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Nomad healing - Guest - 03-20-2010

' Wrote:So I have to fly while you don't?

What makes you so special that you don't and I do?

Oh wait, you're a Nomad, that's what you base your entire argument on. Q_Q

In order for me not having to fly, I should be very close to the sun, rarely anyone comes this close, so fighting won't happen in that region often.

Also, by the time it would take me to regenerate to full, you'd have flown the 25k or more, repaired and be doing other things.

Nomad healing - Blighter - 03-20-2010

' Wrote:In order for me not having to fly, I should be very close to the sun, rarely anyone comes this close, so fighting won't happen in that region often.

Also, by the time it would take me to regenerate to full, you'd have flown the 25k or more, repaired and be doing other things.

Or I could have the same mechanic apply to my non-Nomad ship and we'd be even, how about that, since you make it look oh so insignificant.

Which actually makes me wonder, if it really is insignificant and that minor, why should anyone work on this mechanic to implement it in the first place.

I mean, you could totally do like everyone else and farm Na... oh, sorry.

Nomad healing - Guest - 03-20-2010

' Wrote:Or I could have the same mechanic apply to my non-Nomad ship and we'd be even, how about that, since you make it look oh so insignificant.

Which actually makes me wonder, if it really is insignificant and that minor, why should anyone work on this mechanic to implement it in the first place.

I mean, you could totally do like everyone else and farm Na... oh, sorry.

Very well, give any ship the ability to regenrate then, lorewise we could say nanobots are constantly active.

Now could we please stop about it being me wanting an unfair advantage? I haven't even applied for the Keepers yet and I get accused already.

Nomad healing - Blighter - 03-20-2010

' Wrote:Very well, give any ship the ability to regenrate then, lorewise we could say nanobots are constantly active.

Now could we please stop about it being me wanting an unfair advantage? I haven't even applied for the Keepers yet and I get accused already.

Not accusing you of applying for the Creepers, just sayin' it ain' dandy.

Though, were every ship to get some possiblity of regeneration in that form, sure.

But if not, no.


Nomad healing - Guest - 03-20-2010

Come to think of it, this all is quite pointless if it can't be done.


Nomad healing - Blighter - 03-20-2010

' Wrote:Come to think of it, this all is quite pointless if it can't be done.


Got to ask oneself if it's really worth the work even if it can be done, though.

(+1 again, yay!)

Nomad healing - Fellow Hoodlum - 03-20-2010

Battles ? Morphs are somewhat limited to their inclusion in 'battles' anyway. The ID is quite specific on that
particular area. The disadvantage of that ID, is the lack of bases to land for repair. It should stay that way.

Nomad healing - Blighter - 03-20-2010

' Wrote:Battles ? Morphs are somewhat limited to their inclusion in 'battles' anyway. The ID is quite specific on that
particular area. The disadvantage of that ID, is the lack of bases to land for repair. It should stay that way.

But you know they can fly together with the Creepers and like totally fly around and get shot at by everyone but the Outcasts because they are a threat to humanity and all and thus seen as hostile more often than not, right?

And they are allowed to defend themselves too I think... like... they are, right?


Nomad healing - schlurbi - 03-20-2010

I think that would be damn unfair towards the People using normal Ships.

Nomad healing - Guest - 03-20-2010

' Wrote:I think that would be damn unfair towards the People using normal Ships.

I'm almost afraid to ask, but why?