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Brakelatabasaasta Message Dump - Printable Version

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Brakelatabasaasta Message Dump - Zukeenee - 01-20-2011

Comm ID: Brakelatabasaasta
Transmit to: Brakelatabasaasta

The war with the Treeple has been... difficult. Things aren't going as planned. Or rather, things are going exactly as I expected them to. Things are going badly.

A couple of days ago, I met a "Juan" who was floting around all ominous-like. He was a radioactive trashcan, but the Zenonman called him a Ghost. Juan-Ghost told a story about stagecoaches and death, and mean people and mean Treeple. Then he started tryin' to be all "Treeple are your friends!" and I was all "Your face!" so the Juan-Zombie started shooting me with explodey-toobs. Bert was able to stop some of the explodey-toobs with his green-bits, but there were just too many! And I'm not happy about it, but when Juan-thing didn't stop launching his explodey-toobs, I had to use my lightshow-makers on him! The Zombieman went ka-boom and Brakelatabasaasta went I'm sad now!

I'm still quite shaken...

And yesterday... oh, yesterday... A terrible day.

The Treeple's Flying <strike>Circus</strike> Garden-Fortress showed up in New York! A Pleeceyman guided it to Manhattan and went all "Blahbdy blahbdy blah! Take a look at our wonderful planet!" And the Garden Salad undoubtedly went all "Muah-ha-ha, evil scheme evil scheme..."

It saddened me greatly to see that the honorable mighty Pleecemen of Liburtyland had fallen into the EEEEVIL clutches of the Treeple. The Pleeceman even referred to the Garden-Ship as an "Ally"! Luckily, the Freaky Treeple Ship left the planet without causing any damage, and took off with the Pleeceman down a whoosh-ring.

Yet the Garden-Mind still spoke to me. We had... discussions. Unsettling discussions. Discussions of inorance, or discussions of lies... the Treeple still believe themselves to be of some "help" to the Who-mans. Mark my fish, though, the Treeple can only bring great destruction to all that they touch. They think they can live peacefully with us, but only one side will emerge alive.

And we're losing.

Brakelatabasaasta Message Dump - Zukeenee - 03-03-2011

Comm ID: Brakelatabasaasta
Transmit to: Brakelatabasaasta

So. What's been happening? Well, I dunno. Not a whole lot, apparently.

Starting with the Treeple. There haven't been any Treeple sightings in like a bajillion-- well, in like a month. So with that, I'm lowering the Official Treeple Threat-Level Indicator'„¢ from Code Hardcore Techno to Code Smooth Jazz. Stay on the lookout. They're hiding somewhere, I know it. Plotting their next move. I think the flowers outside my dumpsterhome are spying on me.

But with that out of the way, on to the usual stuff.

How are you today, Brakelatabasaasta? Oh, I'm fine. My head hurts a bit, but that's probably just because I've been hitting it with this old boot for almost an hour now. Oh? Why are you doing that? Well, you see, I had this headache earlier. So I thought I could smash the headache out with the boot. Oh, silly Brakelatabasaasta! That's not how boots and headaches work! It's not? No! You need to fill the boot with painkillers, then smash it against your head! But wouldn't that make a mess, spilling the little pills everywhere as I wave the boot around? Well, yes, but it'll make a pretty mess. Those Cryer-people make colorful headache-pills, you know! It'll be like a shower of rainbows! Hm. Okay. But what about my head? What about it? Well, will the rainbows help fix my head-hurt? Brakelatabasaasta. Your head is a rainbow.

And then Brakelatabasaasta was a felt-tip marker.


Oh, and some stuff happened in New York today. As usual. But this time, it was even worse that it normally is. I dunno, I won't dwell on it too much. I met my TOTAL BESTEST FRIEND EVER Dawn-o'-Hugh flying his Vespership. But then a Junkman was all, "Hey man, I'mma steal your crew." And Dawn-o'-Hugh went all "Well you can't have my crew." And the Junkman started going "pew-pew-pew-fwoosh" and Dawn-o'-Hugh go away.

Then the Junkman and a few other tiny people pushed a sleeping Liberty Bigship into Manhattan's atmosphere. And it a'sploded. And they laughed in their strange tongue, saying such things as "navy sux", "were can i buy ur ship", and "lol". I dunno what planet they were from. But it sounded foreign.

Oh, and then my TOTAL BESTEST FRIEND EVER Master-Commander Tikuf-Tikuf showed up. But he didn't help much. He just sat and watched, as is his place in... places.

And then a bit after that, my TOTAL BESTEST FRIEND EVER Mr. Oppenheimer came along and asked what had happened. And I told him.

And then I got sleepy and went back to my dumpsterhome. I dreamed about lobsters and motor oil.

Brakelatabasaasta Message Dump - Zukeenee - 03-07-2011

Comm ID: Brakelatabasaasta
Transmit to: Brakelatabasaasta


The [color=#66FF99]Official Treeple Threat-Level Indicator'„¢ has been moved beyond [color=#FF0000]Code Hardcore Techno
to Code Rheinlandic Industrial. HIGH ALERT.

They are still here. They are still infecting innocent people. Be vigilant. Be safe.

Brakelatabasaasta Message Dump - Zukeenee - 03-26-2011

Comm ID: Brakelatabasaasta
Transmit to: Brakelatabasaasta

Oh boy oh boy! Today was
I will now proceed to tell you about it, and you will now proceed to listen.

Bert and I launched from Manhattan to find a police-thing happening!

Alexis.Hunter: I protect your ass EVERY DAY
LPI-Karl.Agathon[Ca]: seriously... all you have to do is answer the 3 simple questions... and we may let you go
Brakelatabasaasta: Oh cool. Ass-protection going on out here.
Alexis.Hunter: No, more like this guy wont answer three simple questions.
Brakelatabasaasta: Oh. That's slightly less cool.

There was a guy who was being dumb and wouldn't talk to the Pleecemen and the Navymen. He was dumb. After the dumb-guy got dealt with, I talked a lot with the other people nearby. The Pleecemen, the Navymen, and a Hackyman. We talked a lot about mytholowhatsit and how it relates to every day apartment-living. It was actually TOTALLY EXTREMELY IMPORTANT.

Oh, and then a guy came along who was all like... a guy! He didn't say much at first, but he turned out to be a ==>Critical Plot Point<==, just like the Hackyman did. He was a Good Man!

Alexis.Hunter: Hello Mister Goodman...
Austin.Goodman: *Nods* Ma'am.
Brakelatabasaasta: You're a good man, Goodman! Heh heh... I bet you haven't heard that one, like, seventy-billion times.
Alexis.Hunter: *sighs* Really Brakel?
Brakelatabasaasta: Really, Alexis.
Austin.Goodman: Horrible...pun...

Oh, also, this Alexis-person is always to be called the "Mister-Missus". From now on. IT HAS BEEN SPOKEN, SO IT SHALL BE, NOW AND FOREVER. Then the Hunter-Mister-Missus made a strange statement, which I of course questioned!

[color=#CC33CC]Alexis.Hunter: I am the Navy...

Brakelatabasaasta: You ARE the NAVY?
Brakelatabasaasta: ALL of it?

Alexis.Hunter: No.
Brakelatabasaasta: Wow.
Alexis.Hunter: Im not
Brakelatabasaasta: I'm surprised you're not... um... fatter?
Alexis.Hunter: Call me fat again, and I'll show you how two Ragnaroks, one Golden Blade, and a Dark Blossom tear into hull.
Brakelatabasaasta: No no no, I mean... the Navy is BIG. And you're... relatively... not-so-big.
Austin.Goodman: Lass, you're fat...
Alexis.Hunter: *glares at Goodman*
Alexis.Hunter: Not helping.

A LOT of stuff happened there. But eventually, I met my new TOTAL BESTEST FRIEND EVER named Slanter. He was the Hackyman I mentioned! We were, like, destined for each other! Although he seemed hesitant at first. See, it started like, the Goodman was all "I'm going to intimidate this Hackyman now!" And Slanter went all like "Catch me if you can!" And I went and followed the Slanterman in my SUPER SECRET STEALTH MODE that I use for SUPER SNEAKY TIMES like this. And then we talked about stuff! And I asked him like, "So what adventures are we gonna go on together?" But he was all like, "Oh, you wouldn't be able to handle it..." But I was like "Nuh-uh! Can too!" And we then had A[color=#FF99FF]DVENTURES.

We went on a wild Synth-Turkey chase at first, which later turned out to be a wild Synth-Lobster chase. We took some Whoosh-Rings and a Magic-Metal-Shiny-Claw thing and then we were in another spacey-place. The Hackyman was looking for a Bunter-Hunter, but he never found it! So we went back to the New York place. Well, He went back to the New York place. I took longer, because some other guys were all lined up at the Magic-Metal-Shiny-Claw. Then when I came out in New York again, I was all like, "Oh no! Slanterman! I lost you!" But he was like "I'll come find you again!" And I waited back in the spacey-place that we met at. Which was between the Giant Oven in the Middle of the System and the [color=#3366FF]Hat of Mans.

Meanwhile, some Angels spoke to me, and told me false things.

Then when I met up with the Slantyman again, he was all like, [color=#FF99FF]"I'mma fight the Good Man now!"
And I was like "'Kay" and the Good Man was like "'Kay" and they fought a bit.

Brakelatabasaasta: I just want you two to know, that whoever wins and whoever loses...
Brakelatabasaasta: I'll still love you both.
Brakelatabasaasta: In a totally, totally, creepy manner.

I helped out by giving the Slanterman some band-aids, but he used them all up without making the Good man use any of his. So he ran. And I followed. And we talked about it.

Slanter: So did I marvelously enough! As is evident...
Slanter: Har!

Brakelatabasaasta: Yeah yeah! You totally landed at least one shot on him...
Slanter: Maybe one... Not more that that!
Brakelatabasaasta: Yeah... I might have been exaggerating, too.
Brakelatabasaasta: To make you feel better, and all.

Slanter: HAR!
Slanter: I 'on purpose' need some repairs!

Brakelatabasaasta: I see! You taught him a lesson, then, with your 'on purpose' damage!

The Slanterman was so clever that he got hurt on purpose! I knew it was all a part of his MASTER-PLAN! A plan that was clearly so complex and so MASTERFUL, that it was beyond my knowledge as to how that damage could have possibly helped him. Totally.

Then we went to the Junky-home in the big metalcloud and found a guy! He didn't talk or anything, but Slanterman got him to pay his fine! It was a momentous occasion, one which required THE DANCE OF KINGS AND MEN.

Slanter: Excellent! Good show! Look lively!
Brakelatabasaasta: Hooray!
Slanter: har!
Brakelatabasaasta: Now we must dance to celebrate.
Brakelatabasaasta: QUICK. ASSUME THE POSITION.

Slanter: *dances*
Brakelatabasaasta: That was pretty good.
Brakelatabasaasta: For a first-timer.
Brakelatabasaasta: The Dance of Kings and Men has been danced.
Brakelatabasaasta: It will be recorded.
Brakelatabasaasta: In the Book of Dancing the Dance of Kings and Men.
Brakelatabasaasta: And you will be given...
Brakelatabasaasta: A 6 out of 10.
Brakelatabasaasta: No... 6.4.
Brakelatabasaasta: Good show!

You have received 250.000 credits from Slanter
Slanter: You are entitled to a part of the proceeds.
Brakelatabasaasta: Oh hey. Cool.
Brakelatabasaasta: More numbers!
Brakelatabasaasta: Cool cool! 'Cuz, y'know...
Brakelatabasaasta: I helped and all.
Brakelatabasaasta: With my awesome...
Brakelatabasaasta: Um...
Brakelatabasaasta: Super-powers?

Slanter: Charisma.
Brakelatabasaasta: Ah!
Brakelatabasaasta: Charisma.
Brakelatabasaasta: That's like a super-power.
Brakelatabasaasta: I wear the Mask of Charisma, the Kanohi Trinuma!

Slanter: Excellent! Let us look for more art lovers!
Brakelatabasaasta: 'Kay 'kay!

So we went to a Whoosh-Ring and a-pew-pewed it a bit to catch a fish! But... Some big Librarian Bun-Goat came out.

Brakelatabasaasta: Uh oh. That's not a good catch!
Slanter: Oh crap! That isn't a transport! It's a small moon!
Brakelatabasaasta: I know, right? What are we gonna do now?
Slanter: Run?

And run we did! We ran like the Chirping Giraffaroos of Humphreyland... but then I noticed that the Bun-Goat wasn't moving. Or talking. Or doing anything. He was just sitting in the spot he'd popped out of. So I was all like, "What's the deal?" and Slanterman was all like "I'm gonna attack it now!" and then the Bun-Goat gained vocal-chords and was all like "**Hostile intent confirmed. Taking initiative**" and we went right back to running.

Then I talked about my TOTAL BESTEST FRIEND EVER Master Commander Tikuf-Tikuf (or MCTT) with my other TOTAL BESTEST FRIEND EVER Slanterman. I told him all about the Missile Menagerie and his various AWESOME TITLES OF MYSTICAL IMPORTANCE. Bur Slanterman didn't seem that interested.

Then we went to another Whoosh-Ring and did another a-pew-pew to it and waited for another catch. But then the SAME BUN-GOAT came out AGAIN and went all like "**Hostile intent confirmed. Taking initiative**" AGAIN and we ran to the Land of Rocks and Purple.

While we were there, we sat and watched the [color=#33FFFF]Bun-Goat
from about 9 Krawdads away. And we whispered back and forth about it, wondering why it was just sitting there, and calling it names like Hephaestus and stuff. Then a Xeenam'n came along!

Slanter: Oh crap... A Xeno.
Brakelatabasaasta: Oh cool! A Xeenam'n!
Sludge: i take it that navy gave ye a wee bit a trouble
Brakelatabasaasta: Not really.
Brakelatabasaasta: He's, like... crippled.

Slanter: Hey Sludge, want to make a Navy missile boat into scrap?
Brakelatabasaasta: Ooh ooh! I know! Engaging Charisma-power on the Xeno-man... ACTIVATE.
Brakelatabasaasta: You have very nice... um... legs.
Slanter: Errr.
Brakelatabasaasta: They are the leggiest legs of... all the legs I've seen.
Brakelatabasaasta: Did it... did it work?
Brakelatabasaasta: I think it worked.
Brakelatabasaasta: Maybe.

Slanter: Hmm. Not convinced. Perhaps leave the physical attraction come-ons til the end next time Brak...
Slanter: Once you know the sexual orientation of your Charisma attack?

Brakelatabasaasta: Ah yeah. I'll keep that in mind. Thanks, Slantyman!
Sludge: well together maybe we can have some fun with the funboat
Sludge: i think i am in

Brakelatabasaasta: Yeah yeah! That would be AWESOME.
Brakelatabasaasta: Teamwork!

Sludge: after all. them navy bloaks tend to shoot me
Sludge: least i can do is return the favor

Slanter: Indeed. They do the same to me Sludge!
Sludge: well. shall we go play?
Slanter: Indeed! Let us eliminate this opponent to free trade!
LNS-Wolfcrest: **Hostile intent confirmed. Taking initiative**
Brakelatabasaasta: OH NO.
Sludge: hmm think he's mad
Brakelatabasaasta: He's aware! Attack with all your might, Super-team!


But it wasn't that bad. Up until this, that is:
Death: Slanter was killed by LNS-Wolfcrest (Gun)

THEN it was bad.

Xeenam'n fled, I fled, and returned to my dumpsterhome after a long day. Slanterman steered his little-bitty escape pod back to Vespucci, and the Bun-Goat... kept on being a Bun-Goat.

All in all, I give this day an [color=#FFFFFF][font=Arial]8 out of 10


8.3 out of 10. Good show!

Brakelatabasaasta Message Dump - Zukeenee - 06-17-2011

Comm ID: Brakelatabasaasta
Transmit to: Brakelatabasaasta

Oh hi there! So okay I did some stuff today but it wasn't like totally amazing stuff but I'm still going to talk about it here because it has been far too long since I've talked to myself like this and I ought to start doing it again okay ready set go.

I played a game with a guy and I lost some credits. He was all like
[collectors]monte.carlo: come play some CRAPS!
and I was all like
Brakelatabasaasta: Yay!
And I lost, and then I lost, and then I lost again, and then I won.

And that's it.

Well y'know what? That was boring! Let's pad out this talky-time with a good old-fashioned STORY.

Brakelatabasaasta Tells Tales of
Major Interest and Minor Importance

We begin on an ordinary day in an ordinary place. An ordinary place that is also in the space-place, because it's a space-place station. It's a pretty small space-place station, with the standard things that a station of its kind requires in order to keep the people on it alive and generally happy. Like running water, and electric massage chairs.

But OH NO, major plot twist, there's an EVIL SORCERER on the station! This sorcerer, named Miserix, is a shape-changey magical-guy who wants to DESTROY EVERYTHING for some completely illogical and ill-defined reason.

There's also a NOBLE HERO named Mavrah on the station, and he's going to vanquish this mysterious evil by hitting it a lot with some sort of club-like instrument.

And-- oh. I guess that's exactly what he does. I kinda gave it all away right there, didn't I? See, I was gonna have the good guy go on some epic quest of greatness to build up to the final battle, but it just didn't end up happening that way. Also, Miserix was going to turn out to be a perfectly inanimate filing cabinet with a bunch of colorful sequins hot-glued all over it, and it would have been a totally shocking twist that would create all sorts of tension between the heroic hero and the obligatory love-interest. But I kind of abandoned that plan after I decided to roll with the idea that Comic Relief Character A would get slain in a battle against about twelve robot space-sharks. Then Mavrah was going to blame that guy's death on himself and get all sulky which would have made the story get really dark and intense.

That's what the people like, you know. Dark and intense.

I suppose it does get rather dark when you're in tents, really. Assuming you forgot to bring a lamp.

The same could probably be said for dumpsterhomes, too. But I've got a few lamps around here that help to light the place up. In my old mobile home, though, darkness really was a problem. It was entirely enclosed, and the only light-source I had was the light in the little refrigerator that I used to keep my shirts cold. So I had to leave it open all the time if I ever wanted see. And that made everything cold, which was a real drawback to living in my mobile home.

That's at least one of the reasons that I sold it and moved back to my dumpster, anyway. But... why am I telling myself things I should already know?


Well, what else is worth saying here?

Oh, right. The [color=#66FF99]Official Treeple Threat-Level Indicator'„¢ is currently resting at Code Chartreuse. Not entirely relaxed, but not really at full alert, either. The Tree People of Omi-Sig-Mega-Tau Eleventy-Eight are definitely still out there, but they're not entirely here, you know what I'm saying?

Because I don't.

Anyway, that ought to wrap it up. I think I'll head off to find an electric massage chair now. Not so much for the fact that it can massage me, but more for the comforting "VVVVVVVV-VVVV-VVVV" noise it makes while doing so.

Brakelatabasaasta Message Dump - Zukeenee - 07-26-2011

Comm ID: Brakelatabasaasta
Transmit to: Brakelatabasaasta

Before the beginning, there was this turtle. And the turtle was alone. And he looked around. And he saw his neighbor. Which was his mother. Who was actually an oak tree. Which grew all day, and then fell over. Like a bridge. And lo, under the bridge there came a Catfish! And he was very big. And he was walking. And he was the biggest he had seen. And I swear I'm not making any of this up at all.

Some other stuff happened then, too, but folks tend to disagree on most of it. The important part is this:

I did some stuff today. And the day before that, too. And I'm gonna talk about it again.

Yesterday, I met a person flying one of them Mammo-Wedge ships. She was kind of quiet. As in, she was really quiet. Because I don't think she could talk. But she still communicated n' stuff! We quickly got the formalities out of the way (Like, "Are you a person-thing or a not-person-thing" and "What's twelve by pies") and then we just kind of sat in an awkward silence for a bit. Or an awkward pause. I think some of her Relatives flew past us, too, but I wasn't sure. They all seemed to be a part of the Undead Serpent Industries club. Eventually she got up and left, though. And I was alone.

[*USI*]Cape.Coral[T]: *She looks around nervously, then waves farewell*
Brakelatabasaasta: Oh okay! Bye!

Later on, though, I saw some more of her relatives, and asked them about their SuPeR SeCrEt cLuB!!!!!

[*USI*]R.Price[R]: Good day sir.
Brakelatabasaasta: Are you guys part of a secret club? Do you have a treehouse?
[*USI*]A.Teshurr.: Aye
Brakelatabasaasta: Wow!
[*USI*]A.Teshurr.: Land on Trenton, you can see it.
Brakelatabasaasta: What kinds of bells and whistles does it have?
[*USI*]A.Teshurr.: All of them.
Brakelatabasaasta: Like, a drawbridge?
Brakelatabasaasta: Does it have a refrigerificator machine?

[*USI*]R.Price[R]: A few actually.
Brakelatabasaasta: Man. So lucky.

Later on in the day, I found that quiet one again sitting around with a Tinyman in an itty-bitty-pointy-ship.

Brakelatabasaasta: Hi hi, Tinyman!
Brakelatabasaasta: So do you two know each other?

Styx: Of course. We're married.
Brakelatabasaasta: Oh how wonderful and totally believable!
Brakelatabasaasta: Where do you two live?
Brakelatabasaasta: Do you have any kids?
Brakelatabasaasta: Any family pets?
Brakelatabasaasta: When's your anniversary?
Brakelatabasaasta: Where did you go on your honeymoon?
Brakelatabasaasta: How do you put bread on the table?

Styx: No kids. Doctor gave me news, one bad, one good. Good news, my crotch cancer is cured because my engines leaked radiations.
Styx: Bad news, my gonads are dried as pirate's throat now.

Brakelatabasaasta: Aha. Radiation is the cure to all sicknesses! You hear that, Mister Price?
Brakelatabasaasta: Go irradiate yourself!

[*USI*]R.Price[R]: I walked into a weird comm chat....

Every now and then his wife made a noise or something, so she kinda sorta contributed to the conversation. The Tinyman said she was busy or something, and that's why she wasn't talking. But she relayed to me that she just didn't talk at all. So I don't know what was up with that. Eventually we got on the subject of my piñata-dropper.

Styx: How's that nuke mine launcher working for you, Brakelatabasaasta?
Brakelatabasaasta: Oh! I forgot I had that. See, I used it once because... um. Why was it again? I think I thought it was a piñata-dispenser.
Brakelatabasaasta: But then it ran out of piñatas.
Brakelatabasaasta: And It just kinda sits there now.

Styx: That strangely sounds about right.
Brakelatabasaasta: I didn't get much candy from them, though.
Brakelatabasaasta: Except this one time.
Brakelatabasaasta: A guy hit the piñata with his entire ship, and lots'a candy came out!
Brakelatabasaasta: I don't think the ship came out of it alive, though.

Styx: That also sounds about right.
[*USI*]A.Teshurr.: That's a shame.

And then there was this Washguy who was talkin' with the Undead Serpent Industries guy, and they were either going to the Tenth Freeportplace or to deliver ponies to a Shetlandplace. I don't remember. I didn't really know what they were talking about.

After a bit more floating around aimlessly, I got tired and went back to my dumpsterhome. I spent the entire night catching up on the "Freeport" movie series so I could figure out what everyone was talking about. The original "Freeport" was pretty good, and "Freeport 2: Electric Boogaloo" was also alright. I couldn't find the third movie at the rental place, though. "Freeport 4: The Freeport Revisited" was okay-ish, but it really didn't follow along with the story of the first two. I guess I'm probably missing some key plot details from whatever the third movie is. And "Freeport 5: The Freeport Ultimatum" ties it all together nicely and answers a lot of the questions that were dangled in front of us as early as the first movie. And that's as far as I've got. It's not a bad series, I suppose. But every good story needs to have a definite end, and since the producers are making so much money off of the franchise, I'm willing the bet they'll carry it at least as far as "Freeport 20". It can only go downhill from here.

The next day (which is to say, this day), I went back to the spaceyplace and met a whole lot of other people there! There was a Space-Hobo (Or "Spobo", of you will), and a Liberty Secret-Face man, and a few Freelancey-types in a bunch of different ships.

And then along came a Pleeceman.

Brakelatabasaasta: Hey pleeceman!
Brakelatabasaasta: Whatcha' pleecin'?

Tavish.Degroot: Are you talking to me?
Brakelatabasaasta: Yup yup.
SirLagsalot: Place-man? What the hell does that even mean?
Brakelatabasaasta: PLEECEMAN.
Brakelatabasaasta: He's a pleeceman.

Tavish.Degroot: Do you have some problem with spelling police or what?
Brakelatabasaasta: Nope. I think YOU have a problem. With...
Brakelatabasaasta: Being a proper pleeceman.

Tavish.Degroot: Why that?
Brakelatabasaasta: Because you said pleeceman wrong!
Tavish.Degroot: I spell police how I like
Tavish.Degroot: And its none of your business

And then, um... uh oh. I'm gonna have to wrap this up quickly, and there's still so much more to talk about! But the Catfish is on his way now. Not much time. Speed-time GO.

I met a Flatbread Zoney-person and she talked with that other guy about stuff.

Amelia.Takia: Uh... hello
Brakelatabasaasta: Oh hi!
SirLagsalot: Well, howdy.

There was discussion about whether or not she was a Discordio-mabob, and I compared all of us to various quadrilateral shapes. Washguy insisted on being a three-dimensional object, but I wouldn't let him. Also we discovered that fiddler crabs are like a bazillion times better than coconut crabs.

Then a Hackyman came and was very obvious about being a Hackyman doing Hackythings.

Brakelatabasaasta: Hi Hackyman!
Juichi_Lancing: Hey

He was kind of not very bright. Navypeople stopped him. Then another person happened.

Brakelatabasaasta: Psst! Ageiraperson! I'm following you!
Brakelatabasaasta: Where ya goin'?

Ageira|Saraghrar: Who, me?
Brakelatabasaasta: Yeah yeah!

But then they went into a magic-metal-shiny-claw and I couldn't follow. So I went back toward the Planet-place and saw some other familiar people.

Brakelatabasaasta: Oh it's you guys again! Hi!
[*USI*]Cape.Coral[T]: *she waves*
Brakelatabasaasta: And bye!

And then a guy:

Brakelatabasaasta: Hi hi, Person!
Ozei.Ruousha: Heya!
Ozei.Ruousha: And... Crud... Darned Kishiro!

Brakelatabasaasta: Oh no! That place-thing is all like making lightshows at you!
Ozei.Ruousha: Seems so! Must land elsewhere!
Brakelatabasaasta: Bye!
Ozei.Ruousha: Later!

And another:

Brakelatabasaasta: Hi bye.
Perlence: !
Brakelatabasaasta: !

And then a lightshow with some people. I talked fishtalk with a fishtalker.

Brakelatabasaasta: Oh wow.
Brakelatabasaasta: Stuff.

Be.Good.At.It: Jimmy: Yer, but not many fish.
Brakelatabasaasta: Oh, that's alright. To see a True Fish is a very rare occurance. I wouldn't expect to see many more than one every week or so.
Be.Good.At.It: Jimmy: Wot? Ah see fish all da time.
Brakelatabasaasta: No way! Where?
Be.Good.At.It: Jimmy: Lotsa 'em in California.
Brakelatabasaasta: What kind of fish? What sizes?
Brakelatabasaasta: Are they REALLY True Fish?

Be.Good.At.It: Jimmy: Yer. True fish. Small fish, green fish. Red fish, even some blue ones.
Be.Good.At.It: Jimmy: Actually not many green ones. Dey're illegal here and all.

Crystal.Dawn: Aye, very. Not very welcome ya might say..
Brakelatabasaasta: Are any of them wearing fedoras?
Be.Good.At.It: Jimmy: Now an' den.
Crystal.Dawn: Sometimes
Brakelatabasaasta: Like, multiple fedoras? as in, two or more fedoras on a single fish?
Be.Good.At.It: Jimmy: Well no,
Crystal.Dawn: *chuckles*
Be.Good.At.It: Jimmy: The people inside the fish wear fedoras sometimes.
Brakelatabasaasta: Oh oh! Well that can work.

But then the fishtalker had to leave, and the lightshow ended with some piñata-a'splosions, and I went back home to watch "Freeport 6: The Legend of Curly's Gold". It wasn't very good.

Now it's time to hide from the Catfish. Quiet-time now. Shh.