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Artshop of Yue Fei - Printable Version

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Artshop of Yue Fei - rayne - 05-20-2009

Wow, amazing... How much do I owe you for that? and were do i make the payment.

Artshop of Yue Fei - Xing - 05-20-2009

bah... it was just a small modification lol I wouldnt hold grudge if you dont pay me at all ^^"
otherwise, SCRA|Yue.Fei is where I receive all my fund hehe

Artshop of Yue Fei - rayne - 05-20-2009

I will pay you something, its only right.

Artshop of Yue Fei - Cellulanus - 05-21-2009

Can I order'z sig?

Basically I'm looking for something that is kinda a combination of my current sig and your current work.

I would like this battleship on the right; and the picture of this on the left, preferably with the blue background turned to a greenish tint.

In the sig there should be the text "The Battleship Thor, Captained by Ludwig Von Siegfried" or something to the effect.

Anything else I leave to your judgement.

Artshop of Yue Fei - Xing - 05-21-2009

you sure about chosing a FL character as your character render...?

Artshop of Yue Fei - Cellulanus - 05-21-2009

' Wrote:you sure about chosing a FL character as your character render...?

Yes, unless there is some side effect I didn't anticipate....

I'm kinda weird that way...

That and if I didn't it would toss of about 100 SSes I took for the story of that guy and the BS....

Artshop of Yue Fei - Xing - 05-21-2009

[Image: johancopy.png]

[Image: johancopy.png]

Artshop of Yue Fei - Rommie - 05-21-2009

If you're not busy, i got mine waiting in line.
Basically what i want is this coming from the right, and in the center, this, fading in the back(only if it's not faded enough), and if you got space left somewhere in the (EDIT)LEFT, could you use the second one to the (EDIT) LEFT from this thingy(i couldn't sculpt it away),and add a dark blue tone to it.
And for the text, use this, make it look like a quote(i can't find any other way to explain it) --"Warriors aren't supposed to beg for they're lives"--
Since its crowded and all, feel free to remove one of them if you can't find any room.
And the rest is in your most capable hands
I hope I'm not being too picky.
Sorry about the edits, im barely keeping my eyes opened here

Artshop of Yue Fei - Xing - 05-21-2009

that's all? no wording, no color scheme or anything? just a... bunch of picture put together? just making sure.

Artshop of Yue Fei - Rommie - 05-21-2009

Hmm, i guess that goes into the "your most capable hands" part.
Don't hurry it tho, because i might not be around for a week(exams)
EDIT: and i did hit some texts on it, maybe it was the edit.^^