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Another Robot Faction? - me_b_kevin - 04-29-2009

i wouldn't rule out anything at this point....anything could happen. but at first they won't know about such things. they'll be infantile and only care about the basics. eventually learning other complex social structures such as a consortium or council.

Another Robot Faction? - worldstrider - 04-29-2009

Just please no:

"I iz alien from SuPerZ advanced CiV and your weps are pwerzless versus all us. Now BoW to tHe Greatz Uz."

Another Robot Faction? - n00bl3t - 04-29-2009

' Wrote:What about 'em?

Like human Zoners, they'd probably sell their own mothers for spare parts.

Peaceful, as opposed to kill everything in sight. (It was in response to Yue.)

Another Robot Faction? - Primus Avatar - 04-29-2009

' Wrote:i wouldn't rule out anything at this point....anything could happen. but at first they won't know about such things. they'll be infantile and only care about the basics. eventually learning other complex social structures such as a consortium or council.

I like it. In the harvesters we had a simmilar idea. We began as friendly towards all bioforms, learning their ways.

Quote:They have learned piracy, psychology, diplomacy, a wealth of tactical data, and a few precious friendships. Ivanov of the OPG gave unit 17 its first lesson in piracy. One that unit 17 then shared with other units of its kind and later was successful in manufacturing 20 additional units through this passive harvest technique. Fewer bio forms fought the passive approach and resources sky rocketed. Vladimir Tinkerbell Taught the machines that bio forms can be logical too. It taught unit 00 about hostage exchange and gave additional data concerning bio form logic. Greenhawk, the only bio form to show the Harvesters the benefit of sharing. Tenacity, Mkultra, Giesha Miako, Harvey Maxor, all have shown the Harvesters that the smallest parts are the best parts are often the most important part of a machine.

We didnt immediately start "eating babies", it was a long process that brought us to where we stand today.

So a word of warning.... in your very beginnings, if you dont want to end up hunted like the harvesters dont ally with the pirates. (helps to forward realism of diplomacy) Others will blindly go "oh, hez a pirat frend! Kil him!" and you wont even come close to evolve peacefully. Since you're surrounded by corsairs in planet gammu your best bet is to lean towards zoners as soon as you can communicate with bioforms.

Another Robot Faction? - Daerune - 04-29-2009

Sorry for this lack of seriousness but if i don't say it its going to bug me

[color=#33FF33]TOASTER WARS!

Sorry again

/can now die in peace

Another Robot Faction? - Primus Avatar - 04-29-2009

' Wrote:Sorry for this lack of seriousness but if i don't say it its going to bug me
Sorry again

It may be funny:) but the harvesters were allways friendly/neutral to strangers until they proved hostile/useless.
AI indies and factions allways receive requests of cooperation in form of protection and data exchange.
I assure you we never had plans on making any AI enemies.

Another Robot Faction? - Geisha_Maiko - 04-29-2009

Well, being one of the true FEW 'bots' thats been around enought to had said SCANNING.... 10,000 times....I can tell you that yes, there is room for another AI faction or clan.

Coming up with a different twist, is another thing.
If you even watch enough TV or movies, pretty soon it is hard to come up with a different plot--something that is new or had not been done before.

Another Robot Faction? - me_b_kevin - 04-29-2009

' Wrote:Just please no:

"I iz alien from SuPerZ advanced CiV and your weps are pwerzless versus all us. Now BoW to tHe Greatz Uz."

no no, these robots wouldn't be advanced past modern sirius technology. BUT having said that i would think there are advantages to being a robot.

for example:
no need for cockpits = smaller ships
no need for life support or other enviromental systems means more power for other things = larger powerplant reserves

smaller ships = fewer guns but with higher power cores. in theory it "should" even out.

Another Robot Faction? - Marlowe221 - 04-30-2009


I think this is a wonderful idea.

Another Robot Faction? - Ayem - 04-30-2009

This proposal of yours is very interesting, Dreygon. When one of the above posters said that if you roleplay an AI like a human, you may as well play a human I snorted. Why play a ginger, one legged trader with a penchant for alcohol that tastes like engine grease but lusts after a more cultured lifestyle and is slowly earning their way to living that dream? I mean, he's just a human like everyone else. Why bother?

An AI who acts like a human, who interfaces with humans at a level they are familiar with, Turing-passing conversation and independent thought is not a human. It is an AI that has been programmed, or has programmed itself to conform to a certain framework that humans can comprehend. In order to pass Turing, a robot is indistinguishable from a human in communication. However, they are still made of different things.

A boy who grows up in a trailer park in Louisiana is not the same as a woman who commands a starship. Different experiences, physiological peculiarities and training will produce different people. If you are not a human to start with, then you will have a different mind set than a human will, even if they went through the same experiences as you. First, humans will treat a human differently. Second, you are not made of squishy things (unless you are, eg. Battlestar Gallactica skinjobs). Third, the human brain is prone to data corruption and fuzzy logic to a greater degree than computer's. Humans forget, an AI would need a memory wipe- a conscious or programmed choice to wipe their own memory.

The Nomad are not human, they attacked the humans and war was waged.

The AI are not human, but this faction can choose another path than war. There are four houses of humans in vanilla, all there because they have not waged war to the point of genocide on one another. The principle reasons for this (beyond authorial design) would be economy, popular disapproval and communication between the houses, and the people within the houses. Communication is key. If it is easier for nation x to buy material y from nation z than to annex that part of the galaxy, then they will buy it, unless there is some other driving factor.

A hatred of AI is not historic in Sirius as far as I am aware. The AI conglomerate, confederation or whatever it comes to be called, could be considered humankind's favored child, born of their own technological exploration. Diplomacy will decide.

As an aside: There is nothing wrong with *scanning*.
What irritates me is the wave of insults from humans that follow that *scanning*. Are you surprised that there is some hostility from a borderline sentient being when you shout at and attack it? Even a dog fights back, and if forced to for long enough, it will pre-emptively fight back. Just give them some oil. 'kay? Be polite every now and then. It's not a toaster, just as a black person isn't a... you get the picture.