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Proposed new forum structure - Printable Version

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Proposed new forum structure - reavengitair - 09-15-2009

What I would prefer - discovery 24/7 be moved higher than role-playing thingo...

Proposed new forum structure - Wolfs Ghost - 09-15-2009

Yesterday when I got home, I logged onto the Forums and just stared.

I had no idea what happened and thought someone was screwing around with my mind....I was confused. (Then again yesterday was a weird day...) Anyways, I like the set up, hopefully I can find where majority of my stories are. O.o''

Proposed new forum structure - mwerte - 09-15-2009

All your links should still work, those aren't dependent on which forum they're in.

And coffee usually helps. The roleplay section will stay above "General Discussion" aka "General Whining".

Proposed new forum structure - Donutman - 09-15-2009

' Wrote:I'm not sure how you can't find anything anymore... I couldn't find anything before. This makes things much easier for me.

Its because I have a completely 0 tolerance for change. Give me a week, i'll be good.

Proposed new forum structure - Jamez - 09-15-2009

Can't say I even noticed much of a difference, heh.

I suppose that's a good thing - I can still find the forums I'm looking for easily enough. Good work.

Proposed new forum structure - pbrione - 09-16-2009

One point - I don't like how the Laws of Sirius and Official Press Release Forum pinned threads have ended up in the Stories and Biographies section from the RP Hub. Can they please be transferred somewhere more visible - perhaps the Communications Channel would be more appropriate for them?

Proposed new forum structure - mwerte - 09-16-2009

Sure. Contrary to popular opinion I can't see everyting at once, so if you noticed something got shuffled out of place PM me or post here.

Proposed new forum structure - Seth Karlo - 09-16-2009


Proposed new forum structure - Wolfs Ghost - 09-21-2009

Sorry for the semi-grave dig, but I was wondering.

Can we make "Commerce" to "Sirius News and Commerce". That way we don't have to put the News w/ the Stories and Bios. As the main section of the Commerce forum will be un-used seeing as Jobs/Bounties/Market are sub-forums.

Link to what I mean.

Red blurr says: Area in red for Sirius News topics

Proposed new forum structure - n00bl3t - 09-24-2009

' Wrote:The new forum is confusing and will take some getting used to.

When I came online today I was a tad lost. (Admittedly, a coffee helped.)

As such, after a week to two weeks, I will make a decision and present an opinion whether this new structure is better.

Enough time has passed.

Whilst this does offer confusion to older members who have developed the rigidity of a rigid object, it will be helpful to the forums in the long run. It will be easier for newer people, which will attract more people to the forums, which results in FL staying alive longer if it brings more to the game or as an enlightenment for those who have avoided the forum in the past but are already in the game. (Which, incidentally, you just lost.)

Apart from that, the forum looks more streamlined and organised.

All in all, well done. (Now, to save my PM's.)