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Freelancer Timeline - Klaw117 - 06-11-2008

Quote:2100-2200 A.S. - The Alliance-Coalition War.
2200 A.D/0 A.S. - Eight sleeper ships launch from one of Jupiter's moons. The other three sleeper ships were built by the French, Italian, and Australian armies. However, they were destroyed before they could escape. The Bretonia's starboard engine array was destroyed during the Exodus. Therefore, it had to travel much slower than the other ships and arrived much later than them. (unchecked info)
Just realized, the dates are one century behind. It should be 2200 C.E.-2300 C.E. and 2300 C.E./0 A.S.

EDIT: Sorry, I'm wrong, disregard the above post please.

Freelancer Timeline - Praetyre - 06-12-2008

Do we know when the Alliance-Coalition war occured? If not, I'd change it to;

100 Years Into the Alliance-Coalition War; After a series of crushing military defeats, the Alliance launches 5 sleeper ships. Breaking through a Coalition blockade, they activated a mysterious device and sped off to Canis Majoris, the centre of what would later be known as the Sirius Sector. Shortly thereafter, a massive Slomon K'Hara warship either entered or uncloaked, and appeared so strange and wondrous that it caused the fighting to cease. It launched an unknown projectile at Sol, which rapidly stopped and restarted it's nuclear fusion cycle, and exploded in a brilliant supernova, the far side of the dwarf planet Pluto being the only remnant of human life. The lone survivor of the attack, an officer known as Atticus Rockford, took his vessel and attempted to reach Sirius. His fate is unknown.

Freelancer Timeline - Klaw117 - 06-13-2008

The intro starts with, "It was the 23rd century, mankind's darkest hour."

And I agree we should also include the Nomad attack on Sol, since we know it's now canon.

Freelancer Timeline - GodsFavorite - 08-12-2008

Do we know if Igiss will update the year when the new mod comes out?

Freelancer Timeline - Praetyre - 08-12-2008

I suspect he will.. I think the new year will be 817.

Freelancer Timeline - Unseelie - 08-13-2008

I read somewhere that each mod release is 18 months farther ahead than the last one...not sure how true that is, but I've been running with it.

As for the nomad attack on Sol, I've always believed that disco was a continuation of Vanilla Freelancer, and since the nomad attack on Sol did not ship with the copy of Freelancer 1.0 I bought (still have the box, btw (yus!)), I don't consider it vanilla. There is also that the 'extended intro' contradicts information given in my 1.0 version of Freelancer, but that's beside the point. The point is, that this is Igiss's story, and I really do like it. If Igiss tells me it is cannon, for this mod, as opposed to freelancer cannon (which I'm really not interested in), because the mod is of course a divergence from freelancer cannon, only then will I accept the 'extended intro'.

Freelancer Timeline - Praetyre - 08-13-2008

To my knowledge, the developers have stated the longer intro is the canonical one, which probably overrides the unfinished vanilla product as far as canon goes. Of course, you raise a good point, in that whether Igiss wants to follow canon or vanilla, which can be seperate things..

Freelancer Timeline - n00bl3t - 08-13-2008

If we consider Sol destruction vanilla doesn't that mean RoS doesn't exist?

(I might have read their RoS RP incorrectly. If so, I apologise.)

Freelancer Timeline - killhappyfool - 08-13-2008

I find it hard to believe the Sol Destruction story. First, what the duece are the nomads doing in the Milky way galaxy, second how come you NEVER see that ship again? I mean come on. Really gonna only use a ship like that once.. I DON'T think so.

How come none of the liberty/Rhienland wars or engagements are mentioned?

Freelancer Timeline - Praetyre - 08-13-2008

Huh? Freelancer takes place entirely in the Milky Way galaxy (Sirius itself being a star around 8.6 light years from Sol) to begin with, so your complaint about the SK being there is fairly strange, especially given the only intergalactic power we know of is the Daam K'Vosh (who are stated, I believe, to hold several galaxies).

Secondly, it is entirely possible the SK that blew up Sol are an entirely seperate group from the Nomad War/Taurvi SK, given the immense size of the Daam K'Vosh Empire.

Third, even assuming the Sirius SK can produce the Sunkiller, the point of their conflict is to get back land they view as stolen. I doubt the IRA would approve of a plan to nuke the 6 Counties.