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Discovery Mod: Ideas & Feature Requests - da0827 - 04-26-2010

A new idea for commands that would save lots of time. It would fully copy another character's reputation and its affilitation, I think that would be usefull, because for example, I have a character which's reputations are would be perfect for some other characters of mine. This command would use a password like cashcode, to prevent players from copying admins' reputation or other players'. It would cost 5 mill which I think worths to save you from hours of repu-making.

Discovery Mod: Ideas & Feature Requests - .:Pandemonium:. - 05-03-2010

I have a suggestion:

What about to add more things to search for in the game, f.e. more shipwrecks into the remote regions of those empty systems where are only two jumpholes and nothing more, would be nice to hide there some shipwrecks (not only fighters but bug transports and maybe caps too,with a story behind why are they there floating in space - with some rumour connection at bases) and there could be added more space anomalies and other mysteries ingame, so the researcher id would make more sense and would be challenging to search for this things...

Discovery Mod: Ideas & Feature Requests - Thexare - 05-04-2010

' Wrote:I have a suggestion:

What about to add more things to search for in the game, f.e. more shipwrecks into the remote regions of those empty systems where are only two jumpholes and nothing more,
I believe all of those except for undeveloped Guard systems (that way for a reason) were filled with stuff in 4.85.

Which systems are you seeing empty?

Discovery Mod: Ideas & Feature Requests - Kazinsal - 05-04-2010

' Wrote:I believe all of those except for undeveloped Guard systems (that way for a reason) were filled with stuff in 4.85.

Which systems are you seeing empty?
Omicrons 60, 90, 93, and 96 are all empty. Sigma 60 is empty.

Discovery Mod: Ideas & Feature Requests - Bobthemanofsteel - 05-04-2010

Things like Oita or whatever?

Discovery Mod: Ideas & Feature Requests - The.Wizard - 05-04-2010

Increase speed on Order weapons-BHG and Nomad wep is much more faster and it's disbalance there...

Only death-hand is 700m/s i think,rest is 600 witch is to low...make it 650 at least,please.

Introduce Order-shield buster(like Corsaire tizona or tizona turret at least).

Increase speed on bomber wep,it's just to slow now...just a little bit more...

What is the point having those beautiful Gallia systems if they are almost isolated? tech-exchange,no

ship exchange...if one want's to play Gallia he must-stay in Gallia...???Get Gallia mor involved in game...

Some rules simply must many ship many....for house and faction ships-ok...

but for freelancers...??mercs...???pirates...?don't they still and cheat-pirates....where is the logic in so

much restrictions for those ID's?...i am not saying,of course, to get them all without any restrictions but

current situation is no good,no good at all...

Increase number of wrecks with codies in game-it will make game more interesting for exploring

and it will cut-down this silly prices cause,codies are overpriced.

About the have any kind of war,much less full-scale war in game is almost-not possible... can take down entire enemy fleet consequences...they just show up later...

...4 hour rule in war-situation maybe should evolve to something alse...killing enemy's BS maybe should

couse 1-2-3 day pause in game or something like that for that BS or fleet that got destroyed...curent

situation is much like this:pew-pew...kill-kill...beng-beng and then forum bla-bla...maybe we can make the

stakes little higher...make game and war more interesting...?

Of course,this about the war is just a suggestions,i am sure there are better ones but it's worth considering

if it will improve the game and make it more realistic.

Discovery Mod: Ideas & Feature Requests - Prysin - 05-04-2010

' Wrote:Omicrons 60, 90, 93, and 96 are all empty. Sigma 60 is empty.

Omnicron 60 is SOB home system, it is under development and will most likely be done by 4.86
Omnicron 90 is a nomad Border system, i dont know (nor do i think) if there is anything going on there atm.
Omnicron 93 & 96 is Cosair systems i belive, im pretty sure their the home systems of one of the corsair factions. Ask TBH/Benitez if they got anything going on in there.
Sigma 60 is GMG system and i suspect it has something going on, but im not sure.

' Wrote: Increase speed on Order weapons-BHG and Nomad wep is much more faster and it's disbalance there...
Only death-hand is 700m/s i think,rest is 600 witch is to low...make it 650 at least,please.
Did you notice that ALL the order guns have more damage then the nomad/BHG weapons?

Introduce Order-shield buster(like Corsaire tizona or tizona turret at least).
As far as i know, Corsairs and Order is still friendly enough with eachother to aquire tech from eachother. Just ask someone in the Primary Fleet to file a request

Increase speed on bomber wep,it's just to slow now...just a little bit more...
Yes i agree, we need to buff them to maybe 500m/s to hit a GUNBOAT without jousting it head on

What is the point having those beautiful Gallia systems if they are almost isolated? tech-exchange,no
ship exchange...if one want's to play Gallia he must-stay in Gallia...???Get Gallia mor involved in game...
There will be more "openness" in 4.86 as the gallic core systems will be opened. Gallia is still under development

Some rules simply must many ship many....for house and faction ships-ok...
but for freelancers...??mercs...???pirates...?don't they still and cheat-pirates....where is the logic in so
much restrictions for those ID's?

This is in effect to stop the lolwut pirates/mercs/freelancers to go on a rage. As it is, all you need to do is to make up a valid reason to aquire the tech you want.

All i wish is for bombers to have bit faster guns, as it currently stands, even a poorly flown gunboat can evade alot of your fire. Wich renders those guns useless for anything but cruisers and battleships. Even then their useless due to the suecidal range of those guns.

If the speed is not to be increased, atleast increase the range. Going like 700m close to a battleship, even if it has only cerebrus and the pilot is partly blind, is pure SUECIDE. Atleast give us the option to use those guns from some distance. Increasing the range, keeping speed the same, wont affect anything but the success/death ratio when using the guns.

Increasing range of bomber guns might make transports even weaker against bombers, but wait, it doesnt matter as that transport doesnt stand a chance against a bomber already.

besides bombers id like to see some more SHF's and Hybrids, like spatial, mafic and the bulldog/gladiator... Hybrids is also a kind of ship that more factions could put good use of. SHF's is in many cases amusing to fly, sadly, thers too few of them out there.

Also, can we PLEASE fix the jumpgate/hole animation? You cant enter a Jumpgate/hole with a big ship without the animation failing to cover the ship during 3rd person view... I know they did this in 88Flak, its a minor thing to fix, but its nothing that wouldn't be for the better.

Discovery Mod: Ideas & Feature Requests - .:Pandemonium:. - 05-04-2010

' Wrote:I believe all of those except for undeveloped Guard systems (that way for a reason) were filled with stuff in 4.85.

Which systems are you seeing empty?

Okay so a few more of the empty systems:

Omicron - 64
Omicron - 93
Omicron - 96

(not to mention Chester - i believe a one planet and one nebula isnt really enough...)

Maybe its hard to add there some more things, but it would be really nice. I guess the model database for most of them i would like to see there is already done in freelancer.
(Examples: some astreoid fields or such..., shipwrecks or fleet wrecks - dont need to be much to loot there, anomalies, destroyed stations, unknown objects.... etc)

Discovery Mod: Ideas & Feature Requests - The.Wizard - 05-04-2010

Yes,damage output is bigger in Order wep but speed is,often more important in group-fight...

Alliance between Order and Corsaire is over,no wep-exchange is allowed no more...

Discovery Mod: Ideas & Feature Requests - Dab - 05-04-2010

' Wrote:Yes,damage output is bigger in Order wep but speed is,often more important in group-fight...
Tell that to people who are using Code-equipped Sabres and Eagles. Codenames use 600ms speed (except for a few), and they work very well. Whether a speed fits someone varies from person to person. Some people are better with 600ms than the others. Also, the damage offsets an loss of accuracy due to lower speed (and most times lower speed isn't the reason for low accuracy, it's because the person doesn't practice his aiming skills).

' Wrote:Alliance between Order and Corsaire is over,no wep-exchange is allowed no more...
Use Debilitators?