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PVP balance - problem(s) and solution(s)? - Printable Version

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RE: PVP balance - problem(s) and solution(s)? - Wesker - 05-22-2024

(05-22-2024, 04:10 AM)darkwind Wrote:
(05-21-2024, 09:31 PM)Czechmate Wrote:
(05-21-2024, 09:17 PM)Levenna Wrote:
(05-21-2024, 08:59 PM)Czechmate Wrote: Entire balance is moving away from rock paper scissors and luck/instakill to drawn out chip damage and everything viable

My honest question to you though is why should the balance be down to luck/instakills? SNACs were quite frankly simply a tool for aces to win 1v10s, something which I honestly remain convinced would be worsened in the current meta when the aces now are significantly better than the aces 10 years ago, and double nova was simply a method to get neuron activation and remove anywhere between 1 and 5 people from a group fight simply because they didn't have eyes in the backs of their heads. I don't see how that promotes healthy gameplay.
Removing luck = less chance for weaker people to get the good old win from time to time and have an incentive to enter fights vs stronger players and bigger numbers

At the same time i can see the merit of idea of One hit strike removal and making it all Chip Damage. space simulators flare well in this strategy.
The only little problem here that... Nova torpedo at superfighter was basically suicidal way for Chip damage. I think its removal is not justified within this convention of logic.
And that Chip damage by guns only makes snub aces completely invincible if they can't be just shot down. But with removal of looting nanobots and addition of missiles, this remedies this issue in major steps. People can take down... a single ace eventually now in reliable way

So.... in general it is kind of going to right direction with Chip Damage i guess? Just some bumps on the road towards it.
Or at least it feels like it is going into right direction if to extrapolate how other space simulators function in their battles.

If everything is Chip Damage with reliable way to harm oponents in snub fighters, and they have no means to stay invincible and grind through dozens of players. Then it is kind of what i imagine being a good way and similar to how Caps fight go. If just two newbie snub fighters can take on ace now and take ace down with good enough chance (instead of reliably just dying as it was before), then some kind of balance is achieved i would say.

It's funny to me you put it this way.

In 2016 on my terrible 60hz laptop that would overheat, I could win over 1v4's. I even once won over a 1v6 from the same mechanics you guys are claiming enable newer players. Fights like these are why people started telling others that I was an "Ace". I had only been playing for two years in at this point and was nowhere near as good as I am now.

Currently (10 years in), I play on a full-blown rig with a 240hz monitor. Despite having worse internet I can't take on more than 1 person at a time. Even then loadouts now have a much heavier impact compared to previously. It's infinitely harder now to do the things I did in 2016 as a much more experienced player with a superior rig. I'm pretty sure every veteran player on the server will tell you that this way of thinking is totally backward. Re-adding instakill weapons and mechanics will only benefit veteran players who know how to use them - I promise you.

RE: PVP balance - problem(s) and solution(s)? - darkwind - 05-22-2024

(05-22-2024, 04:37 AM)Wesker Wrote: ...
Re-adding instakill weapons and mechanics will only benefit veteran players who know how to use them - I promise you.

Sure. as i said i can see the merit of turning everything to Chip Damage. With having sufficient ways to deal some damage and no way to replenish nanobots, or doing tricks with insta kills.
I can see that potentially today even just two newbie players stand a good chance against one ace just from their number. If this theory indeed stands true, then it is a life changer ^_^.

RE: PVP balance - problem(s) and solution(s)? - Jayenbee - 05-22-2024

(05-21-2024, 09:32 PM)Karidon Wrote:
(05-21-2024, 09:31 PM)Czechmate Wrote: Removing luck = less chance for weaker people to get the good old win from time to time and have an incentive to enter fights vs stronger players

Instead of relying on luck you could also go to conn more often and train, like all the PvP "aces" did.

But to get back on to the point, instakills are bad for the game, nobody feels good after getting instakilled while still having full regens.

If people had the ability to get straight back into the fight, then 'instakills' wouldn't be an issue at all. While I don't necessarily agree we need them, I do believe some thought should be put into snubs having the ability to get back into the fight in certain scenarios. I like that we've Carrier docking and all that, but what if we could take it a step further? Crazy idea.

Add the ability to scan a carrier to see who they have docked aboard/attached (is that possible?), enable snubs to respawn from their Carrier provided it's still alive.
/dockscan (or however it would be) could help with determining who should be allowed to respawn and add an additional layer of being able to scan a vessel's hangar for RP reasons.
Hate, expand, deconstruct, excommunicate. Go for it.