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Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Printable Version

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Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Cellulanus - 07-03-2009

' Wrote:I think BS's should only be given out after a Special Roleplay request tbh..Not a lul wutter grinding for a week and then buying 1 and saying:

I never thought I would say this, but I actually agree with the above here.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - zeinstruktor - 07-03-2009

What about the people that hate making forum RP, but thrive at in-game RP?

Like me. Really, if a special RP was required for every BS, I'd just sell mine.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Donutman - 07-03-2009

' Wrote:I never thought I would say this, but I actually agree with the above here.

I was just about to suggest that actualy, Make it like the barge, in that you have to have a RP request for it. LOLcappage dies shortly after.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Eppy - 07-03-2009

' Wrote:What about the people that hate making forum RP, but thrive at in-game RP?

Like me. Really, if a special RP was required for every BS, I'd just sell mine.

You know, all I think you'd need is a couple of references and a short biography. It's not like we're talking about a huge story here, just a few paragraphs and good behavior.

For the record, I've been for either admin or faction control of Battleship sales for ages.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Elsdragon - 07-03-2009

It makes perfect sence, but people are afreard that the FAction leadesr will Screw inides

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Derkylos - 07-03-2009

If it's special RP only, then, not only will there be no faction leader abuse, but BSes can be buffed to where they SHOULD be, and no longer be vulnerable to a few bombers, but actually BE the "ZomgbattleshipRUNNNNNNNN" weapons...

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Monk - 07-03-2009

I don't think requiring special requests would be a logical turn. Added overhead for admins plus conspiracies about favoritism will likely just create a hostile attitude on the forums.

I think that their use should be restricted. What do people think of disallowing BSs from making offensive attacks unless during a planned event? This way lolcappers will be sanctioned for roaming around looking to pick fights and RPers will be able to have fun with their RP acting as defensive platforms or logistical hubs or developing events to make offensives. Any holes in that theory?

EDIT: I bring this up b/c while I agree with Eppy, I don't think it is worthwhile to complain how something is not working the way it was intended (high prices reducing OORPers) without trying to produce a reasonable alternative. Is what I am proposing reasonable?

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Eppy - 07-03-2009

' Wrote:I don't think requiring special requests would be a logical turn. Added overhead for admins plus conspiracies about favoritism will likely just create a hostile attitude on the forums.

I think that their use should be restricted. What do people think of disallowing BSs from making offensive attacks unless during a planned event? This way lolcappers will be sanctioned for roaming around looking to pick fights and RPers will be able to have fun with their RP acting as defensive platforms or logistical hubs or developing events to make offensives. Any holes in that theory?


I hate planning. I hate approval. And I hate telling somebody I'm coming to crash their party. If by some act of god we actually manage to drum up an attack force large enough to justify bringing a Battleship on an offensive raid and we TELL them we're bringing a Battleship there tends to appear (A) A wall of bombers, (B) a wall of enemy Battleships, © Both the minute we jump in system. No cap on bombers, and quite frankly, the minute they're onto you you're screwed. So no. Surprise is good. Might seem a little convoluted and 'unfair,' but at that I remind people that by that vein of thought three bombers are also unfair.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Monk - 07-03-2009

' Wrote:Yes.

I hate planning. I hate approval. And I hate telling somebody I'm coming to crash their party. If by some act of god we actually manage to drum up an attack force large enough to justify bringing a Battleship on an offensive raid and we TELL them we're bringing a Battleship there tends to appear (A) A wall of bombers, (B) a wall of enemy Battleships, Both the minute we jump in system. No cap on bombers, and quite frankly, the minute they're onto you you're screwed. So no. Surprise is good. Might seem a little convoluted and 'unfair,' but at that I remind people that by that vein of thought three bombers are also unfair.

Ok, I see your point, but isn't there a point where you have to accept that you can't have everything the way you want it, if a sense of RP is to be maintained the current theory suggests that we have to have some sort of limitation implemented. LOLcappers are a problem and they have to be dealt with. We've learned that increasing prices does not work and only aggravates more reasonable players. So what are our other options? We can restrict usage, as I suggested, we could weaken battleships, which would be unpopular, or we could just deregulate everything and allow the natural economy of bombers vs. caps and fighters vs. bombers find an equilibrium, which I think will just end up with an unpopular status quo of some sort.

EDIT: Don't get me wrong, I hate restrictions as much as you do Eppy. I would very much enjoy having the ability to express my RP as I wish w/o limitation. What if setting up an event alone was enough to allow you to bring a cap? By this I mean that you don't have to inform the other side that you are bringing a cap...but you might. They would just be aware of how many pilots you are bringing. Though, if you wish, the sides could still outline what ships they were bringing if it is a more coordinated event borne out of making a good clean fight.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - worldstrider - 07-03-2009

Just a note--I have played here over a year. The role play I have stuck consistently with since the first week I have been here involved one battleship. I have role played it in-game, special requested it, written extensively on the forum and had ridiculously long debates and discourses on it. As this has gone on, a hundred non-English speaking players have built battle fleets, Outcasts, Corsairs, BHs, Order and GRN and Council sail merrily about with few concerns and only marginal scrutiny.

I have been insulted criticized, flamed and argued to death and had a flurry of approvals and retroactive disapprovals. The only thing consistant in the resistance is concern by the established factions that I "might abuse it". It's a bit anal.

I can see why people on the non-faction side of the fence bridle at this and are suspicious of "more control" yes I do understand there are tons of problem children out there.

I am going to get a "rules green" ship, post a role play story, work with a faction and get one now so--over a year later--I can get on with what I wanted it for in the first place. So I am scrapping a core part of own my rp now and playing someone else's to get what everyone else already has.

Do the math.