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Space Artillery concept or something - Printable Version

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Space Artillery concept or something - Dashiell - 05-14-2010

' Wrote:I'm so damn surprised. We have so much feedback here and the most of it is even positive. Almost 4000 views since April 25th.

Let's just hope that someone will notice this, someone who makes decisions.

Keep in mind that this type of ship will affect overall balance in (cap)fights. You can't just implement a shipclass into the game without considering what its arrival will mean for other shiptypes.

Space Artillery concept or something - mjolnir - 05-14-2010

I posted rather long time ago:

' Wrote:I can see something like that as heavy cruiser turret, or maybe in some GB forward gun slots.

It shouldn't be good from close range - so probably no proximity fuse, but then when it only explodes at max range I'm not sure if it does damage. Now if even it's made to work like that, then it can't do too much damage to avoid big number of instakills, so probably some 6-9k damage max, but then again will that really be useful in a fight?

If you want to help you can try to modify one of the flaks on own server and see if you can make it work so that it doesn't detonate very close to your ship (and is not used for close-range kills), but still detonates and does damage without direct hit at long range.

Playing with the detonation distance and possible owner safe time should give some answers. But I don't have time for this for at least another week.

The second question stands... if it does only some 9k damage in a reasonable radius, will it really be that usefull in a fight? I kind of doubt that.