of a criminal record within any of the 5 houses? If so, please explain. No

Do you have a particular interest in any of Orbital Spa & Cruise's specific divisions?

[X] Passenger transportation (OS&C)
[ ] Logistical operations (Orbital Network Express)
[ ] Security (SPA-SEC)
[ ] Deep Space Excursions (Triton Expeditions)
[X] Publicity and Special Events (White Star Lines)

Hector Balzac

[Image: PojtqNs.png]

Orbital Spa & Cruise

Have you ever been sanctioned?
No, I'm a good boy

What is your Discord username?
You have it

RE: OS&C| Orbital Spa & Cruise - Recruitment - Lord Helmchen - 03-20-2021

[Image: 68teG9q.png]

- - - - Incoming Transmission - - - -

ID: Caitlyn Cross
Location: Samson Resort, Planet Curacao, System Cortez
To: Miss. Laura Scott/ Mr. Hector Balzac
Encryption: Neptune Spear
Subject: Welcome to the Family

Miss. Scott

My Name is Caitlyn Cross I am the Chairwoman of OS&C. I understand the Difficulties of Running an Independent Passenger Buissnes pretty well myself, and it shows your Pasion for your Job that you don't want to Give up what you love. That Passion is Exactly what we Search at OS&C, I am sure you can Continue what you Like under the Wings of OS&C without having to worry about how to pay the Bills at the end of the Month. Your Skills as a Shuttle Pilot will surely Serve you well in your new job. and should you ever be interested to fly the Bigger Ships, Orbital Spa and Cruise offers Training Programs for new and Promising Employees like yourself to Join the Ranks of our Liner and Yacht Capitans. Please come to the HQ on Curacao so we can Talk about your Future inside the OS&C Family. Your Application is Accepted and I am looking forward to meeting you in person.

Mr. Balzac

My Name is Caitlyn Cross I am the Chairwoman of OS&C. I will be honest with you, even though we are having Secured a Foothold in the Gallic Market after the war we aren't getting many Applications from Gallic People. that's a fact that I find Realy Sad, then in Comparison to some of our Gallic Competitors does Orbital Hire anyone and gives Fair Pay and Chances. Now let us come to your Qualifications, they are indeed Impressive and I can already imagine how you will put them to good use in our Service. I am sure other Employees of Orbital Spa and Crusie could benefit from your Knowledge about Gallic haute-cuisine and your Sommelier Skills. We have a lot of ships in Storage that should be Fitting a Promising Capitan like yourself to Bring a Piece of the Good Gallia to the People of Sirius. Please come to the HQ on Curacao so we can Talk about your Future inside the OS&C Family. Your Application is Accepted and I am looking forward to meeting you in person.

Safe Skys,
Caitlyn Cross
Captain Red Velvet Club
Director and Chairwoman of OS&C

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

[Image: PojtqNs.png]

RE: OS&C| Orbital Spa & Cruise - Recruitment - faddal - 04-13-2021

Name: Tokumoto Yoshio
Gender: Male
Age: 43
Place of birth Planet Kyushu


Born and living on Planet Kyushu, I'm the husband of a lovely wife and proud father of two children.
Me and my wife are employed by a large local company. Now, there our children have their own families and lifes, we decided to make my long-term dream true..

Without the destructive mining like on other planets, the fertile land of Kyushu provides great, diverse nature. Growing up in this world, planted in me the wish of giving everyone the chance to enjoy this, too. At least for a while.
For the period of a trip with my new Vessel. A liner, with a unique experience. An experience of this heavenly nature. Bringing it into every corner of Sirius.

Claiming some old favors and after several negotiations, I soon will be able to take the people of Sirius on a trip they'll mention forever.
I know i can't manage the organisation all alone. My wife will continue heading for her goals on Kyushu. And I don't even aim for doing this alone.
Consequently I see the big chance and advantage, when flying under the flag of Orbital Spa & Cruise.

I assure you, I'm familiar with planning, organizing and executing bigger projects. But there will be conditions to cherish my passengers appropriately, for which I will need and want the teamwork of your company.

I hope you also see an advantage of a collaboration with me and my Liner "Mother-of-Pearl".

Please give a brief overview of your past work experience if any.
Contract work with cargo transportation.
Long range transportation.

Are you in possession of a criminal record within any of the 5 houses? If so, please explain. N

Do you have a particular interest in any of Orbital Spa & Cruise's specific divisions?**

[x] Passenger transportation (OS&C)
[x] Logistical operations (Orbital Network Express)
[ ] Security (SPA-SEC)
[x] Deep Space Excursions (Triton Expeditions)
[x] Publicity and Special Events (White Star Lines)

Tokumoto Yoshio

*Please delete where appropriate.
**Please indicate with an "X" where appropriate.

[Image: PojtqNs.png]

Orbital Spa & Cruise

Have you ever been sanctioned?
No, I play by the rules

What is your Discord username?
You already got it =)